December 15, 2015

My client Sandy makes the commitment

Commitment is the first foundation to meaningful change. A perfect example of commitment is Sandy, a client from Episode 2. She has her own approach to commitment, which she described when we spoke recently.

When asked about what commitment meant to her, Sandy revealed that it really stuck out to her because she felt that she hadn’t really loved herself since her heart attack. Though she didn’t really love herself, she did like herself, which prompted her to make the commitment.

Like any relationship, when you meet someone for the first time, you likely don’t know the person well. You have to create that relationship. Sandy realized that perhaps she did not know herself as well as she thought, and it was time to create a new relationship with herself.

In making a commitment, you must have a “why”. Why do you want to have a relationship with yourself? Why put yourself through the strict diet and fitness lifestyle? Sandy’s “why” was to be a better version of herself.

The next question of making the commitment is the “what.” What do you want to achieve by making a commitment to this new lifestyle? Sandy’s “what” is being healthier and more active, which allows her to play with her grandkids.

The final question is “how.” Everyone must have a unique how that fits their lifestyle. Sandy’s “how” involved cutting out sugar, which was a difficult task because she was previously addicted to Dr. Pepper. However, after a few days of cutting out the sugar, she didn’t feel so sluggish. She actually felt more alert throughout the day.

Sandy is living proof of the power of commitment. By making one simple change, she was already feeling better and was committed to moving more. Her body was already giving her positive feedback.

Are you ready to make a commitment like Sandy? Visit Forever Fitness to gain access to resources that will help you stay on track and eat right.


Working with a personal trainer

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

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