Tag Archives for " panaman "
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Due to recent events, I found myself in a very bad place. COVID-19 had drastically changed my everyday life, pulling out of my seasonal ketosis, decimating my exercise plan, and triggering me into several unhealthy eating habits. In fact, all of my healthy habits seemed to fall by the wayside. It was a major lifestyle change for the worse.
I knew I needed to change something. I went back to the simple things that had turned things around for me years ago. It started with a recommitment and positive self-talk. If I didn’t want the fat bastard to come back (he was bearing down on me), I had to do what all successful people do. I had to pull myself up to my feet and do the simple things that were within my control.
I’m going to get a little raw during this discussion. Think of like a support group talk where I’m admitting my weaknesses, sharing my mental process, and showing you the small steps I took in a bit of a case study/success story. I hope to give you some tools to use that will give you a better chance of recovery, should you slip as I did.
This episode of the 40+ Fitness Podcast is brought to you by Usual Wines, available in convenient single serve bottles. Go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/wine and use the coupon code fitness for $8 off.
Hello and welcome to Episode 450 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast. Thank you so much for being a part of 40+ Fitness. I’m really glad you’re here and I hope that you’re someone that’s actually gone back and checked out the other 449 episodes we’ve done, which include over 275 interviews. It’s kind of crazy how many people I’ve talked to over the years about health and fitness. And today I want to talk about something that’s really, really important to me because it’s a personal experience.
It’s something that happened to me recently. And I’m talking to a lot of people and it’s happening to them, too. And I want to give you the tools to get past this. And so I’m going to call this episode, “How to Turn Each and Every Slip Up Into Success.” And yes, even the best of us, the best personal trainers, the best fitness people out there. Every once while we make a mistake, every once in a while we slip, it just happens.
We’re human and you’re human, too. And so a lot’s been going on in the world. And I want to kind of talk about my perspective of going through all of this with COVID, with the racial strife in the United States and obviously an upcoming election. Things are really, really crazy in the United States. And it’s really hard to be on social media and do those types of things, because, quite frankly, it’s just it’s scary and it’s frightening and it’s hurtful and, you know, just all these emotions that are coming out.
I want to talk about this a little bit and give you some of my perspectives. And then after that, I want to give you some tools, some tools to help you the next time you slip. This is a process that I developed to work with my clients because like myself, many of them were struggling. And as I was finding my way out of the dark, I laid some bread crumbs to help them along the way as well. And it’s been beneficial to everybody that I’ve talked to using this method. So I want to share it with you now.
COVID-19 hit the United States in January. I think the first case was registered up in the State of Washington around January 20th. And since then, it grew and grew and grew and obviously has grown into something much bigger, but not quite as big as they projected. So that’s the good news. But the reality of it is COVID affected just about every single human being on this earth.
It’s changed the way we live. It’s changed the way we do almost everything we do and it’s changed what we can and can’t do. I’m in Panama and I can tell you Panama did not treat COVID like a joke at all. In fact, once they started getting cases in Panama and they were concerned about the medical system being able to keep up, they shut us down. And when I say shut us down, I mean, they shut down all the businesses, every single one of them, except grocery stores and pharmacies.
There was nothing else, just the pharmacy. You could go to the ATM if you needed some money and the pharmacy. And that was it. And they shut us down to a point where I was allotted two hours, two days a week to go do my shopping and that was only for necessities. I wasn’t to be out there walking around, getting exercise. I was out there to shop. And so this was my Tuesday morning and Thursday morning from 7:30 – 9:30am were the only times I was allowed outside of my apartment.
Women were allotted 3 days a week. Monday, Wednesday, Friday again, all these times were based on your personal ID card. So your passport depending on whether you were a citizen or resident. Since I’m a resident, I went with my passport. So my time was set. If I was caught outside, they would you know, sometimes they’re checking your ID if you’re outside of those times or you’re somewhere where there’s obviously not a grocery store or pharmacy they would arrest you, take you in, and they were doing that for a lot of people.
They really locked us down and that went on for nearly six weeks. So they did slowly start kind of opening things up. And as I’m recording this, you know, sort of the last week of September, I mean, August I’m sorry, you know, they still we still are locked down on weekends. And that means from 7:00 pm on Friday afternoon and evening until 5:00 am Monday morning, we’re not to be out and about.
So the police are patrolling. If they catch you out, they’ll arrest you. We’re required to wear masks. So the whole argument that a lot of people are having about masks or not to mask. They’ll arrest you. So you wear a mask. So that’s been Panama. We’re still on a curfew, so I can’t go out at night. So from 7pm to 5am, you can’t be out. That’s every day.
