Tag Archives for " bone broth "
Allan: 01:28 Dr Axe, welcome to 40+ Fitness.
Dr. Axe: 01:32 Hey Allan. Thanks for having me. Excited to be here.
Allan: 01:34 I’m really excited to talk about your book, The Collagen Diet because I recognize, you know, collagen is this kind of resource and I think at one point, doctors or specialists or experts or cougars or whoever they were they made it pretty clear once you burn through your knee cartilage, once you’ve used up that, that, that resource that’s there, you’re pretty much done and you can’t rebuild the cartilage, but they’re finding now that with proper diet and appropriate movement patterns, you can in fact improve your cartilage, improve your body in ways that we didn’t know as possible. And your book gets into that, which is, I think that the science is coming up now. The things we’re learning are just so exciting.
Dr. Axe: 02:14 Yeah, it is. You know, I think for me, one of the things I keep hearing is from patients I’ve worked with in the past and people today is that they notice the difference when they start working on their collagen You know, whether it be they’re taking supplements that support their body’s own collagen production or a collagen supplement or just drinking bone broth, which was really the first thing that I started to do that I had my patients do in the past that, you know, I’ve recommended so many supplements and super foods over the years, but the one that people kept coming back to me saying, wow, I noticed a dramatic difference in my health really, really had to be collagen. Now there are other things as well. I think there are certain herbs and spices and vegetables and probiotics that, and sometimes Omega3. So there are things that people can notice a big difference with. But for me personally, in my own gut health and joint health, I noticed a really big difference in collagen so I’m always excited to talk about collagen you know, I wrote a book on the topic but you know, I’d love to talk about today. Anything related to, you know, how collagen or you know, collagen, but also those other superfoods that support collagen production, how they can help our health.
Allan: 03:20 Absolutely. My wife has been having some issues with her knees and so she’s been dealing with the doctors and doing the basic things that I think people our age over 50 anyway, start to do with their knees as you know, you get it scoped and then you, you go back in and they’re going to do the little shots. And then she went this last time and the doctor gave her the prescription or not prescription so much. He gave her some collagen sold her collagen and said, you know, you need to be using this now. She felt it helped. She hasn’t been on it long term I think going on now two and a half months. But it’s, so she’s taking it, having a little less, little less problems, but just the other benefits that she’s getting from the collagen, she said my hair is growing and feeling so much better. My fingernails are growing, my skin. They’re just so much healthier now than they were before I started this protocol.
Dr. Axe: 04:08 Yeah, it’s amazing. You know, my, I’ve noticed the same thing. My wife and I joke around how fast and our fingernails grown, how thick and strong our hair is right now. My wife is pregnant. She’s due here in April.
Allan: 04:22 Congratulations!
Dr. Axe: 04:22 Oh Hey, thanks so much. Yeah. And so we were just talking last night, but she was just saying, I mean even through pregnancy, I mean, she just feels really, really good and both of us eat a really good diet. But when she started taking collagen and consuming bone broth and these collagen superfoods, I mean she really noticed a difference in her skin, hair and nails. I mean, it is the number one ingredient if somebody is looking to improve their overall beauty as well. You know, a lot of times people today are using these sort of outside in products. You know, it’s maybe it’s hyleronic acid for the skin or moisturizers, essential oils and I recommend all those things and think they’re fantastic.
Dr. Axe: 05:00 But at the same time, if somebody really wants to see the biggest difference, they possibly, or maximize the difference they see in their beauty, collagen is definitely the number one supplement. You know, this is kind of a shocking statistic. Once you reached the age of 25 years old, your body produces less collagen every year by the time people are in their 50s their own body produces 75% less collagen in their fifties than they did in their twenties and so that’s why it’s even more important because our own body is producing less. It’s so important that we supplement collagen into our diet. And I had, somebody asked me recently on this,and said, Hey, it’s collagen a fad. And I said, collagen isn’t really a fad. It’s one of the oldest superfoods that we were getting in our diet. Think about this. Our ancient ancestors all consume bone broth, which is 90% collagen. It’s pure collagen that’s what bone broth is and we aren’t getting bone broth in our diet and therefore we’re essentially missing a macro nutrient.
