
Tag Archives for " run "

March 26, 2018

Running Rewired with Jay Dicharry

Jay Dicharry, the author of Running Rewired, is board- certified Sports Clinical Specialist.  He focuses on running biomechanics.  Beyond therapy, he seeks to correct the muscle imbalances that lead many runners to injury.

What really happens when you run

When we run, we are putting the body through a high amount of stress.  The forces on the body can exceed 2 1/2 times our body weight.  For an overweight runner, this can make running not only difficult but dangerous.

Core stability

One of the main areas that cause running injuries is a weak core.  But the fix is not just about doing crunches or planks.  You should look at your core as if were an aluminum can.  A can will support a great deal of weight.  However, if you make a small dent in the side, and the can collapses.  This is why it is critical to ensure the full musculature of the core is strong, balanced, and stable.

Sponsor:  This episode of the 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Company.  They are offering you a $39 bottle of their high quality, fresh-pressed olive oil for only $1.   Go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/oliveoil to learn more.

Quads vs Glutes

Your running correlates with the way you move.  If you squat and you find that you squat more forward, you're using your quads too much.  If you squat more toward the back, then you may be glute dominant.  You can do an exercise of squatting down and at the bottom position, oscillate forward and backward to feel how to activate both.  The more you can use your glutes (the stronger muscles), the more powerful your running will be.

Muscular endurance, strength, and mass

Most runners don't want to lift weights because they don't want to add too much mass.  But there are ways to use weights to improve your running.  To improve your running economy, you want to be able to put more force down on the ground in a shorter period of time.  That requires heavier loads with squats, deadlifts.  Plyometrics and powerlifting are very effective tools to improve your running.  You won't gain much weight as you'll still be running and sarcopenia will keep you from putting on too much muscle.

You can learn more about Jay Dicharry and Running Rewired at LINK.

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Diz Runs | Denny Krehe



March 19, 2018

Run strong and stay hungry with Jonathan Beverly

This episode is sponsored by Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil.  You can get a $39 bottle of this wonder tasting olive oil at 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/olive-oil.

Jonathan Beverly is the author of Run Strong, Stay Hungry, a collection of tips and wisdom from veteran runners who are still running after many years.

The book includes nine principles that would keep someone engaged in running over the years. Surprisingly, only three are physiological and six are psychological. A few include:

  1. Consistency – Injuries can occur when you are inconsistent. Running regularly makes you strong. Being consistent helps to build habits, which make it easier to get out and run. Be sure to take time to rest and recover. Consider using rest days to do some other sort of physical activity.
  2. Humility and Hunger – The joy of running or training is not in the accolades, but rather seeing continuous improvement. You are not defined solely by where you start in your running journey. Seeing your personal progression over time and striving to reach the next goal is another factor that keeps runners engaged long-term.
  3. Stay Connected – Instead of just running, consider serving as a coach, volunteer or running writer. This removes you from just thinking about your own progress and you can see other people’s goals and obstacles. You can then apply this perspective back to yourself. If you become unable to run for some reason, you are able to stay involved in these roles.

To connect with Jonathan Beverly or to learn more about Run Strong, Stay Hungry, visit http://www.jonathanbeverly.com.


Another episode you may enjoy

Not a born runner but that can change with Pete Magill

April 19, 2017

Run forever with Bill Pierce and Scott Murr

Bill Pierce and Scott Murr are not only friends who have been running together for 35 years, but they are also founders of the Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training and authors of the new book entitled, Runner’s World: Train Smart, Run Forever.

This new book details how one can become a lifelong runner. Starting a running program or maintaining a runner’s lifestyle can become more difficult over the age of 40. This is partly because we simply cannot train the way we did in our younger years. In addition, connective tissue becomes more rigid with age, which can restrict range of motion and lead to injury. Yet most runners over 40 have the same goal—to be a lifetime runner because it is a central part of their life.

To reach this goal, Bill and Scott discuss several steps that runners can take to make this goal a reality. These include:

  1. Incorporate cross-training, which can keep you fit and active, while also improving your range of motion.
  2. Add strength training to your routine. This helps to maintain muscle mass, which may help you to run faster.
  3. Be sure to stretch, as doing so affects range of motion, which is the foundation of performance.
  4. Add more recovery time in between workouts and hard runs.
  5. Set realistic goals.

