
Category Archives for "weight loss"

Whoops! How do I get back on track?

Donna, a podcast listener, submitted a great question about how we can get back on track after a slip up in our health and fitness journeys.

We’re human. We’re going to slip up from time to time. Getting back on track is important. To do this, you’ll need to build a paradigm around yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

You cannot fix what has happened in the past. When you first slip up, you’re angry and frustrated, and also stuck in the yesterday phase. To get out, realize that you made the decisions to act in a way that caused this setback. Own it those actions and then forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself is so important because it allows you to move on and release those negative emotions such as anger, remorse, or disappointment.

The next step is to recommit. If you’re not committed to your health and fitness journey, these cycles of failure will keep happening. Your commitment is based upon your why. Reconnect with your why and revision your vision of the future and what you’re trying to achieve.

At this point, you are ready for tomorrow. To look to the future, you must do a root cause analysis of why you had a slip up. Drill down beneath the surface level reason and find the root cause of why you made those choices. Establish good habits to manage future points of frustration instead of choosing familiar bad habits, such as eating unhealthy foods.

Consider journaling how you feel, what you ate, and how you slept. Meditation is another option to assist with recognizing thoughts and feelings. Both of these tools will help you understand yourself better and be better equipped to bounce back from any future slip ups.



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11 Health and fitness objections


Hungry brain with Dr. Stephan Guyenet

Dr. Stephan Guyenet is an accomplished neuroscientist, speaker, writer, and author of the new book, The Hungry Brain. This fascinating book examines the complex science of the brain and breaks it down into simple concepts that everyone can understand.

Stephan explains that the brain is the control panel for our bodies, but specific parts and chemicals drive our behavior around how we eat. Part of the brain decides between competing options through a specific process. Throughout this process, the brain integrates many sources of information when making decisions, including conscious and non-conscious factors. In today’s environment, these circuits give us drives and instincts that are at odds with our healthy goals.

Stephan also speaks about the importance of sleep in relation to the brain. Insufficient sleep has been found to be influential in weight gain. Researchers have found that when people sleep less, they eat more. The brain is more responsive to higher calorie food cues compared to people who has slept sufficiently. This tricks the brain into thinking the body needs more calories than it actually does. An optimization bias is also at play in this scenario, where one will pay more attention to the potential benefits than the cons of eating seductive foods.

Stephan also mentions the Six Steps for a Slimming Lifestyle included in the book:

  1. Fix your food environment – Remove tempting foods that surround you.
  2. Manage your appetite – Use diet and lifestyle strategies to regulate the appetite.
  3. Be aware of food reward – Focus on simple, satisfying foods.
  4. Make sleep a priority – High quality sleep aligned with your Circadian rhythm.
  5. Move your body – Get regular physical activity.
  6. Manage stress appropriately – Shift perception of stressor from uncontrollable to controllable.

To connect with Stephan Guyenet, visit www.stephanguyenet.com or find him on Twitter as @whsource.


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11 Health and fitness objections

There are many health and fitness objections, but many of them don’t hold up. Here are some of the most common:

  1. Bad genetics – Your genetic potential is to be a better person. With the right amount of work and managing your health, you can accomplish any goal. Mindset is key. Your body will follow.
  2. Tried everything – It’s not about the temporary fix. To make change, you must fix your lifestyle.
  3. Boredom – A good walk outside is never boring. Many different machines in the gym will keep you entertained. There are options to increase variety.
  4. Don’t want to get bulky – Those who get bulky often have genetic advantages and are using supplements. Focus on being lean and strong.
  5. Intimidated by the gym – Consider hiring a personal trainer to introduce you to the equipment. Check out a gym before joining to be sure you feel comfortable and perhaps work out with a friend.
  6. Unsupportive spouse – Have a conversation with your spouse about your goals and gaining their support. Encourage them to join you.
  7. Can’t move like that – You’re not competing with others. You are competing with you. Over time, you will improve your mobility, strength, and endurance.
  8. No time – This really shows a lack of priority. Make a commitment and schedule time on your calendar.
  9. Illness – Don’t go to the gym if you are sick. Instead, try doing your workout at home.
  10. Injury – There are ways to work around your injury. Avoid the area of injury, but focus on other areas of your body.
  11. Don’t know where to start – First, solidify your goal and assemble the program to get you there. Consider hiring a personal trainer or joining the Surefire Results for Weight Loss

Need help? Reach out to me at main@forever.fitness.

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Gym etiquette

11 Health and fitness biohacks

There are four main tactics to employ when trying to lose weight: eating well, movement, quality sleep, and managing stress.  But if you're looking to find some incremental advantages, you can add some health and fitness biohacks.  These practices/foods won't move the needle, but they may be something for you to consider as you go on your health and fitness journey.

