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No matter where you are, you’re never too old to get off the couch and get some amazing things done. Hilary Topper shows us how in her book, From Couch Potato to Endurance Athlete. Join us as we discuss her book and she shares some wonderful tips and advice.
[00:02:14.390] – Coach Allan
Hello Ras. How are you doing?
[00:02:15.960] – Coach Rachel
Good, Allan. How are you today?
[00:02:17.960] – Coach Allan
I’m doing all right. A little shaken, not stirred.
[00:02:22.210] – Coach Rachel
[00:02:24.370] – Coach Allan
I’m on vacation in Puerto Vallarta, and so I landed on Monday and got an Uber, which is a little bit of an ordeal because they don’t want them at the airport, so you have to leave the airport and go somewhere else. So the Uber picked…
[00:02:37.190] – Coach Rachel
[00:02:37.400] – Coach Allan
That’s fine. It’s not that far, but Uber picks me up. We’re driving back to the hotel, and this dude just runs out in front of the car. Our Uber almost hits him. If it would not be like a neighborhood kind of area with the resorts and all the houses, he would definitely hit this guy because he just ran out in front of us. And then he’s yelling frantically, there’s an earthquake in Spanish, but he’s young. There’s an earthquake. I’m like, okay. And so the car literally was bouncing up and down, sideways to sideways.
[00:03:06.670] – Coach Rachel
Oh, my goodness.
[00:03:08.890] – Coach Allan
I did that for about five minutes, and then they’re standing out in the road, standing around. So then finally, people start moving out of the road. My driver’s like, okay, let’s go. He drives me to the hotel, and of course, everybody at the resort, they’re all out and on the street.
[00:03:23.330] – Coach Allan
And I walk in, and they’re like, you can’t go inside right now. It will be a little while. They said 5 minutes, but it ended up being, like, 45 minutes. So we’re standing out there, and this woman is just distraught. A lot of people seem more emotionally affected by this. Everybody’s got their emotion things and their buttons, so something scares them, and suddenly, again, a lot of things flare up in them, and it’s personal.
[00:03:47.910] – Coach Allan
But this was not that her husband was stuck in the building because he was not capable of walking down the stairs.
[00:03:58.850] – Coach Rachel
Oh, no.
[00:03:59.500] – Coach Allan
And she was. So she walked down the stairs and told the staff that he was up there. They sent two guys up. So she had already at this point, when I got there, she had already been standing out there for over five minutes. Another 15-20 minutes goes past without him coming down.
[00:04:21.290] – Coach Allan
So she’s just beside herself. I kind of took from her mannerisms and the conversation that she saw me as someone who was physically capable, and she wanted me to go in there and bring her husband down.
[00:04:35.390] – Coach Allan
So I walk up to the guy. I walk up, and the guy’s like, we’re not letting anyone in the building. And I’m like, okay. And then I said, is there anything going on there? Because a guy and I said, yeah, we got two guys going up there. Okay. So I go back to her, and I say, okay, look, the two guys are okay. They’re just not down yet. But it was just kind of that moment when you sit there and you say, one, I would never want to do that to my spouse, and two, I would not want to be the spouse that couldn’t help my significant other get where they needed to be.
[00:05:09.290] – Coach Allan
Okay, so when we start talking about fitness and we start talking about all this stuff, the reality of it is you’ve got to be fit to be the person that you want to be, and you got to start working on that now.
[00:05:23.090] – Coach Rachel
[00:05:24.830] – Coach Allan
These folks were probably not even in their 70s.
[00:05:29.570] – Coach Rachel
[00:05:34.770] – Coach Allan
I saw him yesterday at the pool. He’s fine, but he could walk along the edge of the pool supporting himself by the side of the pool. So even in pool water that was up to almost his chest, he still needed to support himself with the side of the pool, and she had to help him get out of the pool.
[00:05:53.490] – Coach Rachel
[00:05:54.750] – Coach Allan
So one rail, and then her to get out of the pool. And I’m just like, dude, I know you’re old. I know this is a struggle, but you got to get stronger. You got to get stronger. You can’t put your wife through that again. I didn’t say that out loud. That was one of those internal thoughts that you kind of have as you’re sitting there.
