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Choosing the sloth life for better health and fitness


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Tammy and I decided to move to Panama as an opportunity to slow down and reduce stress. On this episode we discuss why we chose the sloth life.

Allan: 00:47 Hello. Today’s podcast is going to be a good bit different than anything else that I’ve done on the show. We are actually recording in our little bitty apartment in Bocus del Toro, Panama. So you’re very likely to hear the sounds of chickens, cars, kids, music, all kinds of stuff going on in the background with us, roosters for sure. You know, the thing about it is this is kind of our new lifestyle. We’re not going to necessarily live in this town as we go forward, but there’s going to just be some differences in the way that we live our lives and the things that we let stress us. So I wanted to actually take you through the story of the move to Bocas del Toro and I couldn’t think of a better way to even do this show without also letting you hear from my very special guest today. My wonderful wife, Tammy.

Tammy: 01:37 Hi everyone. I’m glad to be here.

Allan: 01:39 And so as we, as we got into this move and, and the reasons we were doing this move, I thought it would be a great lesson for us to have on the show. And there’s been some people that have been fairly curious about this move and each time I talk to a guest and I remind them that they’re very likely to hear sounds in the background, that they wouldn’t hear any normal recording studio, definitely wouldn’t have heard in Pensacola where I was recording the show. There’s going to be quite a bit of that now, and I think you’ll see as we go forward on the show, even during some of my interviews, you’re likely to hear some of the sights and sounds of what’s going on here, uh, in Bocas town. So I want to give you just a little bit of the history of how this all came about because you may or may not know me that well, you may not have been a longtime listener, but I was in corporate America for over 25 years. And at the end, you know, I was pretty high up in the rankings as far as executives in a business and the business I was in, uh, well, we were on a pretty healthy downturn. And by healthy, I mean straight down.

As a result, the company was doing layoff after layoff, after layoff. And as you can imagine, being the boss of quite a few people, it fell on me to have those, “You’re, you’re not needed anymore” conversations, and the goodbyes and all that goes with that. So to say that this was a stressful job, I think would just really be an understatement. It was, the stress was almost debilitating. It was something that when my name finally showed up on the list and we finally went through that and I was sitting at my home in Pensacola and it just occurred to me that I really just didn’t want to go back.

This was not a financial decision. This was just a, I know that job is killing me and if I go back and do it, I am effectively sacrificing my health for the job. I decided that I wasn’t going to do that anymore. I wasn’t going to let making an income be something that was going to detrimentally hurt my health. It wouldn’t be fair to me, and one, I think I’d be disingenuous to you if that’s how I lived my life. And so I made the decision to not go back to work and to effectively figure out a way to make an income.

That’s when I kind of ratchet it up and started doing a little bit more personal training. Uh, and I decided to start working on a book. And there’s other things that I had in the works, but because of the current state of healthcare in the United States, one of us had to get a job so we could pay for health care. And uh, Tammy was nice enough to take that on. So she did get a job. Uh, just really just for health insurance. There was no other reason for her to have a job. We didn’t need her to work. We just needed the health insurance. It was just far too expensive. I think I got quoted $1,600 a month for health insurance, but I’ll, I’ll let Tammy tell you a little bit about her taking the job, what that did for her and against her and how she felt about it.

Tammy: 04:46 Well, first of all, I didn’t work for like, I dunno, five years before that I took a job here and there doing different things just because I was bored and wanted to do something. And then when it came down to where he decided not to go back to work and we need he insurance, because in America you have to have medical insurance. Getting the job was a little stressful, but at the same time I was kind of excited to go back to work, just to get away from Allan because he’s in the house all the time. But, um, I took a job that something I didn’t know, but it was interesting job. It was just basically for the insurance.

I also met a lot of nice people and had a good time working there. However, I was not really wanting to work, who wants to work really, you know? But the only reason why I didn’t want to work with more because of having to have a boss to deal with or having to watch what I say or do. And you can’t really be, I wasn’t really comfortable, I guess I got used to being at home for the last five years or whatever it was, taking care of the house, the dogs and Allan and doing what I wanted to do. But going back to work, you know, it helped us for for wha, about almost a year. And it was, the insurance was great and then we decided we were watching TV and decided to take it a step further and I’ll let Allan go ahead and start that conversation.

Allan: 06:18 So yes, we were watching Netflix and we came across a show called Death In Paradise and it’s an interesting show where they take basically a British detective and they put him on a Caribbean island and he’s living in this little bungalow and obviously he is a Londoner through and through wearing his suit every day, obviously uncomfortable in the 90 plus degree, 90 plus percent humidity environment. But he’s really good at his job and they decided to keep him. And that’s what kinda started the series. And we were watching the series as it went through and I think they had like seven series. They went through three different detectives, each kind of bringing a different feel to the show.

