Our guest today is Dr. Tom Cowan, who previously practiced medicine in San Francisco, California, and was a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation. He is joined by Sally Fallon Morell, who is best known as the author of Nourishing Traditions, and she is a founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and editor of the foundation’s quarterly magazine.
Let’s Say Hello
[00:00:49.670] – Allan Raz, how are you doing?
[00:00:52.070] – Rachel Great, Allan, how are you today?
[00:00:54.320] – Allan I’m doing well. I’m cold. Yeah, and by the time we issue this one, I’ll be on my way back to Panama. And I can just say that, for me, I would say 40 is the new 70. And what I mean by that is it’s 70 degrees out. I feel like it’s 40 degrees. So it’s been nice that we got really lucky on our trip. And it’s not been really cold anywhere we’ve gone. But when the temperature drops below 70, I’m like, no, just no.
[00:01:31.010] – Rachel Yeah, yeah. We’ve been feeling some cold weather up here. I’ve been laying layering up a little bit more on my runs. So, yeah, it’s changed season for us getting cold.
[00:01:41.720] – Allan Yeah. Our guests today are kind of interesting. It’s a really interesting concept where we’re going to be talking about 5G. We’re going to be talking about the coronavirus. And I just want to put this out before we really get into the context of all of this, as I am not a doctor and I’m not going to give you any medical advice whatsoever in this show. Dr. Cowen is a doctor. He was a medical doctor, but he’s let his license lapse because he couldn’t get anybody that wanted to buy his practice. So he just let it lapse. And he’s retired effectively. He’s approaching health from a different perspective. So just recognize that the people talking on this show, none of us are actual doctors. So we’re not meaning any of this to be medical advice. If you have questions about this, we encourage you to do the research.
We encourage you to go out and talk to your medical professionals and then make the decisions that are that are right for you because we are talking about something that is is actually kind of it’s interesting when you think about it in concept, but it’s a little bit controversial. But I wanted to bring this concept up for you because I think it’s just really important to have the full picture as you’re making decisions. And, there’s a lot of discourse on this and some of it’s informed and a lot of it is not. So with that, we’ll go ahead and get into our interview.
[00:03:37.150] – Allan Tom, Sally, for both of you, welcome back to the 40+ Fitness Podcast you both have been on one time before. And so I’m really happy. We did your Cosmic Heart book a few years back.
[00:03:52.180] – Tom Cowan Thank you.
[00:03:53.020] The interesting thing about that book, that book in particular, Tom, is I can actually remember where I was when I had that aha moment in that book where I was like, this is can be transformative. And so I just want to say that that was one of the books that sticks out in my memory. And I’ve had almost 300 people on the podcast.
[00:04:17.260] – Allan And so but that’s one of the books and one of the moments I remember walking to get the keys to my house because I’d gotten locked out and my niece was working at a restaurant about a mile from our house. So I was walking to get keys because I’d locked myself out of the house. Seems to be a recurring theme in my life, but she happened to have keys to the house. I was walking back there and I was listening to yours, the audio book, and it was just a really enjoyable read.
[00:04:40.950] – Allan And it kind of turned my thinking on a lot of things. And this book is doing the same thing. It’s kind of turning some things I had or I thought I knew on their ear. And so this really got me to thinking I might not know as much as I thought I knew, which is kind of another recurring theme in my life where I know the more I know.
[00:05:06.760] – Tom Cowan I’ve done it myself.
[00:05:11.260] – Allan So thank you both for the opportunity to talk about this book, because we’re going through a time that at least for anyone alive, we’ve never experienced before, we’ve never experienced anything like this where people around the world are getting sick and they’re getting shut in. And it’s creating all kinds of problems for us.
[00:05:33.490] – Sally Fallon Morell And it’s all predicated on the notion that this illness is contagious.
[00:05:42.550] – Allan Right. And so your book is called The Contagion Myth. And, like I said, when I got into it, I was like, OK, in my whole life, we were taught bacteria and, you know, viruses. And then a few years ago, I think it kind of turned on its on its ear and said, no, don’t wash your hands and use those antiseptic things. You know, this stuff. I don’t use that because you need some of that bacteria, you need some of that virus that makes us healthy.
[00:06:14.920] – Allan And so, you know, much like eggs, what do you eat, eggs or not eat eggs? Do you do saturated fat and ideas back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. And you’re proposing a theory that’s very different from the germ theory that I I grew up knowing. Can you talk a little bit about, you know, what’s wrong with germ theory and with this whole coronavirus to covid-19 thing? Why why are we getting that wrong?
[00:06:45.270] – Tom Cowan Yeah, so basically the idea of the germ theory is that originally the people who proposed it said we were sterile organisms, which means that from, as I like to say, from the skin on in, there was no bacteria or they didn’t know about viruses at all. And if there was a bacteria in you, it’s because it was a pathogen, meaning it came from the outside and then, quote, infected you and made you sick. The first thing I would point out about that is that would make human beings different from essentially every other thing in nature.
[00:07:27.150] – Tom Cowan For instance, if you have a compost pile and you put dead squirrels in it, which maybe don’t belong in a compost pile, you’ll get fungus and bacteria to eat the squirrel. And as far as I know, nobody says that the compost pile has an infection. Another example we use is if you come upon a dead dog and there’s maggots on it, nobody thinks the maggots killed the dog. Another example is if you cut down trees in the forest and then the trees die and are sitting in the forest floor, if you said bacteria and fungus are bad, so I’m going to get rid of them. And so you antifungal an antibiotic, the whole forest, you would never decompose the trees, you would never recycle that and you’d end up with a dead forest. So the fact of the matter is, whether people believe it or not, is the role of bacteria in nature is to recycle that which is diseased and dying or maybe dead. And that’s just the observational fact. And there’s no particular reason why that should be different in us. And one can’t say because there’s bacteria pressing in your throat that that means they’re causing the disease any more than you can say because there’s firemen at a fire that they caused the fire.
