
Category Archives for "guest/interview"

May 23, 2016

Naked in 30 days | Theresa Roemer

Today we meet with Theresa Roemer and discuss her new book Naked in 30 Days: A One-Month Guide to Getting Your Body, Mind and Spirit in Shape.

 As background, Theresa Roemer is an author, media personality, entrepreneur and small business owner based in Houston, Texas. Her passion for health started at a young age. As a child Theresa was diagnosed with rheumatic fever many times over, which caused her to have a heart murmur; she was sickly and her doctors diagnosed her with a lifetime of physical constraints. Determined to prove the doctors wrong, Theresa began her lifelong journey to stay active, healthy, and physically fit. Theresa took the U.S. Open title in bodybuilding at the age of 40, and held the titles of Mrs. Houston U.A., Mrs. Texas U.A., and was the 1st runner up for Mrs. United America concurrently.

Theresa feels that anyone can do anything for a period of 30 days, and if you put yourself on this plan, you will find that you change your approach to food and exercise, as well as your relationship to both.   Before you know it, you will be standing naked with yourself and proud of who you are and how you got there.

Based on her years of experience as a personal trainer and body builder, Theresa covers diet, exercise, hormones, meal plans and recipes. She lays out her plan in a day-to-day guide that also includes the mental and spiritual aspects of taking care of your health and well-being.

Additional information about Theresa and her new book Naked in 30 Days can be found on www.theresaroemer.com.

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Facebook Theresa Roemer LLC

Twitter @TheresaRoemer



Warrior | Theresa Larsen

How to be here | Rob Bell

Rob Bell is a New York Times best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and the author of How to Be Here. His book discusses what it means to be present and give the best to your life.

Rob explains that he often meets people who want to be more courageous, fit, or have a better life. Thought it can be overwhelming, you have to break it down into what you can do today. Start with what’s in front of you. You don’t have to get all the way down the road. You only need to take one step today. As you keep taking steps, you’ll eventually end up further than you ever thought possible. It’s a mental battle to keep it simple and clean, but in the end, you’ll learn that you’re capable of so much.

One memorable quote from the book read, “We rob ourselves of immeasurable joy when we compare ourselves with what we don’t know about someone else.” The truth is, you have no idea what that other person has been through. You have your own path, and all you can do is take the next step on the path you’re on. You have a limited supply of energy. When you spend part of your time and energy comparing yourself to someone else, this is energy that could have been better spent on your own path. You must become a steward of your own energy.

The book’s main focus is explaining that being present matters. You don’t need the regret of past or worry about the future to cloud the current moment. It is interesting enough to be right here and nowhere else. There is a wonder and mystery to your own life. Though it’s easy to be a spectator to your own life, don’t disconnect from the joy of being alive.

To connect with Rob directly, visit www.robbell.com or find him on Instagram at @realrobbell.


Life on purpose | Dr. Victor Stretcher

Healthy brain happy life | Dr. Wendy Suzuki

Dr. Wendy Suzuki runs an interactive research lab in NYC, is regularly interviewed in the media, lectures nationally, and serves as reviewer for neuroscience journals. She is also the author of Healthy Brain Happy Life. In her book, Dr. Suzuki details how her skills as a scientist helped her to improve her own life. She used neuroscience to change her life, which also changed the way she practiced science.

Dr. Suzuki explains that exercise is a critical component of being a healthy human. We know about the positive physical effects of exercise, but it also has a positive effect on the brain.

Engaging in exercise can improve mood function. After a good workout, you may notice being in a better mood. This is due to an increase in the neurotransmitters that usually decrease during a depression. Exercise also leads to an increased attention span. It has showed improved function with acute or long-term exercise. And perhaps most importantly, exercise stimulates the birth of new brain cells that are critical for long-term memory.

An interesting thought to consider is whether movement itself has any impact on one’s memory. One technique is the idea of a memory palace, where you visualize a space you’re familiar with and mentally walk through it while placing different items in different rooms that you need to remember. This works especially well with lists of items that should be remembered in order.

To improve your brain health through exercise, Dr. Suzuki recommends following these three tips:

  1. Engage in a regular form of exercise you enjoy. This will put you in a great mood and improve your memory.
  2. Find a regular meditative activity. This will cause positive brain changes and decrease your stress.
  3. Engage in altruism as a great way to increase dopamine in your brain.

While exercise won’t fully cure any memory degradation over time, it can help to delay this by strengthening the brain. To contact Dr. Wendy Suzuki or learn more about Healthy Brain Happy Life, visit www.wendysuzuki.com.


2 weeks to a younger brain | Dr. Gary Small

May 11, 2016

101 homemade products | Jan Berry

In today’s episode, we are joined by Jan Berry, the author of 101 Homemade Products for Skin, Health and Home.   Jan is also the writer and photographer of the blog, The Nerdy Farm Wife.   She is also a contributed to HobbyFarms.com and Natural Herbal Living Magazine.

Jan talks about her background and inspiration for her creative ways to turn herbs, flowers and other garden plants into beautiful, fun and practical products. She discusses how she’s especially fond of finding fun and practical uses for weeds and otherwise overlooked plants, such as dandelions.

