
The bone broth diet | Dr. KellyAnn Petrucci

Dr. KellyAnn Petrucci is our guest today for a great discussion concerning bone broth and intermittent fasting. Join us as we explore her new book Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet: Lose Up to 15 Pounds, 4 Inches–and Your Wrinkles!–in Just 21 Days.

Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND, is a board-certified naturopathic physician and certified nutrition consultant with a thriving practice in the Philadelphia area. She is also a concierge doctor for celebrities in Los Angeles and New York. She is a regular guest on The Doctors, Dr. Oz, and national news programs, and she is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post and MindBodyGreen.

Kellyann uses bone broth and the fasting process to help you burn more body fat, reduce insulin levels and lower inflammation.   She discusses how during a fast with bone broth for nutrition our bodies burn fat faster and experience benefits to the skin.

We discuss how you can set yourself up for success by knowing what to expect when your body experiences changes when adopting a different lifestyle or way of eating, particularly with intermittent fasting.   We explore the concept of building your plate with the right proteins, healthy fats and the right kinds of carbohydrates.   Refueling after a workout with the right foods, eating non-inflammation foods, healthy oils and berries are all factors in building the plate for health and nutrition.

Dr. KellyAnn Petrucci feels that the addition of bone broth to your diet is a healthy addition to your nutrition plan. She discusses the benefits to your energy levels and the positive, beautiful effects on your skin.   You can find out more from her website, Drkellyann.com.

Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music

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