
Can fasting be a healthy solution for weight loss | Jimmy Moore

This is part three of a three-part series with Jimmy Moore. If you are yet to listen to previous two parts, I recommend you to go back and listen to those.

Jimmy has been experimenting with fasting for a while. In fact, he was in his day fifteen of his fasting at the time of recording of this podcast. As he fasts quite often, it has become quite easy for him to forget to eat. Fasting for a period of 16 to 24 hours was no big deal for him because of his past and because he had been 410 pounds. In this regard, Jimmy consulted with Toronto-based Nephrologist doctor Jason Fung. Jimmy is currently collaborating a book called “Fasting Clarity” with him. Dr. Fung recommends fasting for periods of one to two weeks. Dr. Thomas Seyfried from Boston College advocates fasting for a week each year to prevent cancer.

It was a couple month ago when Jimmy started his first long fast. At the time of fasting, he drinks water, bone broth with sea salt, and kombucha. At the time of his fasting, Jimmy consumes about 100 calories per day. During a recent 17 1/2 day fasts, he lost 19 pounds. He was happy with the outcome. He is documenting every small detail so that he can include his findings in his book next year.

Jimmy wonders why fasting is not recommended more by medical professionals. Even temporary period of fasting can do well for our health. One reason he is writing his book is he wants people to know the benefits of fasting.

The scoop on ketosis with Jimmy Moore


Understanding cholesterol with Jimmy Moore

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

John and Tammy commit to health and fitness

In this episode, we meet Forever Fitness clients John and Tammy and talk about committing to health and fitness.

The commitment to health and fitness is the same as committing to your spouse. But committing to your health and fitness is something that you should not do for your spouse. You need to have self-love and do it for yourself.
Allan believes that making a verbal commitment is important. One needs to make vows to oneself about his or her commitment to be fit. One needs to write his or her vows, read it and feel it from heart.

Tammy admits she's uncomfortable  expressing that she wants to look better. Allan notes that when you take care of yourself and your body is good and healthy from inside, you should look better. There is no reason to feel ashamed of saying that because being healthy and looking better is effectively the same thing. One can’t look better unless he or she is healthy. Tammy finally clearly and confidently says she does want to be healthy and proud. And it’s important for every individual to say and feel his or her commitment to health and fitness.

Tammy finally clearly and confidently says she does want to be healthy and proud. And it’s important for every individual to say and feel his or her commitment to health and fitness.
John indicates he is inspired to push hard to reach his health and fitness goals. He is ready to make this commitment. John wants to have a long healthy life. That’s why he needs to make a vow to himself about his commitment to health and fitness.
John makes his vow saying “I John, commit to training my body for a happy, healthy future”.


Meet my clients John and Tammy

Tweaking to fit

January 11, 2016

Dealing with weight loss plateaus

In a health and fitness journey, there is one certainty. At one point or another, progress will slow and a weight loss plateau may occur. You may be doing all the right things, but the weight has simply stopped coming off. Perhaps the number on the scale is ebbing and flowing. This can last for days, weeks, or even months in a weight loss plateau.

Do a self-evaluation. Evaluate the quality and quantity of your food. Did you stop eating well? Start doing your food logs again. Are you stressed? A cortisol response with stress could be causing your body to store fat. If you’re having trouble being objective, you may consider bringing in a coach for ideas on how to improve.

Don’t overlook the importance of progression and patience. Over time, you will see great progression. At first, you may see drastic improvements—big losses of body fat and advances in strength. But over time, your body will level out in this plateau. You may come out of a plateau, only to end up in another plateau yet again. This is normal. Your body is trying to find balance.

Make sure you’re looking at several different measurements, not just the number on the scale. Check out this free infographic, 7 Health and Fitness Measures That Matter, to consider some other measurements. If you’re not seeing progress in one area, chances are you will see progress in other areas.

The key is to focus on health first. Stay on the plan. Don’t panic and don’t quit. Continue to work on what is showing results, keep progressing, and tweak the plan as you go. Have the patience to stay the course and you will overcome this temporary weight loss plateau.


Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

January 8, 2016

Barbara takes charge

BarbaraMeet Barbara. She has an interesting and uplifting story to share.

Barbara used to be a professional athlete and traveled all over the world. In her late twenties, she was diagnosed with a severe illness called crone’s disease.

She managed it quite well for several years.

But in 2010, the disease reared its ugly head again. She had her first surgery, which was an ileostomy pouch. She had another surgery in 2011. In 2014, she ended up developing a huge mass. She was forced to sell her firm and change her lifestyle. She became quite depressed and anxious.

Barbara feels lucky to have her a child in her thirties when her disease was in remission.  That is because often crone’s can affect the fertility. She calls her son her miracle child.