Dr. Axe: 06:00 And think about this. There actually are no essential carbohydrates. There are essential fatty acids and there are essential amino acids. There’s also something called a conditionally essential amino acids. Now the amino acid you’re going to find in collagen are considered more conditionally essential. They’re not always considered. But this being said though, they are essential. We need them to be healthy. And the big thing to think about with this, if you’re missing in your diet, a macronutrient, okay? Like for instance, protein. If somebody doesn’t have enough protein in their diet, they can get thermogenesis Their muscles can waste. It causes major nerve trend issues. I had a patient one time, Allan came in who actually, this is interesting, he was my first patient ever when I was in student clinic and his doctor put him on a no fat diet for his cholesterol, which first we know today, anybody who keeps up with the medical research, that’s crazy. But he was taking, consuming no fat and his hair was thinning and his nerves were degenerating. He was losing his memory, lose it.
Dr. Axe: 07:07 I mean he in a matter of three months, his entire body started wasting away from not eating fat. Now think about this. Collagen is a macro nutrient. It is a protein. We are completely missing this protein in our diet. So again, it’s one thing, Hey, if you’re a little bit deficient and a mineral, like it will affect your body. But if your, which is a micronutrient, but if you’re completely deficient in a macro nutrient, your health is really going to suffer. And I think today a lot of people are suffering from conditions like leaky gut syndrome, chronic joint pain, thinning hair, chronic inflammation. They’re struggling with these issues because they’re not getting collagen in their diet. And when somebody starts consuming more bone broth, taking a multi collagen protein, supplement, consuming herbs and superfoods that support your body’s own collagen, they really start to notice a big difference in their body when that happens.
Allan: 08:01 Now let’s take a step back cause you’re saying macro. And I think people know that basically we know the three macros are protein, carbs, and fat, but as we kind of go through that, we know it’s a much more complex formula that there’s an essential, amino acids, there’s essential fatty acids. That’s that we need. Like I said, there is no essential carbs, although we do generally have to make sure we’re getting enough energy to support body functions. So we do eat a proportion of those. The way we break them down, whether we go keto or otherwise, we make some decisions on how we’re going to allocate those, those macros rather than we’re making decision to make the decision or we’re just not making decisions. We’re eating what we want. We’re still making the decision of what we put in our body. But how is collagen, how is it that you’re seeing your collagen is maybe a fourth macronutrient if we will, but what is collagen and why is it so important?
Dr. Axe: 08:51 Well, collagen is so important because it makes up one third of all of the protein in your body. Okay, so one third of it. Now I want to say this as well. If you think about if one third, so, so like our muscles, those are made up of more muscle building proteins like branch chain amino acids and mathiolene. Okay. That’s what makes up our muscles. What makes up our ligaments, tendons, fascia, connective tissue, our skin, our hair, our nails, our bones, our discs, our gut lining, our arterial walls. If a pregnant mother has a placenta, their body’s creating that’s made up of collagen so all of those areas I just mentioned are made up of more than 90% collagen for the most part. And here’s another interesting fact. Listen to this. There is more collagen in your bones then calcium and all other minerals combined, and so we don’t think about these things, but collagen is so critical for us to be healthy.
Dr. Axe: 09:56 It’s like, well, why do we think calcium is the most important thing for bones? Because the dairy companies found it was the top mineral in your bones. But there’s also magnesium, there’s phosphorus, there’s all these other things. But because of marketing, that’s why we feel like it’s so important. But really today, if we were looking at your bones and what’s most important, it’s actually collagen. So all that being said, collagen is so important for so many areas of your body. Think about this for your arteries to be, you want them to be elastic and not hard. When you hear something like calcification of your arteries, that’s hardening of your arteries. You don’t want that. You want to have soft, supple arteries, which are made of collagen when they’re healthy. So all of these areas are just, it’s so important. And collagen also will spare muscle.
Dr. Axe: 10:45 It supports your metabolism. So for fat burning and weight loss, it’s important. But just in general, like it’s important for, it’s kind of like the glue that holds your body together. So if you want to be healthy, especially your joints and ligaments and tendons to be healthy as you age. Like I had a grandfather who was 96 years old and just passed away last year. But up until he was 96 he had joint pain. None of his muscles hurt though, but his joints hurt. And that’s because he really, for the good part of his life, up until the last couple of years when I had him start taking it, he really never took collagen. And so again, I think for us it’s the biggest thing we’re missing in our diet. And I think if people start using it or consuming a diet and listen, it’s not just taking a collagen supplements more than that, it’s consuming vitamin C, which is necessary for collagen production, not just any vitamin C, an absorbable vitamin C that comes from super fruits like Camou-Camou, ascelroa cherry, amla berry or certain foods, broccoli, citrus fruits, also like red bell peppers, you know, so there are certain foods and then we get into, there are other foods that support collagen production that helped boost cells in the body.
