
Category Archives for "guest/interview"

Learn the secret language of the body with Jennifer Mann and Karden Rabin

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On episode 650 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we meet Jennifer Mann and Karden Rabin and discuss their book, The Secret Language of the Body.


This episode is sponsored by AquaTru. Today, you can receive 20% off AquaTru purifiers. Go to aquatru.com and enter the code 40PLUS at checkout.

Episode Notes

Importance of Checking In with Your Body

– Emphasizing the significance of aligning health and fitness goals with the body's needs

– Encouraging activities such as receiving massage, yin yoga, and breath work workshops for energy replenishment

– Rediscovering happiness through childhood memories and hobbies to revive joy and pleasure

Understanding the Vagus Nerve and Its Role in the Body

– Definition and significance of the vagus nerve as the 10th cranial nerve

– Description of the nerve's pathway from the brain stem to vital organs

– Control of vital functions such as heart rate regulation and digestive tract contraction

– Role in regulating the parasympathetic response for rest, recovery, and digestion

– Impact of chronic stress on the vagus nerve and overall nervous system function

– Connection to heart rate variability (HRV) and overall wellness

Tools and Strategies for Nervous System Health and Stress Management

– The brain's resistance to change and reliance on habit and repetition

– Importance of awareness, interruption, and redesign of brain responses for habit changes

– Techniques to activate the vagus nerve for stress management

– Introduction of the 3 circles exercise for addressing stressful situations

– Encouragement to engage with the body's secret language for significant life changes

Personal Experiences, Strategies, and Practical Tips

– Sharing of Allan's experience with burnout and the importance of pursuing joy in everyday activities

– Allan's emphasis on meeting basic needs for overall well-being and nervous system health

– Tools to interrupt and redesign internal struggles and negative self-talk

– Practical tips for managing stress, such as physical activities and HRV monitoring

Conclusion and Additional Resources

– Information on Jennifer Mann and Karden Rabin's book and programs

– Recommendation of a book for managing stress and promoting well-being

– Reminder to subscribe, leave a rating, and preview the next episode on the podcast

Music by Dave Gerhart


The following listeners have sponsored this show by pledging on our Patreon Page:

– Anne Lynch– Ken McQuade– Leigh Tanner
– Eliza Lamb– John Dachauer– Tim Alexander

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Another episode you may enjoy

June 11, 2024

Improve your strength training with Brad Williams

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On episode 646 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we meet Brad Williams and discuss time under tension and progressive overload to improve your strength training.

Episode Notes

Importance of Progressive Overload and Safety in Strength Training

– Brad Williams emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity in exercise for the over-40 crowd

– Emphasizes the misconception of focusing only on lifting heavy weights for progressive overload

– Discusses the concept of time under tension and its role in progressive overload, hormonal response, and muscle growth

– Coach Allan highlights the three ways to increase volume in workouts: adding weight, increasing reps, and changing tempo

– Emphasizes the importance of not pushing the body beyond its limits and focusing on goals and purpose of training

– Coach Allan explains the difference between strength, power, and endurance, and how different types of training can build each of these attributes

– Discusses strategies for building muscle mass and bone density to prevent injuries as people age

Importance of Time Under Tension and Neuromuscular Communication in Exercise

– Supports the use of time under tension for neuromuscular communication, muscle fiber engagement, and injury prevention, especially for beginners

– Advocates for starting with lighter weights and slower tempos for new trainees to build control and neuromuscular connections

– Discusses the concept of progressive overload and the importance of not pushing the body beyond its limits

– Emphasizes the need to gradually increase weight and stimulate muscle growth while focusing on nutrition and aging on muscle mass

– Stresses the importance of resistance training for building muscle mass and bone density

Balance Training and Injury Prevention

– Emphasizes the significance of balance training, especially for older adults, to prevent slips, trips, and falls

– Discusses being aware of surroundings and gait to avoid falls and the need for injury prevention to continue training

– Discusses the importance of being cautious and incorporating techniques like playing with time under tension carefully to avoid overdoing it

– Emphasizes the need for effective rehab after injury and listening to one's body

– Strategies for wellness after the age of 40, including focusing on diet, movement, stress management, sleep, and inflammation control

Music by Dave Gerhart


The following listeners have sponsored this show by pledging on our Patreon Page:

– Anne Lynch– Ken McQuade– Leigh Tanner
– Eliza Lamb– John Dachauer– Tim Alexander

Thank you!