What was consistent about it was the, you know, the location, the beauty. And this guy lived in a non air conditioned open shack, basically a little bungalow on the beach, but it was beautiful. It was beautiful and they made it work and they were comfortable they are. And that got Tammy and I to talking about how we could change our lifestyle, we could reduce our stress, we could reduce our expenses, we can reduce our environmental footprint, uh, if we went somewhere and did something like that. And that got us to searching for different places.

Tammy: 07:38 And I started thinking that I was wanting to go to Belize. So he checked out Belize and all Allan got attacked by mosquitoes and not justattacked but like a swarm of mosquitoes. And then we went during the time that the season wasn’t very pretty, the beaches weren’t very nice. I guess the seaweed came in and it just wasn’t as nice as we thought it was going to be. I mean, it is a beautiful country, beautiful place. Not saying anything bad about it in that way, but we really, you know, we’re thinking something along the same line. And then I came home from work one day and Allan told me to keep an open mind and he mentioned Panama and I’m like, well, what’s in Panama? And he goes, well, there’s no hurricanes. And then there’s also the Caribbean island. Cause, I mentioned, I said, well, we want to live on the Caribbean. And he said, well there’s, there is a Caribbean side and it’s Bocas del Toro. He’d been there before with his daughter 10 years ago?

It’s changed a lot since then, apparently. And it’s changed a lot since we came here in July. But when we got here in July was only here for a few days. And I knew the beauty of it was there and it was very pretty here. And I’m looking at the beaches and just the possibility of living on the water and off the grid, basically, rain catchment and solar for your energy and power and with lights. And why not go for something different and do something in a different change in life and uh, get out of our comfort zone and make an adventure of it.

So we decided to open this up, this idea up to a Panama and we’ve been here for almost a month over just over a month and make it, making a lot of new friends, and people here are very nice. The culture is different, just the Indian villages that are around. It’s been an amazing month so far and we’ve learned so much about the people here. Um, and the expat community as well. And then, um, you know, we, we decided that this might be where we want to be. So we’ve been looking at places here to make a footprint here for ourselves.

Allan: 09:48 Yeah. One of the cool things about Panama is that they, they make it fairly simple. And I say fairly cause it’s, it’s not actually simple, but it’s much simpler to be an ex pat and live here to get your residency here, uh, than it is in a lot of different countries.

Tammy: 10:03 It’s still not simple.

Allan: 10:04 Not simple, but, uh, with some help from an attorney and you got through a process. They do want investment here. They do want people here. Uh, so they do value, uh, ex pats and, and they make it, uh, make it a way for you to get here. And as long as you prove that you’re not going to be a draw to their society, you’re going to help improve their society, they’re very much amenable to allowing you to have residency here. So we’re currently working through that process.

I am actually looking at buying the gym here. There’s a gym on the island and I’m in negotiations with the current owners, to sell me their shares in the company. And, so I will be a gym owner here. And we’ll be living what we refer to now as our sloth life. And I know, you know, the term sloth often gets a lot of bad reputations, but if you see a picture of a sloth there, they’re pretty damn cute with the exception for the claws.

Tammy: 11:01 Allan is afraid of the claws.

Allan: 11:03 They’ll slowly claw your eyes out. But uh, anyway, the sloth life in my opinion is this, this concept of finding the right size for you, finding the place and finding the people and finding that connection, the thing that’s going to give you the lower stress level give you the more connectedness to not just the people, but the place.

Tammy: 11:29 Just slowing down a little bit even in life and not having to rush and worry and think about everything that’s going around it’s just, it’s just stressful with regular life like that and living this life life is what we’re calling our slough life is being laid back more and relaxed and, and just living at slow walking down the street slow and taking things a little slower. We don’t need to rush through life. Life is here us to enjoy.

Allan: 11:55 And so that’s, that’s kind of this concept of 2019 for me. Uh, and for Tammy is how do we find that place where we have that connectedness where we have this, uh, this more relaxed environment and where we’re able to basically just be, be ourselves and not worry about punching a time clock, not worried about the deadlines at work. Uh, be our own boss. Um, so that we can make what we need to make and be who we need to be. You know, if you’ve read any of the studies on the blue zones and people living the longest in the world, they live in places like this. Uh, they live in places where they walk, they eat locally grown foods.

Tammy: 12:36 There are no fast food restaurants here. Thats a great thing!