Dr. Axe: 11:54 And those are really unique types of adaptogenic herbs. And the other thing you want to do, not to keep going in this, but you want to protect your body’s own collagen production and there are certain herbs that help you do that. Matcha green tea, tumeric powder is amazing for this resveratrol found in the skin of blueberries and grapes, but again, collagen is just really important for us because over 30% of all of the protein in our body is made up of collagen. And if you don’t get it, think about this. Imagine trying to build muscle like a bodybuilder or trying to put on muscle without eating protein. It’s hard to do like they’re not really not going to see results versus it’s the same thing if you’re trying to heal your joints, if you’re trying to have a healthy gut and digestive system, if you’re trying to have beautiful skin and you’re trying to do it without collagen, it’s going to be very difficult.
Allan: 12:43 And so the, the basis of this is, you know, if we’re, if we’re just eating standard protein sources of muscle meat, maybe some eggs and things like that, we are getting a lot of the amino acids, we’re just not getting the right mix of amino acids to optimize our, the collagen production opportunities in our body because we’re just not giving it the natural resource to do what it’s supposed to do. Well, if we’re not getting the right amino acids, because the collagen is basically just built out of select amino acids like glycine and others. And so with those amino acids, if we’re making sure we’re getting those in our diet, we’re giving our body the natural resources that it needs to build the body that we have.
Dr. Axe: 13:23 100%.
Allan: 13:25 And then if we’re getting those other nutrient and we’re getting those other nutrients, like you said, vitamin C and some of the other things that are basically kind of the, the things that make it all happen so that our body optimizes that production.
Dr. Axe: 13:36 Exactly.
Allan: 13:37 Okay. Now the interesting thing was I thought of collagen as just a thing. And you know, I as a one singular thing, you can talk about the different types of proteins. We know if we get plant proteins or we get protein from meat or protein from eggs or a protein from say whey or case in that they’re, they’re different mixes of amino acids or different structures of them. And so they’re, they’re all a little different in a, you know, well we’d all we call because we’re getting all the essential amino acids, you know, we, we call it the perfect protein, but there are multiple types of collagen that I was not actually familiar with. So could you take a little bit of time to talk about the different types and in particular the ones that you call kind of the five or I guess is six key ones.
Dr. Axe: 14:20 Yeah, so I would say when we’re talking collagen, I think five in particular, type one, two, three, five and 10 those are the most important types of collagen we should be getting into our diet. Now I’m going to bring this up to say there was a principle in ancient Chinese medicine and that is if you eat the organ of an animal, it supports your organs. Or if you eat a food that looks like an organ or a system in your body, it actually supports that system. Let me give you an example. A Walnut looks like a hemisphere of your brain. Beets are red and actually look like blood and we know by the way, walnuts are full of Omega threes and colene and all these amazing nutrients that really support brain health. We know beets actually boost nitric oxide in your body, which is super nourishing to your blood.
Dr. Axe: 15:04 We know that certain things like carrots, you cut in half, it looks like an eye and we know according to thousands of clinical studies, carrots and beta carotene and vitamin a support eye health, reishi mushrooms like identity to your kidneys and your adrenal glands so they support your adrenal health. All. That being said, there is a principle that when you eat a certain area of a body or or so like if you eat a chicken breast, it supports muscle meat because that’s the area, that’s what it is of a chicken. It’s pure muscle. It’s going to support our muscles. So with different types of collagen type one and three collagen make up, primarily your skin, hair, nails, bones, discs, and then some of your gut lining. Type two collagen makes up your ligaments, your tendons, your connective tissue, and all of your facia. Type five and 10 collagen really helps support areas like your cardiovascular system and your veins and arteries.
