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How to shift into a higher gear with Delatorro McNeal

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On episode 511 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we meet with Delatorro McNeal and discuss his book, Shift into a Higher Gear and several way to get the right mindset for change.



This episode of the 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Organifi.

Organifi is a line of organic superfood blends that offers plant based nutrition made with high quality ingredients. Each Organifi blend is science backed to craft the most effective doses with ingredients that are organic, free of fillers and contain less than 3g of sugar per serving. They won’t take you out of ketosis, if that’s your way of eating.

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Organifi offers the best tasting, high quality superfood beverages without breaking the bank. Each serving costs less than $3 per day. Easy, convenient, and cost effective.

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Let’s Say Hello

[00:03:37.670] – Allan
Hey, Raz, how are things going?

[00:03:40.070] – Rachel
Great, Allan. How are you today?

[00:03:41.690] – Allan
I’m doing pretty good. A couple of things I’m kind of excited about one I went camping. I realized when I went camping here because place about 2 hours boat ride away from here. So we were remote. We were really remote. And I realized when I was camping, like, I haven’t done this since I was in the Boy Scouts. I was in the army. Granted, we would be out and about in the Woods and whatnot? But because I was a light infantry group, we never set up tents.

[00:04:11.690] – Allan
We never started fires. We never did any of that stuff. If you were to sleep, you slept on the ground right there and you might cover up with a poncho if it’s raining. But we never set up tents ever. And so just like to set up a tent, start up campfire, collect wood as got going back. And like, hey, I haven’t started a fire in decades. Decades, many decades. And I was like, this is kind of crazy because I think it was probably about 15. So it’s probably about 40 years ago was the last time I actually went camping.

[00:04:46.910] – Rachel
And what did you think? Did you have a good time?

[00:04:48.950] – Allan
It was good.

[00:04:49.550] – Allan
It was just 2 hours is a long time to be on a little boat. A little pangas, bang, bang, bang all the way there. And then bang, bang, bang all the way back. I was able to do a little fishing and that kind of thing. And we were camping with people that while I’m friendly with, I don’t know, super well. So it wasn’t like, deep friendships that you sit there and you have deep, meaningful conversations with them. It was just sort of okay. Yeah, we’re hanging out.

[00:05:17.450] – Allan
This is cool. That’s cool. Probably if it had been longer, it might have been more difficult because this is the point. And I’m an introvert by nature. So just being trapped on an island with a few people is kind of interesting.

[00:05:34.370] – Rachel
Sure. That sounds wonderful. I love camping. I grew up camping, not on a beach like you guys, but we love camping. We did tent camping as kids. And then when Mike and I got married and we had kids, we eventually made it up to the pop up type of camper. And now we have a trailer pulled behind kind of camper

[00:05:55.370] – Allan
that’s glamping.

[00:05:56.750] – Rachel
Yeah, it is. I totally agree. I have a great mattress. I have a little bathroom in my camper. I am totally set, and I absolutely love it.

[00:06:08.450] – Allan
I had the shovel ready just in case.

[00:06:12.050] – Rachel
Yeah, it’s a little different when you’re roughing it like, you guys, but, yeah, it’s still a fun experience to do every now and then.

[00:06:18.710] – Allan
Yeah. And then I’m pretty excited I’m going to do this new challenge. And I’ve started talking about it because you probably heard some of the conversations about it, but there’s still time. There’s still time to sign up for this because I believe this episode is going live on the 8th. Right?

[00:06:39.770] – Rachel
I think so. Yeah.

[00:06:40.610] – Allan
8Th. Okay. So there’s still time for this. And so if you’ll come to Crushtheholidays.com, I’m doing a little 40 plus fitness challenge this year, and it’s just five weeks. And basically it’s motivation. There’s a pop up Facebook group for us to kind of support each other as we go through these holidays, because on the average, people are going to put on weight over the holidays. So if you’re thinking, oh, I’ll get started in January, we’re going to talk about that a little bit later. I’ll just get started in January.

[00:07:13.250] – Allan
Well, if you take two steps backwards between now and then, that’s not so cool. So this challenge will start on November 20th. But don’t wait. Go ahead and sign up. There is a small cost to the challenge, but there’s also prizes. So I’m literally taking the money that I’m getting from the challenge and reinvesting that into the prizes that I’m giving out to make things. So there’s going to be some 40 plus fitness podcast swag. There’s going to be some books, some of my favorite books that I’ve had some of these folks on the show recently.

[00:07:44.750] – Allan
I’ll be sharing their books with you. There’s going to be Amazon gift cards. And for one lucky person in the challenge, I’m going to give away a six week, 40 plus fitness online training program that I’m launching in January. So I’ve been doing the GAS program. I’ve kind of revamped it a bit. And so I’m going to relaunch that in January, and it’s going to be a little bit shorter, a little bit more condensed, affordable. But for the one person coming through the challenge, they’re going to get it for free.

[00:08:13.730] – Rachel
Sounds awesome and like fun. Sounds like fun.

[00:08:16.490] – Allan
Yeah. So it’s crushtheholidays.com.

[00:08:19.850] – Rachel

[00:08:20.870] – Allan
All right. Anything else before we get with this conversation, this really bold conversation with Deltorro?

[00:08:27.470] – Rachel
No. Yeah. I can’t wait to talk.

[00:08:29.690] – Allan
All right.


[00:09:11.690] – Allan
Delatorro, welcome to 40+ Fitness.

[00:09:14.390] – Delatorro
Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Good honor to be here with you.