Health and Fitness Biohacks:

  1. Cold – Submerging the body in cold water boosts the metabolism and helps to reduce body fat and inflammation.
  2. High-intensity interval training – HIIT builds endurance and enhances your metabolism. Be sure to fully recover during recovery periods and between workouts.
  3. Intermittent fasting –This keeps the body in fat burning mode for longer. One method involves eating during an eight-hour period and fasting for the other 16 hours each day.
  4. Ketosis – Ketones in the blood can be used to fuel the body’s energy, which leads to fat loss.
  5. Hormone management – Aging often leads to a lowering of estrogen or testosterone, which causes the body to store fat in different ways. Maintain good hormone levels through diet, exercise, and possibly supplementation under a physician’s care.
  6. Treadmill desk – Do normal work while walking one to two miles per hour. This increases your activity level and improves core strength and balance.
  7. Warm lemon water – Consuming this in the morning jumpstarts the metabolism, digestive track, and energy levels.
  8. Apple cider vinegar – One tablespoon before bed each night can have a positive effect on lowering blood sugar.
  9. Elimination diets – Added weight can be caused by inflammation from certain foods. Elimination diets will help you determine which foods cause you inflammation and should be removed from your diet permanently.
  10. Manage your water – Flushing water from the body is one way to drop a few pounds fairly quickly.
  11. Long, slow distance – This stress-reducing exercise keeps the metabolism going and allows you to stay in a fat burning mode.

While these health and fitness biohacks should not be used as a primary method of weight loss, they may be able to supplement the main four tactics.

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11 Best weight loss lessons

February 6, 2017

11 Foods you should be eating

There are several healthy foods you should include in your diet.

  1. Avocado – Has good fats, tastes great, and is a great source of potassium without the sugar.
  2. Fish – Should eat at least three to four times per week. Mix varieties and choose wild fish, if possible.
  3. Leafy greens – Great source of fiber and nutrients. Choose a large salad with kale or spinach.
  4. Nuts – Another source of healthy fats and contributes to brain health. Choose an in the shell nut and crack them open as you eat them.
  5. Variety of colors – Choose colorful foods like beets, bell peppers, blueberries and vary the colors of the food you eat regularly.
  6. Offal – A great source of nutrition, but difficult for many to eat. Find ways to mix liver or kidney in with other foods you eat.
  7. Berries – Those ripened on the vine will have the most nutrition and antioxidants.
  8. Dark chocolate – Varieties that are 85% cacao will be lower in sugar. Consume small pieces.
  9. Flaxseeds – Choose ground varieties and mix it in with any food.
  10. Turmeric – Has many health benefits, including anti-inflammation properties. Eat it with black pepper to improve body’s ability to absorb the nutrients.
  11. Water – Drink regularly to stay hydrated and flush toxins out of the body.

Be sure to incorporate some or all of these healthy foods into your regular diet to see a real improvement in your overall health.

Nobody’s Perfect

As I near my 51st birthday, I have spent some time thinking about myself and my life. One of the biggest areas I have struggled with is self-inflicted stress and anxiety. I’m a perfectionist, so I’m always striving to be the best I can be.

The trouble with this mindset is that it often leads to comparison. It’s easy to look at colleagues in the industry, compare myself to how they look or what they have accomplished, and feel as though I am falling short.

What I’ve realized is that nobody is perfect. We all deal with this internal struggle. However, I have come to several realizations in determining how to prevent this negative mindset from taking over.

  1. Me versus me. We must stop comparing ourselves to others. The only person you should be competing with is yourself. Continue to make small efforts today and you’ll be better off tomorrow.
  2. This is a journey, not a destination. Keep working toward your goals each day. You may take a step back here and there, but you’re not out of the race.
  3. Seek joy. Don’t be all work and no play. Plan more activities or vacations. Take time to rest and enjoy life.
  4. Focus on your why. My why is to be here for my unborn grandchildren and family. It’s not about being the best in the industry or achieving perfection. Don’t let comparison confuse you about why you started in the first place.

We are human. We all have good days and bad days. As members of the 40 Plus Fitness Community, we can support each other throughout the journey.


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Eat wheat with Dr. John Douillard

Dr. John Douillard is a recognized leader in the field of natural health and the author of the new book, Eat Wheat. Though gluten-free diets are popular today, they involve significant risks, including an increased amount of mercury in one’s diet, more bad bacteria in the gut, and less killer T-cells. Dr. Douillard explains that wheat in its whole grain form actually has incredible health benefits.

Today, many try to chase their digestive problems by removing foods like wheat from their diet. Dr. Douillard explains that the issues are indicative of a greater problem; specifically, they do not have the digestive strength that they once did. To fix this, they must detoxify and reboot the lymphatic and digestive systems and avoid processed foods.

The consumption of processed fats can lead to congestion of the liver and gall bladder. Bile becomes thick and viscous. To reboot the lymphatic system, one’s bile function must be improved through becoming a better fat burner again. This can be accomplished by consuming bile-moving foods such as apples, beets, celery, and artichokes. Certain spices such as ginger and cumin can help the stomach produce acid and improve digestion. They can also help the liver produce bile and promote more pancreatic enzymes in the body. Foods containing antioxidants such as cranberries, cherries, and leafy greens are also helpful.

Dr. Douillard also points out the importance of avoiding grazing. Humans are better fat burners when they eat three quality meals per day, as the body burns fat to provide energy between meals. To connect with Dr. Douillard or to learn more about his new book, visit www.lifespa.com.

Eat Wheat – Grain Brain Debate

Eat Wheat

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