
Author Archives: julie

February 19, 2016

Mel goes from couch to infinity

Mel, a 54 year-old married, mother of two, has a very inspiring story of how she was able to go from couch to 5K and beyond. She has even run an ultra-marathon! However, Mel wasn’t always so active. At one point, Mel weighed 275 pounds and was very inactive. She was on medication and oxygen 24/7. After moving to Mississippi, she saw a new doctor who had started to wean her off her medications, when she suddenly went toxic. Though she was OK after that incident, she lost 30 pounds during the process. She soon started to wonder if she could lose even more weight.

Mel began taking action. She started cooking recipes from diabetic cookbooks. She joined a gym and began participating in water aerobics. After making these initial changes, Mel dropped 65 pounds and was feeling better than ever. However, she still looked ahead to what else she could accomplish.

Mel’s sister asked her to do a Couch to 5K, as she didn’t want to do it alone. Mel agreed and promised her sister she would complete the Couch to 5K. Though it was challenging, Mel recognizes that it was one of the best ways to learn to run. At that point, Mel caught the running bug. Four years later, Mel has stuck with it. She ran her first 5K, then a 12K, then a 10K, half-marathons, full marathons, and even an ultra-marathon, which is any distance past 26.2 miles.

With running and using My Fitness Pal, Mel has lost a total of 170 pounds. She now has her life back. Though she worked her way up to running ultra-marathons, Mel really credits that initial Couch to 5K as being the game changer for her. Her biggest tip includes having patience with yourself. Forgive yourself for the days in which you don’t eat well. The weight will not come off overnight. It’s going to take time. Have patience and persistence, and don’t get caught up in the gimmicks. Eat smart and move more. To connect with Mel, find her on My Fitness Pal as MelisRunning.



The tao of running | Gary Dudney


Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music

February 18, 2016

Should I take protein supplements post-workout?

Have you ever wondered if using protein supplements after a workout is necessary? Many professionals will advise that you should take in protein and carbohydrates during a critical feeding window after a workout. During this window, muscles are able to absorb the nutrition and put it to use.

A study that was featured in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in August 2013 examined this very dilemma. The study entitled, “Effects of Whey Proteins and Carbohydrates on the Efficiency of Resistance Training in Elderly People,” evaluated 141 men and women between the ages of 65 and 91 over a 12-week period. These people participated in resistance training three times per week. Some then consumed 20 grams of whey protein after their workout, while a control group did not.

So what happened? As it turns out, there was no real difference in the results of both groups. All participants gained strength and saw increases in muscle mass, but didn’t show a sizeable difference from the protein supplements.

The truth is, you don’t need a ton of protein. In fact, excess protein is converted to sugar in your blood. Then insulin kicks in and can lead to weight gain. Of course you need to ensure you’re getting enough protein, as it is a building block for building muscles, but be sure to avoid consuming too much.

Instead of opting for a protein shake, consider swapping it out with other foods that contain protein and have other nutritional benefits. Think about it more holistically. There’s also a cost factor involved with protein shakes and bars, as they can get a little pricey. They may be quick and convenient, but you are essentially paying for that convenience.

While elite athletes may see a small percentage difference in using these protein supplements, the rest of us may not find that they’re worthwhile. Focus on the larger picture and get nutrition from whole foods. You’ll feel healthier and you’ll likely safe a few bucks in the process.



Creatine 101

Understanding macros


Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music

February 12, 2016

Joel Boggess ReLaunches his health

Joel Boggess, the mastermind behind the wildly popular podcast ReLaunch, joins us today. Joel has an inspiring story to share that shows how he was able to relaunch health as a part of his life, like so many others are trying to do.

In his younger years, Joel was very interested in fitness. He actually worked his way through graduate school as personal trainer with 24 Hour Fitness. He soon found himself as the top producing personal trainer in the region. He enjoyed helping people realize their potential.

Over time, life got in the way. Joel got caught up in his responsibilities and lost touch with his love for fitness. By his mid 40s, he knew he needed to make a lifestyle change. At 5’5”, Joel weighed in at 223 pounds at his heaviest point.

One of the biggest decisions Joel made was to quit drinking. In his 40s, he recognized that he was drinking often and seeing the results in his waist line. While he still has an occasional drink, he has largely cut alcohol out of his life. Joel also began drinking more water and started going to the gym three or more times per week. After all of these changes, Joel is now down to 150 pounds.

Joel believes planning is essential to success. Create a plan that is disciplined and focused on your fitness goals.

  1. Regardless of your goal, make a decision and commitment. Promise yourself that you will see it through. Your goals have to be meaningful and real.
  2. Break the plan into manageable chunks. Be sure to put it together in a way that’s executable.
  3. Find the time in your schedule to put one foot in front of the other and take action.

Many people set unrealistic expectations that they can’t follow through with. Start small and get your momentum going. Soon enough you will have relaunched your health just as Joel Boggess was able to do.

Robin sets a stretch goal


Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music


February 11, 2016

Bone health with Dr. Susan Brown

Dr. Susan Brown is an acclaimed medical anthropologist, nutritionist, and author of Better Bones, Better Body. She has more than 20 years of experience in the area of bone health and is widely consulted with on many health issues. Today she is sharing a few ways to build and maintain bone health.

One of the keys in building and maintaining bone health is proper nutrition. In fact, there are 20 nutrients that are essential for bone health. You can find a complete list of these at www.betterbones.com. Most people will need to supplement, as it is difficult to get the proper amount in a typical diet. However, a diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and protein is a great start.