Another episode you may enjoy

How to add muscle over 40 with Funk Roberts

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On episode 645 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we meet Funk Roberts and discuss how you can increase your testosterone naturally and increase your muscle mass.

Episode Notes

Importance of Testosterone in Men Over 40

– Impact of andropause on weight, performance, and libido

– Testing for testosterone levels and measuring free testosterone

– Natural and artificial methods to increase testosterone levels

– Potential consequences of hormone replacement therapy and testosterone supplementation

– The need for education, understanding, and consulting a knowledgeable doctor

– Risks and caution associated with doctors promoting hormone supplements as part of their business model

Strategies to Increase Testosterone Naturally

– Nutritional approaches to maintain testosterone levels and manage estrogen levels

– Sarcopenia prevention through regular workouts

– Incorporating total body metabolic workouts with little to no rest in between exercises

– The effect of metabolic training on extended calorie burning and continued metabolism

– Negative impact of traditional bodybuilding approaches on muscle recovery and repair

– Recommended frequency of total body workouts

Nutrition and Supplementation to Support Testosterone Levels

– Role of macronutrients (protein, healthy fats, complex carbs) in testosterone production

– Impact of cholesterol and high-quality protein on muscle maintenance and testosterone

– Importance of balanced meals with key macronutrients and vegetables/fruits

– Role of magnesium, zinc, multivitamins, and creatine monohydrate in addressing nutrient deficiencies and building muscle

– The significance of a positive mindset, personal motivation, and a strong “why” for lifestyle changes

– The benefits of consistency, dedication, and professional coaching in achieving fitness goals

You can learn more about Funk Roberts and his programs at over40alpha.com.

Music by Dave Gerhart


The following listeners have sponsored this show by pledging on our Patreon Page:

– Anne Lynch– Ken McQuade– Leigh Tanner
– Eliza Lamb– John Dachauer– Tim Alexander

Thank you!

Another episode you may enjoy

May 7, 2024

Managing menopause with Dr. Mary Claire Haver

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On episode 641 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we meet Dr. Mary Claire Haver and discuss her book, The New Menopause: Navigating Your Path Through Hormonal Change with Purpose, Power, and Facts.

Episode Notes



Music by Dave Gerhart


The following listeners have sponsored this show by pledging on our Patreon Page:

– Anne Lynch– Ken McQuade– Leigh Tanner
– Eliza Lamb– John Dachauer– Tim Alexander

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Another episode you may enjoy

Ditch the diet adopt a foodframe with Risa Groux

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On episode 639 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we meet Risa Groux and discuss her book, Foodframe: Diet is a Four-Letter Word.

Episode Notes

Introduction to Risa Groux and her Book Food Frame: Diet is a 4-Letter Word

– Risa Groux's perspective on healthy eating as a customized “eating lifestyle” rather than a “diet”

– The shortcomings of traditional diets and the need for a holistic approach to wellness

– Introduction to functional nutrition based on prevention, root cause analysis, interconnected body systems, and data-driven diagnostics

– Discussion on thyroid health and the complexity of thyroid function

Mindset and Nutritional Essential for Ultimate Health

– The importance of mindset for motivation and driving desire for rewards

– The essential components of quality nutrition: protein, fat, and fiber

Lifestyle Factors for Well-Being

– Emphasizing lifestyle factors such as movement, adequate sleep, stress reduction, unplugging, finding happiness, laughter, nature, and connecting with people for overall well-being

Risa Groux's Foodframe Methodology

– Introduction to the six foodframes: autoimmune protocol, Low lectin, Low fodmap, keto, paleo, and vegan, and the specific dietary restrictions and benefits tailored to different health conditions

– Discussion on individual efforts to support thyroid health, including dietary and lifestyle changes

Genetic Testing and Adequate Nutrition

– The use of genetic testing to determine dietary suitability, particularly for the keto diet

– Emphasizing the importance of real, non-processed foods and eating a lot of plants

Strategies and Tactics for Achieving and Maintaining Wellness

– Risa Groux's three suggested strategies or tactics to achieve and maintain wellness

Stool Testing and RGN Detox Program

– Discussion on Risa Groux's personal experience with finding the root cause of health issues through a stool test

– The significance and implications of stool testing on overall health

– Explanation of the RGN detox program for gentle liver detoxification and wellness, not based on starvation diet

Misconceptions About Detox and Cleanse Methods

– Addressing misconceptions about detox and cleanse methods

– The significance of adopting a dietary lifestyle change for wellness beyond weight loss

You can purchase Risa's Book, Foodframe on Amazon.

