
The scoop on ketosis with Jimmy Moore

Today we have an energetic discussion with Jimmy Moore, author of Keto Clarity. This is the second part of my earlier interview (Episode 18) with Jimmy.   In this episode, we will focus on the concept of nutritional ketosis as an important tool for fat loss.

Jimmy Moore is best known for his “Livin’ LaVida Low-Carb” blog and podcast.   In 2004, at 32 years of age and 410 pounds, Jimmy made the decision to take off the weight that was literally killing him. The time had come for a radical lifestyle change.   A year later, he had lost 180 pounds and shrunk his waistline by 20 inches. This phenomenal weight loss enabled him to come off prescription drugs for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and respiratory problems. This dramatic change sparked his dedication to helping others find the information they need to make the kind of lifestyle changes he has made.

Jimmy discussed ketosis as the process for letting your body become a fat burning machine rather than a sugar burning machine.   When you eat a lot of carbohydrates, your body is a sugar burner. In ketosis, you shift the body from a sugar burner over to a fat burner.   Choosing high quality sources of carbohydrates, such as non-starchy vegetables and green, leafy vegetables and some berries is part of the process. It is a balancing act, though, as too much protein will also inhibit the body’s ability to get into a ketogenic state.

Along with his blog and podcasts, Jimmy Moore is also the author of The Ketogenic Cookbook, Keto Clarity and Cholesterol Clarity. Learn more about ketosis, Jimmy Moore and his work at www.livinlavidalowcarb.com.

Understanding cholesterol with Jimmy Moore

Can fasting be a healthy solution for weight loss | Jimmy Moore

Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music

Meet my clients John and Tammy

In this episode of the 40+ Fitness podcast, we meet two Forever Fitness clients, John and Tammy to talk about committing to health and fitness.

Tammy and Allan discuss the nature of a commitment to health and fitness, relating to the same emotional and life-long commitment you make to your spouse (John and Tammy were recently married). However, the health and fitness commitment is not something that you should not do for your spouse, or anyone else. It is an expression of true self-love. A commitment to health and fitness is personal.

Allan believes that making a verbal commitment to oneself is important. Allan suggests Tammy and John write his or her vows read them and feel them from the heart.

Tammy was very uncomfortable saying she wanted to look better. Allan points out that when you take care of yourself and your body is healthy inside and out, you already look better. One can’t look better unless he or she is healthy. Tammy finally clearly and confidently says she does want to be healthy and proud.

John goes next. He is inspired to push hard for reaching his health and fitness goals. He is ready to make this commitment loudly and clearly. John wants to have a long healthy life, which is why he agreed to work with Allan.

If you want more information about working with Allan, go to Forever Fitness.


John and Tammy commit to health and fitness

Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music

January 4, 2016

The fountain of life – water

While everybody knows water is essential, most people make no effort to ensure they're getting enough water daily. Three-quarters of the earth is covered with water. Nearly as much of the human body is water as well.

We can go a month or even more without food but you can only go a few days without water. Water is that important. We get some of the water we need from the foods we eat.  As a consequence, when you feel hungry, you may actually be thirsty.  For that reason, I usually recommend to my clients that they drink water when they feel hungry and wait 15 minutes to see if the hunger fades.

Now, let's get into some of the biology of water and what it does for us.


When we work a muscle, the muscle draws in water to aid in the repair.  The water is valuable for flushing out toxins created by the workout.  That’s why it’s recommended you take enough water after a good heavy workout.


A vast majority of the water we take goes to our most critical organs like kidneys, the brain, and the liver. If you are not enough water, the functions of those critical organs will be interrupted. In your weight-loss process, you need to ensure you take in enough water to help your liver and kidneys can handle the toxins being released from the stored fat.


I recommend you drink 60-100 ounces of water every day.

How alcohol affects health and fitness

Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music


January 1, 2016

Julie gets fit

Julie gets fitIn this episode, Julie shares her journey to fitness from fat to fit. Approaching her forties; a sedentary desk job and a love for food had put her at the lower end of obese.

To get fit she joined My Fitness Pal, where she learned to track calories.  At the beginning, she maintained a daily allowance of 1200 calories. She also took up walking to burn off extra calories.

Then she discovered resistance training, also called weight or strength training. This training:

  • Body recomposition
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Burns fat
  • Affects bone density, thereby prevents/delays osteoporosis; and
  • Develops the upper body strength.

She signed on to women’s 5×5 weight lifting community. She bought herself a bench press from the Dicks Sporting Goods. She watched the videos on the lifts and learned the 5×5 Stronglifts Program.

For the starters, Julie recommends:

  • Watching the videos to ensure you understand the form
  • Getting comfortable and well acquainted with the equipment and the exercise
  • Doing the research
  • Being patient with the injuries
  • Dedication

To learn form:

  • Start with the broomstick or no weight if necessary.
  • Work in front of a full-length mirror and practice the motions of a lift.
  • You can also videotape yourself for review.
  • Start small, then progress (low weight or studio bar of 5 then 10 pounds).