[00:08:53.580] – Tom Cowan So there isn’t a scientific method of determining whether something is the cause, something meaning a bacteria or a virus. And if you could permit me, I think I have an analogy that will make it make sense for people, if that’s OK.
[00:09:12.660] – Allan Sure.
[00:09:13.440] – Tom Cowan Imagine I had the hypothesis, which is reasonable, that the calf pay careful attention to the words I’m using here. The caffeine found in coffee beans raises people’s blood pressure, right? That’s my hypothesis. That’s what I got out of epidemiology. In other words, a lot of people got sick in a certain place. Then the sickness seemed to spread or the nursing home, or my Uncle Harry went to a party and then he got sick. These are all epidemiological observations which we then have to prove with real science whether such and such is the cause of that problem. Right? That’s how science works. So the epidemiology is is the caffeine in coffee causes high blood pressure.
[00:10:04.770] – Tom Cowan So if I said, Allan, I’m going to grind up the coffee beans, put them in a capsule and have 10 people eat it and it raises their blood pressure, would you agree that the caffeine in the coffee made their blood pressure go up?
[00:10:18.900] – Allan It would be it would appear so. I mean, that was the one thing. But I don’t know if we controlled for everything, but in a general sense, I would say yes.
[00:10:26.940] – Tom Cowan Let me change your mind a little bit unless you somehow think the only thing in a coffee bean is caffeine. Then you have no idea which of a hundred different substances in the coffee bean actually made, you have high blood pressure. So my conclusion was now we know that coffee beans cause high blood pressure, but we don’t know it’s the caffeine. So let’s go a little further than we put the coffee through a drip filter like people who make coffee. And you you throw away the grounds.
[00:11:00.450] – Tom Cowan Right? And you have liquid coffee and you know that the caffeine is water soluble. So then you have somebody drink that and their blood pressure goes up. Do you now know that the caffeine caused high blood pressure,
[00:11:14.970] – Allan OK, to not be tricked again? I would say no. There’s also some other things in that coffee brand has been liquefied. So not going to catch me twice.
[00:11:25.380] – Tom Cowan Now, the next step, I do some laboratory procedure to extract the caffeine. Right? And then I prove to you that the only thing you could do this with chromatographs and different laboratory techniques. I prove to you, Allan, that the only thing I have now is pure caffeine. Then I give it to people and it makes their blood pressure go up. Have I now proven that it’s the caffeine in the in the coffee beans?
[00:11:55.610] – Allan I’m real close to saying yes.
[00:11:57.560] – Tom Cowan And I would agree with you. You got it. That’s how we understand causation. That’s how we understand isolation. Now, here’s a statement at this point. And according and I’m saying this based on what the CDC is telling us in a July 2020 bulletin they put out. I’m also let me read you something from European surveillance. This was a group of virologists who are tasked with making a test for the coronavirus.
[00:12:31.700] – Tom Cowan They say, quote, the ongoing outbreak of the recently emerged novel coronavirus poses a challenge to public health laboratories as virus isolates are unavailable. Later, they said, we aim to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratories without having the virus material available. The CDC says, quote, There is no isolates of the Sars-Cov-2 virus available. Therefore, they never got the caffeine. That’s what they’re saying. We asked that the lead authors of the six papers that are most referenced for having isolated and characterized this virus, some of them, the title of the paper is Isolation and Characterization of the Virus.
[00:13:29.630] – Tom Cowan And we asked them, did you isolate the virus? And they said no. We have no pictures, we have no isolates of the virus available. Now, I can tell when I look at the picture because pure virus looks like pure virus. And if there’s one virus and a whole lot of cellular debris, then that’s not purified or isolated. And the whole point is, unless you isolate, you can’t demonstrate that that’s the thing that causes disease, any more than giving coffee beans proves that it’s the caffeine.
[00:14:10.540] – Tom Cowan And since they’ve never isolated, they have no proof that it causes disease. In fact, when they inoculate that into animals, none of them got sick. That’s just the facts, even if it wasn’t isolated.
[00:14:24.220] – Tom Cowan Now, the other thing you can’t do is you can’t devise a test that says I can find a unique piece of this virus unless you’ve isolated it first. It’s like me saying, I found a piece of metal under your chair and I know it’s from a flying saucer and you would say, how do you know that? And you would hope that. I would say because I saw a flying saucer. I analyzed the flying saucer. I know what it’s made of. And I know that piece of metal could have only come from a flying saucer. If I say to you, Allan. I’ve actually never seen a flying saucer. And I don’t really know if that piece could have come from your chair or an airplane or a helicopter or something you would think. Tom, there’s something wrong here. You can’t make a test for finding a piece of something which you’ve never analyzed.
[00:15:28.860] – Tom Cowan And I’m not like making this up. This is what the CDC is telling us. So literally at this point, nobody has proven even the existence of this virus, let alone whether it’s pathogenic. Now, to finish your question, this is the same story that’s been going on for one hundred and fifty years. And whenever they do isolate a virus or bacteria, which has been done and can be done, lo and behold, they find that it doesn’t cause disease. So they isolated the caffeine. They gave it to the people and they find out it doesn’t make your blood pressure go up. It must have been in the grounds or something else.
[00:16:17.820] – Tom Cowan Now, as far as I can see, because we now have I’m working with sort of 14 groups of doctors and two of them are from MIT and two from Harvard and PhDs. And none of us can find a reference that says these isolated bacteria or virus cause disease. And that’s where we are in 2020.
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[00:17:59.630] – Allan OK, it’s a spin on anything I’ve ever studied or learned in the past.
