
Tag Archives for " personal training "

March 18, 2016

LeAnn gets a personal trainer

In this episode, we meet LeAnn and discuss her journey to health and fitness with a personal trainer.

LeAnn spent most of her adult life being obese. Her weight gain started with her first child.  Over time, the weight issue compounded and by the time she was 48, she was diagnosed with diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. She took medication for all of these.

She was offered an eight-week program held in the backyard of her daughter’s friend. This Bootcamp program was interval training twice a week in the evenings. She did sprints, jumping jacks, and other body weight exercises.

According to LeAnn, when you start with fitness training, you only need your body weight. She said, “You don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot by doing too much.”  She saw improvement during the program. She felt better and she slept better. She often felt like quitting during the workouts, but she felt so good afterward she continued.

LeAnn also had a 12-week fit challenge with her coworkers. It included gym workouts, education, and eating healthy food. A financial reward was given to the person who won the challenge, which really motivated her.

She continues to work with a trainer and has lost a total of 91 pounds. She goes to the gym for 45 minutes to an hour. She eats 6 small meals a day.

LeAnn also advises people to measure their progress when doing workouts with a personal trainer and eating healthy. Get the important body measurements by using the Health Measures That Matter PDF.

When to fire your personal trainer

Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music

John and Tammy commit to health and fitness

In this episode, we meet Forever Fitness clients John and Tammy and talk about committing to health and fitness.

The commitment to health and fitness is the same as committing to your spouse. But committing to your health and fitness is something that you should not do for your spouse. You need to have self-love and do it for yourself.
Allan believes that making a verbal commitment is important. One needs to make vows to oneself about his or her commitment to be fit. One needs to write his or her vows, read it and feel it from heart.

Tammy admits she's uncomfortable  expressing that she wants to look better. Allan notes that when you take care of yourself and your body is good and healthy from inside, you should look better. There is no reason to feel ashamed of saying that because being healthy and looking better is effectively the same thing. One can’t look better unless he or she is healthy. Tammy finally clearly and confidently says she does want to be healthy and proud. And it’s important for every individual to say and feel his or her commitment to health and fitness.

Tammy finally clearly and confidently says she does want to be healthy and proud. And it’s important for every individual to say and feel his or her commitment to health and fitness.
John indicates he is inspired to push hard to reach his health and fitness goals. He is ready to make this commitment. John wants to have a long healthy life. That’s why he needs to make a vow to himself about his commitment to health and fitness.
John makes his vow saying “I John, commit to training my body for a happy, healthy future”.


Meet my clients John and Tammy

Tweaking to fit

December 8, 2015

Working with a personal trainer

Today we meet Sandra, a 54 year old ex-Marine and grandmother, who is looking to make healthier habits part of her lifestyle. By working with a personal trainer for the next ten weeks, Sandra is hoping to improve her health, fitness and activity levels so keep up with her grandchildren in the years to come.

Sandra describes herself as never being a “fitness person” and exercise was “never her thing.” Then when recovering from a significant heart health issue, she now eats healthier and limits fast food, but she loves to drink sugary soft drinks throughout the day.

Before Sandra embarks on this fitness journey with her personal trainer, we discuss goals and the core concepts of her personal training program. She will need to examine how much sugar she consumes on a daily basis. We also discuss the correlation between fat loss and the food and drink we all consume. Her personal training program will be designed with accountability, such as logging all of her food intake. Sandra will also need to have patience and a positive attitude as we approach changes in small, incremental steps.

Join us weekly as we follow Sandra for the next ten weeks (Tuesdays) as she navigates the experience of working with a personal trainer.
Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Working with a personal trainer