Most people have heard that milk is essential to creating healthy bones. While it is a factor, it has been proven that a higher dairy intake does not necessarily prevent fractures and may actually cause other problems such as hardening of arteries and development of kidney stones. It really takes a balance of all the nutrients.

Another key in building bone health is exercise. Building muscle will build bone. Activities that are great for building bone health including walking, perhaps with a weighted vest, and jumping or hopping. Exercises that build the back muscles are also great techniques to incorporate.

In addition to nutrition and exercise, reducing stress is another key to great bone health. Stress, cortisol, and adrenaline can damage bone. Introducing mindful exercises like yoga can prove to be helpful. This will put a load on the bones, while also reducing hormones of distress.

If your bone density is low, consider working with a physician or bone health center to uncover the causes of your bone loss. To connect directly with Dr. Susan Brown or to learn more about her bone health programs, visit www.betterbones.com.

The menopause solution | Dr. Stephanie Faubion

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

February 9, 2016

Ready to Rumble

This week, John and Tammy are ready to rumble. To this point, they’ve been persistent and shown patience, but now it’s time for progression. They’re charged with stretching what they’re capable of doing and experimenting with pushing those boundaries. They’ve built a good foundation, but now it’s time to build the house upon that foundation.

John’s approach will be to rebuild his athleticism. He will want to mix focus and play with added intensity. Both John and Tammy will reconnect with that competitive spirit, only this time they are competing against the John and Tammy of yesterday.

Last week was a busy week for Tammy and she did not have as much opportunity to practice focus and play. However in the afternoons, she had some down time and was able to do some squats and other physical activity. She even encouraged some of her coworkers to participate. Tammy used to be a dancer, so one approach that might work for her is to adopt some sort of dance in her workout routine—perhaps Zumba or watching dance routines from YouTube videos.

The changes that John and Tammy have been making are clear, as people are starting to notice a change in their physical appearance. This has helped to encourage Tammy’s sister to begin her own fitness program soon. Though John’s physical results appear to be more obvious than Tammy’s, she is not letting herself get discouraged. After all, they are both making progress and each person’s success is a success for them both as a couple.

John and Tammy are ready to rumble, as they are now focused on their progression. This week, they will find ways to add intensity to their workouts, while finding their inner beast.

Discussions about sleep

Do you have patience, persistence, and progression

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

February 5, 2016

Nelson finds crossfit

Nelson is a sports fanatic at heart. In high school, he played multiple sports and even went on to wrestle in college and internationally. After he got married, he moved to Minnesota to raise his family. In his 40s, he put on some weight, but was soon able to find the perfect fit for his fitness journey when he stumbled upon Crossfit.

After putting on some weight, he began looking for a way to get fit. He signed up to run half-marathons and was eventually running eight per summer. However, he started having pain in his hip that wouldn’t go away. At 52 years old, Nelson was told that he had arthritis in his hip and that the damage was so bad, he would need a hip replacement. He realized he would no longer be able to run half-marathons with the state of his hip and needed to find some other way to continue his fitness journey.

After stumbling upon his local Crossfit establishment, he decided to give it a try. He did his Crossfit baseline and was hooked. Nelson has been doing Crossfit now for a year and a half. Not only can he do deep squats, but his hip is feeling much better.

At first, however, he wasn’t able to do the prescribed weight on all of the Crossfit workouts. He was able to work through scaling, where he did the same workouts as the rest of the Crossfit participants, but with less weight or no weight until he was able to learn the correct form. He was able to reclaim his own inner athlete and continue his fitness growth and progression.

In addition to improving his health, Nelson has found a whole new group of friends in his Crossfit community. He considers this supportive community of participants and trainers as being like his second family. In the end, Nelson found Crossfit to be the perfect solution that matched his fitness desires and goals.


Why didn't I lose weight with crossfit?

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

February 4, 2016

Can I get a good workout with a Wii?

If you own a Nintendo Wii, you know it can be a very fun and enjoyable activity for the whole family. Did you know it also has a lot of great health benefits?

In fact, there have been several studies done on the health benefits of the Nintendo Wii. One such study was published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in February 2014. This study selected 22 people, with half classified as doing high intensity trained exercises and the other half classified as doing low intensity exercises. They all played four different games on the Wii, including boxing, tennis, cycling, and step. They also worked out on a traditional treadmill and stationary bike. The results on all of these modalities were then measured.

While the Wii was not as effective in building cardiovascular health as the bike and treadmill, the results were still pretty good, especially for the low intensity group. All participants reported the Wii workouts as being much more enjoyable than the bike or treadmill. Of the four Wii games used, boxing had the best results, yet tennis yielded the least results.

So are you wondering if you should get a Wii?

The first question to ask yourself is what are your goals? If improving cardiovascular health is important to you, what is something you will keep doing for the long-term? What do you find enjoyable? What will keep you engaged? If you’ve played sports in the past or enjoy playing sports, the Wii may be a good choice. Especially during the winter months, adding the Wii into the mix with your other cardio activities will keep things fresh and offer another opportunity for the whole family to get involved.

As kids, playing was the norm. As people get older, they tend to lose this sense of play. However, play needs to be part of your program. Make your fitness program dynamic and fun, perhaps through using the Nintendo Wii. To purchase a Nintendo Wii through our affiliate link, click here.


Nintendo Wii Console Black with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort




Nintendo Wii U Console 8GB Basic Set – White




Wii Fit U w/Wii Balance Board accessory and Fit Meter – Wii U
Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music


The value of play part 2

Play Golf Forever | Suzanne Clark