[00:18:05.980] – Sally Fallon Morell Allan, I might add no one has done contagion studies either. Now, when we had the Spanish Flu, which killed 50 million people, the US Public Health Service did contagion studies. They took people who were sick and had a group of people who are well, and they had the sick people cough and breathe on the well people. They injected their bodily fluids and their blood into the well people. They tried every possible way to make these well people sick from the people with the flu.
[00:18:42.860] – Sally Fallon Morell And it was one hundred percent failure. They could not make a single well person sick by exposing them to the sick people. So the Spanish flu was not contagious in spite of what they say. And of course, they were mystified. They had no explanation for this. Now, we do have an explanation, but they need to do that today before we lock down the whole world and make people wear masks and stop school and stop gatherings and stop people from going to church or singing in choirs.
[00:19:12.980] – Sally Fallon Morell We need to do at the very least, even if you haven’t isolated this virus, you need to do contagion studies. And we haven’t done them.
[00:19:22.260] – Allan One of the things that you guys talked about in the book as far as the contagion studies, with the Spanish flu, they had people cough on other people, like you said, is like you stand over that, I don’t know, would they even consider doing that in this day and age? I mean, is that ethical?
[00:19:42.340] – Tom Cowan So here’s the interesting thing. One way to answer that question is there’s three models you can use to test in infectivity or contagion. One is humans. Two is animals. Three is tissue culture. In other words, you can take tissue from a kidney or an egg or a rabbit or embryo or something and put the virus or something you think has the virus on it. So here’s that sort of Gordian knot that we’re in. A) you can’t do human studies because that’s unethical. B) there are no animal models for a viral infection for say, polio and HIV and for coronavirus. In other words, for some mysterious reason, none of the animals get sick. It’s only humans. So that doesn’t work.
[00:20:43.010] – Sally Fallon Morell And before coronavirus, Tom and I have found two studies where they tried to make the animals sick. One was mice and one was hamsters. And they did not achieve that. Go ahead, Tom.
[00:20:57.190] – Tom Cowan And the third one is these tissue cultures, which means they take on purified snot essentially and inoculate that on a tissue and then they starve and poison the tissue. In other words, they take away the nutrients, and they add, they do it with kidney tissue and they add kidney toxic drugs. And then the tissue breaks down and then they say that proves it’s contagious. But I am now in possession of a study recently published where they actually tried this on three different human cell lines and none of them got a psychopathic effect, which means none of them were affected by purified stuff from somebody with Sars-Cov-2.
[00:21:44.770] – Tom Cowan So those are the three ways. So the first way we can’t do because it’s not ethical, the second way doesn’t work because for some unexplained reason, animals are not models, which is an interesting word for this infection. And the third doesn’t work for unexplained reasons. And so there you go. So what’s the evidence? The evidence is that frankly, at this point, I don’t know what it’s I can’t follow it because I don’t see it.
[00:22:19.810] – Allan Well, you know, and you talked about this a little bit in the book, as a kid, my brother came home and he said, “Hey, I’ve got chickenpox.” And he hugged me, as he was saying. And now my brother and I, we fought like cats and dogs growing up. So there was zero reason for him to be hugging me other than he wanted to give me his chickenpox, which he did. I mean, in my opinion, based on that, I mean, he hugged me and two or three days later, I’m breaking out with chickenpox. Everybody in our house got chicken pox that hadn’t had it before. So all of us kids got it. That feels like contagion.
[00:22:58.780] – Tom Cowan So let me dissect that a little bit. Remember that epidemiology, in other words, I got sick and then you got sick or everybody in Wuhan got sick or the nursing home got sick or any epidemiological observation you can make? Every scientist, every virologist, every medical doctor who knows the field would say that is not proof of viral causation. Period. So. now we have an observation, which I would agree we should investigate to see if there is a virus involved there.
[00:23:38.870] – Tom Cowan I agree. And the reason we should is because chicken pox virus, unlike HIV or unlike the Sars-Cov-2 virus, you can actually find and purify and isolate. And you can find it in your brother, you can you can find it in you, and that’s not proof. That’s just an interesting further observation. So the proof then is we isolate the virus, expose people who haven’t got it. Just to the virus. And what happens is they don’t get sick.
[00:24:18.200] – Tom Cowan Now, you could say, well, why did you get sick? First of all, it is an interesting mystery, right? But all I can say to start with is, Allan, if you can show me a study saying the isolated chicken pox virus has made any animal or person sick, I will change my tune because all 14 of us have looked and we can’t find it. So here are some possible theories.
[00:24:47.690] – Tom Cowan So why do we have viruses in the first place? Well, it turns out very detoxification strategy. In other words, if you’re poison in a certain way, and that could be DDT, glyphosate, electromagnetic fields, emotional poisoning, starvation or any nutrient deficiency, your tissues react by the DNA or the RNA and chickenpox case. Its DNA breaks down into the body, packages that up in these little particles.
[00:25:21.830] – Tom Cowan And because DNA essentially is an antenna with a resonance, it then resonates and sends a signal to other organisms in its environment. Hey, we’ve been exposed to a new toxin. Here’s a way to adapt to that new situation. It’s like, what trees do you poison a tree or beetles infect a tree and they send out chemicals through their roots to tell the other trees to make a defensive response. That’s what we do. In other words, viruses are simply the mechanism of adaptation because the other model that we’re told about, which is you have a mutation and that’s spread through the population by survival, is way too slow.
[00:26:11.520] – Tom Cowan Imagine as the mutation that helps them get rid of DDT. How long do you think it would take before their progeny filled up Boston. Like ten thousand years, in which case there’s no more DDT. So that’s not how it works. We also know that if you put DNA into a beaker of water and then you put a different beaker of water with with free nucleic acids, which is what a virus is, and you shine a light on the first one, you come back the next day and the second beaker will make an identical copy of the same DNA.