Allan: 12:41 And don’t bring any please. Uh, yeah, there are no fast food restaurants here. There’s some really nice restaurants here with really fresh food, so it’s a really cool place to be. It does have water catchment for most of our water, and you know, a lot of the places are completely off the city grid um, so the electricity is generated by solar. So there some feel good about that. And uh, you know, the, the island is looking at recycling programs and a lot of other things. A lot of self sustaining places are building up around here. So it’s, it’s, it’s becoming a really cool, cool thing.

Tammy: 13:14 We should probably back up a little bit Allan about Bocas del Toro. Where is that? What it is? It’s an archipelago of nine big islands, I believe with a bunch of little islands all around it. And we’re in the main island of Isla Colon in Bocas Town right now and the other islands where we’ve been trying to explore a few of the other islands around us as well, there’s so many islands out there, there’s no way to explore them all, but we would like to try and do that. So anyway, Bocas del Toro is just an archipelago of islands out here. For any of you who were curious.

Allan: 13:51 Yeah, it’s not the easiest place to get to because you have to connect in Panama City. And you actually have to fly out of a different airport if you were coming in from the international airport. So there’s a little bit of a task to getting here, but once you’re here, you know, you have access to everything you need for the most part and you find you don’t need a lot of the things that you think you need. Uh, but Amazon does deliver here.

Tammy: 14:14 After about two weeks!

Allan: 14:16 But they do deliver if we needed something.

Tammy: 14:18 I have not tried yet, but I might.

Allan: 14:21 And so I talk about in the wellness roadmap that, you know, as you’re looking at stress, uh, you know, probably the best thing you can do for something that’s chronically stressing you is to just eliminate it. And I think that’s what we’ve been able to accomplish with this move is I don’t have to worry about laying anybody off again.

Allan: 14:42 I can come in and I can run the gym and I can have employees and I can make it fun for them. And I’m the boss of the, boss of the boss. And so, you know, I can make the things the way they need to be, uh, to fit where we are. Uh, you know, Panama as a culture is very laid back and I like that, you could be challenged by it if you don’t understand that, that’s the nature of the people. But you know, they tell, tell you when you come here, don’t think you can change Panama. You have to change for Panama if you want to be here. And so that’s really the crux of what this, this move was all about. I know some folks have been curious about it. Uh, I’m glad to be able to get my wife on the show for the very first time.

Allan: 15:26 And this is episode 375. I’ll try to get her on this show a little bit more often here and there. But I think the key of it is and the takeaway that I want you to get from this is that you really do have a lot more control over your life than you think you do. We let stuff, we let jobs, we let things imprison us because we have this innate belief that we have to have these things.

We have to order that, uh, that shirt from Amazon. We have to order those shoes, we have to, and so our closet gets full, we put weight on and then we can’t even wear the clothes we just bought from Amazon, so we go buy more clothes and those sit in our closet and we know we’re going to get into those skinny jeans one day. So we hold on to them and, and I’m just here to tell you that you don’t have to be locked into that cycle.

You can make changes. Is it a sacrifice? Absolutely. But the trade offs can be quite substantial. I don’t have the income I had before, but I have the life that I want and that to me is worth any amount of money that I could have been paid. So I doubt very seriously that you’re going to ever see me in a corporate boardroom again. I have no desire whatsoever to go back to corporate life. I’m going to do my own thing and that means I’m going to be giving 100% to my clients and making sure they get the results that they deserve. I’m going to be giving 100% to this podcast and making sure that I’m bringing on the best possible guests to teach you and give you the information you need to find your health and wellness.

I’m going to be doing the things with the gym and others just to help people here be healthier and more fit. So, My life now is, is dedicated towards wellness. Uh, but not just yours, mine as well. But if there’s anything that I can do to help you on your wellness journey, please do reach out. If you go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/15min I’ll give you a free 15 minute consult. We can talk about your health and fitness goals. We can help set strategies for what will work for you. If stress is something that’s really affecting you. We can talk about strategies for stress management and where you can, I’d encourage you to completely eliminate the stress. I know that’s not possible for everything, but you know, I think I can help you get through some of these stressful moments or eliminate these stressful moments through just this little console.

So go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/15min and that will take you to my calendar. You can set up a 15 minute consult with me absolutely free, no obligation. I want to help you reach your health and fitness goals. So please do get your free consult. So before we cut out though, I wanted to say bye to Tammy and thank you for being a part of 40 plus fitness.

Tammy: 18:21 Thank you for actually having me for the first time. He’s never asked me, by the way.

Allan: 18:25 I haven’t. I’ll be honest. Yeah, I haven’t asked her before this, but I felt like it would just, it would not be the complete story of me telling about the move to Bocus without having you on.

Tammy: 18:37 No, it wouldn’t be. He needs me.

Allan: 18:39 Okay. So thank you for listening today and I’ll talk to you next week.

Speaker 4: 18:44 Bye.

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