
Author Archives: allan

Your aging body can talk with Dr. Susan Levy

Dr. Susan Levy is a chiropractor and alternative health practitioner with more than 30 years of experience. She is also the author of the new book, Your Aging Body Can Talk, a guide to help people get in touch with their body’s inner knowingness, which can lead to greater happiness and health.

Dr. Levy speaks about the importance of preserving a youthful feeling and attitude as we go through the aging process, which allows us to be healthier and more comfortable. With this, she discusses the concept of ikigai, an Okinawan tradition that encourages everyone to discover their life’s purpose. Defining and refining one’s ikigai over time has many health benefits, as you are looking at your inherent purpose and self-worth, rather than looking at an outward reflection of accomplishments.

Being sedentary can cause negative effects on human beings. Research has shown the total body benefit of Tai chi includes diminishment of pain, improvement in one’s sense of well-being, and an increase in energy level and stamina, just to name a few. Yoga is good for flexibility and calming the self. Another option is Essentrics, which uses principles from yoga, ballet, and stretching. You can also simply walk with a purpose to stay active. Massage, chiropractic treatment, and acupuncture can also create greater alignment with one’s body.

Dr. Levy discusses her “Move It and Preserve It” basics:

1. Find what’s comfortable for you.
2. Minimize being sedentary.
3. Incorporate more purposeful movement in your daily life.
4. Have variety in your activities.

In regards to nutrition, Dr. Levy recommends including a variety of healthy foods, specifically those that are unprocessed with ingredients that you can recognize and pronounce. Organic and grass-fed options are great. Focus on fruits and vegetables. Use glass containers for food storage. Avoid all processed foods, sodas, tap water, and Styrofoam packaging.

To connect with Dr. Susan Levy or for more information about Your Aging Body Can Talk, visit http://www.yourbodycantalk.com.


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Manage your microbiome with Danielle Capalino

Danielle Capalino is a nutritionist specializing in digestive health and the author of a new book entitled The Microbiome Diet Plan.

Danielle describes the microbiome as a collection of mostly bacteria and other microorganisms that live all over us and inside of us. The bacteria inside our intestinal tract serves a variety of important functions including maintaining a healthy weight, maintaining the immune system, producing certain vitamins, and absorbing certain fibers.

Bacteria can be good for us and is vital for our health. However, antibiotics are given out like candy in this day and age, many times when we don’t need them. They do not discriminate and will kill both the good and bad bacteria alike.

Danielle discusses a few guidelines for managing your microbiome. These include:

1. Choose high fiber carbohydrates
2. Eat more plants
3. Eat fermented foods such as pickles and sauerkraut
4. Limit your meat intake
5. Avoid gluten, sugar, and food additives
6. Cultured dairy products are included
7. Consume alcohol in moderation

The six-week program to revitalizing your gut health is broken into two phases. Each phase lasts for three weeks. In both phases, the diet includes rich and fermented foods. However, in the first phase, no added sugar or meat are included. In the second phase, some honey, maple syrup, and meat is added back in.

Danielle recommends making the plan work for you. If you can follow the plan 80% of the time, you are still being successful. Try to use the principles in situations when you have to adjust.

The book includes a shopping list, lists of snacks, and a meal plan for each week. To connect with Danielle or to learn more about The Microbiome Diet Plan, visit www.daniellecapalino.com or reach out to her on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.


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Get a happy gut | Dr. Vincent Pedre

May 10, 2017

Dine safe with Nick Caturano

Nick Caturano is the creator behind the new Dine Safe app, an innovative and highly useful app that aims to make dining safer for those with food allergies or sensitivities.

The idea for the Dine Safe app began when Nick noticed an uptick of food allergies and intolerances while he was working in the restaurant industry. As a whole, the industry seemed to be scrambling to keep pace with these new demands. He knew there needed to be a more efficient way to manage the process. He then developed the idea for the Dine Safe app—an easy to use app that would allow users to select restaurants and menu selections based on the dietary preferences they enter into the app.

Additionally, restaurants have the ability to create an account, upload their menus, and tag each item with different characteristics or dietary preferences.

The app lists allergies and diet choices, including up to 33 allergens; however, restaurants only need to include at least the top eight allergens to join. Nutritional information is also tracked.

While there are other apps out there that help to provide information based on specific dietary preferences, the information provided is based on user reviews. The transparency of the Dine Safe app allows people to feel more comfortable, as they are getting the information straight from the restaurant itself.

Right now, both user and restaurant support is needed to increase usage and demand for the Dine Safe app to expand its reach. If you like the concept, talk to owners of local restaurants to help get them on board.

To download the Dine Safe app, search the Apple or Android store under Dine Safe. To connect with Nick, to learn more about the app, or for restaurants to create an account, visit the website at http://www.dinesafeapp.com.


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Running injury free using the run walk run method with Jeff Galloway

Jeff Galloway is a seasoned runner, running coach, and author. His book, The Run Walk Run Method, explains his revolutionary system that gives the body rest when it needs it while running, allowing it to become less fatigued and less prone to injury.

The Run Walk Run Method was created when Jeff first began his running store years ago. He taught a beginner’s class in running, in which none of the participants had run in at least five years. To keep them engaged in the program, he added walk breaks to their running. This group remarkably experienced no injuries, as the method allowed the body to adjust to the running motion and avoid injury.