She found that once she started lifting weights her calorie allowance increased so she could indulge herself while maintaining a deficit. She kept track of her calorie intake every day since last 3 years and is in great shape.

Julie’s transformation set her on a path not unlike Allan’s. She is working towards a personal trainer certificate and plans to work with older adults.

Hope Julie gets fit has inspired you towards your own fitness plan. Get in touch with at her blog – https://musingsfromaworkaholic.com/.

Patterns of success in weight loss

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

How alcohol affects health and fitness

In this science episode, we discuss alcohol. It’s a topic that comes quite often when I deal with my clients. They ask whether they can consume alcohol in their health and fitness journey. The answer, that isn't really an answer for this question is “it depends.”

A March 2013 study found that the chronic alcohol consumption reduces testosterone and increases cholesterol, both of which are not good for muscle growth and muscle retention. Therefore, chronic use of alcohol is not recommended. Moderate alcohol consumption may be okay. But you need to understand what is moderate. Just to give you a number, something less than 7 drinks a week should be okay.

There are other studies that may help you set your strategy. A March 2015 study on “Alcohol, Obesity and Loss of Strength” found alcohol use reduces our strength. Another 2015 study on “the lifestyle factors in associated with successful weight-loss” found that losing weight is co-related with a healthier lifestyle which includes drinking less alcohol.

After seeing results like this, it may seem like it is best to quit drinking entirely. But that may not be practical. So, the goal should be to build healthy habits that we can keep over time. Gradual changes of habits are more sustainable, which will lead to a healthier lifestyle.

So, an individual needs to determine what is going to work for him or her. One perfect way to deal with alcohol is treating it like sugar. Sugar is one of the things that create fat in our body. Alcohol works almost exactly the same way.

Links for further reading:

Nutrition and Metabolism Article

Springer Article 

T and F Online

Now you are better informed of how you should deal with alcohol in your health and fitness journey.

The fountain of life – water

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Understanding cholesterol with Jimmy Moore

Let’s talk cholesterol!   Jimmy Moore, author of Cholesterol Clarity, is our special guest today.   Ever wonder what all those cholesterol numbers actually mean?   We’ll talk with Jimmy Moore all about his thinking on cholesterol.

Jimmy Moore is best known for his “Livin’ LaVida Low-Carb” blog and podcast.   In 2004, at 32 years of age and 410 pounds, Jimmy made the decision to take off the weight that was literally killing him. The time had come for a radical lifestyle change.   A year later, he lost 180 pounds and shrunk his waistline by 20 inches. This phenomenal weight loss enabled him to come off prescription drugs for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and respiratory problems. His dramatic change sparked his dedication to helping others find the information they need to make the kind of lifestyle changes he has made.

Our bodies make cholesterol and it is an essential element in our body. How does our nutrition affect cholesterol? What do all of the numbers on the lipids panel mean for our health?   Jimmy discusses the elements of the lipids panel test, inflammation, and other tests that should be discussed and explored with your physician.

Along with his blog and podcasts, Jimmy Moore is also the author of The Ketogenic Cookbook, Keto Clarity and Cholesterol Clarity. Learn more about Jimmy Moore and his work at www.livinlavidalowcarb.com.

The scoop on ketosis with Jimmy Moore

Can fasting be a healthy solution for weight loss | Jimmy Moore

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

December 29, 2015

Emotional roadblocks in health and fitness | Ellen Shuman

Ellen Shuman is an emotional eating recovery coach who specializes in removing emotional barriers to achieving health goals. Her work focuses on teaching emotional regulation tools to those who have trouble being present and following through.

Sometimes people experience emotional roadblocks that threaten to derail their progress in achieving their health and fitness goals. This issue is not simply a case of laziness. Conversely, many people who experience these roadblocks are hypervigilant in other areas of their lives.

The issue is more often about having the ability to tolerate moments in one’s life—feelings, tasks, disappointments, stress. When these roadblocks are not well-tolerated, there can be difficulty in following through with an exercise routine. When people experience these problems, they feel the need to distract themselves from the present moment. And exercise is actually a totally mindful act—one in which the participant must be fully present. The resistance comes from the desire to disconnect. They don’t want to be mindful, and that desire is stronger than the desire to follow through on their health goals.

So how can people overcome these roadblocks and this desire to disconnect?

Get connected first thing in the morning

Make your bed. Adopt a meditation routine. Take a simple action that will make you feel a sense of accomplishment, which will turn on your mindfulness switch for the day.

Do a daily self-check on goals

Use PENSO: physical intention, emotional intention, nutritional intention, spiritual or social intention, and outstanding/other/opportunity. Address each area once per day.

Feel competent and confident

Feel confident that you can create the day you want to create.

The need to go mindless dissipates when you are mindful. If you are willing to tolerate being in the present moment and live mindfully, it will increase your possibility of following through.

Want to learn more about Ellen Shuman and removing emotional roadblocks? Learn more at www.aweighout.com or join her free telephone seminar on Sundays at 4pm ET. You can also reach her directly at (513) 321-4242 for a free assessment for coaching.


Habits and failure

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music