Dr. Axe: 16:02 And so this is also why when people are buying collagen as a supplement, it should always say multi first. That’s going to be the highest quality. They should be buying a multi collagen protein, because if you’re only getting one type of collagen, you’re not necessarily as strongly possibly supporting all the areas of your body you should. So I really think that, again, when you’re doing collagen, like chicken broth contains mostly type two collagen beef and fish collagen contain mostly type one and three and eggs contain a little bit of collagen or the egg shell membrane, the inner part of the egg egg shell that contains type five and type 10 collagen. And so all that being said, I think ideally we’re getting multiple types of collagen because they are subtly going to support other areas. And I will say this type one and three collagen different types of collagen can definitely still be used to create other types or areas of collagen in the body. And it’s a misnomer for people to think when I consume collagen and literally just goes to that area and becomes collagen in my body. What happens when you take a collagen supplement, your body breaks down that collagen into individual amino acids like proline, hydroxy, proline, glycine, and then it works with things like vitamin C and hyleronic acid and glucosamine and chondroitin, and it works with those things to create new collagen within your own body. That’s kinda how that works.
Allan: 17:27 Okay. Yeah, that was actually kind of surprising to me because in the past, you know, I would pride myself on being the guy who cooks the Turkey for Thanksgiving at my mom’s. And so every year I’ll buy a grass fed pastured. I mean, you know, grass pastured Turkey, organic Turkey for for dinner and now I’ll cook the Turkey and I’ll take all the bones and I’d make a bone broth. And then when that wasn’t available to me, and I’ll, and I’ll admit I wasn’t getting my servings a day, but I would have bone broth every once in a while. And then when that would run out, I then go to the market and I, you know, the farmer’s market and I buy chicken feet, you know, I’d make again make some bone broth. I didn’t realize though that I, I was actually only touching on a small portion of the, of the collagen benefits that I could’ve gotten and that I should have also probably been buying some beef bones as well to make some beef broth, a bone broth as well. I didn’t realize that I was still missing out on opportunity, just not having that full understanding and appreciation of the different types of collagen.
Dr. Axe: 18:23 Yeah. You know, it really is crazy how, I’ll just say this, you know, I like I, I’ve taken so many supplements and I’ve eaten very, very healthy for a long time, but I could still notice a difference when I started this collagen diet. You know, when I started doing all the research and reading up on these ancient like ancient diets. And if you look at Japan today, they have one of the most simple diets in Okinawa. Japan, the top foods they consume on a regular basis are fish broth, rice and fish. They consume a lot of green tea as another one. But, but those are three other top top foods. It’s fish and fish broth, it’s rice and it’s green tea. And I want to mention to, you know what’s so amazing about fish broth? It’s loaded with collagen and fish, is full of Omega, you know, has these healthy fats like the amegas.
Dr. Axe: 19:13 And then you’ve got matcha, which is one of the most protective herbs on the planet. And they just consume a lot of herbs, also consumed seaweed, which also is good for collagen production. So sometimes people wonder, I don’t know if you’ve heard people talk about this. I have a friend of mine who is, he is Asian. And he talks about how all his relatives, like even when they’re, you know, his grandfather is a 70 and he’s like, he looks like he’s 40 like very, very young. And I said, you know, a lot of times people will say, sometimes Asians look younger than other nationalities. And he said, well, I think the biggest reason is their diet. He said in the Asian diet today, especially in Japan, he said, you know, the amount of bone broth, the amount of matcha green tea, seaweed, these collagen boosting supplements they consume every day is a very, very high. So I know it might be other things as well, but I just thought that was interesting. In Asia, the amount of, that’s what I, as I did all my research, they probably consume the diet that is friendliest to collagen production in college and protection than any diet they’re on the planet. And so anyways, I I think that if somebody is looking to see a big turnaround in their health following a full on collagen diet is really going to help.
Allan: 20:24 Yeah. And I, and I think the other thing to go back to what you said is that the Okinawans are probably eating so much more like their ancestors than the American is today relative to our ancestors.
Dr. Axe: 20:37 Exactly. It’s an ancestral diet. It’s one of the closest, if not the closest that I can think, give, you know, when you look at the blue zone diets, if you’ve ever read any of the articles or books there, it’s interesting because really that’s what I would say sets them apart as cultures is they’re eating as close as close to their ancestors and listen, not all their diets are the same. You know, their diets are different. The one common denominator is they’re all eating real food and they’re all active, they’re moving, they also practice a lot of spiritual or sort of faith. Like it might be a different faith, but they’re also practicing things that are faith based, community based. It’s really amazing when you look at what supports lifespan. But those are, you know, those are all factors.
