February 5, 2018

Healing chinese medicine with Ellen Goldsmith

The 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health-conscious people like runners, cyclist, and weightlifters get lower rates on their life insurance. Go to healthiq.com/40plus to support the show and see if you qualify.

Ellen Goldsmith is the author of Nutritional Healing with Chinese Medicine, a book that discusses the basic ideas of Chinese medicine and how one can apply these ideas in his own life to promote healing through food.

Chinese medicine evolved out of human beings’ observation of nature. It is based on the idea that what is happening outside the body can also happen inside the body. The interaction of the two creates a holistic system where everything is connected. One important belief is that we all come into the world with Chi, the potential behind energy. How we nurture the Chi and adapt to our own condition and elements outside the body are what counts. We can identify any disharmony and determine what needs to be put back in the system to restore balance.

Ellen discusses the importance of the various seasons with Chinese medicine. She explains that the unique flavors of each season help us participate in the activity of the season. During the last three weeks of a season, Ellen recommends eating simple foods and a balanced diet. This helps the digestive system prepare to transition to the next season.

Chinese medicine has specific views when it comes to treating certain medical conditions. Some, such as high cholesterol, are viewed as excess conditions that need to be cleared out. To accomplish this, certain foods must be eliminated from the diet. Similarly, women who experience PMS and painful menses should eliminate foods that are congesting to the liver 7 to 10 days prior to the start of their period. These foods can include fatty foods and baked goods. Ellen recommends resisting cravings and eating a lot of dark, leafy greens. Acupuncture treatment can also be beneficial. Acupuncturists are also a good source for quality Chinese herbs, which can also have health benefits.

To connect with Ellen Goldsmith, email her at elleng@pearlnaturalhealth.com. Nutritional Healing with Chinese Medicine is available for purchase on Amazon.


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Atkins eat right not less with Colette Heimowitz

The 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health-conscious people like runners, cyclist, and weightlifters get lower rates on their life insurance. Go to healthiq.com/40plus to support the show and see if you qualify.

In Atkins Eat Right Not Less, Colette Heimowitz brings us a new view of Atkins. Being familiar with the low carb high fat (LCHF) way of eating, I thought I knew what Atkins was all about.  I was not fully on board with Atkins because of their view on protein.  But Colette presents a much better balance of macros in the plans she presents.

Atkins plans

The book presents three different plans (20, 40, and 100).  Each of these levels is based on the net carbs allowed,  Reducing the carbs requires you to up your fat consumption and have a moderate amount of protein.  The plans do not require calorie counting, which is a sticking point for many people trying to lose weight.

Why vegetables matter

Atkins focuses on net carbs.  This allows you to eat plenty of vegetables.  In fact, Colette really pushes vegetables as a requirement of the plans.

The program focused on foundation vegetables, which are low glycemic and high in fiber.  White potatoes have the same sugar effect as a candy bar.  High glycemic vegetables give you the same blood sugar surge.  Including foundation vegetables with your meals allows you to get the nutrition you need and feel full.

Smart shopping strategies

The grocery store is a carb pushing machine.  Being smart about how you shop can save your weight loss journey.  Colette shared a few of her strategies for smart shopping:

  • Don't go hungry
  • Have a plan
  • Go on days when you'll be able to prepare your meals
  • Shop the periphery of the store

Allan also recommends that you use your local farmers' market and don't be afraid to ask the manager of your grocery store to carry higher quality foods.

The recipes

There are many excellent recipes in the book that you'll enjoy as you follow the Akins Diet.

Find Collette

You can learn more about the Atkins Diet and Colette at Atkins.com and you can get Atkins Eat Right Not Less.

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Self-Discipline with Natalie Wise

The 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people like runners, cyclist, and weightlifters get lower rates on their life insurance. Go to healthiq.com/40plus to support the show and see if you qualify.

Natalie Wise is the author of a new book entitled The Self-Discipline Handbook, a guide to building self-discipline and achieving one’s goals through self-exploration.

The Oxford Dictionary describes self-discipline as, “the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.” As such, Natalie explains that there is no magic start date or age to begin. Every day is a new beginning.

In practicing self-discipline, curiosity is your superpower, as it continuously brings up the question of “what if”. When curious, you’ll keep going and gaining momentum. It creates opportunities to stay on track and feel like you’re doing something new and interesting.

Natalie explains the three types of motivation we experience:

1. Internal – The only motivation that we have control over; something we can cultivate. Heart motivation is all about your why.
2. External – Could easily lead astray because it is focused on the end result rather than who you are.
3. Muse – A random, gifted motivation that is usually short-lived.

In exercising self-discipline, Natalie explains that practicing patience is important. The following actions can help you remain patient:
1. Breathe – calms brain and nervous system
2. Shake it off – exercise and move your body; feel your physical being calm down
3. Change the channel – focus on something else to get through the slump
4. Talk to someone you love – science has proven it has a calming effect
5. Laugh
6. Know when to keep going and when to quit
7. If all else fails, clean – it changes the channel in your mind and allows you to accomplish something

For more information about The Self-Discipline Handbook or to connect with Natalie Wise, visit http://www.nataliewise.com or @goodgirlstyle on Instagram.


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Self-discipline and failure with William Ferraiolo

January 15, 2018

Diet for the Mind with Dr. Martha Clare Morris

The 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people like runners, cyclist, and weightlifters get lower rates on their life insurance. Go to healthiq.com/40plus to support the show and see if you qualify.

Dr. Martha Clare Morris is the creator of the MIND diet and has written a new book entitled Diet for the Mind that details what one should eat to prevent a decline in cognitive ability.

