July 20, 2020
- in aging , guest/interview , health by allan
Thriving into your 90s with David Frost
David Frost is on a mission to make the Boomer generation Kaboomers so they can thrive and strive into their 90s.
David, welcome to 40+ Fitness. [00:02:35.240] – David
Well, thanks so much, Allan. And golly, here we are the first Friday of a crazy summer. [00:02:40.780] – Allan
So, golly, that that definitely puts you in the boomer category using that word. So book is called KABoomer: Thriving and Striving into your 90s. And I really like that concept because I think I would say, you know, when we were growing up, you know, 30 was old, 40 was old and, you know, we were all just going to die at 65. So I don't even know why social security exists because we'll just die the day after we are eligible. But living into your 90s is really not really the goal. But it's it's just so possible and so believable now because more and more people, we see them living good lives, doing the right things and living well in and past the 90s. [00:03:26.560] – David
True. And some of that technology, some of it's lifestyle. And we're blessed to be in the age where average statistical life expectancy is growing. But then, of course, some of us like you and I think that living better is the other side of the coin, where not only do we want more circles around the sun, but we'd like it to be good circles. [00:03:48.990] – Allan
Yeah. One of the things I like to say is I want to be able to wipe my own butt when I'm 105. [00:03:57.470] – David
Amen! And if you do, some of that might be the blessings of having good genes in your makeup. But a lot of it, I think we can control as well. And certainly thriving and striving and being fit past 40 or 40 plus fitness, excuse me, are things that resonate with me and maybe some others will too. [00:04:18.710] – Allan
Yes. Yes. Now, you talked about lifestyle, and I want to get into that because this is really what this is all about. It's the things that are in our control. You mentioned that there are some genetic factors of how long we're going to live, but it makes up a percentage. We'll just say a lower percentage and we'll just leave it at that. But as far as lifestyle goes, in the book, you list seven elements of a long and healthy life.Can you. Can you go through those seven elements? [00:04:46.220] – Allan
Love to. And I'm a simple guy, so I picked the letter “S” it seemed to fit. So the seven elements, Allan, that you did mention are; STRENGTH, which can't wait. And we know that one of the greatest things about resistance is it can help us in so many ways, whether it's insulin sensitivity, metabolism, lean skeletal muscle, all those sorts of things. So strength is one of the ones that we go back to the Greek philosophers that talked about brandishing weights in the centers of their shoulders. [00:05:19.910] – David
This is not a new idea. That resistance exercise is really good for us. And we also have learned, as you mentioned, we're blessed to have more research than our forebears did that we can continue to. It's hard. We know past 40. It's hard, but we can, as we know that smart people have said that we can continue to build muscle into our 80s. So that kind of is a little bit of a springboard to those blowing out those 90 candles that you mentioned. So that's strength. I believe that the bedrock is STAMINA for staying alive. We're living, breathing organisms and motion is medicine. So stamina. Meaning get moving. Moving to sweat. Almost every day of the week is absolutely critical for our vitality, helps us sleep better, we eat better because our body knows what it should be eating instead of what's available on the shelf. [00:06:16.580] – David
So I in my model, I call stamina the bedrock for staying alive then that capstone, believe it or not, I wish we folks like you and I that are in the personal training business think that we'd love to claim that we're more responsible for lifestyle than we are. But sleep is the capstone in my model. So that's the third S restorative restful SLEEP. So our brains can do their magic and we can recover. Particularly for those of us that are a little bit older and do take a little longer to recover from our stamina or our strength worked. [00:06:52.100] – David
So that's our capstone. I'd like to highlight one. That's a take away. It's a thief. STRESS. Stress is good of a great white shark is chasing you or chasing me in the shallows of the ocean. But stress is not good if it becomes chronic. So that's the take away the thief in my physical 401K model. A couple of others. Anti aging sustenance. That's really the currency and my physical 401K. If we eat the colors of the rainbow I described as vitamin P because I can't remember all those vitamins very well. [00:07:28.990] – David
But I call vitamin P that collection of wonderful, somewhat macro nutrients, but mostly micro nutrients that make our organisms what they are. Then we have some minerals that we can hopefully absorb as well to keep us vital, muscles, brain health. All those sorts of good things. [00:07:48.620] – David
