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June 17, 2016

5 health and fitness podcasts on my playlist

There are a lot of great health and fitness podcasts, but there are several that really stand out from the crowd. All of these podcasts have a different perspective and fresh content that really makes you think.

The first is The Plant Trainers, who were also highlighted in Episode 63. This podcast focuses on plant-based eating and incorporates personal and nutritional training topics.

Another great podcast is Open Sky Fitness with Rob and Devon. This one is particularly interesting because there are a lot of parallels between Rob’s outlook and opinions and those shared here on 40+ Fitness. This podcast is another one that has many really fascinating guests.

The third podcast to share is Barbells and Bone Broth, featuring Kelsey and JVB. This podcast demonstrates a unique perspective, as it consists of two women discussing health, fitness, and nutrition topics. They are not shy about their opinions and have no trouble diving deep into topics like lifting and moving.

Nutritionfacts.org is another great podcast. This video podcast is created by Dr. Michael Greger, who has been featured on this podcast several times. These are small episodes packed with great information focused around the topic of a plant-based diet. This is certainly one of the best nutritional podcasts.

Logical Weight Loss is another unique perspective podcast. Creator Dave Jackson is not a trainer or doctor, but simply a normal guy. He conveys the perspective of the every man regarding health and fitness. He recognizes that he doesn’t have all the answers and is not afraid to share his journey with all his listeners.

Finally, Ben Greenfield Fitness is another great podcast, led by stellar athlete and bodybuilder Ben Greenfield. This podcast introduces many cutting edge topics such as biohacking and essential oils. Fascinating guests are also a staple of this podcast.

To grow in your health and fitness, you must keep learning new information to apply in your everyday life. Listen to a few of these great health and fitness podcasts and see what else you can learn today!

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