[00:09:17.030] – Allan
So today, we’re going to talk about your book, Shift into a Higher Gear: Better your Best and Live Life to the Fullest. And I really love that title. And then also you use the motorcycle as kind of your vehicle for communication. And I just love that. I love that because you went through. And when someone does that, you know that they’ve spent a lot of time thinking which you probably did most of that thinking on the motorcycle, which was also probably pretty cool. And so really just kind of told a story about you that I really felt like a personal connection.

[00:09:52.190] – Allan
As I was reading through the book about who you are as a person and what you bring and the joy you bring to people’s lives because you’re there to help them live the better life.

[00:10:01.550] – Delatorro
Yeah. That’s really what it’s all about, man. I appreciate you saying that, Allan, because I really believe that when we commit to stepping into what it means to really transform people and shift people, right? I think we really have to go on this intentional journey to really let people into the parts of ourselves that sometimes we don’t even feel are the most beautiful parts of ourselves. But they’re the necessary parts that people need to see. And so I don’t want people to just look at me and say, okay, he’s super successful.

[00:10:31.610] – Delatorro
I want people to say, hey, listen, this guy’s been on a journey. He’s gone through some things. He’s had to navigate some potholes, right? He’s had to maneuver, right? He’s had to deal with all these things to be able to be at a place where he can now reach back and inspire others to take it to the next level as well. So I’m excited about the book. I’m really, really grateful for it, and it’s already making waves all across the planet. So we’re excited.

[00:10:50.750] – Allan
Well, of course it is. Now you had this concept at the very beginning of the book, and I was like, I love this because it’s kind of a mantra that I use a lot of the time is better me tomorrow. Am I doing today the things that are going to make me better tomorrow? And I think so many people think about the end game of where their finish line is, of what they want to accomplish, not thinking in terms of tomorrow. What can you do today versus thinking about this big thing later?

[00:11:19.850] – Allan
It’s a snowball. Can you talk a little bit about that theme of will you be better today than you were yesterday? Because I think that’s really the key.

[00:11:30.410] – Delatorro
So here’s what’s cool, right? It’s the daily invitation. I believe that life really and truly does give us one open invitation every day, and it comes in the form of a question. Will you be better today than you were yesterday? Will you make the daily decision to better your best to top yourself just by 1% and that’s the key, because a lot of people don’t really can’t quantify what that means. And so for me, it’s how do you get better just by 1% how do you get 1% more forgiving?

[00:11:57.710] – Delatorro
1% more generous, 1% more patient, 1% more service oriented, 1% more fit, right? 1% more committed to your cardio. 1% more committed to your meal plan or meal prep. 1% more committed to your supplement intake or you’re getting enough vitamin D by taking a walk in nature, right? It’s about how do we every day do a little bit that’s going to make the big difference.

[00:12:23.270] – Allan
And it’s compounding interest.

[00:12:28.170] – Delatorro
You’re exactly right, my friend.

[00:12:29.850] – Allan
Now in the book, we’re talking about change. And you talked about the six phases of real change. And I thought these are really important because, again, everybody likes to skip to the end, but we really kind of have to take these steps. We have to take these little steps and go through these phases. Can you talk a little bit about the six phases of real change?

[00:12:50.370] – Delatorro
Yeah. So I want to encourage everyone who’s listening right now to really think about something in your life that you want to change, like, right now we all have stuff that we want to shift.

[00:13:01.290] – Delatorro
But there are six phases to change. But just like you said, if we skip to the end and we don’t do the process necessary, we might get a quick change, Allan, but it’s not going to be permanent, and it’s not going to be long lasting. So if we really want to create real change in our lives, we’ve got to go through what I like to call the six phases of change. So change phase number one is you got to say it must change. You got to identify the thing that has to change in your life because you can’t conquer if you don’t confront and you can’t confront what you don’t identify.

[00:13:32.370] – Delatorro
So you got to identify what it is that you want to change. Right?

[00:13:34.890] – Delatorro
Second thing you got to say is, I must change it. It’s a simple phrase, but it’s really powerful. So it must change. Lets us get clear about what needs to change. I must change it. Allows me to now be the CEO of the Correction. In other words, it’s not up to the government to change it, Allan. It’s not up to who’s in the White House to change it. It’s not up to who’s, the governor or the Mayor. It’s not up to society. It’s not up to whatever things that we tend to externally justify and externally excuse a way or what I like to call interpersonal responsibility.

[00:14:08.370] – Delatorro
It is up to us to change it. It must change. I must change it. Number three, I can change it. You got to get excited. You got to get confident about the fact that you can get fit over 40. You can live the life of your dreams. You can take the vacations you want. You can have the kind of business that you desire, right? It must change. I must change it. Number three, I can change it. Number four, I will change it. Now, Allan, you and I both know there’s a big difference between what someone can do and what they will do.

[00:14:34.530] – Allan
Yes. Absolutely.

[00:14:35.910] – Delatorro
Can is a statement of potentiality and possibility, and it evokes confidence. At the end of the day, we’ve got to cross the bridge from can do to will do, right. And I always say this your I will is more important than your IQ. I think it’s so important that we have that determination, that fortitude, that grit, that fight, that hustle that says, I will make this change, right. And then once you get that, I will change it. The next phase, which is number five is I am changing it.

[00:15:04.050] – Delatorro
And when you’re in the middle of a change process, I don’t care what it is. It is uncomfortable, right?

