
Author Archives: julie

January 30, 2017

Using the telomere effect for better health with Dr. Elissa Epel

Dr. Elissa Epel is a renowned health psychologist and the director of University of California San Francisco’s Aging, Metabolism, and Emotion Center. She is also the co-author of a new book entitled The Telomere Effect. The Telomere Effect examines the role of telomeres in the aging process and provides information on how we can protect these telomeres and improve our quality of life.

Dr. Epel explains that all of our cells contain telomeres, which act as protectors to our genes. Over time, our telomeres are exposed to a sensitive chemical environment. This can cause telomeres to shorten, possibly leading to aging and disease. Rates of aging differ by the individual, as it based on our varying chemical makeup and lifestyles. We can slow the aging process by making positive lifestyle changes, which help to maintain or possibly extend telomere length.

One factor that can cause us to age faster is chronic stress. A threat stress response, which involves feeling that our physical self is at risk or in danger, is linked to a greater stress response with cortisol and inflammation. The key to altering this is through awareness of our stress and changing our response. Meditation helps people become observers of their thoughts. They are more equipped to be at peace and go with the flow.

Other factors within our body that can harm us include inflammation, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance. We can help to remedy these threats by exercising and eating whole, unprocessed foods and a vegetable heavy diet. The key is to make small changes that will add up over the years, making an overall difference in your cellular health and aging.

The Telomere Effect contains vital information and an action guide based on data from scientific studies. To learn more or take the Stress Response Quiz, visit http://www.amecenter.ucsf.edu/telomere-effect-book-release/.


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Aging well with Dr. Mark Williams

January 20, 2017

Invincible Living with Guru Jagat

Guru Jagat is the author of a fascinating new book entitled Invincible Living, which presents practical applications of Kundalini yoga in everyday life. Guru Jagat believes that everyone can practice these yoga techniques, as there should be no barrier to entry. Everyone wants to feel better and have more energy, and can do so through learning these practices.

Guru Jagat explains that Kundalini yoga emphasizes the idea that we all have a deep supply of energy, intelligence, and creativity within us. The practices detailed in the book provide examples of ways that we can access this wealth of energy.

One specific part of your life that can be improved through these practices is sleep, an area with which many people struggle. If you deal with insomnia, a breathing meditation called Satanama may help you unwind to go to sleep or improve your ability to fall back asleep upon waking up. This breathing exercise ties into parasympathetic nervous system, which allows your body to prepare for sleep.

Guru Jagat also discusses the importance of a power nap on an 11-minute cycle, as it provides complete refreshment. This can be especially useful for women, who may benefit more from shorter naps. She recommends setting a timer, lying down on your back, and breathing deeply to let your system recalibrate.

Another important exercise is the healthy, happy, holy meditation. This practice aims to put a positive resonance into our psyche by replacing negative talk and self-criticism. This involves inhaling through the nose, holding your breath, and repeating, “Healthy am I, happy am I, holy am I” three times. Focus on the positive, connect with your breathing, and release the negativity.

Invincible Living will help you incorporate these simple practices into your routine to improve your life. To learn more, visit www.gurujagat.com.




Another episode you may enjoy:

Should I do yoga? | Julie Zuzek

The three monkey experiment

monkey experimentIn a widely known monkey experiment, three monkeys were put into a room with only a pole to climb and bananas at the top. The first monkey who attempted to climb the pole was sprayed with water, causing him to climb down. As other monkeys tried the same, the others learned to dissuade those who attempted to climb the pole. Even as new monkeys were introduced, the behavior to prevent others from climbing the pole had been learned.

Do you think this monkey experiment relates to human behavior?  Well, yes, it does.  Check out this experiment:

Both the monkey experiment and the waiting room experiment display a concept called conformity.

So, how does this relate to our health and fitness? The example speaks not only to peer pressure, but also the concept that if we don’t fully understand something, we may have preconceived notions for why we’re acting a certain way.

In the context of our health and fitness, we may not always agree with everyone’s viewpoint, but it’s always worth a listen. You may begin thinking about concepts differently. After all, no one paradigm will work perfectly for everyone. It’s simply a matter of finding what works best for you.

In 2017, think about why you are making certain health decisions. Are your decisions influenced by peer pressure or are they backed up by science? If you really want to fix a bad habit, you need to understand your triggers and why you’re feeling a certain way or why you do what you do.

Focus on educating yourself about your health and fitness. Apply what you learn and put yourself in a better position to achieve results through making smarter decisions. A strong mind game will get you to the finish line.

Keto tastes great with Maria Emmerich

Maria Emmerich is a nutritionist and best-selling author whose new book, The 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse, includes both ketogenic information and recipes. She emphasizes a well-formulated ketogenic diet, and believes that if people try it for 30 days, they will feel amazing and will love the food.

Maria explains that ketosis is the process of transforming from a sugar burner to a fat burner through consuming moderate amounts of protein, healthy fats, and limiting carbohydrates. Making this transition will involve a sort of carbohydrate withdrawal for those who previously consumed a standard American diet. To manage this, Maria recommends ensuring appropriate hydration and possibly adding some salt to the diet, as our bodies will be lacking water and electrolytes. Simply find the right balance of all key nutrients.

