
Author Archives: julie

4 Minute fit with Siphiwe Baleka

Siphiwe Baleka is a former college athlete, truck driver, fitness enthusiast, and the author of a new book called 4-Minute Fit.

Siphiwe became a truck driver after leaving Yale. As a truck driver, he gained 15 pounds during his first two months in the profession. He realized that he needed to take responsibility for his health and wellness on the road.

However, making a change in his health and fitness was not without challenges. There are many limitations associated with the truck driving profession, including no access to a kitchen or gym and inadequate food storage. In response to this, Siphiwe created the approached described in the book.

Siphiwe described seven key strategies for health when dealing with a sedentary lifestyle such as truck driving: Get 15 minutes of exercise every dayEach workout must include at least four minutes of vigorous activity.

  1. Work multiple muscle groups at the same time
  2. Always eat after a workout
  3. Eat breakfast or a meal when you begin your day, and then eat every three hours
  4. Keep healthy snacks within reach
  5. Log your nutrition and fitness

He also discusses five foods to avoid when trying to lose weight:

  1. Drinks with carbohydrates
  2. French fries
  3. Rice
  4. Pasta
  5. Bread

Siphiwe also talks about how nutrition is relative. When it comes to nutrition, what you eat should be based on your physiological reality at the moment. In this program, you have flexibility. You simply need to make decisions about what to eat, while keeping in mind the carb content of each food.

To purchase the book 4-Minute Fit, visit www.4minutefitbook.com/40.


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5 Ways to build and maintain motivation

Motivation is a key factor in sticking with your health and fitness program. Here are five ways to help you stay motivated:

  1. Gamification – This keeps you motivated because there’s a score involved. It’s a process of having a score that’s going to drive you forward. Find ways to measure your performance against yourself to gamify the process. Be sure to keep it within your limits and don’t lose focus on what you’re trying to accomplish.
  2. Social pressure – While negative social pressure can be bad, good social pressure can help to encourage you. Consider joining Facebook groups for support or find an accountability partner.
  3. Sunk cost – If you’ve made an investment, or sunk cost, you are more likely to follow through because you want to get your money’s worth. Making a financial investment will often lead to greater results because the participants have an added reason to stay motivated.
  4. Fear – We know that fear is a strong motivator. There are actually ways to set up fear scenarios, such as committing to giving money to a cause you dislike when you don’t follow through. The potential outcome in this fear scenario should matter to you and it should be emotional to provide the greatest impact.
  5. Commitment – When you make a commitment, your motivation becomes a little bit easier. A compelling vision and why will help you stick with your plan because you want to reach your ultimate goal.

Incorporate these five suggestions and watch your motivation level soar!


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Finding your big miracles with Joanna Garzilli

Joanna Garzilli is an authority in the field of intuition, conscious business growth, and spiritual leadership. She is also the author of a fascinating new book called Big Miracles, a sort of manual that explains how to reengage with yourself, who you are, and who you could be.

Joanna explains that health and fitness is not just physical. It’s also a matter of the mind and spirit. There is a balance between doing the work and having the mindset to allow you to reach your goals.

In the book, Joanna explains 11 key rules:

  1. Align with the spirit – Do you feel good or do you feel bad? Be honest with yourself to know if you are aligned.
  2. Be a spiritual vehicle – Achieve a new level of awareness and experience ongoing spiritual awakenings.
  3. Commit to your breakthrough – Without commitment, nothing happens. Focus on the end result and surrender.
  4. Forgive mistakes – Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes. Perhaps mistakes are miracles waiting to happen.
  5. Living without ego – A little bit of ego lets us see our strengths and speak up for ourselves, but too much can be an issue.
  6. Believe in your ability – Close the gap between “if” and “when.” Use exercise as a way to clear your doubts.
  7. Accept responsibility – “You can’t change what happened in the past, but you can clean up how you feel about it.”
  8. Aim high – This allows us to realize we can do more than we think.
  9. Take the right action – Action is necessary to get results.
  10. Be of service – Be of service to your body and your body will take care of you.
  11. Break through to your big miracle – Figure out what will keep you amplified to get that breakthrough and keep you moving forward.

To connect with Joanna, visit www.JoannaGarzilli.com.


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The love diet | Dr. Connie Gutterson

Essentials of weight loss

Losing weight is not hard if you properly apply these essentials of weight loss.

Wanting to lose weight is different than committing to it. Commitment is needed to drive you. To make a commitment to yourself, you need to have a compelling why. When you feel your willpower starting to slide, remind yourself of your why.

Be realistic about your expectations. Realistically, you can lose one to two pounds per week.

Don’t let you stop you. Weight loss is a mindset game. Understand your behavior and know the points when you might try to self-sabotage.

Weight loss is not a straight line. There are going to be plateaus in your journey. Approach it each time as a different problem and try something a little different, but stay on course.

Don’t forget to have fun. Be sure to do the things you enjoy while going through this process.