So the anti aging food is really, to me, the currency of our 401K and two additional ones. The flexible account part of our physical bay is stretching. In the book, one person I respect talked about oiling up the Tin Man. If our joints are not limber, if our connective tissue is not doing what it's supposed to do, we tend to hunker down and not be you know, we lose height as we get older because that happens. [00:08:23.120] – David
But why not keep them? Why not keep the limbs oiled up so we can both play with the grandkids and enjoy life? And then the last item is our accident insurance, which is STABILITY. Stability is so important. Starting with a great toes. One of the mergers along levity. I wish I could claim credit for this, I can't. And we all can get better at this, just screw one foot into the ground, raise the other foot off the ground. Close your eyes and see if you can, at my age, if I can stay erect and not topple over with my eyes closed. One foot on the ground for 20 seconds. That's a great indicator of longevity. And if we do believe, like I do, that some longevity is what we can control. [00:09:12.500] – David
That's simple, yet hard thing to do. So strength, stability, stamina, strength, stretching, stress, not because that's a thief, restorative sleep and substance that hit seven. It's a long list, but that's a long list. [00:09:28.750] – Allan
Yeah. And, you know, the interesting thing about all seven of those is that they are all generally interrelated. If you're not eating well, you may not be sleeping well. If you're stressed, you may not be eating well or sleeping well and your body's not going to want to put on muscle. When you're lifting trying to do your strength work and you just may not have the energy and stamina to do the things you want to do. [00:09:53.930] – Allan
So everything's interrelated. And we have to take care of really all seven of those elements. We really want to live a long, healthy life. I want to talk about a few of a couple of them I guess, because we really don't have enough time to go into all seven and one of the core ones. And you kind of put this in the front because you consider this one of, if not the most important to at least make sure you're working on on a daily basis and that is stamina. Can you talk a little bit about how you define stamina and then how we can build stamina as a healthy. [00:10:25.430] – David
Thanks so much, Allan. Stamina to pain my laman or trainers definition is stamina is your ability to be active or to do work or to exercise to a period where you sweat and by sweating your bodies do some amazing things. You know, you hear the phrase. No pain, no gain or tear down to build up. But by challenging our systems, our cardio respiratory system and our muscles, the sweat equates to being at the right level of intensity for stamina and to make good things happen. [00:11:04.010] – David
And so kind of in a three level model, if we spend most of our time, perhaps up to 80 percent of our time, moving at a pace where we can be conversational. And how about those damn Yankees or what's this crazy pandemic is, as you're moving. That's at the right intensity to help your system build capillaries, to help your cells build more mitochondria, those little powerhouses. And to build capacity. We we should spend most of our time in a low intensity zone where we can be conversant. [00:11:42.470] – David
Now, to get a little technical and it's in the book, but it's pretty well documented that that equates to about two thirds of your maximum heart rate. So there's equation's in the book to kind of guesstimate where your training zone is for most of your work to build stamina for staying alive. In my case, I'm blessed to have a maximum heart rate of about 180. So when I do most of my work rowing, heavy yard work, playing with the grandkids, if I keep my heart rate below 120 for 30 minutes, I know I'm sweating or the ladies would be glistening, but that is in the right zone to build capacity. [00:12:23.390] – David
So that's zone one. That's two thirds of max heart rate, measured heart rate. And that's conversational. So important to invest the time in that low intensity zone to build capacity for staying alive. There is a second zone which feels really good. Your heart rate gets higher, perhaps up to 85 percent of your max. 80 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. And if you can maintain, you know, it depends on your your level of fitness entering in as a 40 plus fitness person or as a KA boomer, you can. [00:12:55.430] – David
It feels really, really good. But you can't sustain it for for as long as you would for the zone I mentioned previously to Staying Alive conversational range. Once in a while, when your doctor gives you the OK again I'm Medicare age. And we strongly encourage everyone over the age of 60 to get a physical aptitude readiness question signed by your medical professional so that you, be a he or she, you are approved to raise your heart rate episodically, raise your blood pressure and move. [00:13:26.720] – David