Dr. Morris explains that Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that affects one’s ability to function in life. It is a progressive disease that is characterized by memory loss plus the loss of one other cognitive function.

In creating the MIND diet, Dr. Morris evaluated scientific literature on the brain and nutrition and included core components of both the Mediterranean and DASH diets, as both have been shown to yield strong cardiovascular benefits.

Major components of the MIND diet include:

  • Green leafy vegetables – consumed almost daily along with one other vegetable daily
  • 2 to 5 servings of berries per week and other fruits to your liking
  • At least 1 seafood meal per week
  • Reduce fried food, sweets and pastries, and limit use of butter

Dr. Morris explains that diet and exercise are the primary driving forces for chronic diseases associated with aging. Apart from maintaining proper nutrition, there are other principles to incorporate into one’s lifestyle that can help to prevent or slow the progression of dementia. These include stimulating the brain by challenging one’s self cognitively to build the cognitive reserve and maintaining a positive outlook on life.

More randomized trials are needed to confirm the relation between sleep and a reduced risk. However, sleep appears to be a time of regeneration in the brain when bad proteins are removed.

Diet for the Mind contains more than 80 recipes and is currently available for purchase on Amazon.


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FODMAP for gut health with Mollie Tunitsky

Fix my knee with George Demirakos

The 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people like runners, cyclist, and weightlifters get lower rates on their life insurance. Go to healthiq.com/40plus to support the show and see if you qualify.

George Demirakos is the author of Fix My Knee, a guide for preventing and healing injuries to the knees.

There are two types of injuries that can cause pain in the knees. George identifies these two types as traumatic and non-traumatic. Traumatic injuries are those that occur from a hit or fall, which can include sprains, or pulled ligaments, or strains, which are pulled muscles and/or tendons. Tendonitis, an irritation of the tendon, can also occur.

For those who like to run, George recommends warming up properly by jogging in place for 5 to 10 minutes. It is also important to stretch out the muscles by holding for about one minute each time. Some people prefer to run barefoot, which can be beneficial for knee health since more foot muscles are being used and strengthened as a result.

For those who like to lift weights, George explains the importance of using good form during lunges, deadlifts, squats, and hack squats to preserve knee health. The number one mistake made during squats is letting the knees fall in, which changes the body’s alignment, puts stress on the knees, and can cause injury. Having too little of an arch in the lower back and lowering to 90 degrees or less are two other common mistakes. With deadlifts, use one overhand and one underhand grip, which will help improve grip strength. With lunges, make sure your knee does not go past the front of your foot. In any exercise, it’s important to first get the proper form and then add more weight over time.

In regards to food and promoting knee health, fatty fish such as salmon and tuna are great options. Pineapples and papayas have enzymes that help with healing an injured tendon. Green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin D, which can reduce inflammation. Conversely, sugar is not recommended, as it can promote inflammation in the knee. Olive oil is preferred over other oils such as sunflower oil. Smoking and alcohol should also be avoided.

To learn more about Fix My Knee or to connect with George Demirakos, visit http://www.georgedemirakos.com.


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Not a born runner but that can change with Pete Magill

January 1, 2018

Keto with Maria and Craig Emmerich

The 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people like runners, cyclist, and weightlifters get lower rates on their life insurance. Go to healthiq.com/40plus to support the show and see if you qualify.

Maria and Craig Emmerich are the authors of a new book entitled Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet. As a guide to getting into ketosis for health, the book discusses the science behind how keto works and clarifies a lot of misinformation surrounding the ketogenic diet.

With ketosis, there are serious reasons to avoid alcohol. Maria and Craig explain that alcohol cannot be stored and must be burned off first before any other fuels. Therefore, any other fats and carbs consumed at that time go straight into storage. Alcohol also interferes with one’s hormones, specifically reducing testosterone.

Maria and Craig discuss the fat flux, where the body uses fat cells as a sort of gas tank to fuel the body. When one keeps his carb level low enough, the body is primarily burning fat for fuel and maintaining protein. The fat component, where fat is going in and out of fat cells, then becomes the one variable. Ideally, you will want more fat cells coming out than going in if you aim to lose weight and reduce diabetes. To achieve this, you must moderate your fat intake to where you are burning more fat, instead of simply chasing a ketone number. Exercise is also great for building healthy mitochondria which give you energy and burn fat.

There are three stages to becoming keto adapted. Mental clarity and reduced hunger occurs within the second phase, or four to six weeks into ketosis. This is when the body starts making more mitochondria to burn more fat for fuel. One’s energy level will also soar in this stage. In the third stage or after six months to a year in ketosis, one may still see metabolic improvements.

To connect with Maria and Craig Emmerich or for more information about Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet, visit http://www.mariamindbodyhealth.com and http://www.keto-adapted.com.

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Wellness Roadmap Part 5

This is part 5 of a 5-part Wellness Roadmap series.  You can find part 1 here.

What happens when you reach your health and fitness destination? Consider the acronym, CARG0:

Celebration – Take the time to look back at where you were and how far you have come. Celebrate your success and consider rewarding yourself.

Adjusting to your new normal – You’re looking and feeling healthier and people may make comments, both positive and potentially negative. Accept the new you.

Reset your GPS – You’ve achieved your initial vision. Don’t let that be the end. Shift your attention to what you’d like to achieve going forward and set your new vision (GPS).

GO – Take action and continue working to maintain and improve your health and fitness.

The end of one journey is the beginning of another. Health and fitness is no different. When you reach a goal, use CARGO to keep you looking toward what is on the horizon.

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