We’re still in this general lockdown. We’re trying to slow the spread of the disease in the hopes that a vaccine will come. And that’s been my life. You know, my gym’s closed down. I was locked in my apartment for four months or more, unable to go out more than a couple hours, twice a week. And quite frankly, I melted down. You know, it was a hugely stressful situation, just reading what was going on.
Even though I could focus a little bit on my clients and I could focus a little bit on my business, I wasn’t able to really put my all into that because I was just really struggling with this huge trigger event in my life that scared the crap out of me when I first heard about it. And as a result, I did what most people do. I spent all my days reading articles.
And in fact, you know, because I’m a data geek. I’m an information geek. I was reading every single article I could get my hands on in my search criteria. I just basically would say COVID-19 coronavirus, but not anything that mentions President Trump. And so I removed all of that political garble that was going on because it removed all of, you know, the opinion and stuff that was out there. And it gave me the medical information, the studies, the things that were actually going on in the medical community. The discussions they were having, the treatments and the, you know, the discussions of how they were going to do you know, virus, I mean a vaccine.
I was reading up on this every single day. And the reality of that has hit me that it just really, it pushed me further down. It kept me depressed. It kept me just addled. I didn’t have a solution in my own head how I was going to handle this and what it was going to mean to me, to my wife, to my family. You know, our parents are up there in ages. They’re all in their 70s. And quite frankly, they’re not in the condition to handle something like this.
It was just really, really devastating for me to be sitting here in Panama and think about the things I couldn’t do. And even if I had gone up to the United States to be around family, I really wouldn’t have been any help to them to protect them. It just would have been the same. So we decided to stay in Panama and we’re stuck in our houses and our apartment.
As a result of the stress and everything that was going on, I kind of slipped. So my slip and it involved alcohol. It involved almost no movement. I did bring some equipment from the gym over to my apartment and it sat and gathered dust in the corner. The whole time, I didn’t really even have any desire to work out, which was really, really strange for me. But the impact of what was going on in the world, the stress that I was feeling and just feeling incapable of doing anything about it really, really bothered me.
So the no movement, the alcohol, the eating crazy stuff, you know, here and there, the cumulative impact was huge and it was weight gain. You know, the COVID 15 is a real thing. I did my part. I gained my fifteen pounds and I felt terrible about it. But it was, you know, it was just a reaction to what was going on in my life. And it was a major slip for me health-wise. It was not something that I wanted. It was not something that I planned. Sometimes I do plan to gain some weight and enjoy myself and go have a couple of weeks of, you know, fun and crazy at an all-inclusive resort or at a football game or just on some vacation. But this was not that social media.
It was just driving me batty and, you know, as I was going through it. And then, of course, the violence and stuff that was starting to happen in the United States particularly, and all of that coming through, it was just huge. Now, with that, I did slowly start to come out of it and think about what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.
So in a sense, this was very much a wake up call for me. I was sitting around thinking, you know. Why am I so bothered by this and what is really driving my behavior? What’s the lesson out of all of this? And the reality of it was a few things. One is, you know, I’m watching videos of kind of crazy violent stuff happening. And I’m you know, I’m watching a woman or a man and they’re in their 50s around my age and they’re getting beat up and they’re not able to defend themselves, are not able to help themselves.
And I’m watching people die, not necessarily watching them die, but hearing about the deaths and realizing that they’re dying. Not necessarily because they got COVID because a lot of people were getting COVID and just moving on with their lives, recovering and moving on. But there are people just that couldn’t recover and they couldn’t recover because they just basically weren’t taking care of themselves. So, you know, the first realization that came out of this was that COVID-19 is not the Spanish flu.
You know, that we want to compare it to the last pandemic. But the reality is this is apples and oranges. We know how germs pass now. They didn’t know as much back then when Spanish flu was going on. And really the only reason that we’re having to deal with COVID as much as we are, because in a real sense, it wouldn’t be much worse than a flu if we were all healthy. But that’s the point. Our health is crap in the United States.
You know, two-thirds of people are overweight, one third are obese, pre-diabetes, diabetes is just rampant. Heart disease is the number one killer. And, you know, as I’m recording this, I was thinking, you know, people aren’t taking care of themselves. And right now and like I said, as I’m recording this, you know, there have been 180,000 deaths in the United States, which is tragic. But what we don’t think about is there’s 480,000 tobacco-related deaths every year.