[00:26:54.060] – Tom Cowan In other words, how does that work by some sort of resonance, like tuning forks, like why know if you put 20, 20-year-old girls in a cabin and they all menstruate at the same time? Is that a virus? Is that contagious or is actually life is more complicated and based on energy that has a resonance that we all feel. We feel when we go into a room with happy people, we feel better. If we go into a room where there’s sickness and despair, we feel worse.
[00:27:29.470] – Tom Cowan Is that a virus? So there’s a lot of things that are passed between people. And I can’t emphasize enough that when we do the science and isolate the virus and give it to your brother, it doesn’t make him sick. It’s not the virus. There’s something spread. It’s not the virus.
[00:27:50.880] – Sally Fallon Morell However, your brother could have communicated to you, we are coming to the end of our childhood. We are entering a new phase of life. This is a good time to do some housecleaning, get rid of some stuff through our skin. And your body said, “Hey, yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll do it too. Right now. This is a good place to do it.” That’s the resonance concept.
[00:28:18.630] – Tom Cowan And the reason why Sally is absolutely correct about this is because when we do real science and find out what the prognosis is of children who have been through chickenpox versus not in every case we find out that children who’ve been through chickenpox have less cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and a whole lot of other things. So this is a communication strategy to help us adapt to our world. And we have made a misconception and called it a pathogen
[00:28:55.140] – Sally Fallon Morell And to adapt to do certain types of cleansing activities at certain times.
[00:29:01.210] – Tom Cowan Yes.
[00:29:01.670] – Sally Fallon Morell You know, all boys go through puberty at a certain time. All girls do too, all children do. And that’s just nature has a timetable for changes in the body, and I think these typical childhood illnesses are part of that timetable, they’re getting you ready for your next stage in life.
[00:29:25.760] Measles is even more interesting because they have never found a measles virus. If you find the measles virus, there’s a 100,000 euro prize for you. So what is it that seems to be contagious? We agree that a contagion is the explanation that comes to mind first, but in actuality, life is much more complex and much more wonderful, really. And yes, measles parties work, you know that the message gets around among the children. “Hey, this is a good time.” It’s just like in a tribe. I think these transitions happen more at the same time with people who are really living together all the time.
[00:30:16.210] – Allan Now, you know, we’re recording this a little bit before it goes live, and I haven’t flown back to the United States yet, but one of the requirements from Panama is that I have a PCR test, a negative PCR test, to be exact, within 48 hours of my flight. And the airline will not let us on the plane if we don’t come up with that piece of paper certifying that we’ve tested negative. But there’s a lot of problems with the PCR tests.
[00:30:45.580] – Sally Fallon Morell Yeah, they’re very dangerous. For one thing, very invasive. They’re being carried out by people who don’t have any training. And you have to ask why? Why can’t they just do a swab from your mouth or your nose? Why do they have to go all the way back? Through the sinus passage to the membrane that separates your sinus cavity from the brain. And then, OK, so let’s just say they get a positive, what does that positive mean? It does not mean they found the virus. It may mean they found a piece of DNA that they think is part of the virus. It also may mean that the way they’ve carried out the test is always going to get a positive. Those tests can be set. The number of amplifications you do can be set to always get positives or always get negatives. In fact, there was a big problem in Florida. People were sending in these swabs and they were coming back 100 percent positive because of the way they had calibrated the test.
[00:31:47.230] – Allan And that’s one of the things I’m really concerned about is, you know, you hear about this professional football player gets the test, so he thinks he’s not going to be playing on Sunday and Monday. He gets the test. He tests positive. They give him another test on Wednesday and it’s negative. They give him another test on Friday and it’s negative. So he can play on Sunday. But he didn’t get to practice all week because because he.
[00:32:08.530] – Sally Fallon Morell Well, and they could have sent it to a different lab, you know, that they know gets more negatives. It’s just like I know I have a dairy farm and we know which lab gives us better results on our milk, lower counts or whatever. And but I’m concerned about how invasive and painful these tests are. Now, you can also do a blood test, which is for antibodies. That test is equally useless really doesn’t tell you anything. But I would see if you could do the blood test instead of this.
[00:32:41.440] – Allan They don’t give us an option as the country wrote the law and it was within 48 hours, which is really difficult because a lot of labs don’t turn around that fast. And so we’re hopeful we’ll find a lab that will allow us to get it. And we think we do. We’ve got an appointment on a Sunday, strangely enough, to get this done. And so if it happens, great. You know, but we had all kinds of travel problems getting here. So I’m sure if it goes well and smooth, I’d just be shocked. But I’m just I’m concerned about that false positive.
[00:33:14.680] – Sally Fallon Morell Yeah. Go ahead, Tom.
[00:33:17.200] – Tom Cowan Well, first of all, I would say there is no such thing as a false positive because a false positive means you’ve standardized it against the isolation of the virus. And since that’s never been done, there is no false positives. False positive means would mean that the test is has a certain meaning and there is no meaning. Now, I would strongly encourage people not to believe what I just said, but I would actually read the package insert because the package insert on the FDA test says this test is not to be used to diagnose the virus or prove causation. The test on the Roach test, the package insert says this PCR test cannot be used to diagnose a viral illness. And the inventor of the test said you can never use this test to diagnose a viral illness or demonstrate causation
[00:34:16.990] – Tom Cowan So given that which is just the facts of the package insert and what they’re required to say, there is no meaning to the test. that’s why one set, one says 80 percent that false positive. Another says six or 13. None of those numbers have any meaning at all because it’s never been standardized against the isolation of a virus. So we don’t know what we’re testing for. And just a final thing. They say that the PCR test is unique to a piece of the virus, but the World Health Organization has now disclosed that that piece they’re testing for in their test is actually found on human chromosome number eight. Which means it’s testing to see whether you’re a human being, or a papaya, or a popa, or a goat, or a sheep, because many of those have also tested positive.