And there is that third zone, which I kind of call red zone, or you can call it a sprinting zone where you get up to about 90, 95 percent of your maximum heart rate. You don't do it very long. You don't do it very often. There's a quote in the book, A legendary doctor I believe he is now at university, now he's at the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Joyner, he has a haiku that talks about stamina, run a lot of miles, some faster than race pace and rest a lot or words to that effect. And that is so true for staying alive and building endurance. It's it's the bedrock in the models that you describe, the model that I talked about in the seven S's. If we don't have a bedrock foundation of stamina, we're probably not going to blow out those 90 candles very well. [00:14:14.880] – Allan
Yeah, the way I like to think about it in terms of just I do like to think of it in terms of exertion because it's hard, you know, you can stop and you can check your heart rate, every one in a while if you choose to. But then you've stopped. And so a lot of times what I like to do is say, OK, if generally you're walking with, say, walking with one of your best friends and you guys go out and going to either walk or run, depending on your fitness level at the level you're talking about, you're right at that edge where you can have a full sentence of five or more words and not have a problem talking. [00:14:46.970] – Allan
Once you get to a point where you're talking in three or four word bursts. Now you're getting into that zone two. And it's OK to be in the zone two, for a while, but you're just not gonna be able to hold that out for too too long. But it's OK to be there for once. Just recognize when you're in there and realize that you're probably not going to be able to keep it up. And that might enjoy your walk or your run earlier than you'd like. [00:15:07.430] – Allan
So slowing down a little bit. Getting back in the zone one would allow you to keep going. And then that zone three is the point where like you said, maybe its the shark and you're in the sallow water. You grab up the grandchild, you start running. You're not trying to stay in zone one at that point. Get the heck out of the water. So you're probably going in zone to my right perspective, but you can perceive that exertion pretty easily if you pay attention to your body. What I found. [00:15:36.860] – David
You know, absolutely. My sentiment and my experience as well, Allan, is that feedback loop in listening to your body, perceived exception or perceived exertion, can do it. I think. Well, it's my prediction, and I would ask you if it's your sense as well. You don't have to get overly crazy with appliances like smartwatches, fitness watches or other things that are about our body, if we listen to it, is a wonderful feedback mechanism to help us build that bedrock of stamina. [00:16:09.310] – Allan
Yeah, some. Somehow we live for tens of thousands of years without an Apple Watch. Go figure. [00:16:16.240] – David
Yes. [00:16:17.230] – Allan
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You're listening to a podcast. So I know you understand the value of On-Demand audio content. In my opinion, Audible is the best at that. Get your free trial at 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/audible. [00:17:54.120] – Allan
The other one of your seven that I really want to get into today is strength. This is this is one of my favorites and I think it's one of those concepts that it's hard for some people to wrap their head around because there's such a culture in this in this world now of being thin, you know, being, you know, light, not weighing a lot. Having this look and that look typically has them concerned that if they if they do build strength, they're just going to become these big hulking monsters and they don't wanna look like that. [00:18:30.870] – Allan
So but strength is so important and it's really hard to get people to recognize that they need to do this. Would you go through some facts to help us understand why strength is so important? [00:18:42.600] – David
Sure. And again, I'm not a strength expert and not a kinesthesiologist, but I am a boomer blessed to have a fair amount of skeletal muscle. Some of it's nature. Some of it's nurture. But studies, and it's very valid. I think most of us that have reached Medicare age know that are what we call we used to call the neck to butt ratio. Now it's a formal name for the waist to hip ratio to change. Statistics are that starting at the age of about 30, you may lose almost a percent of your skeletal muscle per year, with a terrible sounding word symptom called Sarcopenia, loss of flesh or muscle. [00:19:23.970] – David
And if we don't work to slow that down or rest it, we will become shrunken over and we can joke. Folks my age remember Laughin andArtie Johnson was a character on Laughin who was shrunken over and always playing that kind of the wheezy couch potato. And I don't want to be that. And the way to avoid doing it is to challenge your muscles. Resistance, exercise. And we can talk about the variations that, just like you mentioned, for exertion, with the stamina bedrock, with the foundational strength that people can work on and matter. [00:20:05.160] – David
I've never seen a study that said no matter what your physical or special condition is, be it cerebral palsy or multiple sclerosis or Type two diabetes. I have never. There may be one or two, but I have never seen a study that said that resistance exercise was counter indicated. It is so good for offsetting the loss of flesh so that we can stay upright. We all kinda know those older people who have to use a walker because they can't stand up straight. [00:20:38.550] – David
