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Dr. Karl Knopf is a teacher of corrective exercise and the founder and President of Fitness Educators of Older Adults. He is also the author of a new book entitled Stretching for 50+.
Dr. Knopf explains that many view stretching as boring and not worthwhile, as it is difficult to see immediate results. However, many have learned outdated rules and techniques. Flexibility or stretching is having the ideal amount of mobility in your joints to be able to do what you want to do. The stretching program has to be comprehensive. People need to stretch every aspect of their body, because all parts are interconnected. The beauty of stretching is that it does not require special equipment and can be done anywhere.
Dr. Knopf discusses a few tips for stretching. First, warm up the muscles by jogging or taking a warm shower, for example. Don’t stretch to the point of pain. Remember to breathe regularly as you stretch. Don’t bounce during the stretching process, as those movements can cause micro damage to the muscles. Try not to rush. Check with your health provider to make sure your stretching is appropriate if you’ve recently had an injury.
Dr. Knopf mentions several factors that influence one’s level of flexibility. These include:
It’s important to be responsible and take care of yourself to prevent injury. Be proactive, do what feels good, and make stretching a regular part of your life.
The book is designed for all fitness levels and includes illustrations and diagrams. For more information about Stretching for 50+, visit http://www.ulyssespress.com. To connect with Karl, email knopfkarl@foothill.edu.