So if you count the 7 months that COVID’s been around as of this point in the United States, it’s killed 180,000 and 280,000 have died of tobacco-related illness. Now, I know there’s an overlap there. And so what COVID is actually doing, rather, we want to admit it to ourselves or not, is it’s just accelerating our death.
This episode of the 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Fastic before we had refrigeration, processing and bulk transportation, we just didn’t have access to food like we do today because we’re opportunistic eaters. Most of us consistently eat more than we should. And our bodies don’t know how to signal to us that we’ve had enough. I practice intermittent fasting regularly, and it’s a strategy many of my clients use to get control of food and as a happy side effect, lose weight. Fastic is an app you can download on an Apple or Android smartphone. It’s a pretty snazzy app with a lot of tools to help you do intermittent fasting, right. It not only lets you track your fasting, but water consumption, steps and a lot of other things.
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Now, we talked about aging last week and a little heads up the next couple episodes are also about aging because as I was going through my moments, I was just thinking, you know, we’re aging and we need to be healthy. And so how do I teach people how to age better? How do I teach them to be healthy longer? Because we don’t want to go out that way. And, you know, so, you know, we have to take responsibility for our own health.
You know, I had to take responsibility for my health and my fitness. So, you know, when I see some 50-year-old guy getting pummeled or some 50-year-old woman getting pummeled, I have to think in terms of if I were in the United States walking around and got into that situation, am I the victim that they’re going to be looking to mess with or am I someone who basically looks like I can take care of myself because I’m in good health and I’m reasonably fit.
It’s not that you have to look like Mike Tyson to survive in this world, but the reality is they’re much less likely to victimize you, to bully you, to attack you if it looks like you might be able to hurt them back. And so I don’t want to throw this out there and really upset a lot of people, but, hey, if this is you, get a little upset, you know, that’s OK. This was my wake up call.
If I’m going to take care of my loved ones, I’ve got to be there for them. I’ve got to be able to do the things that are necessary, you know, and it goes beyond being able to help my wife out of a wheelchair 30 years from now. It goes to the fact that if someone sees me walking with my wife, they just see me as someone to just pass on because they don’t want to attack me.
If a COVID virus or something like that, something similar to this comes again, like I am generally now, I want to be healthy. I want my vitamin D to be where it’s supposed to be. I want my B vitamins and zinc. I want all those things in my food so that I’m already healthy. In fact, I stepped up my supplementation because I was locked in an apartment. I’ve got vitamin D, I’ve got zinc, you know, like it’s almost like a medicine cabinet kind of thing, which I normally wouldn’t do, but I just didn’t want to take chances.
Being locked in an apartment, limited access to the food. I mean, I have access to food, but it’s the same food. So just making sure that the varieties there I’ve started supplementing. And so I was able to kind of turn this around and I turned it around and I started thinking, you know what I’m doing? All I’m doing is the basic thing that successful people do. The way you get success in this world is you learn from your failures and you do that by doing three things, and that’s what I want to share with you.
This is my three-step plan for recovery when you slip. So pay particular attention to this one.
OK, so the first thing is to forgive yourself. And this is the most important thing if you don’t really forgive yourself and I mean really like self-love deep. I made a mistake. I screwed up. I shouldn’t have sat there and drank myself silly and ate myself silly and sat on my couch reading about COVID virus, things that really weren’t going to impact my life or improve my life.
And I did those things for six solid weeks. I can’t do that again, but I need to recognize that there were triggers, there were things that made me do that that were out of my control, and I didn’t take the moment to stop myself and stay in control. So that’s on me. But I have to forgive myself. So I accept responsibility and I forgive. And from that forgive. Now you’re ready to move to the second step.
The second step is what did you take away from that moment? What was the learning experience of that moment? So for me, it’s when I hit a really stressful period of time, I need to move. I need to move one way or another. Rather, they lock me in an apartment where they really lock me in a room or they lock me in a bathroom. I need to move and I’m going to move next time. If something like this happens and they lock us down, I’m still going to move. I’m going to keep moving as long as I possibly can because that’s really helped me.
Since I got out of this, I’ve been walking regularly. I’ve been lifting regularly when they started letting me out to do other things besides shop. So I’ve been doing those things. And it’s meant a world of difference, having that movement in my life, doing the meditations, doing the things that are going to relieve the stress, that will keep me from the actions that are detrimental to me. So I learned a lot out of this about myself.