And that's not good. They've let their big muscles and their supporting muscles atrophy, if you will. And that that terrible sounding word. I'm glad it's a terrible sounding word. If more people heard sarcopenia. Maybe they would pick up that 10 pound bag of rice and move some metal and do some things like that. [00:20:59.670] – Allan
And it goes beyond Sarcopenia because there is a related villain in this story called Osteopenia, which is about the weakening or loss intensity in your bones and strength training actually helps you fight both of those. [00:21:16.030] – David
It sure does. And of course, we encourage the ladies, half of boomers and those striving to be well past 40, 40 plus fitness. They have to experience the gentle. This gets back to stamina as you shared, the interrelated factors are so true. Ladies have to work on their bone density. They do not want a broken hip or a broken ankle, a broken wrist because their calcium is out of whack because they haven't done resistance training. [00:21:46.260] – David
So it's so true that we were born to move. We were born to push others around and move stuff and and move to sweat and again, back to the interrelation. Moving heavy stuff as heavy as you can. Doctors directives and you're trained if you have a trainer, it is so important. for those of us my age in the 65 plus age category, we generally recommend if you work all the major muscles, if your body just to do it twice a week, we recover a little bit slower than you folks that are not boomer aged. [00:22:23.580] – David
So we do advocate religiously doing moving heavy stuff as heavy as you can twice a week. Maybe some can get away with three times a week. I personally do it twice a week and I mix it up. There is four times the types of lifting. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Court justice, is a 80 plus. She's a cancer survivor. She lifts weights. There are power lifters who can generate extraordinary. Meaning lifting heavy weights very quickly. And that's that's a powerful thing. [00:22:57.380] – David
Or you could think the football player, JJ Watt, who is published that he was able to do a box jump of fifty seven inches and that's explosive strength. And then there's endured strength and that farmers. A farmer that has a long day in the fields is probably a pretty fit guy. He or she is a pretty fit guy because they move heavy bales of hay or things like that. So one of the great functional exercises that we advocate for people my age is a farmer's walk. [00:23:29.200] – David
Grab some heavy things in each hand and walk. Functional exercise for people our age is really, really important. So endured, explosive and I'm drawn a blank on the third on the other flights. It's great. [00:23:40.430] – Allan
Yeah, I really I'm really keen on on the functional because when we start thinking about, you know, real life, for example, I see your grandchild comes running up to you and the first thing you want to do is grab that grandchild and swing them up into your lap. You want to bring them up to you and lift them. Well, you know, if you don't have the strength to do that, then, you know, that's that's where you are. [00:24:03.920] – Allan
You're not as close. You're not having that opportunity that to be with your grandchild the way you want to. So something as simple as learning how to do a good deadlift and learning how to do maybe a kettlebell swing or two functional exercises to help you be in strength mode to be able to to do something like that. And then you've mentioned farmers lifts, farmers carriers. Grip strength is so, so important. You mentioned it in the book. But I always tell people, you know, we we're not just doing this to live longer, as you mentioned earlier, we're doing this to live better. And the first time you get a jar of something, you're trying to make dinner and you can't open that jar. You've lost some independence. And that's the first signal, you know, like you talked about the walker, but you know, just not even being able to open a jar and hopefully someone else in the house is there that can open that jar for you. Otherwise. You do without or then you start implementing tools like the Walker. [00:25:06.820] – Allan
Now you've got this little jar opener thing to help you open jars, but now you don't open jars. So you don't have the strength, open jars, but you're losing your independence. You can either lose it to a tool or you can lose it to a person. But, you know, strength is such an important part of keeping the lifestyle that we want to have. [00:25:25.240] – David
Boy, how true. And activities of daily life. I mean, we talk about it so often in your profession and my profession. Working with others and helping them live longer and live better. But if and when we can ever travel again, are you going to would you want to be that person that says, would you lift my carry on up into the overhead bin because I can't? Or would you be the one who grabs a couple for other people and tosses them into the overhead bin? [00:25:49.580] – David