[00:35:17.620] – Tom Cowan Now, you can say, if it’s testing for a piece of human chromosome number eight, why doesn’t everybody test positive? And the answer is because you can put the number of cycles at 30 and then about four to five percent or so of the people will be positive. You can put it up to eight to 40 cycles and then 80 percent of the people will be positive. And that’s not because there’s any difference. It’s just because you’ve looked harder. And so this becomes a very powerful tool in the hands of people who want to say, oh, there’s more cases. So that test has 40 cycles. Oh, we gave you a vaccine and now we’ve got rid of it. And so now the test has 30 cycles and all that’s changed is the number of cycles and got a different result. Because they’re testing for a piece of protein or DNA on human chromosome number eight.
[00:36:22.840] – Sally Fallon Morell It’s so tragic, the incompetence of our public health. Profession. And this outbreak, it just boggles the mind because they have used an invalid type of test for this, the numbers are meaningless. And Tom and I are not arguing that this is just a bad case of the flu that’s been poorly treated or counted as Covid or whatever. We are not arguing that we think this is a serious disease, life-threatening disease. We believe it’s caused by electromagnetic radiation, mainly with the roll out of 5G. And we need to be looking very carefully at every person who gets sick. We need to determine whether they’re sick by their symptoms and not the tests.
[00:37:14.370] – Sally Fallon Morell There’s a whole bunch of questions we need to be asking. Where were they, what their exposure was? Are they already electrically sensitive? Do they have any metal in their body? We need to be doing real, true epidemiology and we’re not. And so we just have no idea how many people are sick or is it going up or down or or anything. Where are these illnesses? Where are the true illnesses? Where are they just positive tests? And it’s really criminal, the incompetence of the public health officials, and yet they have shut down the whole world.
[00:37:57.020] – Allan On the 5G because, you know, we know if we put something in a microwave, it’s going to be affected by the electromagnetic waves. And we know if we get out in the sun too long, we’ll get a sunburn. And it’s possible that that skin being burned could then mutate and cause a skin cancer. So we know radiation or electromagnetic waves can cause problems, cellular problems, DNA problems.
[00:38:26.210] – Sally Fallon Morell Lung problems particularly.
[00:38:31.100] – Tom Cowan Allan, by the way, I don’t know that you actually know that the DNA can be mutated.
[00:38:35.660] – Allan OK. Yes. I don’t have any evidence other than…
[00:38:41.210] – Tom Cowan All you know is some people who get burned, show up with cancer later in their life. That’s all you can say.
[00:38:48.710] – Allan Yes. OK, fair enough.
[00:38:51.220] – Sally Fallon Morell You’ve got to be very careful with Tom.
[00:38:57.940] – Sally Fallon Morell The truth is, we just don’t know. We don’t have any clues as to why certain people are getting sick and why others are not getting sick. And I live out in the country. I have a very boring life. I don’t go very many places and I don’t know anyone, seriously I don’t have any friends or relatives who have gotten sick. And then I have people tell me, oh, you’re being, you know, not very sympathetic, I know four people who’ve died of this. These are just observations, kind of meaningless observations.
[00:39:36.130] – Sally Fallon Morell And by the way, we’re not minimizing this. In fact, we and I believe it’s going to get worse and worse until we start looking beyond this non-existent virus and into what are the likely causes.
[00:39:52.420] – Allan One of the things you brought up in the book that I had actually never heard of before is this concept of exosomes or what these exosomes are, that they resemble almost exactly what a virus structure would be like. Can you describe what exosomes are and how they’re like viruses or what what they what they represent?
[00:40:16.190] – Tom Cowan An exosome is exactly what I described before, so the whole question is the theory of how viruses make you sick is they come from the outside. They inject their DNA or RNA into your cells. That it replicates. And then it’s somehow some day later, it buds out. And now you have a thousand where you used to have one. And then it goes out of the cells and goes to another person in the whole thing goes again.
[00:40:49.230] – Tom Cowan But the problem is we don’t actually know whether these are coming from the outside. Or as I said before, you poisoned a tissue and it responds by packaging up some genetic material and some proteins. And it essentially spews those out of the tissue and then it communicates with the rest of the body and even potentially other people, even potentially other organisms, as there has been a new poison in town. And here’s what you need to make a defensive reaction.
[00:41:25.530] – Tom Cowan Those things coming from the inside of our tissues are called exosomes. They’re not similar to viruses. They’re not like viruses. They are exactly the composition of viruses. They have been isolated and purified and they have been shown not to cause disease, but to be communication strategies.
[00:41:48.900] – Tom Cowan So essentially what’s happened here is we have a misconception. The misconception is these things, they’re called viruses have come from the outside to infect us when the reality is they’re exosomes coming from the inside as detoxification and communication strategies. And when you analyse them, you find they have the same receptors, they have the same ACE protein inhibitors, they have the spike protein. They have all these things which we’re alleging to be part of this virus. But they’re all breakdown products from our own cells.
[00:42:32.310] – Sally Fallon Morell It’s been a wonderful 20 years as far as paradigm shifts are concerned, because no one is talking about bacteria being bad anymore. Now, we know that we have a biome we can’t live without bacteria. They are 80 percent of what they call our immune system. We are covered inside and out with helpful, friendly bacteria, which we call the biome. So this is a huge shift, just in the last 20 years. We need the same shift when it comes to viruses. We just assumed when scientists found these things, they just assumed that they were bad, just like they assumed that bacteria were bad, the wrong assumption. And now we need to have this paradigm shift when it comes to viruses. We have a virome and that virome greatly increases when we’re sick or starved or poisoned. And the purpose of the virome is to protect us and help us. It’s going to take a while. Just like the bacteria shift took a while.