You know, your trainer is not perfect. I’m human and I have to accept that and I have to act on that when something bad is happening, I have to recognize the symptoms and I’ve got to do something about it. So I’ve I’ve changed up a few things in my morning rituals. I’ve gone through some training. I’ve done some extra work on myself, mentally, physically. And that’s helped me a whole lot. Moved way past where I was.
Now the third. And again, I’m not going to say this is the most important because really the forgiving is. But if you don’t act on what you’re supposed to do, you set that plan. You’re like, OK, I’m going to meditate every morning. I’m going to go for long walks. I’m going to commune with nature. I’m going to get as much vitamin D as I can possibly get by supplementing and getting out in the sun. I’m going to do these actions to protect myself, to make myself stronger, to make sure that I’m the person my loved ones deserve. Then that’s the action and that’s when you have to do it. Now, what I did as a part of my action was, you know, I stepped up and said, you know, I’m going to go ahead and launch and do a round of what I call eight weeks to WOW.
And unfortunately, as you’re hearing this, we’ve closed out on the third round, which might actually be the last time I do this in 2020. But I went through eight weeks to WOW with the first group that went through and we were all seeing great success, which was really up-lifting. And I, basically going through that program, lost 12 pounds. And then I went through my Strong, Lean Over 40 program, which, you know, I sell it as a program which is a strongly energetic program and then basically lifting part, which would be the coaching part.
And I’ve been doing that now for about three or four weeks. And I’m down below my pre COVID weight. So the fifteen pounds that I gained, I’ve lost more than that since May 1st. And I did that because I went through that three-step recovery plan. You know, the three-step plan is to forgive, to learn and plan and then act. OK, so you’ve got to do those three steps before you’re going to get past this, because if you don’t forgive, you won’t recover.
If you don’t set a plan, learn something and set a plan, then you won’t step in the right direction. And if you don’t actually act, then you’re not stepping at all. So it takes all three of these in that order for you to be successful at recovering from a slip. So if you want to go from slip to success, you take those three steps. Now, I’m going to offer you a free gift.
If you go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/slip. I’m going to have a little cheat sheet. I call it the slip to success cheat sheet and it’s going to kind of walk you through those three steps and give you a little bit of insight into each one and how to apply it in your life. So go ahead and go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/slip and you can download the plan, the cheat sheet and it’ll be like I said, it will kind of walk you through.
So if you’re finding yourself right now sitting there saying I’m a victim of the COVID 15, you’re not a victim, stop being a victim, take action, forgive yourself, set a plan and take action. And this little gift, this little cheat sheet is going to help you get on that track. So you are not a victim. We are not victims. We are in control of our future. We write our own next chapter. Our next chapter hasn’t happened.
Now, we have an option right now to take out the pen that we’ve been writing our life with, and we get to write a new story starting today, so if you’re ready to do that, to get this cheat sheet and then reach out to me and let me know what I can do to help you be successful in your journey forward. So I appreciate you being on the podcast today.
The next couple of episodes are going to be about aging. They’re really good conversations. I was in kind of an aging mindset as I was going through the last month. And this is what came out of it. We ended up with a theme like that. But, you know, the world is not always positive and it’s really, really hard for us to keep moving forward when things just seem to be falling.
You know, at some point, Sharknado is probably going to happen in 2020 because, you know, it’s been that kind of year. We kind of laugh about, you know, we’re going. But there are two hurricanes coming into the Gulf of Mexico as I’m recording this. So, yeah, it’s just a really, really strange year with a lot of stressors in front of us. And having a plan is going to help. Now, the core of all of this, and I want you to start this today, is I need you to start using positive self taught and using positive thinking, have a positive outlook.
I know it’s hard, but you’re currently healthy. You’re currently in good shape, at least more in better shape than being on the other side of the grass. You’re listening to this. So just recognize that you do have control in rewriting your future and you can start today. So make that conscious decision to start and then recommit.
Go back to your why and your vision. As we talked about in the Wellness GPS, if you have those two things, they’re always going to be that rock, that foundation that keeps you solid and on your feet ready to move forward. OK, so when you take that recommit, you get into it, boom, I’m in. And then you go through and you go through that three-step plan. You’re going to make this happen for yourself. I have no doubt whatsoever.
The following listeners have sponsored this show by pledging on our Patreon Page:
– Anne Lynch | – John Somsky | – Melissa Ball |
– Barbara Costello | – Judy Murphy | – Tim Alexander |
– Bill Gioftsidis | – Leigh Tanner | – Wendy Selman |
– Debbie Ralston | – Margaret Bakalian |
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