
Meet my clients John and Tammy

In this episode of the 40+ Fitness podcast, we meet two Forever Fitness clients, John and Tammy to talk about committing to health and fitness.

Tammy and Allan discuss the nature of a commitment to health and fitness, relating to the same emotional and life-long commitment you make to your spouse (John and Tammy were recently married). However, the health and fitness commitment is not something that you should not do for your spouse, or anyone else. It is an expression of true self-love. A commitment to health and fitness is personal.

Allan believes that making a verbal commitment to oneself is important. Allan suggests Tammy and John write his or her vows read them and feel them from the heart.

Tammy was very uncomfortable saying she wanted to look better. Allan points out that when you take care of yourself and your body is healthy inside and out, you already look better. One can’t look better unless he or she is healthy. Tammy finally clearly and confidently says she does want to be healthy and proud.

John goes next. He is inspired to push hard for reaching his health and fitness goals. He is ready to make this commitment loudly and clearly. John wants to have a long healthy life, which is why he agreed to work with Allan.

If you want more information about working with Allan, go to Forever Fitness.


John and Tammy commit to health and fitness

Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music

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