To be a healthy, productive runner, Bill and Scott offer these tips:

  1. Make your running fun.
  2. Incorporate variety.
  3. Be consistent.

To connect with Bill and Scott or learn more about their programs and their book, Runner’s World Train Smart, Run Forever, visit http://www.furmanfirst.com.


Another episode you may enjoy

Diz Runs | Denny Krehe

Not a born runner but that can change with Pete Magill

Even if you're not a born runner, you'll get something special from Pete Magill, the author of Born Again Runner. As an overworked script writer, Pete found himself in the hospital when he collapsed one evening. The alcohol, drugs and smoking were killing him. He turned to running as a way to fix himself.

It wasn't all success, but he stuck with it and is not a world-class runner for his age group. In Born Again Runner, he lays out a way for you to see your version of success as a runner.

The 12 born again runner principles

  1. The past is the past –  While you may have failed in the past, that is the past.
  2. Walk before you run – You may not be able to run at first, but if you will gradually progress, your body will adapt.  Your nervous system adapts faster than your muscles.  You need to let all the systems adapt before you progress.
  3. Keep it simple – It doesn't have to be a special day to start.  No need to make it an event, just find a safe, flat, location where you're not far from the start.
  4. Shirt, shorts, shoes – No need to go out and buy a lot of expensive things.  There will be plenty of time to pick up equipment as you need it.
  5. Train with the body you have – You come in your own shape, size, gender, and fitness background.  You'll need to discover a running style and program that works for you.  We are all an experiment of one.
  6. It’s recovery stupid – We only get fit when we're recovering from the work we've done.  The cliche, “No pain, no gain” is wrong.
  7. The only opinion that matters is your own – Don't let other people discourage you from training.  Not being a born runner doesn't mean you shouldn't go for it.
  8. No rain checks unless it's raining – There are going to be days we don't want to run or can't run.  Don't run on days when it isn't good to run (excessive heat, when you're injured, or a can't miss event), but don't miss because you just don't feel like it.  It is too easy to make missing a habit and you risk losing your fitness gains.  Have a contingency plan.
  9. Dieting can wait (and so can everything else) – It is already hard enough to build fitness and get proper recovery.  This is not a time to restrict your food.  Focus on one goal at a time.
  10. Slower is faster – You many not be a born runner, but it is critical that you keep your ego in check.  Build slowly.  The fastest way to be a good runner is to go slowly.
  11. It’s gotta be fun – If you don't enjoy your running, you won't keep doing it.  Find a friend or group to train with.  Find online runners forums to connect with other runners.
  12. Know you’ll succeed – This is the most important principle.  While you may not be a born runner, you will succeed.  You know you have a plan.  You know you're doing the right things to stay injury free.  You expect to change your body through training and recovery.

Most runners will experience injuries at some time.  Pete has organized preventive exercises for each of the common running-related injuries.  An injury will keep you from running, which will impede your progress.  Avoiding injuries should always be top of mind before, during and after your runs.

Born Again Runner Links


Pete Magill

The tao of running | Gary Dudney

September 12, 2016

You Can Run Pain Free | Brad Beer

In this episode, we meet Brad Beer, the author of You Can Run Pain Free.  Brad Beer is a physiotherapist in Gold Coast, Austrailia.  He works with professional athletes and Olympians, along with everyday runners (or wannabe runners) to help them pursue their sports without pain or injury.

What are the benefits of running?

  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Increased longevity
  • Lower risk of stroke
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower risk of heart disease
  • Lower risk of diabetes
  • Improvements in body mass index
  • Reduction in depression
  • Improvement in cognition

Five step method for evaluation of running

  1. Discovering the running body
  2. Running with great technique
  3. Understanding running shoes
  4. Hips stability
  5. The power of rest

What's your running body?

This first step is critical.

Understand your flexibility

  • Floppies – Hypermobile individuals.  Need strength training to protect their joints.
  • Flippies – In the middle of mobility.  May need a mix of both strength mobility training,
  • Stiffies – Non-mobile individuals.  Need mobility training to protect their joints.

Know your optimal body weight for running.  

If you're carrying too much body weight, you'll be putting too much strain on your joints.  Losing a little weight, even if it isn't body fat, will mean less stress on the body.

Running screen/evaluation

Using a 10 point checklist, a running expert can evaluate your running form.  This checklist looks at the length of muscles, endurance tests, mobility, etc.  You can get the full checklist from the book.



The tao of running | Gary Dudney