[00:15:10.050] – Allan

[00:15:10.350] – Delatorro
Because you don’t fit, Allan. You don’t fit where you used to be. You’re not there anymore or you don’t quite fit where you’re going because you’re not quite there yet. So you’re caught between who you used to be and who you’re trying to be. And when you’re in that conundrum, I think it’s so vitally important that you celebrate. One of the things I always encourage people to do, Allan, is go to the party store, get some confetti, throw in the air and walk through their own little celebration, because at the end of the day, you’re in the middle of a change process.

[00:15:35.670] – Delatorro
And it’s a process. But I am changing it. I am changing my nutrition. I am changing my exercise. I am changing my podcasting process. I am changing how I people into my programs. I am changing my webinars, I am changing my parenting. I am changing my marriage and my relationship. So you’re in that process of change. And final step, step number six is I have changed it. And this is where a Press release comes in, because you need to let Lotty Dotti and everybody know that you have changed something significant in your life.

[00:16:08.790] – Delatorro
And I ultimately believe that when we make it through all six phases of change, and when we really haven’t changed, we’ve actually transformed, brother.

[00:16:16.350] – Allan
Yeah. And that’s what way I kind of go about it is I called it Cargo in my book, and it was kind of like, okay, first, you’ve got to celebrate when you get there. Second, you’ve got to kind of almost re acclimate because you are different. You’re a different person. Like you said, you transfer yourself, you’ve transformed. And then the R is reassess because there’s always another journey. There’s always another one.

[00:16:46.710] – Delatorro
I like that reassess. That’s good, man.

[00:16:48.810] – Allan
And then go, just go do it. There’s so much more that 1%, that 1%, that 1%. And then the reassess and saying, okay, what else? What keeps us motivated, keeps us moving. And then you go, like I said, you can just lay those six phases right on top of that and say that’s the journey and that’s the journey.

[00:17:07.830] – Delatorro
Just keep rolling.

[00:17:09.570] – Allan
Now, one of the things you brought up, I just kind of love this, too. I loved a lot of things in your book.

[00:17:14.010] – Delatorro
By the way, Shift into a Higher Gear: Better Your Best and Live Life to the Fullest. Grab it Everywhere books are sold, Amazon, Audible, Barnes and Noble.Com. Everywhere books are sold, the book is all over the planet. Pick it up in airports, you name it, it’s available. Grab it.

[00:17:32.490] – Allan

[00:17:33.150] – Allan
Now, when you’re riding a motorcycle, a lot of people don’t know this, but if you haven’t ridden a motorcycle to make a turn, you have to be very cognizant about where you’re putting your weight. Your weight shift is what causes the terminal motorcycle. Now, I owned a Spider, which is the three motorcycle was the exact opposite. And if I leaned into a turn, I was going to topple. But just understanding, putting your weight into what we’re trying to do and doing it long enough to wait is a big part of this.

[00:18:07.110] – Allan
Can you kind of get into that story and what that’s all about? And why that’s important.

[00:18:11.910] – Delatorro
Brother, I get chills, Allan. I get chills, brother. This is one of my favorite sections in the book. I love the whole book, but, man, I love shift your focus and put your weight into it, which is chapter four. And one of the things that we talk about is when you’re riding a two wheeled motorcycle, right? It’s important that you understand that a motorcycle takes its direction from your intention. And so a motorcycle knows your intention based upon where you place your weight right. So a motorcycle, you don’t have to turn a steering wheel automobile right.

[00:18:49.650] – Delatorro
If you want to go left, you lean left. If you want to go right, you lean right. So a motorcycle takes its direction from your intention. Why is that important? I firmly believe that if we really want to live life to the fullest, there’s not a single person that we admire or respect, Allan, that got to where they got to by half asking their way there. Everybody that I know put their weight into it. They went all in on something, right? Whether it’s Elon Musk or whether it’s Steve Jobs or whether it’s Mel Robbins or Tony Robbins or whether it’s Jillian Michaels, it doesn’t matter.

[00:19:35.250] – Delatorro
We can do this all day. Everybody who’s at the top of their game, they put their weight into their industry, whether it’s Steve Harvey, right, whoever is at the top of their game, they put their weight into it, meaning they gave their best, they gave their all. They focused on leaning into excellence.

[00:19:50.010] – Delatorro
Right. But not only did they give their best effort, but they gave their best effort, watch this, long enough to get a result, which means not only do you have to put your weight into it, W-E-I-G-H-T. But you also have to put your weight into it W-A-I-T. And one of the examples I use in the book is how I’ve got one of the world’s first inspirational business reality television shows based upon public speaking. It’s called The Keynote. And from idea to television, it took me 839 days to get that book from concept to actually being able to see it on TV.

[00:20:25.890] – Delatorro
That’s a little bit over two years. But I was willing to sit on that egg until it hatched. And the point is a lot of times, I believe, Allan, a lot of us don’t get the results that we want in life because we’re not willing to sit on things long enough until they hatch. So one of the principles that I teach in the book is you got to learn how to be like a stamp and stick to one thing long enough until it delivers. If you follow the metaphor, if you put a stamp on an envelope, let’s just assume, for the sake of conversation that the stamp was animated and it could jump from envelope to envelope whenever it wanted to.

[00:20:59.070] – Delatorro
You’re trying to mail something from Florida to California. And every time that envelope got to a different postal stock, it jumped from your envelope to somebody else’s, the postage jumped from another. It would never arrive. Your envelope would never make it.

[00:21:11.370] – Delatorro
Why? Because the postage that was affixed to it didn’t stay attached long enough to get delivery. And you’re in the fitness you’re into wellness. It’s almost like certain supplements, right? There are certain supplements that are better for your body when you add black pepper extract to the supplement, because it gives your body the chance to absorb the supplement into your bloodstream. Same narrative, right? There’s got to be certain things that allow that need to stick to us long enough to get a result. And then we can go on and take it to the next level.

