Tag Archives for " books "
Hello and welcome to episode 411.
I’m so glad that you’re here today. I’m going to give you the four one one on my favorite health and fitness books. See what I did there?
I’ve interviewed 243 health and fitness experts and most of them have written a book. So I’ve read quite a few health and fitness books over the last four years that we’ve been doing this podcast. It’s kinda crazy.
It was December 6th in 2015 that we first launched this podcast. And so here we are with episode 411. So a lot has gone on and I’ve met a lot of authors and I’ve read a lot of books. Some of them are wonderful, some of them not so wonderful. But I can always glean something valuable out of each and every book that I read, but some really set themselves apart by just being so, so good that I want to read them over and over again.
I’m not going to put all the links in there in this podcast, but basically for each of these episodes, if you go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/ and then the episode number that’s going to take you to that episode through the links on the site.
So here are my favorite books that I had kind of compiled over the course of the last four years.
Number 10 on the list is by Jonathan Bailor and I interviewed him on episode 363. In that we talked about his book, The Setpoint Diet. It’s a very important book because I think a lot of people get caught into plateaus and they don’t understand how to break them. Jonathan Baylor gives us some ideas on exactly what our body needs to break through those set points. So if you’re finding yourself in a weight loss plateau this is a really good book for you to change some things up and get your body moving in the right direction and get your body weight moving in the right direction if that’s your goal.
But set weight point is a very important concept within the physiology of our body. So it’s really important to understand if you’re trying to accomplish a health or fitness goal.
Number nine on my list is by Michael Matthews, episode 382. Now, Michael Matthews has written the book Bigger, Leaner, Stronger. This was the third edition we were interviewing. He also has a ladies version, so it’s leaner, slimmer, strong, something like that. But there’s a woman’s version of this book as well as a men’s version of the book. This guy does his research. If you’re looking to get bigger, to get stronger this guy has the right ideas. He’s really done some deep, deep, deep-diving into this, a lot of research, and he keeps updating what he knows with what the new science is saying. That’s why he does new additions of his books.
He does. He doesn’t just issue more books. He actually takes the book and rewrites it for the new science that we’re getting. So this is the top of the top for an education, for weightlifting to get stronger, to get bigger and get leaner. That was episode 382.
Now on episode 359 for number eight, we met Dr. Pat Luse. Now, Dr. Pat Luse won the author Academy award in 2018 and I was lucky enough to meet him there. His book is called The 7 Systems Plan. And basically this is talking about the holistic health of our bodies that we can’t just address one problem, one symptom, and expect overall good health. So he looks at the seven different systems within our body and if we optimize each and every one of those systems, our body starts to equalize to a healthy state.
People lose weight. Some of his clients in his clinic have lost a ton of weight. He does offer some online programs as well, but the book is, is awesome. And it really helps you understand why you can’t just go from one dimension to try to solve the body’s problem because we’re much more complex than that. And The 7 Systems Plan really is a good holistic, whole view of how the human body works and what you can do to optimize your health and your fitness.
Number seven was Dr. Marc Bubbs, and that was episode 385 and his book was Peak. Now he wrote most of this working with athletes, but I can tell you is I went through the book, I saw this as how we can reach peak performance in the things that we want to do. If that’s running a 5K, if that’s wanting to hike a mountain, if that’s wanting to play better tennis, or just being a better grandparent. So you can keep up with your grandkids at the zoo.
Peak performance is what we want. Even if it isn’t at just an elite athletic level, but you can learn so much from him through his book peak because he’s been studying performance in a way that really is applicable to everybody. So I encourage you to check that out.
Number six is by Dr. Ben Lynch. 327 is that episode number. And his book is Dirty Genes. So this gets down into the science of why we get unhealthy, why we have chronic diseases and how our genes are part of that, the epigenetics of what goes on inside our body that defines who we are. And the diseases and things that we’re potentially going to develop. The cool thing is while there is a written code in your body, you can change that code.
If you do the right things in his book, Dirty Genes is going to help you clean up your genes so you can live a healthier, happier, and fitter life.
Number five is Couch to Active by Lynn Lindbergh and she, her episode was 374. So she works with folks that are really not doing any exercise whatsoever. You know, the, the constant couch potato, if you will, and she helps them slowly integrate into being a more active individual. It’s amazing what a little bit more activity each day can do for your overall health and fitness. And so just getting a little bit more active with Lynn’s approach is a great way to to look at this. So I encourage you to check that out. Couch to Active episode 374.