It's, you know, humbly. Being strong is not an apology. There is a phrase that I'm sure many of your listeners have heard. Strong is the new skinny. Boy, I believe it. You know, the days of Twiggy are over. The days of being able to handle the activities of daily life are so important. They are for me, grandkids are getting heavier, you know, and I want to be able to try to stay as young with them as I can for as long as I can. [00:26:19.990] – Allan
You can ask my wife, one of the reason she keeps me around is I can lift heavy things. [00:26:24.850] – David
There you go. [00:26:28.690] – Allan
I'm good at carrying heavy things around. Put this over there. Lift that. Put that over there. Anyway, I'm really good at that. And a few other things, but that's that's the big one. I put my hat on. [00:26:40.620] – David
By the way, that little mentioning you're the inter related aspect of this wellness that you cited a couple of times, Allan. Humor is a big part of it. You know, the fact that, you know your wife and you figure out how to get things heavy lifted and have a chuckle. Chuckles Good exercise. And it's certainly good medicine. We sort of know that. But do we really laugh as much as we should? [00:27:05.840] – Allan
Yes. It goes into your others, into one of your S's, and it's the stress, you know. You can't be laughing and be stressed at the same time. At least not a good belly laugh happy. For that moment in time, you found joy and you let that stress go, which is a hugely valuable for well-being. So I agree with you. Yeah. Having having some fun is all part of this. And, you know, I'm looking for that every every moment I can get as we go. [00:27:35.800] – Allan
That's the cool part of that. But I wanted to talk about, you know, someone someone's considering going into training and they've never trained before or they have trained. But, you know, it's the it's the it was the Jane Fonda videos for a while. And then they went with Ghil'ad when he was on ESPN, and then they picked up with something else. And now most recently, maybe they did a little bit of the body part for less miles videos, but they really haven't gotten into what we would call core resistance training, strength training. [00:28:11.980] – Allan
So someone's gonna go in and sign up at the gym, be at a big box gym or small gym in their neighborhood. What are some of the things they need to do to be safe when they're lifting? [00:28:25.460] – David
Yeah. Safety first. But almost no one is not to be psyched out by a big box gym, where there may be younger or fitter, maybe more grunting specimens that are seemingly doing amazing things on isolated lifts. For folks my age, it's for folks of all ages. But as we get older, I advocate it is so important to work multiple muscle groups and do complex exercises. And free standing weights don't have to be heavy. But getting away from the crutches of fixed machines, there is there is a place for those, you know, those open cycle exercises. [00:29:03.520] – David
But I'm much more an advocate of complex exercises where you use major muscle groups, perhaps a lunge again, if your doctor improves, you safely do lunges and maybe some transverse work with a twisting and an overhead lift. You're working your body in pretty planes. You're working on strength, stability and stretching all in the same routine. It does not take a lot of time and you'll be a better boomer by doing that. So safety first. If you can afford a trainer, I would advocate everybody see if a trainer adds value to your journey for this physical 401K, you may be able to do it on your own. But please don't be psyched out if you're in the presence of others. Do your own thing. Zone out and meet your goals. Have a plan going in for safety. Know the proper routines to lift. There are your certifying body, NASM and my certifying body, NFPT, National Federation of Professional Trainers, outlined the protocols for how to lift safely so that we are able to get our work in and not be injured. [00:30:16.230] – David
So, yeah, safety first, starting with your doctor's approval to go into the gym in the first place, but then having a protocol, having a plan. Use a trainer or try a trainer if you think that it might add value, at least until you get going on your own and then enjoy the journey. Emotion is medicine. We do have a phrase exercise over drugs, as you mentioned. There are so many interrelated factors that relate. [00:30:45.320] – David
Resistance training leads to a better diet, bone density, insulin sensitivity, better sleep, you look better in the mirror. You know, we joke that mirrors Lululemon leotards and little kids and drunks don't lie. They will let a boomer know if he or she doesn't look fit. You know? So does the mirror lie? No, it doesn't. So resisting training helps you to be proud of what you see in the mirror. It takes a while. [00:31:15.860] – David
You safely lift it for a couple of times a week for a period, eight weeks. I almost guarantee you you will see a difference and you will be proud of that difference. So it's a journey. It's got to be a safe one like you asked at the get go there for strength training. But complex exercises done safely done in the right emotions. The protocols of proper lifting. And you'll be KA boomer. [00:31:42.780] – Allan
