February 6, 2017
- in health , solo show , weight loss by julie
11 Foods you should be eating
There are several healthy foods you should include in your diet.
- Avocado – Has good fats, tastes great, and is a great source of potassium without the sugar.
- Fish – Should eat at least three to four times per week. Mix varieties and choose wild fish, if possible.
- Leafy greens – Great source of fiber and nutrients. Choose a large salad with kale or spinach.
- Nuts – Another source of healthy fats and contributes to brain health. Choose an in the shell nut and crack them open as you eat them.
- Variety of colors – Choose colorful foods like beets, bell peppers, blueberries and vary the colors of the food you eat regularly.
- Offal – A great source of nutrition, but difficult for many to eat. Find ways to mix liver or kidney in with other foods you eat.
- Berries – Those ripened on the vine will have the most nutrition and antioxidants.
- Dark chocolate – Varieties that are 85% cacao will be lower in sugar. Consume small pieces.
- Flaxseeds – Choose ground varieties and mix it in with any food.
- Turmeric – Has many health benefits, including anti-inflammation properties. Eat it with black pepper to improve body’s ability to absorb the nutrients.
- Water – Drink regularly to stay hydrated and flush toxins out of the body.
Be sure to incorporate some or all of these healthy foods into your regular diet to see a real improvement in your overall health.