Number four on my list is Dr. Jason Fung, episode 77. I’m going way back in the way back machine of podcast interviews. In fact, this was when I first really got deep into podcast interviews. I had done a few before that, but this was one of the biggest and The Obesity Code is the name of the book. And it is, it is brilliant. If you want to understand why our body holds onto fat and how we can answer to that the obesity code is going to help you see that. A little I guess I’ll break the news to you. It’s, it’s about the insulin. Okay. So go in there and check out the obesity code. Listen to Dr. Jason Fung. He’s, he’s direct. He’s fun. I really enjoyed the few times I’ve interviewed him. I’ve had him on the show a couple of times and I’ve had his partner Megan Ramos on as well to talk about The Diabetes Code.
So Jason Fung is a good one to check out Episode 77 about The Obesity Code. Again, one of the core books that’s kind of, I shaped the way I look at health and fitness. If you don’t have your insulin under control, you don’t have your health, you just don’t it is the leading cause of what’s going to cause you the problems in your body. So you’ve got to get insulin under control. And The Obesity Code is a good tool to kind of get you started on that.
Number three is by Dr. Will Cole. It’s episode 413. I hang up, so before 11 right now. So obviously episode 413 has not come out yet, but it’s coming out in a couple of weeks. And his book that we’re gonna be talking about is called The Inflammation Spectrum. It is a brilliant book.
So in two weeks, send alarm on your clock, whatever you gotta do. Don’t miss that episode.
If you’re looking for something by Dr. Cole between now and then we did The Ketotarian book a few episodes back, several episodes back (https://40plusfitnesspodcast.com/keto-for-vegetarians-and-vegans-with-dr-will-cole/). You can just do a search on the website for The Ketotarian on the, on the podcast. And you find that episode if you’re looking for something from him to kind of get an idea. He was looking at a predominantly plant-based ketogenic diet. And it’s a really interesting look at things because I think everybody thinks there’s just the straight-line continuum about how you’re going to eat and what you’re going to eat. And it’s not that simple. You can be a vegan or vegetarian or pescatarian ketogenic eater if you choose the right foods. And he helps you do that there.
In The Inflammation Spectrum, he talks in depth about what are the things that cause inflammation in our body and what are the eating habits and things that we can take on, the things we can put into our, our diet that will help us you know, do those things.
Number two is Smart Fat. Was the book by Dr. Jonny Bowden. It’s episode 338. Smart Fat was actually the funny thing was of all the books on here. I obviously doing the podcast. I’ve worked with their publicist to get a copy of the book so I can review it before the interview. I do read each of these books. Smart Fat was one. I actually bought myself before I did the interview with Dr. Bowden. I had done and read that book and then there was another book out by Dr. Bowden.
And so I’m like, I wanted to get them on the show, but I so enjoyed his, his book Smart Fat from before I started the podcast that I’m like, I have to talk to him about that book too. So I did get him on to talk about Smart Fat and I think, you know, it’s, it was kinda one of the first times that we were realizing that there are good fats, bad fats, there are good carbs, bad carbs. There’s even now, I believe if you think about it, there’s, they’re, they’re coming to this conclusion that there’s good proteins and bad proteins. Actually Dr. Cole and I talk about that a little bit on episode 413. It’s coming up. But it, you know, food is not just as simple as saying, don’t eat this, don’t eat that. And then you can do elimination diets and understand food.
But there’s a lot of complexities to these things. And Smart Fat is kind of one of those good books where you can kind of get that idea around the fact that all food is not created equal. And there’s a lot of things behind why certain foods are pushed on us, like sugar and certain, you know, vegetable oils and things like that. They’re pushed on us for money. So Dr. Bowden kind of breaks through some of that and helps you understand that fat is not the enemy. Even though we’ve been told that for decades, fat is not the enemy. You just have to be smart about the fat that you’re eating. And so I encourage you to check that out. Dr. Jonny Bowden, and that’s going to be episode 338.
My number one favorite. And if you’ve listened to podcasts at all you’ll know that he was the winner of the Author Academy award this year.
Dr. David Friedman met him in Columbus for the award ceremony. And I did not win, but I did make finalists, which I was very happy about his episodes 311. And he is just one of the coolest guys out there in this space. He’s interviewed thousands of people. You know, I feel like I’ve done a lot with my career as a podcaster, but he has really shined. He does a lot of great interviews. He really knows his stuff.
In his book, Food Sanity, he breaks through kind of all the problems that there are with food. And he gives us some pretty simple tools. And in fact, I liked his approach so much that I even included part of it. His dig method in my book The Wellness Roadmap it was just so good. I didn’t want to recreate the wheel.