Not all weight loss is good. Weight lost using diet pills can be detrimental to your health.

Don’t be afraid of lifting weights for fear of putting on muscle and adding weight. Weight loss is about fat loss, not muscle loss.

There are no shortcuts. Focus on healthy living and positive lifestyle changes.

Find people who will hold you accountable and serve a support network through the process.

Forget the past. Focus on tomorrow and make positive steps forward each day.

It’s really about hormones, as they drive every action in your body. Avoid sugar, get quality sleep, and lower your stress to keep your hormones in check.

Common sense goes a long way. Reward your hard work with something else other than food.

Document your wins and use them to fuel you through the tough times.

You will not out-exercise a bad diet. Focus on food first and then exercise.

If you need assistance on your weight loss journey, you should check out Surefire Results for Weight Loss.

Surefire Results for Weight Loss



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Health and fitness saboteurs

Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If this is the case, are the people you surround yourself with helping you or hurting you?

Many of us struggle with health and fitness, particularly as we get older. When this occurs, it becomes even more important to surround ourselves with people who motivate, encourage, and inspire us to continue along our health and fitness journeys.

However, you may encounter saboteurs along the way. Here are a few types of saboteurs you may find in your own circles:

  1. A friend who pressures you to do something else – They may try to distract you from your workouts or encourage you to eat unhealthy foods. Peer pressure becomes an issue. You may need to spend less time with these peers.
  1. Well-meaning individuals – These people may not understand why you’re doing what you’re doing and they may be concerned. Let them know you appreciate their concern, but you need to follow your own path.
  1. Backstabbers – These individuals may try to derail your success because they measure themselves against other people and they simply do not want you to succeed. Recognize when someone is acting against you.

Focus on building up others as well as yourself. Create a strong foundation by joining teams and making connections. Say hello to people at the gym and surround yourself with these like-minded and motivated individuals who will help you stay focused on your health and fitness goals.






Avoiding toxins with Dr. Joseph Pizzorno

Dr. Joseph Pizzorno is a renowned naturopathic physician, the founder of Bastyr University, and an accomplished author. His new book, The Toxin Solution, reveals how toxins in our everyday lives create issues with our health.

Toxins are managed by the liver and kidneys, as they have filtering responsibility. However, filtering toxins out will not do much good until we slow the entrance of toxins. Many toxins are designed by scientists for physical or biological purposes and are difficult to break down. Some have half-lives that are measured in years and constantly cause damage while in the body.

Toxins are huge contributors to disease. They increase oxidative stress in the body which increases inflammation and damages our DNA. Toxins also impact the body’s hormones, enzymes, minerals, and organs. We are constantly subjecting ourselves to things that will shorten our lives.

Though there is no way to get around a toxin load, there are ways to reduce the load. One strategy involves becoming more conscious about how toxins get into our bodies and stop it from happening. Food is a primary source of chemical and metal toxins. Cleaning supplies and health and beauty aids are other sources.

The book also includes do’s and don’ts in regards to eating. Don’t eat refined foods that are conventionally grown and stored in plastic containers. Instead, eat real foods that are organically grown. Be careful not to damage foods when you cook them. Get rid of plastic containers and use glass containers instead. The closer you eat to nature, the safer you will be.

To connect with Dr. Joseph Pizzorno or to learn more about The Toxin Solution, visit www.thetoxinsolution.com.

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The hidden toxins lurking in your food | Mike Adams

March 13, 2017

11 great reasons to quit

Quitting is not always the best policy, but there are some times when quitting can work to your benefit:

  1. Unhealthy Habits – Strike a balance between the good and bad habits. Consider replacing bad with a healthy habit.
  2. Bad Food Sources– Try to replace bad food sources with better selections. Choose organic foods or fresh, locally grown sources.  See the Toxin Solution by Joe Pizzorno.
  3. Better Opportunity – Even if just temporarily, try a new fitness modality that excites you and keeps your routine fresh.
  4. Illness – When you’re sick, take the opportunity to rest and recover. Stay out of the gym and avoid spreading your illness.
  5. Injury – This is an indicator that something is wrong. Avoid coming back too early and risking another injury. Find other ways to maintain your fitness in the meantime.
  6. Overtraining – This can cause adrenal fatigue from the stress on your body. This prevents your body from recovering. Consider taking some time off and give yourself a break.
  7. Change in Priorities – Mix in a different modality to give more balance to your program and your life.
  8. No Self Control – If you struggle with self-control, avoid these temptations altogether.
  9. Elimination Diet – Find the foods that are giving you the most issues with digestion and overall health. Find the foods that allow your body to function at its highest capacity.
  10. When You’re Full – Eat slower and be more mindful of the food you are eating. Stop when you feel ¾ of the way full and allow your body to catch up.
  11. Trying to Avoid Risk – Inclement weather or extreme temperatures can add risk to your work out. Consider working out indoors in these instances.

You may only quit temporarily, but it may be just the break you need to continue along your health and fitness journey long-term.


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