Jeff encourages this technique not only for beginners, but also for seasoned runners during training and the races themselves. He explains that our bodies weren’t designed to run more than about 200 yards at a time. Using the technique not only helps to alleviate stress buildup, but also lessens progressive fatigue, which has been shown to improve running performance times.

For new runners, Jeff recommends determining why you want to run. For complete beginners, he suggests starting with a modest amount of running of no more than 15 to 20 seconds of running, followed by a walking segment of about a minute. This helps to erase the fatigue. For the first month, keep the run walk segments short as you increase the length of the total run walk run. Gradually work your way up to 30 minutes. Don’t rush it and don’t sprint the running segments.

To connect with Jeff or to learn more about The Run Walk Run Method, visit http://www.jeffgalloway.com.

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Diz Runs | Denny Krehe

April 28, 2017

Dealing with PCOS with Hillary Wright

Hillary Wright is a registered and licensed dietician, the Director of Nutrition Counseling for the Domar Center for Mind Body Health, and the author of The PCOS Diet Plan.

Hillary explains that PCOS is the most common hormonal disorder affecting women of reproductive age. The disorder is an endocrine problem that affects 5 to 18% of all women, and can cause an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, endometrial cancer, and infertility. It also affects one’s psychological health.

However, PCOS responds positively to healthy living. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can allow those with PCOS to better manage their condition by creating a body environment that feels better, promotes fertility, and reduces heart disease risk.

One way to live healthy with PCOS is through adopting a carbohydrate distributed diet. Hillary recommends identifying naturally occurring carbohydrates and spreading them out over the day. Emphasis should be placed on consuming quality carbs and being mindful of the quantity consumed at each sitting.

Hillary also shares her nine strategies for helping people deal with health and lifestyle change. These include:
1. Learn how your body works.
2. Try to avoid the “I’m a failure” syndrome.
3. Keep a food journal.
4. Don’t eat too much at night.
5. Accept that there’s some discomfort involved.
6. Focus on the positive.
7. Make losing weight a priority.
8. Manage your mindset and your expectations.
9. Don’t go it alone.

She also speaks about the importance of exercise for those with PCOS. She recommends the guidelines prescribed by the American College of Sports Medicine, which includes 150 minutes per week of moderate cardio activity, two or three strengthening activities per week, and incorporation of stretching and balance components.

To connect with Hillary Wright or to learn more about The PCOS Diet Plan, visit http://www.hillarywright.com or http://www.pcosdiet.com.

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An antidote for alzheimer's with Amy Berger

April 7, 2017

Pet health with Dr. and Mrs. Pitcairn

Dr. Richard Pitcairn and his wife Susan are authors of a popular pet health book called Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, a comprehensive resource for health-conscious pet owners.

Recently, new diagnoses have occurred in dogs and cats, which may be a result of the toxins and chemicals in our environment that are ingested by our pets. The Pitcairns explain that those at the top of the food chain, including humans, dogs, and cats, will consume the highest amounts of chemicals simply because they have consumed smaller animals who have also eaten toxins. This is one reason why a vegetarian or vegan diet is beneficial for both humans and pets. Though a vegan diet may be healthier and cleaner, some supplementation may be necessary, especially for cats.

The toxins in our environment and the products we use also find their way into our systems. Our bodies do not know how to process these toxins, so they are often stored as fat and can eventually cause health problems.

There are several steps to take to help prevent the ingestion of additional toxins. For example, keeping both your pet and environment clean can help remove toxins regularly. Choose safe and effective flea control methods and avoid chemical dips and treatments. Avoid over-vaccinating your pet, as there is limited research suggesting that yearly vaccinations are beneficial.

To purchase Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, visit Amazon.com. You can learn more about Richard, Susan, pet health, and vegan diets for pets through Susan’s YouTube channel.

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Dynamic Aging with Katy Bowman

Katy Bowman is a biomechanist and science communicator who is passionate about movement in our everyday lives and health. Her new book, Dynamic Aging, shares valuable lessons and exercises to help anyone who wants to improve their mobility and strength.

When it comes to mobility, one of the greatest fears involves falling. Katy explains that falls later in life can be impossible to recover from. Often times, people will remove obstacles in their home to reduce the likelihood of falls. However, Katy explains that it is important to stay strong enough to deal with these obstacles, as the whole world outside your home is not obstacle-free.

Balance is another important area of focus. To improve whole body movement, Katy suggests starting with your feet. Most fit and movement conscious people have not trained their feet, however there are basic exercises one can do to begin strengthening and mobilizing the feet.

Katy also explains that learning to move differently and changing movement patterns helps to align the body better, which leads to better health. Many perceive that the purpose of movement is simply to facilitate more movement. However, having the ability to move opens doors to experiences that a lack of movement otherwise closes. This changes how you relate to things or people. Movement is critical in adding years to your life and life to your years.

There are simple ways to add movement to your daily routine. Practice getting up from the floor. Opt to go in to the bank rather than using the drive thru. Consider parking further away from building entrances. Make activities walking-based. De-convenience some of your kitchen to increase your level of movement and stretching.

To connect with Katy or learn more about Dynamic Aging, visit www.nutritiousmovement.com.


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