Music by Dave Gerhart


The following listeners have sponsored this show by pledging on our Patreon Page:

– Anne Lynch– Ken McQuade– Leigh Tanner
– Eliza Lamb– John Dachauer– Tim Alexander

Thank you!

Another episode you may enjoy

How to break through your health plateaus with Daniella Forrest

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On episode 638 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we meet Daniella Forrest and discuss her book, Own You Wellness: Giving You the Tools to Break Through Your Health Plateaus.

The Importance of Nutrition and Meal Planning

– Allan's experience with overeating and potential prediabetes

– Impact of food quality on hunger

– Affordability of high-quality food

– Challenges faced by families unable to buy organic or grass-fed food

Elements of a Movement Practice

– Getting the heart rate up

– Staying strong

– Maintaining balance

– Importance of movement for people with a stationary lifestyle or physical limitations

Focus on Overall Wellness

– Departing from a sole emphasis on weight loss

– Tying weight loss to a bigger purpose

– The role of self-talk and mental well-being in achieving wellness and weight loss goals

Strategies for Navigating Wellness Practices

– Encouraging individuals to apply information to their own lives

– Making hypotheses and testing them with personal experience

– Testing one thing at a time to assess effectiveness

– Adapting health and fitness approaches as one ages

Understanding the Causes of Obesity

– The concept of undernourishment due to a lack of nutrients in modern food supply

– Paying attention to hunger cues and avoiding overeating in response to psychological fears around hunger

– Challenging conventional diet mantras such as eating multiple meals throughout the day

Daily Aches and Pains, and Achieving Wellness

– Daniella's experiences with daily aches and pains

– Factors contributing to aches and pains, including sleeping positions, physical activity, diet, and age

– The importance of movement in achieving wellness and recommendations for eliminating unhealthy foods and undergoing health tests

– Addressing potential health issues to achieve and maintain wellness

Importance of Balance, Flexibility, and Rest

– The crucial role of balance and flexibility in aging to prevent issues

– The significance of rest and recovery for muscle growth and overall well-being

– The necessity of stimulation, feeding, and rest for muscle strength and stamina

– The risks of overdoing the same exercise without rest and potential pain or injury

– Chronic pain not being a normal part of aging and needing to be addressed

Conclusion and Resources

– Highlighting Daniella Forrest's book, Own Your Wellness: Giving You the Tools to Break Through Your Health Plateaus.

– Daniella's website and where to purchase her book

Music by Dave Gerhart


The following listeners have sponsored this show by pledging on our Patreon Page:

– Anne Lynch– Ken McQuade– Leigh Tanner
– Eliza Lamb– John Dachauer– Tim Alexander

Thank you!

Another episode you may enjoy

April 9, 2024

How to get and stay health with Dr. Sharon Malone

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On episode 637 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we meet Dr. Sharon Malone and discuss her book, Grown Woman Talk: Your Guide to Getting and Staying Healthy.


Topics covered on this episode

1. The impact of family history on health and obesity: Listeners will learn from Dr. Sharon Malone's family history how lifestyle and eating habits can significantly influence obesity, despite a history of active lifestyles in previous generations.

2. Strategies for wellness and mental health: Dr. Malone and Coach Allan discuss the importance of being physically and mentally healthy while maintaining a strong community, emphasizing the need for intergenerational conversations among women about health.

3. Taking control of healthcare and medication management: The episode covers polypharmacy, the importance of understanding and managing medications, being proactive in discussing potential side effects, and ways to ensure better comprehension of medical instructions, such as bringing a companion to appointments or recording conversations.

4. Factors to consider in choosing a healthcare provider: Dr. Malone provides valuable insights into researching and selecting a doctor, including evaluating a doctor's background, interaction during inquiries, office logistics, and follow-up procedures for emergencies. She also emphasizes the importance of creating a medical family tree to understand family health history.

5. Understanding weight gain after 40 and managing menopausal weight changes: Listeners will gain insight into the combination of aging and menopause as factors contributing to weight gain for women, including the impact of fat accumulation and changes in body composition. The episode also provides strategies for managing weight through lifestyle changes, exercise, and prioritizing metabolic health.

Music by Dave Gerhart


The following listeners have sponsored this show by pledging on our Patreon Page:

– Anne Lynch– Ken McQuade– Leigh Tanner
– Eliza Lamb– John Dachauer– Tim Alexander

Thank you!

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