[00:43:43.920] I had to laugh the cover of Discover magazine. I read Discover because to me it’s always the epitome of conventional science. It’s nothing radical or iconoclastic there. And the cover was about the wonderful bacteria in our guts. And they make us feel good chemicals and they do all these things. You would not have seen that twenty years ago or even five years ago in Discover magazine. So I hope I live long enough to see Discover magazine have a on the front page. The Wonderful Virome or something like that. It will take a while.
[00:44:25.830] – Allan Now, obviously you can’t help but follow the press on this because it’s 24/7 these days. And so there’s there’s just so much out there. But a few things that I did run across that are I think are really important is that if you look at the cases of who’s getting really, really sick, it’s people who were already sick. It’s people who were obese, and it’s people with low vitamin D So they’re depleted in vitamin D or deficient in vitamin D. Seem to be three qualities of the people that end up in the worst shape for dealing with whatever the illness is. And so you go through and this is where I like the practical aspects of this, the things that we can do to protect ourselves. So it’s possible we might still get sick, but what are the things we can do to perhaps prevent getting sick or if we do get sick to weather the storm a little bit better?
[00:45:26.260] – Sally Fallon Morell Well, I think first you have to realize that we are electrical beings, we have a kind of electrical circuitry in our bodies, and most of that circuitry is not the nerve cells, it’s the water in our bodies. The water is structured against our cell membranes, against the tissue membranes and it becomes what’s called an exclusion zone. And the water is has a charge to it and that functions as a wire in our bodies. So even our cells have all these little networks of structured water and it’s like a network of wires in our body.
[00:46:05.210] – Sally Fallon Morell So you want those wires to be a good and strong and well insulated. So they’re not so much affected by electromagnetic radiation from the outside. And the number one thing to do is eat lots of saturated fats. I know that raises eyebrows, but the saturated fats are what your cell membranes need to create this hydrophilic surface, to be strong and not tear or be permeable or anything like that.
[00:46:36.470] – Sally Fallon Morell Most definitely. And most of these people who are suffering from obesity and, you know, preexisting conditions, I doubt they’re eating a lot of saturated fat. They are eating junk food, which is polyunsaturated fat or trans fats. They’re not eating the natural fats like butter, tallow, lard and so forth, that our bodies need to have this good, strong, well-insulated circuit. So that’s number one.
[00:47:04.640] – Sally Fallon Morell We talk about getting plenty of B vitamins, plenty of vitamin C in the diet, plenty of vitamin D, but the D needs to be balanced with vitamin A and vitamin K, so all of that is in the food chapter.
[00:47:18.950] – Sally Fallon Morell At the same time, we need to clean up our environment, especially our houses, especially where we sleep. So that means not having your cell phone in your room, turning off the Wi-Fi at night, if you can actually turn off the electricity in the wires in your bedroom at night. That’s helpful. One really easy thing to do is not have an electric clock right by your head when you’re sleeping. So there’s a list of things that we give for food, for your environment, for your water.
[00:47:51.000] – Sally Fallon Morell Tom has some very interesting thoughts about drinking well-oxygenated water. You know, when these people get sick, they need and they’re put in the hospital with all kinds of electric equipment all around them, around their heads. They might be put on ventilators, are given the worst kind of food, the worst kind of water. If someone gets sick with this disease, they need to get out of the city, get out of that environment, go to places as electrically neutral as possible and have good water, well-oxygenated water, good food, you know, all of these things that we’re recommending. Unfortunately, that’s not happening.
[00:48:37.290] – Allan Tom, I define wellness as being the healthiest, fittest, and happiest you can be. What are three strategies or tactics to get and stay well?
[00:48:49.040] – Tom Cowan Eat good food, including lard. That’s the most important food right now for the all the fat soluble vitamins. The pig has to be from pasture, though, like a real pig, a fake pig, eat good food, be out in the sun, connect with the earth and get rid of all wireless devices.
[00:49:11.780] – Allan Sally, I had to find wellness as being the healthiest, fittest, and happiest you can be. What are three strategies or tactics to get and stay well?
[00:49:20.390] – Sally Fallon Morell Well, in addition to what Tom has said, and I completely agree with him on all of these, by the way, lard from pastured pigs is our best source of vitamin D. There’s is a thousand IUs of vitamin D and a tablespoon of that kind of lard. That’s the right kind of fats also. But in addition to what Tom is saying, I would say raw dairy products, especially raw liquid milk, fluid milk, because it’s such a wonderful source of glutathione, which is a huge help in detoxification.
[00:49:51.560] – Sally Fallon Morell Clean up your bedroom, get a good night’s sleep, spend time outside, do things that you like to do. I know sometimes we have to do a lot of things that we have to do, but as much as possible, you should be doing things that you like.
[00:50:08.670] – Tom Cowan And there’s one more thing that’s actually, I think, more important than any of those other things. Sally may not agree, but if right now, if I was to say what the most toxic element in our environment is, it would be fear.
[00:50:25.690] – Sally Fallon Morell No, I agree, I agree.
[00:50:27.340] – Tom Cowan And the reason people are afraid is because they are worried about dying. And the reason they’re worried about dying is because they think the most important part of them will die. And I’m here to tell everybody that that is a horrible delusion. And for those who need to look into that, I would suggest you spending a lot of effort trying to find out what is a human being, what is a living thing, and do we really die, at least the part of us that we’re most interested in? Because if we don’t and there’s nothing to be afraid of.
[00:51:14.380] – Allan Well, thank you, Tom, Sally, if someone wanted to learn more about you, learn more about the book, The Contagion Myth, where would you like for me to send them?
