
Tag Archives for " quit "

March 13, 2017

11 great reasons to quit

Quitting is not always the best policy, but there are some times when quitting can work to your benefit:

  1. Unhealthy Habits – Strike a balance between the good and bad habits. Consider replacing bad with a healthy habit.
  2. Bad Food Sources– Try to replace bad food sources with better selections. Choose organic foods or fresh, locally grown sources.  See the Toxin Solution by Joe Pizzorno.
  3. Better Opportunity – Even if just temporarily, try a new fitness modality that excites you and keeps your routine fresh.
  4. Illness – When you’re sick, take the opportunity to rest and recover. Stay out of the gym and avoid spreading your illness.
  5. Injury – This is an indicator that something is wrong. Avoid coming back too early and risking another injury. Find other ways to maintain your fitness in the meantime.
  6. Overtraining – This can cause adrenal fatigue from the stress on your body. This prevents your body from recovering. Consider taking some time off and give yourself a break.
  7. Change in Priorities – Mix in a different modality to give more balance to your program and your life.
  8. No Self Control – If you struggle with self-control, avoid these temptations altogether.
  9. Elimination Diet – Find the foods that are giving you the most issues with digestion and overall health. Find the foods that allow your body to function at its highest capacity.
  10. When You’re Full – Eat slower and be more mindful of the food you are eating. Stop when you feel ¾ of the way full and allow your body to catch up.
  11. Trying to Avoid Risk – Inclement weather or extreme temperatures can add risk to your work out. Consider working out indoors in these instances.

You may only quit temporarily, but it may be just the break you need to continue along your health and fitness journey long-term.


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