Yeah. Know, one of the cores that I want to put out there before we sign off on this topic is, you know, when you're when you're learning a strength exercise, don't immediately think that you're just going to jump in to adding a load, adding weight onto what you're doing. You really need to learn the routine. Learn the exercise well to know the true forms. And so sometimes I get strange looks. I'll be in the gym and all I have is a little PVC pipe. [00:32:09.940] – Allan
And I'm trying to learn a movement. I'm trying to make sure that I perfected before I put any load at all on myself. And they look at me and say, well, you know, obviously you could lift that. And I'm like, yeah, I could lift that. But I'm not going to lift that until I know that I can get this lift functionally right. And once I get my form right, then I start what I call gentle nudging, which is putting a little bit of resistance on top of that, making sure I keep that form. [00:32:36.500] – Allan
And then slowly progressing from there. And if you if you push your body too fast, it will break. Particularly when you're over 40 or over 60. Your body will break if you're not taking care of it and getting good form when you're doing these movements. So that's one of the core. And as you mentioned, Dave, I think it's important for us to consider it is a personal trainer good for us. And I'd say for most beginners, absolutely. [00:33:02.030] – Allan
Having a trainer there to teach you that form that they give you a customized workout is specifically for you. To give you what you want, which you know you need, going through those and learning the form well from a well qualified personal trainer, is gonna go a long way towards helping you avoid these injuries. So do consider that investment? It's an investment that'll keep you in the gym. It will be investment will keep you from hurting. [00:33:28.190] – Allan
And it'll be an investment that will get you stronger, faster, because you'll learn the movement well and then the movement will actually do what it's supposed to do when you add weight to it. [00:33:38.230] – David
And maybe a little bit of the social interaction there as well. Studies show and you and I both know that lots of times it helps to have a workout buddy. Whether that buddy is a trainer or a friend of yours, could be a sibling, could be somebody from your family. Sometimes working out together is a great way to inspire and keep moving because everyone has a day when I don't feel like it today. Well, you know, taking that first step is important and making that a safe step as you mentioned. And a trainer, I believe, can also help with that fascinating mind body alignment. [00:34:18.260] – David
Those that are in the zone lift more effectively, recruit more muscles. It's not always the biggest athlete that does amazing things. It's the one that has that great alignment, communicates, recruits more muscles to do the lifts. And that's what it's about. I mean, at my age, we're not going to build, as you mentioned, back to, you know, Jane Fonda and Skinny and so on. At our age, if you're natural, it is very, very, very hard to build mass. [00:34:50.570] – David
However, what we're looking for is to offset the loss of mass, that sarcopenia thing and then the loss of bone density also. So this is important stuff. And I hope that, you know, the words that you're putting out and get people's attention and they learn how to move stuff and enjoy it. [00:35:09.040] – Allan
Yeah, my my trainer, when I was I was living in Louisiana, my trainer's name was also David. And so David made the mistake one time of needing to reschedule me. He said, you know, I've got someone that wants to train during this time for a competition. Would you be willing to move? And I said, OK, well, what do you want to do here? He said five o'clock and he said it before he actually realized what came out of his mouth. [00:35:42.910] – Allan
and I was already warmed up, ready to go. So I hope that I was one of his favorite clients all the way. If he was telling me to do something I knew was wrong. I didn't mind telling him. So maybe I wasn't. But you're right. Having having a trainer, knowing that trainers, they are knowing you're paying that trainer, you've got that investment, you're you're in it. And then just like you said, having someone there that's going to advise you learning together. In my case, Dave and I were learning together because we're both really into this. And eventually you might be, too. So just recognize that if you're starting out, it's good to have a coach that'll get you that ground faster, help you feel more comfortable and get you more engaged and just having a lot more fun because you become friends with your trainers for sure. [00:36:25.600] – David
Oh, and any accountability there is. I've had some world class rowers and that's a favorite passion of mine is a sport of rowing or crew. I've had some wonderful rowers say if it's worth doing, it's worth having a coach tell you the little things that you can do better. Not that you're doing things wrong, but the little things that you can do better. There's the safety issue, but there's a performance issue, too. And again, some people may not need it, some people can find YouTube or Doctor Google to find the resources they need to build the plan. But how important as you know, and I know how important it is to have that plan, planning the execution and execute the plan regularly, build those habits so you can look in the mirror and say, wow, who is that guy or gal? [00:37:13.130] – Allan
