March 12, 2018

Ageless soul with Thomas Moore

On this episode, we discuss Thomas Moore’s new book Ageless Soul,, a book an successful aging.

Thomas Moore is the New York Times bestselling author of Care of the Soul, as well as many other books on deepening soul and cultivating a mature spiritual life, three of which have received the Books for a Better Life Award. At turns, he has been a monk, a musician, a university professor, and a psychotherapist.

Phases of Aging

– Immortal is the phase of life when you don’t think of life as limited.
– First taste of aging is when we begin to recognize that life is not permanent.
– Maturity is the phase where you begin to see changes.
– Shifting toward old age is the phase when you begin to feel old age coming on.
– Old age is a phase of life when you begin to flow with your age.

Most of the shifts from phase to phase come about with an event. In Thomas’ experience, that happened when he had a heart procedure. The initiate isn’t planned, but it happens anyway.

Puer and Senex

“To age well you have to be profoundly old and profoundly young.”

Puer is a Latin word that means young person and Senex means old. We carry around a bit of each of these where our youth and our age talk through things to live well. We need to pay attention to the voices. These are a part of your identity and both can be useful.


Sadness and melancholy are a part of aging. Rather than try to collapse from it or avoid it, you should embrace it. Accepting this and looking for the new opportunities that are available to you now that you’ve reached a given age. And when you’re older, you now have something to give to people that are younger.

Thomas recommends that we spend more time outside in nature as we will now have a much greater appreciation of it.

Developing a Clearer, Deeper Sense of Self

As we reach old age, we have developed as a deeper person. We can use our time to reflect more. We can observe and experience aging of others. We are learning more and we become a different person.

We can dedicate ourselves to learning, relaxing, and enjoying what we see.

To learn more about Thomas Moore and his book Ageless Soul, go to


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Motivational Quote


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