Tag Archives for " play "
This is part three of a three-part series on play. In episode 136 we covered sports and in episode 137 we got into kids games. In this episode, I want to go back even further to when we were babies and toddlers.
While you probably don't remember what it was like for yourself back then, I'm sure you've seen babies and toddlers. But did you pay attention to the movements they were doing?
Being on the floor, crawling, squirming, standing and sitting. These movements are primary for helping us build strength and balance and maintain mobility. And the nature of children had us constantly working at a progression, getting stronger, faster, and more capable across multiple fitness modalities.
When was the last time you sat on the floor?
Just the practice of getting down and getting up are valuable movements. I've developed a mini-course that I've opened up. This Uncommon Exercises mini-course will help you go through some movements that are similar to what we did as kids. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
This is part two of a three-part series on play. In episode 136, we discussed the value of sports. In this episode, I want to go back a bit and explore some of the games we played as kids.
Be it hopscotch, foursquare, or kickball, the games we played as kids were integral in helping us build important fitness modalities.
Let's just go through hopscotch. Tossing the rock to land on a square for hand-eye coordination. Hopping on one foot for balance. Bending to pick up the rock for mobility and balance.
Add to that, the joy of playing with children and I think you can see how playing kids games can be a great way to build fitness and live a more joyful life.
This is part one of a three-part series on play. Play was an integral part of us developing fitness modalities as we grew up. Unfortunately, we abandoned many of those aspects of our lives and as a result, have lost fitness. In this episode, we are going to explore the value of sports.
What sports did you play as a child and teen?
Even if you weren't the best at it, do you remember the joy of playing? How it kept you moving even when you were fatigued? Competition, being on a team, having fun. All this helped you keep you more fit.
Perhaps it is time to look for a sport you can begin playing now. Or at the every least, start working on your fitness so you'll be able to participate in a sport soon. Sports can be quite motivating and you deserve to play again.
If you own a Nintendo Wii, you know it can be a very fun and enjoyable activity for the whole family. Did you know it also has a lot of great health benefits?
In fact, there have been several studies done on the health benefits of the Nintendo Wii. One such study was published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in February 2014. This study selected 22 people, with half classified as doing high intensity trained exercises and the other half classified as doing low intensity exercises. They all played four different games on the Wii, including boxing, tennis, cycling, and step. They also worked out on a traditional treadmill and stationary bike. The results on all of these modalities were then measured.
While the Wii was not as effective in building cardiovascular health as the bike and treadmill, the results were still pretty good, especially for the low intensity group. All participants reported the Wii workouts as being much more enjoyable than the bike or treadmill. Of the four Wii games used, boxing had the best results, yet tennis yielded the least results.
So are you wondering if you should get a Wii?
The first question to ask yourself is what are your goals? If improving cardiovascular health is important to you, what is something you will keep doing for the long-term? What do you find enjoyable? What will keep you engaged? If you’ve played sports in the past or enjoy playing sports, the Wii may be a good choice. Especially during the winter months, adding the Wii into the mix with your other cardio activities will keep things fresh and offer another opportunity for the whole family to get involved.
As kids, playing was the norm. As people get older, they tend to lose this sense of play. However, play needs to be part of your program. Make your fitness program dynamic and fun, perhaps through using the Nintendo Wii. To purchase a Nintendo Wii through our affiliate link, click here.
Nintendo Wii Console Black with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort
Nintendo Wii U Console 8GB Basic Set – White
Wii Fit U w/Wii Balance Board accessory and Fit Meter – Wii U
Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music