Allan: 21:16 Now in a book an, we’ve talked about this a little bit here, there are other nutrients that we would want to consume just to make sure we’re setting our body, priming our body to have what it needs to be successful in building the collagen and using the collagen that we’re taking or eating. Can you talk about some of those, I mean, you’ve talked about macha tea and some others can. Can you talk about those and how they’re helping this process.
Dr. Axe: 21:38 Yeah, so for starters, let me hit on three categories. We have foods that protect collagen. We have foods that boost collagen, and we have foods that just generally help your body create new and healthy tissues. So first, the foods that protect collagen, these are going to be high foods that reduce oxidation. And so it’s going to be antioxidant rich foods. I’m talking berries to start blueberries, raspberries. Blackberries will be very high on the list. One of my super favorite super fruits. Goji berries will be high on that list, asaii Berry Maki Berry, but doing berries are going to be fantastic for protecting your body against collagen degradation. I talked about matcha green tea and other forms of green tea, matcha, very high in antioxidants. It also contains a compound called an EGCG, which has the anticancer properties but matcha really high up on that list. I’m also going to throw in that list foods that tend to be like dark blue, dark purple, dark green, so even like spinach and chard, green leafy vegetables, they’re going to help protect your body, but I wouldn’t say those antioxidant rich foods, especially herbal teas and berries are going to be the ones that you can just do on a regular basis. So for breakfast, maybe you do a collagen smoothie with one cup of berries, one scoop of a multi collagen protein, a little bit of almond milk or coconut milk.
Dr. Axe: 22:59 That’s a perfect anti-aging smoothie to have in the morning where you’re going to get some of those super foods and then maybe a glass of green tea in the morning as well. That’s going to help. Now, some of the foods that are going to help your body in protecting collagen are going to be those foods that reduce inflammation as well. So tumeric is going to be very high on that list. Tumeric contains a compound called curcumin, which reduces inflammation. Interestingly as well. It also can support collagen production because it has a compound called tumor own which support your body and creating more STEM cells. Now along with that, some of my other aunt favorite anti-inflammatories that can help will be, Rosemary also contains Rosemaric acid, which is great. Ginger root, another fantastic one, another one that’s great. CBD oil. CBD oil also has anti-inflammatory properties and then any food that’s going to have Omega3s, wild caught salmon, other fish like mackerel and tuna, grass fed beef, chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, but those omegas along with those anti-inflammatory herbals, those are going to really help with reducing inflammation and preventing collagen degradation and breakdown.
Dr. Axe: 24:10 And last but not least is this this category of super herbs and foods that support your body and creating STEM cells and that tends to be the ones that really are known also as adrenal tonics and that lower stress hormones. Reishi mushroom is amazing. Ashwagandha, which was an Ayurvedic herb that’s used today especially to treat hypothyroidism really is incredible. I’ll also throw out there herbs like astragalus Rhodiola Rosea, but at the top of the list I would put Rishi mushroom and ashwagandha. Those two in particular help lower lower stress hormones. They support STEM cell production and two of the best out there are reishi and ashwagandha for STEM cell production
Allan: 24:53 Now, so we get these nutrients and we kinda sorta, we’re changing this, we’re getting this as a part like so we have our our smoothie in the morning or we’re, we’re now going to incorporate some of these other foods in our daily repertoire, our daily menu and you have meal plans. I think that’s one of the cool things about your book is that it, it doesn’t just say here’s the information, go fourth and do it. You actually have meal plans and some ways that we can do this, but what are some basic ways that we can just ensure that we’re getting enough collagen each day?
Dr. Axe: 25:22 Yeah, so I would say for starters, to make sure you’re getting enough collagen every single day, one take a collagen supplement or a bone broth protein supplement, you want to supplement with it. So for myself, Hey, maybe if I’m having a big bowl of chicken broth that day, you know, maybe you don’t need to know. I still do. And in fact, I recently talked to Dr. Joseph Mercola, who’s a, who’s a friend of mine and he’s a him and myself run two of the largest natural health websites in the world. And I asked him, I said, dr Joe, how much collagen do you consume a day? And he said, I consume 60 grams. That’s the equivalent of three to six servings every single day. And so that being said, I consume at least two. So I consume about 30 to 40 grams a day myself. So I’m getting collagen every day.