Homemade products are featured that are easy to make and use commonly found herbs, flowers, oils and other natural ingredients. Going green has never been easier or more affordable.   Local, natural ingredients are key to making something beautiful, effective and good for you and your family.

Jan describes herself as a serial hobbyist with many interests, yet her blog has morphed into a place where she shares soap making ideas and tips along with herbal recipes and natural DIY body care projects. Learn and explore more about Jan Berry’s 101 Homemade products for Skin, Health and Home at the Nerdy Farm Wife website.


Ayurveda meets western medicine with Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary


May 9, 2016

The big book of kombucha | Hannah Crum

An industry journalist and author, today we talk to Hanna Crum, author of The Book Book of Kombucha. Hanna is also known as the Kombucha Mama, and founder of Kombucha Kamp, the most visited website in the world for Kombucha information, receipts and advice. KKamp’s mission is to “change the world, one gut at a time.”

The health of our gut is an important foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Ancient humans always incorporated fermentation into their diet because of the lack of modern practices such as refrigeration. Kombucha has been undergoing resurgence as the concept of gut health is in the wellness spotlight.

So what is Kombucha?   It is a fermented beverage made from tea.   A starter culture of bacteria and yeast is added which increases the nutritional content of the beverage. Just like other fermented foods, Kombucha brings billions of self-perpetuating beneficial bacteria to your gut. It is available at health food stores, mainstream grocery and retail stores, and it is also easy to make at home. A lifetime supply can be made from one fresh, healthy culture.

Learn more about Kombucha and its gut health benefits from Hanna Crum who is an industry journalist and Master Brewer. She directly mentors thousands of new and experienced Kombucha brewers and provides consultation services for Kombuchs start-ups since 2007.   Along with her partner, Alex LaGory, their reporting has been featured in BevNet, Beverage Specrum Magazine, Whole Life Times Magazine, Los Angeles times, Elephant Journal, Vital Juice and mother others while her instructional video series with E-How/Expert Village has racked up over 1 million views.




101 homemade products | Jan Berry


May 5, 2016

The age fix | Dr. Anthony Youn

Dr. Anthony Youn is a nationally recognized board-certified plastic surgeon. He is a leader in field of plastic surgery and has been featured on GMA, Today, and CNN, just to name a few. He is also the author of The Age Fix.

The Age Fix examines typical aging concerns and offers practical tips that don’t involve surgery.  In fact, the book is intended to be an avenue of information for people who don’t have access to a plastic surgeon. It is truly a head to toe guide, covering such typical issues as age spots, wrinkles, and saggy skin.

One typical area of concern is stretch marks. Dr. Youn explains that stretch marks are tears in the deeper part of the skin. Unfortunately, there is no way to erase them, though a fractional laser treatment can improve their appearance. Another issue is loose skin, especially after a dramatic weight loss. This can only be treated surgically.

Dr. Youn also explains that there are several factors that accelerate the aging process of our skin. The most detrimental is excess sunlight. Dr. Youn recommends applying SPF 30 sunscreen to your face every morning. Sunblock is best used on the body. He also recommends that children do not use sunscreen spray, as the ingredients may be problematic to their hormonal balance.

Smoking is another area of concern. Smoking decreases blood supply and circulation, leaving skin to appear wrinkled and without a healthy glow. The foods we eat can also have an aging effect. Excess sugar intake can cause inflammation, possibly leading to skin aging and acne. The worst food to consume is soda pop.

Finally, alcohol is another substance that is not recommended. One exception is a daily glass of red wine, as it contains helpful antioxidants that can combat free radicals. However, more than one glass can become detrimental.

If you exercise regularly and avoid these problematic factors that can age your skin, you can look younger without undergoing plastic surgery. To connect with Dr. Youn directly or to purchase The Age Fix, visit www.dryoun.com.


The bone broth diet | Dr. KellyAnn Petrucci

April 22, 2016

Let’s live happy | Deborah Heisz

Today we talk with Deborah K. Heisz, author of Live Happy, Ten Practices for Choosing Joy. She, along with founder Jeff Olson, leads the company that produces Live Happy, an award-winning bi-monthly print and digital magazine, Livehappy.com and Live Happy products.

We discuss with Deborah how we normally approach happiness as a destination or an end point.   Conventional thinking is that if we are successful, we will be happy.   It is the search for that destination, and when we finally arrive there, we believe that end point will make us happy.  However, we should flip our thinking and approach life with the attitude that we should be happy now, as it is happy people that then find success.

Deborah’s book outlines ten practices to live happy along with stories that parallel those practices.   One of her favorites is to reflect at the end of the day by writing down three positive things from your day. By making this practice a habit it positively changes our attitude.

The great thing about happiness is that it also correlates to our health.   If we don’t make our health a priority really cheats ourselves and everyone around us, but it is usually what busy working parents do.   By not doing that, it affects both our mental and physical health.    Small, incremental changes to the way we think and approach both happiness and fitness leads to positive attitudes and adoption of positive habits.

Learn more about Debra Heisz through her website, books, blog and podcast.   Debra is featured on Live Happy Now, a weekly podcast featuring uplifting and unique interviews with researchers in the field of positive psychology, practitioners and experts on their own personal happiness journeys. Join her in the movement to make the world a happier place, and let’s live happy!



Healthy brain happy life | Dr. Wendy Suzuki

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