[00:21:43.530] – Delatorro
So I firmly believe that if we really want success in anything, you got to learn how to be like a stamp. Stick to one thing to a delivers. You got to put your weight into it, meeting your best effort. Then you also got to understand that even in this Instagram, Instapot, Instafamous, TikTok, five G, four G LTE super quick microwave world that we live in, some things just take time.

[00:22:06.930] – Allan
Yeah, we see this a lot in my industry where someone will say, okay, well, I’m going to try this diet, or I’m going to try this program and they get into it. And maybe the first week is awesome, and then the second week is less awesome. And then there’s just kind of this like this settling. And it’s really hard at that point to not get frustrated. But you have to lean into this thing that you’re doing and recognize that if the strategy is right, it will come and you have to lean in and keep at it and not just jump to the next thing.

[00:22:39.390] – Allan
It’s like, oh, well, I was on this and all said I saw these pills at the store, and so now I’m taking these weight loss pills, and that didn’t work. So now I’m back trying this other diet, and then someone else said, I need to go do this exercise, but it hurts my legs. So I quit that one. We’ve got to keep going if we want to get some real change. And that said at the beginning that 1% over time is going to really add up.

[00:23:02.970] – Delatorro
That’s exactly right. You’re exactly right, Allan. I totally agree with you, brother. We got to stick with something long enough to get the result and watch this. Part of the reason why we struggle with that is because we’ve got Shiny Object Syndrome, right? That looks good. That looks good. But another reason why we struggle with it. And I help high achievers. That’s really my area of focus. I really love working with high achievers because this is going to sound like an oxymoron, but high achievers get ignored. And the reason why I say high achievers get ignored is because what we’ve been taught all our lives, the squeaky wheel gets the what?

[00:23:35.610] – Allan
The grease?

[00:23:36.690] – Delatorro
Yeah, squeaky wheel gets the grease, the grease, the oil. So in other words, if you’re a problem performer, you get the most attention. But if you’re a high achiever, you tend to get the least amount of attention. Right. So I really focus on helping high achievers get better, take their best and top it. Right.

[00:23:53.010] – Delatorro
And so one of the reasons why I think we struggle with this area of Shiny Object syndrome for high achievers, specifically is because we don’t know how to score a touchdown. And what I mean by that is as soon as we as high achievers get close to the end zone, what do we do? We push the end zone back another 20 yards and say, yeah, but not quite right. We are never satisfied with a certain level of success. We always got to push the envelope and goal setting is huge, and it’s important.

[00:24:18.330] – Delatorro
And goal achievement is big, which we talk about in the book. But as you also learn the book, I have a different take on goal achievement, but we’ll get to that in a little bit. So I think it’s important that at some point, we as high achievers, learn to celebrate the small wins, learn how to celebrate the process of achievement and learn how to celebrate the good things that we have in our lives and really take those things to the next level.


This episode of the 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Organifi.

Organifi is a line of organic superfood blends that offers plant based nutrition made with high quality ingredients. Each Organifi blend is science backed to craft the most effective doses with ingredients that are organic, free of fillers and contain less than 3g of sugar per serving.

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Go to www.organifi.com/40plus and use code 40plus for 20% off your order. That’s O R G A N I F I dot com forward slash 40plus and use code 40plus  for 20% off any item.

[00:26:25.250] – Allan
There was another concept in the book that when I first got into it, I was kind of like, okay, that’s not a big deal. And then as I got towards the end of it, I was like, Wait a minute. I need to go back and reread that. And as I went back and reread it, it just clicked and I was like, oh, wow.

[00:26:41.690] – Allan
This is phenomenal. And the reason I say that is in a motorcycle there’s go forward or go home. I mean, you just go forward.

[00:27:22.670] – Allan
Because there’s a lot more there than I’m able to articulate. But like I said, it was just a really exciting thing. As I got into it, I was like, if someone could just wrap their mind around, I only have one gear. I have one gear. I’m going forward because I can’t go backwards. That’s huge.

[00:26:50.990] – Allan
That’s the gear. That’s the gear. Now you can shift to a higher gear and go faster, but it’s always a forward. There’s no reverse on a motorcycle versus a car. It has park. It has reversed and it has neutral and has drive. So there’s a lot of decision making there about whether you’re going to be going forward backwards or whatnot. But if you’re going to be successful at anything you’re trying to do, you got to put it in gear and go. That’s it just in the one gear. Can you talk a little bit about that?

[00:27:41.210] – Delatorro
Yeah, man, I appreciate you for underlining that and underscoring that for me, Allan. As a result of what you just said, brother, I’m actually going to get a T-shirt design that says, I only have one gear. That’s really good, brother. I got to write it down. When the moment of inspiration hits me, I have to write it down in the moment so thank you for that.

[00:28:02.510] – Allan
You’re welcome.

[00:28:04.550] – Delatorro
But seriously, so the notion is this and you kind of already spoke to it. What I love about shifting to a higher gear, and everybody, please make sure you grab a copy of the book. You can go to shifting to a highergear.Com. Grab the book, but also grab the campaign workbook that we’ve created, which takes the learning principles from the book so much deeper. One of the things that we do in the book is we help you understand the difference between living life, the automobile way and living life, the motorcycle way.

