Whoops! How do I get back on track?

Donna, a podcast listener, submitted a great question about how we can get back on track after a slip up in our health and fitness journeys.

We’re human. We’re going to slip up from time to time. Getting back on track is important. To do this, you’ll need to build a paradigm around yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

You cannot fix what has happened in the past. When you first slip up, you’re angry and frustrated, and also stuck in the yesterday phase. To get out, realize that you made the decisions to act in a way that caused this setback. Own it those actions and then forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself is so important because it allows you to move on and release those negative emotions such as anger, remorse, or disappointment.

The next step is to recommit. If you’re not committed to your health and fitness journey, these cycles of failure will keep happening. Your commitment is based upon your why. Reconnect with your why and revision your vision of the future and what you’re trying to achieve.

At this point, you are ready for tomorrow. To look to the future, you must do a root cause analysis of why you had a slip up. Drill down beneath the surface level reason and find the root cause of why you made those choices. Establish good habits to manage future points of frustration instead of choosing familiar bad habits, such as eating unhealthy foods.

Consider journaling how you feel, what you ate, and how you slept. Meditation is another option to assist with recognizing thoughts and feelings. Both of these tools will help you understand yourself better and be better equipped to bounce back from any future slip ups.



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Paula - March 3, 2017 Reply

Hello Allan!
You are such a kind person. I love listening to your podcast, its an inspiration. The words you choose are so gentle, as you say, forgiving. Thank you for that!

Glenn - March 4, 2017 Reply

Great content with good common sense stuff often missing from the popular “instagram” type fitness leaders.
Keep up the good work

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