[00:51:25.450] – Sally Fallon Morell Well, they can start with my blog, NourishingTraditions.com. Among other sources, including Tom’s my art at my blog called Is Coronavirus Contagious. That’s one of the main things that started us on this journey that we’ve taken. So I’m constantly updating. I updated that blog with others and Tom and I are just about to do another one. So that would be one place. And then the Weston A Price Foundation, westonaprice.org is also providing a lot of information in our journal and on our website.
[00:52:09.830] – Tom Cowan For me, it would be drtomcowan.com.
[00:52:14.770] – Allan Great, thank you both for being a part of 40+ Fitness.
[00:52:19.330] – Tom Cowan Thank you.
[00:52:20.230] – Sally Fallon Morell Thank you.
[00:52:21.970] – Tom Cowan Take care, Allan.
Post Show/Recap
[00:52:29.530] – Allan Welcome back, Rachel.
[00:52:30.970] – Rachel Hey, Allan, how are you?
[00:52:32.290] – Allan All right, well, so what did you think about that conversation?
[00:52:36.340] – Rachel Oh, wow, there’s a lot to talk about there, but I’d like to talk about the good stuff first. And why don’t we start with how science changes, that science doesn’t always stay the same all the time?
[00:52:49.240] – Allan Yeah, it does. And you could you could go back and say at one point, people thought witches were what made people sick. And sometimes they thought the world was flat. And they approach things from that perspective. And the scientists often that would come out with something different, something novel were persecuted.
[00:53:11.290] – Allan And it still happens today. You know, there’s a doctor in South Africa whose last name is Noakes, Dr. Noakes. And he was he was coming out and saying that, you know, this whole fat-phobia thing is a problem, that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with people eating saturated fat, absolutely nothing wrong with people eating high fat. And the medical profession in South Africa was all over him. They wanted to revoke his license for the things he was saying on Twitter, saying he’s basically giving bad medical advice against what the basic protocols, the standard of care was. And he fought them for years and legal. And finally, you know, again, presenting enough science-backed information to a judge was found not guilty effectively and was allowed to keep his medical license. But he fought for years.
[00:54:03.040] – Allan And, you know, so sometimes science is just we change our paradigm. I mean, we can go back to just the conversation we had with Dr. Fung. You know, the paradigms of what cancer is have changed. And that’s science. You know, they think they know what they know. And then they find something new and we dive a little deeper and we learn something. So, you know, I’m not going to say that Dr. Cowan is right and I’m not going to say that is wrong.
[00:54:29.230] – Allan I’m just going to say that there’s enough going on there that you just you know, you can look at it and you can start to draw inferences. But we’re just going to need more work because with 5G, no one’s done long term studies. It’s new. It’s a new thing. We’re faced with new technologies all the time. You know, if was a horse-drawn carriage, you could probably get out of the way if it’s a car traveling 65 miles per hour. Splat.
[00:54:59.740] – Rachel Yeah, big difference.
[00:55:01.000] – Allan You know, so technology has its benefits, but oftentimes there are downsides to the technology. And it’s just something for us to wrap our heads around. As we go about our lives, as there’s always going to be these new ideas. And there’s nothing wrong with the idea. No one’s saying he’s absolutely right. Even Dr. Cowen says he might not be absolutely right, but he just doesn’t buy into the germ theory. And he was just saying, let’s talk about 5G and what it means. Let’s talk about how there might be another answer to why these things are happening.
[00:55:38.290] – Rachel Absolutely. Yeah, it’s definitely worth researching some more, studying some more. You never know how the tides will change. And in fact, I do remember studying EMFs when I was back in college. This guy was probably 35ish years ago. And that’s long time for science and something as interesting as EMFs. But when we studied it and I was an environmental science major, so this is part of my programming. It should continue to be studied and it might even take another 35 years before we figure out or be able to put our finger on something having to do with EMFs.
[00:56:17.350] – Rachel But it’s just one of those long list of things that we could maybe consider for our own personal health and wellbeing. But it’s just, like I said, just one of those very many things we need to consider.
[00:56:30.040] – Allan Yeah. You know, I remember at points in time they’ve said, you know, OK, don’t get out in the sun is completely dangerous. You’re going to get skin cancer. That’s going to kill you if you get out in the sun. And now we’re turning around and saying, well, how you’re not getting the vitamin D you need. And that’s causing some issues. You’re not keeping your circadian rhythm balanced because you’re not getting enough blue light, enough sunlight. And so it’s just kind of one of those things to say that there are things out there that hurt us that, you know, we don’t see, we don’t know.
[00:57:03.730] – Allan And we learn a little bit and then people change and the science changes. And the only thing that really stands in the way of true progress is when large companies or large industries are able to get in there and find a kind of meddle with the stuff. Because, you know, in a sense, the here’s a symptom, here’s a pill works out very well for the pharmaceutical industry or here’s an illness. Here’s an illness, here’s a vaccine is the same general math. But it’s even more compelling because you’re not to wait for them to get sick, you just have to have an illness strong enough that people care to take a vaccine. So I’m not an anti-vaxxer by any stretch of the imagination, but even the things they’re doing there with these new vaccines and things that are coming out now is those are novel. Those are new. And we’ve never used an RNA vaccine on people before.
[00:58:01.230] – Allan And they’re testing it and they’re finding it generally safe. There are some side effects and, you know, there’s going to be limited quantity. But, you know, I want to see I want to see more. I want to see, you know, if, you know, 100 million people have taken this vaccine and are generally tolerating it, then maybe it’s Okay. And if it’s working, you know, the preliminary data that came out was fantastic.
[00:58:25.560] – Allan But, you know, in the end, we don’t know. It’s a novel technology that we’re mass producing and doing. And that’s kind of you know, that’s kind of I am Legend, Will Smith movie kind of material. Not to be so dystopian, but you have to make these decisions on your own based on what you believe and in your heart and the research that you’ve done.