[00:28:29.270] – Delatorro
And I want to say this to everybody who’s listening. You don’t ever have to have ridden a motorcycle before. You don’t even have to have an interest in riding motorcycles to be able to learn and apply the principles. Because the motorcycle metaphors are a backdrop to the deeper conversation that we’re talking about, whether it’s excuses or whether it’s fear versus faith or emotional mastery, the motorcycle serves as a backdrop metaphor for the entire overarching concept. So automobile living allows you to have multiple gears in your life, many of which are ineffective for life and business, whereas motorcycle living only allows you to operate like Allan just said in one gear, and that’s drive when you turn a motorcycle on and you put it in gear, it only knows drive, it only knows forward.

[00:29:14.570] – Delatorro
However, automobiles give you a whole bunch of other negative options. It gives you park, it gives you reverse, and it gives you neutral. Then the book, we go into great detail to explain the differences between those three different gears and how those gears, more importantly, how they show up in your life and business on a daily basis. How do you know when you’re in neutral? How do you know when you’re in park? How do you know when you’re in reverse? And, Allan, I want to underscore something in the book that’s really huge, which is I want to debunk something that most people not only believe, but they teach.

[00:29:47.450] – Delatorro
A lot of people teach that how you do anything is how you do everything. And I absolutely could not disagree more. And I’m going to use that chapter as a perfect example because I know people who are in drive in their parenting, but they’re in park in their marriage, or they’re in drive in their business, but they’re in neutral when it comes to their financial portfolio. Let’s just say their investments or they could be in drive in their hobbies, but they’re in reverse in their fitness, right.

[00:30:24.290] – Delatorro
So they’ll go smoke with cigars with their buddies, or they’ll go to sporting events, but they don’t take care of their physical body, right? They’re actually going backwards. They’re not even standing still. They’re going backwards. Right.

[00:30:34.370] – Delatorro
So automobiles give us way too many options. That’s why when you live life to bike way, you only know forward at the end of the day, because we live in time and time is going forward. We must constantly commit to moving forward each and every day in our lives. And I think that’s where the real magic happens.

[00:30:51.410] – Allan
Absolutely. Like I said, that’s why when I got into it, I was like, this is a lot deeper than I thought it was when I first started, because it seems simple concept. But then, as you got into explaining it, which you did so well in a book, it was just like, okay. Yeah. We all need to pick our thing and just drive. So the next thing you talked a little bit, you got into a little bit about goal setting. And this was another area where I really felt like you shine some light on it.

[00:31:19.490] – Allan
For anyone that’s struggled to kind of make their goals happen. And we all struggle. But if you set up a good enough goal, you set the right goal. It’s not easy. There is going to be some struggle here, but you go through the 8 hours to manifest your goals. Can you talk about those? Because again, there’s so many ways people talk about smart goals, maybe even come up with a different acronym. But in this case, you’re literally almost a roadmap, if you will.

[00:31:47.150] – Allan
How to Manifest Your Goals. Could you talk a little bit about that?

[00:31:52.070] – Delatorro
So first of all, I love this book. Every time I get a chance to talk about it, I get excited, Allan, because there’s so much you and I both know, Allan, there’s a lot of books out there that are filled with a lot of fluff. Right.

[00:32:07.010] – Delatorro
And what I love about this book is that and you can tell me your experience. And I’d love to hear it literally from start to finish. The pedal is on the metal, it’s direct it’s in your face. It’s very Dr. Phil. The book comes right at you. Would you agree with that?

[00:32:23.390] – Allan
Yeah. The way I kind of put it together was and this fits directly with who you are. What you do is when you go into a good keynote speaker, they know they’ve got maybe 45 minutes to teach you something and change you to try to in 45 minutes, change you. And that means that they have to cut out every other word that doesn’t suit the purpose. It doesn’t get them on where they want to go. And so quite literally, yes, you open up a chapter, and the chapter might be 45 minutes.

[00:32:53.570] – Allan
It might be an hour, however long it takes you to read that chapter. But it felt like I was sitting there listening to a keynote.

[00:33:01.730] – Delatorro

[00:33:03.650] – Delatorro
That’s awesome, brother. I appreciate that. That means a lot. All right. Cool. So let’s talk about this whole conversation of goals. One of the big things that we stress in the book is the fact that chapter twelve is shift, and this is another big thing people need to understand about the book, which I love is every chapter starts with the verb shift. And so, in other words, there’s an action required, right. And so we did that very intentionally. And then the other piece that I think is important is that we understand this.

[00:33:32.870] – Delatorro
We got to shift from simple goal setting, which anybody could do to transformational goal getting. And I think that’s the difference between the average person and, like super achievers is super achievers actually get the goals they go for it. One of the examples that I use in the book is I say, if three birds are sitting by a still pond or three birds are sitting on a branch and one bird decides to jump away or fly away, how many birds do you have left? And most people say you’ve got two.

[00:34:01.430] – Delatorro
And I said, no, you got three because one just decided, even though they said, I’m going to fly away. Right?

[00:34:09.050] – Delatorro
Deciding is not enough. Decision is not enough. And goal setting is a decision. It’s a cognitive process. But there is a massive difference between cognition and creation, thinking and trying, dreaming and doing, wanting and walking. You know this, especially in the wellness space, how vitally important it is for people to shift from it just being something I got to do here into something I really want to manifest. So podcaster to podcaster. I have a podcast, too that I started a little bit earlier couple months ago. It’s called Crushing Life with Delatorro.

[00:34:42.350] – Delatorro
And the goal of my podcast is to help people achieve one goal in four ways. I help people develop the mindset, the heart set, the skill set, and the will set to live and lead an extraordinary quality of life right now. The reason why I share that with you, Allan, is because a lot of times goal setting is done up here, but you and I both know we can intellectually know something that we don’t emotionally embrace. Right?

