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Elimination diets

What exactly are elimination diets? Believe it or not, they can actually be used to rebuild your health. Elimination diets involve removing all of the foods that could be causing you problems. In fact, you may have a sensitivity or allergy to some foods, but you may not even realize it. Once the food is removed from your diet, you are able to clearly see which foods may be causing you issues. This will allow you to craft a healthier gut and diet moving forward.

An elimination diet usually takes about four weeks. During that time, you will eat only fruits, vegetables, and meat—basically real, whole foods. You can try different tastes and textures to give you some variety. Write down how you’re feeling. Keep track of your results and reactions. Though it will be difficult, your gut will reset. Once this has occurred, you can begin reintroducing certain foods back into your diet in a responsible way.

When you’re ready to reintroduce eliminated foods, start with items you feel would be least likely to cause an issue. Consume a very small sample the first day. If you don’t have any issues, continue to consume that food for the remainder of the week. Each week, add a new food back in, but only one type of food per week. Do not add processed food or sugar back into your diet.

Why would you want to do an elimination diet? The main reason is a desire to be healthy. After going through an elimination diet, you will feel lighter and cleaner. You’ll be in tune with your body, as you’ll be actively paying attention to how it’s acting and responding to certain foods. You’ll have a full understanding of how all different types of foods affect you.

Doing an elimination diet is a great way to get healthy and build a strong microbiome. By learning what you can and shouldn’t eat, you’ll have a good nutritional blueprint for the future.

Get a happy gut | Dr. Vincent Pedre