[00:58:52.890] – Rachel Mm hmm. Well, there’s a reason why vaccines usually take five or more years to develop. It’s because of all the study that goes into it and the the number of people that they can test it on. Being that coronavirus has this entire world in a pandemic right now. There’s a lot of pressure and we can’t continue to live sheltered in our homes with restaurants and things closed all the time. Like our economy is having problems, schools are having problems. I mean, the coronavirus is caused a huge problem that just has a huge ripple effect.
[00:59:25.590] – Rachel And people are dying. Literally, I don’t know what the current count is, but we have over a million people across the world that have had coronavirus. And I forget where we are, 200 thousand, I think, in the United States have died from it. So, I mean, I can understand the rush with the vaccine. And I am optimistic that there is a lot of smart people doing the best science that they can in a short period of time. But there’s a reason why science takes time.
[00:59:54.960] – Allan Yeah, and so we’ll see. But I would just say I’m glad that they’re seeing some progress there.
[01:00:00.640] – Rachel Yes.
[01:00:01.230] – Allan I’m actually happier on the treatment side of things that the treatments are there, because in the end, I think that’s actually how you beat this is that, you know, there would be certain people that just won’t have an opportunity to get the vaccine before they’re infected. So having a good treatment protocol, having good testing protocols or better testing protocols is going to be where we’re going to we’re going to win this.
[01:00:24.990] – Allan And you’re right, my gym is still closed. When they came out with the protocols for how I can open the gym, it’s not something that’s feasible. You know, my gym is too small for me to have that many people in the gym, to have my equipment spaced out two meters when the entire length of my gym is probably, I don’t know, 12 meters.
[01:00:58.050] – Rachel Tiny.
[01:00:58.680] – Allan Yeah. I can’t I can’t spread out now. And so we have to just limit the number of people in the gym. And then they said, my employees have to be tested every two weeks. And that’s just not practical for for me to pay for my employees to be tested every two weeks just for this. So the gym will probably remain closed for a while. And I hate that.
[01:01:19.980] – Allan Because that is a part of health and fitness. That’s part of wellness. And that’s being completely ignored because it’s seen as a higher risk. But it is a segment of the economy that’s going to continue to hurt until they really get a grapple on this thing. So I am hopeful that what they’re doing is going to work. And it’s worth again at the same time, not necessarily nay saying everyone who believes something different than yourself, just to realize that there might be some validity to it.
[01:01:50.970] – Allan And hopefully people can wrap their heads around it that are smarter than me and do some work in that area to actually determine if it is or if it isn’t. And not to get the PETA people mad, but it’s like put some put some rats or mice in 5G and let them go and live their lives and then put some rats in the same basic environment without the 5G. So there’s no other confounders. They’re eating the same amount, they’re eating the same food, they’re doing the same thing, the same environment all the way across. And just see, is there a difference in the lives of these mice and that would just give you one more data point to share is or isn’t, but, you know, and hopefully someone’s doing that. but we’re rolling out new technology and doing different things. It’s a crapshoot at this point.
[01:02:42.060] – Rachel Sometimes it is. Yes. Yes, it is.
[01:02:45.210] – Allan But that’s what it takes for us to get out of the crap. And, you know, I guess we take that shot.
[01:02:50.130] – Rachel Mm hmm. And then let’s also go back to the preventative measures. You know, we should all be living a healthier lifestyle as best we can and living a healthy lifestyle, being active, eating good foods and being outside and getting fresh air. I mean, all of these things can be hugely beneficial to our bodies, whether we’re talking about cancer prevention, coronavirus prevention, any other disease that’s out there, you know, we can take good care of our bodies. Maybe we can put it off for a while.
[01:03:19.950] – Allan Yeah, and that’s the deal is lifestyle is going to decide, you know, who’s capable of making it through this and who’s not. In most cases, that’s what they’re finding, is it’s lifestyle issues that are the confounder that’s causing people to really suffer with this thing. So start working on it. If you’re obese, lose some weight. If you’re a smoker, quit for the love of God. And if you’re not eating well, you know, take that time. If you’re not getting out, moving enough, get some sunshine. You know, even though now we’re getting into the winter months and it’s harder to get vitamin D, maybe you need to supplement. But, you know, making sure that you’re getting the nutrition your body needs to be healthy. That’s the challenge.
[01:04:00.830] – Allan So if we’re into this for wellness, that’s a huge part of it being well means getting past these things the right way. It’s great. We’re going to have vaccines, treatments and all of that. Prevention is number one. We had Dr. Rob and Dr. Lou on not long ago, and it’s been pretty clear. Stay out of hospital if you can, because this is more dangerous than some of the other places you might end up being.
[01:04:29.430] – Allan And so just just realize that you’re you have one thing you can control in this world right now and all the crazy stuff that’s going on, you can control you. And you can control what you eat. You can control your movement. You can control how often you wash your hands, who you expose yourself to, all of those things. And so where you have control, this is this is the time to show that restraint, to show that control.
[01:04:54.810] – Rachel Absolutely. Yeah. There’s enough signs right now that shows that masks are working, social distancing, that six feet or more of separation is working.
[01:05:03.510] – Allan OK, we’re going to call that physical distancing.
[01:05:06.210] – Rachel Right, right. Right. Yes. The physical distancing. Yeah, that’s definitely worth working for. Sure. Good ventilation being outside has shown this summer. I mean, we did bring down the curve this summer with all of our outdoor activities. So there’s a few things that we know works. And until we can get it under control, at least we can work on some of those preventative measures just to stay safe.
[01:05:33.840] – Allan Absolutely. All right, Rachel. Well, I’ll talk to you again next week.
[01:05:38.430] – Rachel Awesome. Talk to you soon.
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