May 23, 2016

Naked in 30 days | Theresa Roemer

Today we meet with Theresa Roemer and discuss her new book Naked in 30 Days: A One-Month Guide to Getting Your Body, Mind and Spirit in Shape.

 As background, Theresa Roemer is an author, media personality, entrepreneur and small business owner based in Houston, Texas. Her passion for health started at a young age. As a child Theresa was diagnosed with rheumatic fever many times over, which caused her to have a heart murmur; she was sickly and her doctors diagnosed her with a lifetime of physical constraints. Determined to prove the doctors wrong, Theresa began her lifelong journey to stay active, healthy, and physically fit. Theresa took the U.S. Open title in bodybuilding at the age of 40, and held the titles of Mrs. Houston U.A., Mrs. Texas U.A., and was the 1st runner up for Mrs. United America concurrently.

Theresa feels that anyone can do anything for a period of 30 days, and if you put yourself on this plan, you will find that you change your approach to food and exercise, as well as your relationship to both.   Before you know it, you will be standing naked with yourself and proud of who you are and how you got there.

Based on her years of experience as a personal trainer and body builder, Theresa covers diet, exercise, hormones, meal plans and recipes. She lays out her plan in a day-to-day guide that also includes the mental and spiritual aspects of taking care of your health and well-being.

Additional information about Theresa and her new book Naked in 30 Days can be found on

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Facebook Theresa Roemer LLC

Twitter @TheresaRoemer


Warrior | Theresa Larsen


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