Dr. Axe: 26:08 And I want you to think about this. If one third of the protein in your body is made up of collagen, if you’re like, I’ll share for myself, actually I consume about 40 grams a day and so with that, like I consume about 120 grams of protein a day myself. One third of all my protein intake is collagen and that’s what it should be. Just like people have heard this balance of Omega three and Omega six fats, you know like you’re supposed to have about between a one to one and one to four ratio of Omega three to Omega six fats to have healthy levels. This same goes for collagen, building proteins to muscle building proteins. You need a balance. So that being said, every person on the planet should be consuming. If you’re not consuming bone broth, a large serving every single day, you should be getting collagen protein.
Dr. Axe: 26:56 And what I do is I do one scoop of a bone broth protein. The reason I do bone broth protein in addition to a collagen protein is bone broth protein contains it’s bone broth in powder form and it also has hyleronic acid, glucosamine chondroitin. These are compounds that support collagen production in our own bodies and so I think they’re critical for that reason. So I do one scoop of bone broth protein, one scoop of a multi collagen protein, and that’s what I use to get my collagen every day. Now, in addition to that, like this a, yesterday I made a big bowl of what I call immunity soup and what I put in there was two big jars, probably about 30, 30 grams or so, probably equivalent to like six cups of bone broth. I put in some chicken thighs. I did a big bag of kale, I did cauliflower, I did Shataki mushrooms and I did a miso. So I did this chick pea miso I put in there and sometimes I’ll do also, I’ll put in some garlic, a little bit of sea salt and some, sometimes some white beans and I did this big bowl of immunity soup.
Dr. Axe: 27:59 Anyways, all that being said, it tastes amazing, but I’m also getting chicken broth in that meal as well. So I think everybody, the best place to get collagen, number one is going to be just as a supplement because a lot of us are just not getting it daily. Number two is do it as a chicken broth or a bone broth, like a real homemade chicken vegetable soup. And I would do a combination of a multi collagen protein in your smoothies and your coffee and your tea. It’s, it’s very close to like, it’s pretty much a tasteless powder. And in addition to that, getting just chicken broth and beef broth, but those are the, those are the best places to, to be getting collagen.
Allan: 28:37 Well this is, this is definitely the time of year to be eating immunity soup because flus or anything else is going around. I just met with a business colleague and he was he was coughing at the table and I’m like, Oh man, I gotta, I gotta go do something here. So I don’t take it with me, but yeah, so definitely this is good. And that recipe is in the book, by the way, so you can check that out. So we take the soups. We do that now. I’ll tell you, you actually convinced me. I actually went out and bought a couple of things. I have collagen powder to take back with me to Panama and I will definitely be looking for opportunities to make more broth, bone broth. We have some limited resources with some of the things that are available to us on the Island, but I’m, I’m going to step it up a good bit. Absolutely. I define wellness as being the healthiest, fittest and happiest you can be. What are three strategies or tactics to get and stay well?
Dr. Axe: 29:27 Oh wow. Well I think people want to take care of their body, their mind and their spirit. So I’m going to start off here. One of the things, ways I start every day for myself is doing what I call my spiritual triathlon. And so I wake up in the morning and I spend time just getting grateful saying I’m grateful for. And I know everybody pres a different religious background, but for me like I just praise God. That’s how I start my morning and say what I’m grateful for. Number two, I read a book to help me grow. And so this year I’m reading a lot on leadership. I’m reading a lot on spiritual growth. And so I read either my Bible or like a John Maxwell book or Simon Sineck, some book on leadership. And then I’ll spend some time, the next little bit and all visualize and I’ll meditate or pray.