[00:35:08.810] – Allan

[00:35:09.410] – Delatorro
We got to go from the emotional embracement to actually living it out, taking that tactical steps, and then they actually have the perseverance to push it through.

[00:35:16.850] – Delatorro
So goal getting, which we talk about in the book, is it involves what I like to call the eight R’s. And so for the purpose of time, I’m not going to go into all eight, but I’ll share two of them with you that I love. I love all eight of them, but eight is my favorite number. So you’ll see a lot of eight represented throughout the book, but one of the big ones, that’s a real sticker that I never hear people teach. Never hear people teach this, is the first R. In order to get to manifest a goal, the first thing you got to give your goal is Room.

[00:35:53.330] – Delatorro
Everybody wants the how to. Everybody wants the strategy. Give me the tactics. Give me the steps to do. But I believe the biggest issue that we struggle with is we don’t create enough space for the thing that we want. Space in your heart, space in your mind, space in your household. When a couple is expecting a newborn baby, what’s the first thing that they do? They create a space for a baby. It’s got its own furniture. It’s got its own clothes. It’s got its own closet.

[00:36:26.870] – Delatorro
What’s the first thing that the womb does when it’s ready to actually, when conception happens. The womb creates space to handle this baby because it understands that the baby is going to take whatever space it needs in that mother’s body and the mother has to adjust. Period. Your goal is the same way. So I firmly believe that no matter what your goal is, the first thing you got to do is you got to make room for it. So in other words, get clear about what you need to take off your plate before you put a whole bunch of other stuff on your plate.

[00:37:01.070] – Allan
Yeah. I think one of the examples you kind of gave in the book, which I liked was, you want to start working out, you got to look at your schedule and say, okay, when will I actually do this? If I’m going to train for something, when am I going to do it? And something else probably has to not be done. Like, maybe a little less Netflix.

[00:37:22.610] – Delatorro
Exactly. Right, brother.

[00:37:23.990] – Allan
And you can get the audiobook and listen to it while you’re running.

[00:37:29.210] – Delatorro
You can go to audible right now and grab the audiobook and listen to the audiobook and shift into our higher gear. We didn’t hire an actor. I read it in studio for five and a half hours. I did it. So you get my voice, which is awesome. I’m proud of that. But no, man, that’s a big deal. And you’re right. It’s like no matter what it is. So one of the things that I help when I collect keynote for a lot of corporations and associations and things.

[00:37:52.070] – Delatorro
And one of the first things I talked to companies, sales teams about is I say, listen, whatever that goal is, your current schedule does not support it, or you’d already have the goal. Right?

[00:38:03.830] – Delatorro
So let’s take stuff off your plate before we decide what really needs to go on it. And so it’s that process of what do you need to pull back from in order for you to go forward.

[00:38:17.090] – Allan
Do you have time to go through a couple more Rs?

[00:38:19.370] – Delatorro
Yeah. I love these Rs.

[00:38:22.730] – Delatorro
So. Yeah. So the first one is room. So I love that one. Create space, another one of the Rs that I’m a big fan of, and I’m not going to go in any particular order here. But one of the other Rs that I’m a big fan of out of all of them, which I love them all is I really believe that you need a Roadmap. I think it’s so important that you figure out okay, If I’m here, how do I get from here to there? You’ve got to have a roadmap.

[00:38:47.090] – Delatorro
And the best place to get a roadmap is from someone who’s already done what you’re trying to do. Because success leaves is clues. We just got to go find them. So sometimes the best way to get a roadmap is to say, okay, who do I admire and respect in my industry, who’s done what it is that I’m trying to do, who is that person? And then once I get clear about who that person is, how do I begin to start to model the results that that person has gotten in order to model the results that they’ve gotten?

[00:39:15.110] – Delatorro
I’ve got to do what it is that they’ve done. I remember I had a chance to spend a day and a half. Dr. John Maxwell. And one of the things that Dr. Maxwell was teaching me, it was a leadership lesson. He said, Delatorro, a lot of people come up to me at events and they say, oh, Dr. Maxwell, I want to be who you are. I want the books. I want the stages, I want the lights. I want all the stuff. And he’s like, great. He said, Are you willing to do what I did so that one day you can get what I want.

[00:39:42.470] – Delatorro
And I think the lesson there is we got to be willing to do the work. Once we find what the roadmap is, we got to be willing to take the steps that the roadmap provides. So you got to have a I mean, think about it as soon as you type into Google Maps or Waze. As soon as you type in where it is, you ultimately want to go. It’s going to give you a roadmap on how to get there, right. But you got to be willing to follow the roadmap.

[00:40:05.390] – Delatorro
And another one of the Rs that I love to talk about is along your journey of following the roadmap. You’ve got to create some symbols of relief in the form of rewards. You’ve got to give yourself some moments of celebration. You’ve got to enjoy the process and enjoy yourself as you’re going through. Because if all you do is work on achievement, achievement, achievement, achievement, achievement without any rewards along the way. The problem with that is you’re not going to actually enjoy the process of achieving. And when achievement becomes boring, we quit.

[00:40:40.010] – Delatorro
So you got to be able to make sure that you have more fun. I teach productivity to corporations and associations. And one of the things that one of my top programs is called platinum productivity. Getting more done by having more fun. And one of the things that I teach is, according to neuroscience, your brain is more incentivized to do the things that need to be done if you attach more reward based things to it. But if your brain associates pain to productivity, you’re always procrastinating. So I really believe in the importance of rewards, road maps and room.

