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Becoming a certified personal trainer
There are multiple paths to becoming a certified personal trainer. I began my journey as a personal trainer because I wanted to get fit, but I didn’t have the time and availability to work with a trainer or get to the gym. In an effort to learn the skills and apply them to my own life, I chose to take part in the comprehensive certification program offered by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, or NASM. After six months of studying and learning, I was able to sit for the certification exam.
My daughter is also a personal trainer, but her path was a bit different. During college, she took kinesiology courses and acquired her L1 base level certification for CrossFit instructors. She is now studying to attain her certified strength conditioning coach certification.
Though the path to becoming a certified personal trainer can be quite varied, note that not all certifications are equal.
Is one type of certification better than the other? No; it simply comes down to the individual’s preference.
As a personal trainer, it’s more about working with your clients and being an overall good trainer. Here are a few tips in doing so:
- Aim to teach the client everything you know so that he can move onto something bigger and better. A good trainer should not be striving to be a client’s trainer for life.
- Focus on what the client wants. It may take time to get the client’s mindset to ease through a progression of what they should achieve.
- It’s all about the relationship. The trainer and client must get along and communicate well. The relationship is based upon the client’s personal development.
When becoming a certified personal trainer, be choosy about the path that works best for you. A good personal trainer stands out not only because of his education but also because of his soft skills.
Here is the guide on selecting a personal trainer. You can use this to assess your needs as you work toward this goal.