You talked about rowing and in the book I was like. I missed my rower. I'm almost I'm almost convinced I just need to go and buy another rower and have it shipped here to Panama. So I'll have one. I'm trying to push off on that. [00:37:29.160] – David
Well, you know, back to the bedrock part of it. When we are building capacity, it does not matter the type of activity that you do as long as you shared, you can have those sentences hopefully with a buddy you're talking to yourself or talking back to the podcast you're listening to. But if you are, I kind of trearsh things. I have three levels of fitness I talk about for both stamina and strength. And one is decent. One is good enough and one is extra. [00:38:00.090] – David
There are some people that are very competitive, want to strive for excellence. And by doing that, generally you have a specific exercise. It just so happens that my exercise, my lifelong passion is the sport of rowing. For a lot of reasons, perseverance. Some folks may have read Boys in the Boat. It's a tremendous story about those types of things. Teamwork, perseverance, alchemy, beating Hitler's youth in the 36 Olympics and eight years later, beating Hitler's use on the battlefields of Europe. [00:38:33.540] – David
But it's it's it's a special thing to me. And why as special is because it's a whole body sport. I mentioned earlier how important was when you can combine things like strength, stability, stamina and stretching and the sport of rowing is does that. And by the way, it's the most intense Olympic sport for kilocalories burn per minute of the event. So I'm a nut about it, but hey, I'll go off line and talk to you about getting that rower in your in your place. Good to have. [00:39:03.390] – Allan
Yes. Dave, I define wellness as being the healthiest, fittest and happiest you can be. What are three strategies or tactics to get and stay well. [00:39:14.950] – David
Three strategies to live up to that so important definition that you just mentioned, that kind of integrative or holistic view of wellness. One, get started. Two say and not but, you know, we've all heard it. You've heard it. I've heard it. [00:39:32.720] – David
And perhaps I'm guilty of it more than I should be about. Yes but. you know, I'm sorry today I shouldn't work out. So either plan say yes and instead of yes but and then celebrate the journey. Please note that there is no Madison Avenue of fountain of youth that, you know, take a potent potion. Take a pill to build your wellness. It is a journey. It is earned. And I talk about this. Boomers are very interested in their retirement, whether it's fixed or variable income. But those seven S's, Allan, that you brought up earlier, to me that is a physical with a P physical 401K account. The strength, stability, stamina, striking restorative sleep. Don't stress and clean eating. That's a physical 401K. That's an investment. That's one. You have a plan. And that's one where you you have work arounds, the yes ands and the yes buts. So the three that I would suggest from Dave Frost, boomer point of view, have a plan. Say yes. And then know it's a journey, it's an investment. And you'll be far better to live longer and live better. [00:40:47.810] – Allan
And that's a hard are I to argue with. [00:40:51.500] – David
No arguments. Simple yet hard. [00:40:54.350] – Allan
So, David, if someone wanted to get in touch with you, learn more about you, learn more about the book, KABoomer; Thriving and Striving Into Your 90s, where would you like me to send them. [00:41:05.180] – David
Thanks Allan. The book was released in the merry month of June. Hopefully it will be a merry month of June by the time it ends with this craziness going on around us. But the book is available on Amazon and in paperback and in Kindle or e-book versions right now. The audio book will be available next month. You could always reach out to me. Wellpast40.com. And there's a boomer page on that Web site. But thanks. I'd love people to be as excited about wellness as you are. And hopefully I am. And I would love other people to join the movement. Maybe reducing the systematic health care costs of society for Medicare. And, you know, we can play with the grandkids and get those carry on bags lifted if and when we can ever travel again. So wellpast40.com. [00:42:00.020] – Allan
You can go to 40plusfitnesspodcasts.com/443 and I'll be sure to have links there. David, thank you for being a part of 40+ Fitness. [00:42:09.200] – David
Well, Allan, thank you for the chance to chat about something that's near and dear to both of us. Those simple yet hard steps to gain stamina 90. That's a term we use and it meaning some may say that's cute. But if you think about stamina, 90, having the stamina to blow out 90 candles, that appeals to me. So thank you so much for the chance to chat.
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