However, her health continued to decline. She gained a bit of weight. She was diagnosed with cancer and had a total hysterectomy.

But that was when Barbara decided to change.

She found the program named Radical Body Transformation as she was going for her 4th surgery. It is not just a weight-loss program; it is a program with an emphasis in body building. The program clicked for her and changed her life.

Under the program, Barbara is set up with a professional body builder trainer. She got her own diet program, nutritional, cardio, and weight training. She trains six days a week. This is a real intensive, weight-lifting, cardio fitness program that she is going through. And she is doing well.

She has managed to work around having the permanent ileostomy pouch. And she is working toward being more fit than ever. She hopes to compete in an upcoming bodybuilding competition, although she's been put on notice that the pouch, which cannot be hidden during the competition, will likely hurt her chances of placing.

You don't have to train to be a competitive bodybuilder, but find something to strive for and start your health and fitness journey today!

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

January 7, 2016

Does music help during exercise?

In this science episode, we discuss the value of music in physical exercise. We normally think music kind of makes exercising easier. Is that true?

Let's see what science says about it.

There are some really interesting findings by some recent research. Yes, there are plenty of studies that have found all kinds of benefits of including music in exercise. According to researches, some of the common benefits of including music in exercise include:

  • increase in intake of oxygen,
  • decrease in blood pressure,
  • increase of flexibility, and
  • improvement of co-ordination.

The selection of music is an important factor when it comes to getting these benefits. Say for example; when you are walking for stress relief, you should not listen to hard music.  You should choose something soft and mild.  Conversely, a faster or harder beat can help you push harder when your running or lifting weights.

Unlike how you can get fully into the music when you're on a treadmill or elliptical, you should make sure you are aware of your surroundings when running outdoors or while weightlifting.

You should also consider the value of dance.  Dancing is movement and has some great health and fitness benefits.  If you enjoy dancing, then go for it!

Music can be quite beneficial during exercise, but there are some times when it is unsafe or inappropriate.  Look for ways incorporate music into your workout.  Dance when the spirt hits you.

The value of play part 1

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

The scoop on ketosis with Jimmy Moore

Today we have an energetic discussion with Jimmy Moore, author of Keto Clarity. This is the second part of my earlier interview (Episode 18) with Jimmy.   In this episode, we will focus on the concept of nutritional ketosis as an important tool for fat loss.

Jimmy Moore is best known for his “Livin’ LaVida Low-Carb” blog and podcast.   In 2004, at 32 years of age and 410 pounds, Jimmy made the decision to take off the weight that was literally killing him. The time had come for a radical lifestyle change.   A year later, he had lost 180 pounds and shrunk his waistline by 20 inches. This phenomenal weight loss enabled him to come off prescription drugs for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and respiratory problems. This dramatic change sparked his dedication to helping others find the information they need to make the kind of lifestyle changes he has made.

Jimmy discussed ketosis as the process for letting your body become a fat burning machine rather than a sugar burning machine.   When you eat a lot of carbohydrates, your body is a sugar burner. In ketosis, you shift the body from a sugar burner over to a fat burner.   Choosing high quality sources of carbohydrates, such as non-starchy vegetables and green, leafy vegetables and some berries is part of the process. It is a balancing act, though, as too much protein will also inhibit the body’s ability to get into a ketogenic state.

Along with his blog and podcasts, Jimmy Moore is also the author of The Ketogenic Cookbook, Keto Clarity and Cholesterol Clarity. Learn more about ketosis, Jimmy Moore and his work at www.livinlavidalowcarb.com.

Understanding cholesterol with Jimmy Moore

Can fasting be a healthy solution for weight loss | Jimmy Moore

Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music

Meet my clients John and Tammy

In this episode of the 40+ Fitness podcast, we meet two Forever Fitness clients, John and Tammy to talk about committing to health and fitness.

Tammy and Allan discuss the nature of a commitment to health and fitness, relating to the same emotional and life-long commitment you make to your spouse (John and Tammy were recently married). However, the health and fitness commitment is not something that you should not do for your spouse, or anyone else. It is an expression of true self-love. A commitment to health and fitness is personal.

Allan believes that making a verbal commitment to oneself is important. Allan suggests Tammy and John write his or her vows read them and feel them from the heart.

Tammy was very uncomfortable saying she wanted to look better. Allan points out that when you take care of yourself and your body is healthy inside and out, you already look better. One can’t look better unless he or she is healthy. Tammy finally clearly and confidently says she does want to be healthy and proud.

John goes next. He is inspired to push hard for reaching his health and fitness goals. He is ready to make this commitment loudly and clearly. John wants to have a long healthy life, which is why he agreed to work with Allan.

If you want more information about working with Allan, go to Forever Fitness.


John and Tammy commit to health and fitness

Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music

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