And Dr. Friedman was courteous enough, nice enough, generous enough to let me share that with you there. So go check out food sanity. It’s a great book. It’s award-winning book. It’s a bestseller and well-deserved cause David did a great job with that book. And I’m looking forward to reading the stuff that he’s caught coming out soon. But check out Food Sanity and episode 311.
And then I always have to throw in a bonus. I’m gonna throw in cookbooks because I’ve had Maria Emmerich on the show a few times. I had her on the show with her husband and with just a basic keto book. But her cookbooks are the best by far keto cookbooks on the market. My favorite of hers I’m going to mention was episode 256. We talked about Keto Comfort Foods.
And there’s a, there’s some recipes in there that I, I just love. I mean, they’re, they’re just, they’re just wonderful. Her restaurant foods book keto book is also great. They just sent me her stir fry book. I mean air fry books. So I might have to buy an air fryer and I actually have an interview scheduled with a cause. I think her husband Craig co-wrote the next cookbook that’s coming out. And that’s going to be carnivore keto. So I’m very interested in talking to Craig and maybe Maria, I’m not sure she’s going to be on that call but that’ll be coming up in early January. So look for that. In about a month time I’ll have another episode with the Emerick’s or, or an Emmerich and we’ll talk about their new cook foot book, carnival art, which is kind of an up and coming thing that I want to learn a little bit more about.
Check those episodes out. If you’ve got some downtime over the course of the next couple of weeks, this is a probably some really good books for you to dive into. I know that Dr. Friedman’s book is available on audio book and I think the inflammation spectrum is available on audio book. Some of the others probably are as well. So a good opportunity for you to buy a book, a get an audio book if you’re not a part of Audible. If you’ll go to the show notes at episode 411. So it’s a 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/411. I’m going to put a link there that will connect you to Audible and you can join Audible and get your first book free. Now, I’d love that that was The Wellness Roadmap. But I understand it, but if you’ve already read it or you’re not interested, but go to Audible.
And if you do that, the show gets a little bit of a boost for bringing you to audible if you stick around. So check it out. I love audio books. I listen to audio books all the time. That’s my favorite way to consume a book. Particularly when the author is reading the book, which I did for the wellness roadmap. And Dr. Freeman did for food sanity and Dr. Cole did for inflammation spectrum. So again great audio books, great books. I encourage you to check it out. And again, if you want to help support the show, just go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/411 click on that Audible link towards the bottom in the notes where I’m talking about this because the full show notes will be there and that’ll let you sign up for Audible. Give the show a little bit of a boost and I really do appreciate it. Thank you
Thanks for sticking around so far. I hope you found these 10 but with the bonus 11 books to be very, very enjoyable and that they teach you a lot about health and fitness. I know I really enjoyed talking to each and every one of these authors and these are of course my favorite books and I’m sure you’re going to get some great value if you didn’t catch them the first time. So go back and check out those episodes. And of course pick up the books because there’s a lot of information we couldn’t cover in a podcast that you’re going to get from each and every one of those books. And they’re all brilliant. So strongly encourage you to check those out over the holiday season. So we’re getting ready to launch our January challenges and I’m going to change things up a little bit for this next year for 2020.
I want to focus on some weekly challenges so we can get some quick hits with mindset, with fitness, with food. So over the course of the 52 weeks of 2020, we’re going to do little mini one week challenges over on the Facebook group, so you can go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/group. And that’s where I’ll be posting each Monday with the challenge of the week. And we’ll go through the entire week kind of discussing that topic and addressing each of those topics. And I hope you get something really, really valuable from that, but you’ve gotta be a part of the group to get a part of it. So go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/group.
And if you want to do the monthly challenge, the 28-Day Challenges, there’s an easy way for you to do that, but you’re going to have to become a supporter of the show. You’re going to have to become a patron to do that. So I’m going to limit my 28-Day Challenges to patrons of the show. You can go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/january. And that’ll take you the patron page there. You can just go ahead and, and pledge even a dollar and that’s going to be enough to get you on the list to be a part of each of the challenges. And I’m actually gonna send out a poll to the patrons so they can choose the challenges that we do. So not only do you get to participate in the challenge at being a patron, you actually get to choose which challenges we’re doing. So I’m going to start that in January and see how that goes. So go over to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/january to get in on Patreon and get on our challenges. Thank you.
The following listeners have sponsored this show by pledging on our Patreon Page:
– Tim Alexander | – Judy Murphy |
– Randy Goode | – Debbie Ralston |
– John Somski | – Ann Lynch |
– Wendy Selman | – Jeff Baiocco |
– Bill Gioftsidis | – Leigh Tanner |
Thank you!