[00:41:16.490] – Allan
Thank you for sharing that. Delatorro, I define wellness as being the healthiest, fittest and happiest you can be. What are three strategies or tactics to get and stay well?

[00:41:30.230] – Delatorro
This is a holistic word, and I really believe that there’s three things that I think we can easily do to continue to make wellness a priority. Number one, I’ll go back to it. Make room for wellness in your life. That means getting an extra 45 minutes or early or staying up a few minutes later in the evening. So number one, make room for it. Make room for it in your schedule. Let it show up in your phone. Put alerts in your phone that you’re going to go take a walk, you’re going to go take your supplement, you’re going to drink a certain amount of water.

[00:41:59.510] – Delatorro
Use the apps to help you to kind of manage certain habits, whether it’s hydration habits where you’re checking off, whether it’s a fitness app on your phone, do something to make room for the thing that you want. Number two is do it with other people. One of the biggest concepts we teach in the Shift into a Higher Gear book is we teach the importance of doing things as a collective. So who’s in your biker posse, who’s in your biker community, who’s in your tribe, and really getting clear about who those individuals are?

[00:42:30.470] – Delatorro
So making wellness something that you do with others, I think is an important step to keeping it a part of your top priority. And then number three is make it enjoyable. Not everybody loves going to the gym and pumping hard iron. But if your thing is racquetball, then do racquetball. If your thing is golf, do golfing. If your thing is swimming, do swimming. If your thing is, don’t feel like you’re not fit because you don’t want to press iron six days a week. That might not be your way of doing it, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

[00:43:00.410] – Delatorro
I think it’s sensational, but I do think everyone is wired differently and you got to get clear about what wellness and exercise and moving your body and cardio and what that means to you and how you can find a way to make it fit you and your lifestyle. Do it with others and keep it scheduled in your life, and I think you’ll be able to have fun with it.

[00:43:21.530] – Allan
If someone wanted to learn more about you, the things you’re doing and your book Shift into a Higher Gear. Where would you like for me to send them?

[00:43:29.870] – Delatorro
First of all, the book is available everywhere books are sold. We’re driving a lot of traffic right now to Amazon, so please go on Amazon and grab the book there. It’s also available in Barnes and Noble. Our website. Our primary website for the book isshiftintoahighergear.com. So the website is the name of the book shiftintoahighergear.com. We also have a Facebook community. So please make sure that you join our Facebook community, which is Shift into a higher gear global biker posse. All you do is type in, shift into a higher gear global biker posse on Facebook.

[00:44:03.290] – Delatorro
It’s a public group. It’s a free group to join. You just jump right on in. And we love to have you because we’re creating a global group of people who are readers of this book and who are applying the principles and things of that nature. So we do exclusive lives inside that group. It’s really exciting. So that’s how people can get a hold of us. And also, if you want to have us come speak to your organizations, you can search us for all social media at Dr. Delatorro, that’s at D-R-D-E-L-A-T-O-R-R-O. At drdelatorro for all of our social media, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, everything. And then lastly, our primary website for our speaking engagements is delatorro.com. D-E-L-A-T-O-R-R-O.com.

[00:44:47.030] – Delatorro
If there’s anybody that’s out there that’s interested in any form of speaking or using public speaking and presentation to grow your business or your brand, I’ve been in the speaking industry for 20 years, and I’ve been endorsed by some of the greatest speakers on the planet. I’ve been a member of the National Speakers Association for 15 years, and I actually train and mentor people who want to become professional speakers, authors, coaches, and who want to make a living, inspiring people with their messages and their story. So I have a program called Crush the stage, which is a three day live boot camp that I do that helps people to master public speaking and presentation.

[00:45:22.250] – Delatorro
And so people can go to helpmecrushthestage.com that’s helpmecrushthestage.com to learn all about our three day boot camp.

[00:45:29.390] – Allan
Okay, go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/511. And I’ll be sure to have a link in the show notes there to all of those links because you’re everywhere. So, Delatorro, thank you so much for being a part of 40+ Fitness.

[00:45:44.130] – Delatorro
An honor indeed. My friend, Allan, thank you to your incredible tribe, your followers, your listeners. And I’m hoping to hear from them sometime soon.

Post Show/Recap

[00:45:54.970] – Allan
Hey, Raz, welcome back.

[00:45:56.890] – Rachel
Hey, Allan, your conversation with Delatorro is really fascinating. And I have to say, I love his analogy shift into a higher Gear, but also better your best. I think that’s great.

[00:46:08.950] – Allan
He brings so much energy to what he’s doing because he’s also a keynote speaker. He’s speaking to large, large groups. When you’re on a Zoom call with him, it’s actually a little intimidating. He’s got so much energy. He’s like, I got to try to keep up with this guy. Never going to happen, never going to happen. He just brought it. And, yeah, the analogies and the things he’s doing in his book, The Higher Gear shift to Higher Gear is just really cool. He takes the Conversations motorcycle, which if you spend a lot of time riding or driving, it gives you time to think.

[00:46:40.630] – Allan
So he sat down. He thought all these things through, and he really gives you some awesome tools. We really only just scratch the surface of the things that he has in that book, and they’re all really valuable. So if Mindset is something that you truly struggle with, I strongly consider you. You should strongly consider getting this book because it is a pretty powerful book.