Cutting out dairy products is also important, as it can cause allergies and raise blood sugar which can keep people from achieving their health goals. An overfeeding day is recommended once per week on the ketogenic diet. Consider boosting your calorie intake that day to 3,000, as this will trick the thyroid. Intermittent fasting is a natural state with ketosis, as it is a natural side effect of being satisfied. Mental clarity has also been associated with being in these fasted states.

Maria also recommends a detox from bad estrogens. Consistent alcohol consumption can cause estrogen dominance and may lead to restless sleep or anxiety. Chemicals in our makeup, lotions, and toiletries are also causing increased estrogen levels. These products should be avoided altogether to prevent the ingestion of these toxins which cannot be digested or eliminated properly.

To connect with Maria Emmerich or learn more about The 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse, visit www.mariamindbodyhealth.com.

Another episode about ketosis you may enjoy

The scoop on ketosis with Jimmy Moore

January 11, 2017

Forever painless with Miranda Esmonde-White

Miranda Esmonde-White is the author of Forever Painless, a new book that shows readers how to heal their bodies and live without pain. To live long, healthy lives, Miranda explains that we must do things differently than when we were younger. Mobility is a large component of this program.

One of the main reasons why people lack mobility is because they are experiencing chronic pain. Chronic pain is any pain that lasts more than three months. This has to do with the mechanical system of our bodies, which includes our bones, muscles, and connective tissue. When these components are out of balance, we will experience pain as a message that our bodies need a realignment. Though these issues can be fixed, many people will ignore the pain, which can be detrimental.

Miranda explains that reintroducing mobility through gentle movements is key. Our bodies are designed to move. When we stop, our connective tissue begins to harden, leaving us feeling stiff. By moving gently, the connective tissue won’t tear. Essentrics is an exercise program that emphasizes this style of movement, enabling the body to be fully mobile while rebalancing and realigning all 650 muscles.

The human body is self-healing machine, but we need to know how to trigger it to self-heal.

Gentle movements will allow the body to regain mobility and reduce pain. If the body is not in pain, it can strengthen and move freely. However, if the body is in pain, protective mechanisms will prevent you from gaining and may even cause damage. To connect with Miranda Esmonde-White, purchase Forever Painless, or learn more about Essentrics, visit www.essentrics.com.

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Yoga's Healing Power | Ally Hamilton

January 9, 2017

Essentials of strength training

Strength training is an essential component of improving your health and fitness. Unfortunately, many people shy away from strength training because they are intimidated by the weights or they fear that they will become big and bulky.

However, you can do strength training by using your own body weight. This may take more creativity than using traditional weights. Though it may not make you as strong, it is still an appropriate alternative.

So, how do we get stronger? In order for our muscles to grow, they need:

  1. A challenge – Use weights or body weight as something to push the muscle past what is comfortable. Move through a full range of motion and focus on heavier weights with fewer reps and sets.
  2. Food – Be sure to eat a healthy diet, including protein and some carbs after a workout.
  3. Rest – Allow enough time for the muscle to rest between sets and workouts. When lifting heavier weights, allow two to three minutes between sets. After strenuous workouts, allow 72 hours for your body to recover before beginning again.

As you do your workout, you may find some weak areas throughout your range of motion. Consider doing partial reps to work on that specific area of struggle, perhaps using bands or chains to create resistance.

In order to build strength, you must lift heavy things consistently. Follow this lifting by feeding and rest, then repeat the cycle. Always be sure to use good form and keep safety in mind. Strength training allows you to work your way up to better strength over time.

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Body by science | Dr. Doug McGuff

January 4, 2017

Your cholesterol matters with Dr. Richard Furman

Dr. Richard Furman is a retired vascular surgeon and the author of the new book, Your Cholesterol Matters.

Dr. Furman explains that our total cholesterol is made up of LDL, bad cholesterol, and HDL, good cholesterol. If we’re not doing something about the high levels of LDL in our blood, this will negatively impact our arteries and our overall quality of life. This is because LDL acts as tiny splinters that get into the walls of arteries. On the other hand, HDL acts as a small police car that travels through arteries and plucks out and disposes of the LDL. Ideally, one would have a total cholesterol below 200, with LDL being below 100 and HDL being above 50.

If you’re trying to reach ideal cholesterol numbers, you should first try to reduce LDL through eating healthy. Medical literature has shown that there are bad fats that cause damage to arteries through LDL found in red meats, dairy, and fried foods. Studies show that if you cut out bad fats, but substitute sugar for those bad fats, that also hurts your arteries. Instead, you must substitute bad fats with good fats, such as fish, nuts, and olive oil.

In addition to reducing LDL, you can also increase HDL levels. This is achieved through losing weight if you are overweight and exercising regularly. These activities, when combined with eating an appropriate diet, will help to bring your cholesterol numbers into the ideal range.

The more you know about managing your cholesterol, the easier it is to adopt the lifestyle that will add years and quality to your life. To connect with Dr. Furman, you can email him at dfurman@samaritan.org.

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