Dr. Axe: 30:08 Okay? So that’s what I do. I do my spiritual triathlon and it’s, it’s gratefulness, it’s reading. And then it’s spending some time in prayer and meditation. And I’ll tell you when I do that Allan, I just, it really changes my day. Like I’ll read something about love, then I’ll think, how can I love others better? And love is sacrificing yourself. It’s serving others. It’s giving something. But how can I serve and be kind. And so that’s how I start my day every day. And the second thing they can do, and I want to challenge everybody to do this, is a lot of times people try and change everything at once. Here’s what I would say. If you want to be successful in your health and you, so this is something everybody can do. Just change breakfast. Think about this. If you just change breakfast, you’re changing one third of your diet.
Dr. Axe: 30:52 That is a huge step and if you can do that all year, you’re going to see a transformation in your health and I recommend that everybody do what I do for breakfast and that’s do a collagen boosting smoothie, three simple ingredients, one cup of berries, one scoop of multi collagen protein and one cup of coconut milk or almond milk. That’s what I do, Allan every morning for breakfast and I feel incredible. I’ve had people follow that recipe and they’ve said no other meal that they’ve ever changed to have they noticed that big of a difference in their health. Three easy ingredients. Now, Hey, if you want to spice it up and add some other things all add in some cinnamon sometimes or pumpkin pie spice. I’ll add in a handful of spinach to get some greens or a green superfood powder. Sometimes I’ll add in other things, but that being said, three simple ingredients, berries, collagen, almond milk.
Dr. Axe: 31:44 That’s it. And so if people can make that change, that’s going to be huge. So eat a good, clean, healthy breakfast. And number two, I would say change your mindset to Food is medicine. This is the message I have preached for years almost since the beginning of my career, is that if you think about when you’re eating, not what’s going to satisfy your immediate desire, but what is going to be as a medicine to your body. And listen, this can be different for different people. In fact, Ellen, I don’t believe that there’s one diet for everybody. I do believe though that most people generally speaking, are collagen deficient. We’re missing collagen in our diet. And I think if people can follow the diet plan that I have in my new book, the collagen diet where I outline [inaudible], how to eat collagen, pancakes, collagen chocolate chip cookies, collagen brownies, you know, but I, these recipes are made with things like almond flour, coconut flour, simple homemade ingredients.
Dr. Axe: 32:42 They’re going to help people heal. I think that would go a long way as well. So I would say again, if people want to change work on your spiritual and mental health through doing that spiritual triathlon number two, just change breakfast to that college and boosting smoothie. And number three, change your mind to focusing on food being your form of medicine. And what I found too, Alan is that you know what, like I’m not taking any foods from you. I think if you have the mindset of like in my book I teach people, it’s not that you can’t have cookies, it’s you just need to use a different type of flour. It’s not that you can’t use oil, I’m just going to recommend avocado oil, coconut oil,G and olive oil or grass fed butter. Like those are what I’m going to recommend. And so I teach people how to make easy swaps to collagen, boosting foods, to healing foods that help them live longer, happier lives. And so I would say those would be the three takeaways that I would take action on.
Allan: 33:34 Thank you. So dr Axe, if someone wanted to learn more about you, learn more about this book, The Collagen Diet or the other books that you have, where would you like for me to send them?
Dr. Axe: 33:44 You know, Hey, I encourage everybody to check out my Instagram page. It is a doctor Josh Axe on Instagram. Also my website, dr axe.com you can just go to [inaudible] dot com and you can also just search my name on Google, start searching Dr Axe Collagen Diet. You can go to amazon.com as well. I just wrote a new book, check out the new book there. But yeah, I would just search my name on Amazon, search my name on, on Google and I think you’ll find a lot of exciting things on both of those resources along with Instagram and Facebook.
Allan: 34:15 And I’ll have a link to that on our website, 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/419. Dr. Axe, thank you so much for being a part of 40 plus fitness.
Dr. Axe: 34:27 Hey Allen, thanks for having me.
All right. We are a whole month into the year 2020 kind of crazy how fast this first month of January just flew by, but now it’s February and I’m happy to announce that I’m opening up three slots for one-on-one clients at 40+ Fitness. So you can go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/apply and that’ll send a message to me to let me know that you’re interested and we can have a conversation about rather one-on-one trainings for you with one-on-one training. You get everything that you would get from a personal trainer except counting the reps and that makes it very cost effective. I have an app, so you’ll have workouts that’ll give be given to you through your app. You’ll have constant contact with me with the messaging and email through the app. So again, go to 40 plusfitnesspodcast.com/apply to learn more about working with me at 40+ Fitness.
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