[00:47:03.310] – Rachel
Absolutely. I particularly enjoyed his six Phases of Real Change, and I won’t go into them all again. But I just like to point out the difference between I can change. I will change, and I am changing. Those are three very different mindsets. But there’s also a gap in between them. And I think you had mentioned in the earlier podcast, and I’m going way back in your earlier days, but there’s a big gap between saying I can or I’m going to do something and then actually doing it that follow through seems to just be a challenge sometimes.

[00:47:35.590] – Allan
Yeah. Well, I was 39, sitting on the beach in Puerto Vallarta, and I decided that I needed to do something. I was not healthy. I was not happy. I was miserable, called myself the fat bastard. But I made the decision, like, okay, I’m doing this. And then it was just fits and starts and this and that. And I never really got traction until I did that transition from not just deciding I’m going to do something but actually committing to doing it. And so that step from can to will is huge because it is.

[00:48:15.970] – Allan
I knew. Okay. I’m 39 years old. I should be able to play volleyball. I should be able to get myself fit again. And it just wasn’t happening until I really bore down, really kind of pushed forward or leaned into it. As we mentioned on the podcast. And once I leaned into it, that commitment. Once I made that commitment, it started happening. And actually the reality of it was it was very slow at first. A lot of people will lose weight fast at the beginning. And then mine was almost like it was almost like I fell off a cliff.

[00:48:49.450] – Allan
I was just kind of putting along. And then all of a sudden it’s like, okay, I am like that swoosh. Oh, this is happening. I’m working hard. I’m getting stronger. I’m losing the weight. Things are working. I found my buttons. I found the things that work for me that make this go. And so, yeah, that transition from Will, can and do those are important. Every one of those is important. And you’re absolutely right. We have to go through each one of them to make it happen.

[00:49:20.650] – Allan
The decision isn’t enough. You need the commitment, and then the commitment isn’t enough. You have to do.

[00:49:27.130] – Rachel
And the excitement between I am changing. And like you mentioned, it gets exciting when you can see results, whatever the results are, better blood work at the doctor. A better number on the scale, the feeling of energy when you wake up in the morning or before you go to bed at night and the power you feel when you’re lifting better at the gym or running longer distances. All of that is so exciting. And if you just take that moment to celebrate those wins, no matter how little they are, it really will help propel you forward.

[00:49:59.410] – Rachel
Back to the analogy, though, he mentioned motorcycles only go forward.

[00:50:04.750] – Allan
Yeah, you can reach them backwards with your feet, but they don’t have a reverse. The standard motorcycle does not have a reverse. It only has a neutral and a go. And so you’re sitting there, you start that motorcycle and you drop it down in the first gear, it goes forward. And you’ll see this. If you’ve never seen anybody riding a motorcycle, you’ll see if they pull those first into a parking space and they need to leave, they literally have to walk the bike out far enough to get their nose out so they can drive forward, because that’s all the motorcycle is going to do.

[00:50:36.310] – Allan
And all the other gears do is just help you go faster. So his book Shift to a Higher Gear is really about getting more, getting faster, doing more, seeing more, all those different things that are exciting about a motorcycle traveling faster. That fun part of it that inertia the wind, in your hair. If you had hair kind of stuff, that’s it. If you just stay in first gear on your motorcycle, you’re putting around town at 15 miles an hour, but you get to the second gear, third gear, fourth gear.

[00:51:07.270] – Allan
And now you’re flying. And so that’s kind of the point of the whole thing is the motorcycle is only going to go in one direction, so you’ve got to drive it. But you’ve got to keep shifting into that higher gear to fill that inertia and get where you want to go.

[00:51:21.310] – Rachel
I love that. And then the other part that I wanted to mention that I think people probably should pick up this book would be the eight Rs that he had put together, and he only discussed a couple of them. But the first R he mentioned was room and that you need to make space by taking some things off your plate so that you can add to it. And I think that is a particularly helpful tip, because when we decide to make these types of changes, like going to the gym every day or on a run or adding this exercise to our life, it’s hard to find the time for that.

[00:51:53.710] – Rachel
I mean, if we had all the time in the world, we’d already been doing that. So I like his thought about maybe taking something away or rearranging your schedule to make time for these new things that you might add to your life.

[00:52:06.970] – Allan
Yeah, I prioritize sleep. I just always have. And I always will. So I’m not a proponent of getting up half an hour earlier just for the sake of working out. But that said, I made a point of putting on my calendar every day that I was going to get this workout done at this particular time, and it became my calendar. No one else could book on that time, and it meant, okay, I have to eat a little quicker. I might have to eat at my desk, which again, not the healthiest things.

[00:52:36.430] – Allan
But it was that trade off to say, I need to be in the gym for at least an hour, and this is my trade off is eating at my desk, making sure I have something that’s convenient. I don’t have to go out and get. And so it’s right here. It’s a packed lunch and just that kind of thing. And if you’re in a relationship, obviously, you may not have the support of the people around you to do what you need to do. But you’ve got to figure out how to make that change.

[00:53:02.710] – Allan
You’ve got to figure out how to get them on board, at least to the point of allowing you the room, the space to get this done. So you get the hour you need, even if it’s just two or three times a week, you get the time you need. If there are certain foods that you’re like. No, that’s my kryptonite. Please don’t leave the cookies on the counter. They may continue to do that, but you’ve got to give yourself the room and where possible. Engage them to help make that happen.

[00:53:28.870] – Rachel
Yes, I love that. That’s a great tip for moving forward.

[00:53:32.110] – Allan
All right. Well, Rachel has been great talking to you. I will talk to you again next week.

[00:53:36.610] – Rachel
Take care.

[00:53:37.570] – Allan
You, too.


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