[00:06:10.740] – Coach Allan
Just don’t do that. I don’t want to do that. So if you’re thinking about reasons why you need to do this, that. You might have to take care of someone else or you definitely don’t want them to have to take care of you.
[00:06:27.190] – Coach Allan
On that same kind of note, I’m on the summit that’s about optimal health and longevity, it’s going to be coming out in about a week from now and this episode goes live. If you’ll go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/optimum, that’s going to take you to a sign-up page to view that. It’s like 21 health and fitness experts talking about ways to improve your health, to improve your longevity. And I’m on it, so it’s got to be awesome.
[00:07:01.330] – Coach Rachel
Sounds great.
[00:07:02.440] – Coach Allan
So 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/optimum. And it’s going to kick off in about six days from now. I think this goes out the 4th, so it’s going to come out on the 10th. I don’t know what day my episode is. As soon as I know that I’ll let you know. But it’s free and it’s some great content. If you’re looking at improving your health and longevity, go check it out.
[00:07:27.510] – Coach Rachel
That sounds great. Congratulations Allan. Sounds like a fun summit to be involved with.
[00:07:31.920] – Coach Allan
Yeah, the interview was great. The host, Yoli, she’s cool and it was a really good conversation and I shared some tidbits. I actually even shared that story. So you’ll have probably a little bit more information than they even had. But it is that kind of that concept of let’s not get old-old, let’s get young-old. Okay?
[00:07:55.770] – Coach Rachel
[00:07:56.720] – Coach Allan
So how are things up there?
[00:07:58.540] – Coach Rachel
Well, we’ve done a lot in the last week, Allan, since I spoke with you last, my life turned upside down and since righted itself again. But we had COVID again enter our home actually for the first time. My son and husband were away on the weekend traveling and they brought home COVID. I caught it and it was really kind of interesting.
[00:08:22.680] – Coach Rachel
My son felt like a cold, fluid kind of feeling. He didn’t have it too bad and the doctors didn’t think he needed any additional treatments or anything. I got it even more mild. I only had a sore throat, so I’m grateful to have such mild symptoms for this weird disease.
[00:08:41.230] – Coach Rachel
But my husband got hit hard. It hit him hard. And it’s because as I’ve mentioned to the listeners in the past, he’s right in the middle of taking chemotherapy and immunotherapy for kidney cancer. So his body was already pretty frail because of the chemo to begin with. And so when he got COVID, it just knocked him right off his feet. So his oncologist gave him the Paxlevid that a lot of people are taking and it worked really fast. It’s a five-day regimen and within a couple of days he felt back to his normal chemo self.
[00:09:17.950] – Coach Allan
Yeah, he went from a .5 to a 1.
[00:09:21.150] – Coach Rachel
Yeah, exactly. Chemo is no joke either. He’s had good days and bad days, but fighting cancer and COVID at the same time, it was a huge nightmare. He was just in a really bad space, and it was really scary for the both of us. But since we’ve made it through, all three of us are feeling healthy again, pretty much back to normal. And we had a visit with our oncologist. He’s doing fine. He’s back on his chemo regimen as usual, so that’s what we’re doing. So it was crazy, but now back to normal, and it’s good to be through it all. Thank goodness it’s over.
[00:09:59.490] – Coach Allan
Yeah. And let Mike know I’ve got him in my thoughts.
[00:10:02.990] – Coach Rachel
Thank you. I appreciate it.
[00:10:04.900] – Coach Allan
All right, well, are you ready to talk to Hilary?
[00:10:08.120] – Coach Rachel
[00:11:11.830] – Coach Allan
Hillary. Welcome to 40+ Fitness.
[00:11:14.600] – Hilary
Thank you so much, Alan, for having me.
[00:11:17.260] – Coach Allan
Now, today we’re going to talk about your book, From Couch Potato to Endurance Athlete. And I think many of us can kind of relate to that couch potato life and how difficult it is to basically get out of that get out of that couch and make some things happen. So I really appreciate the opportunity to talk to you today about this book because it talks about your story of how you did this.
[00:11:42.680] – Coach Allan
This is not something you did when you were 20 or 30. You were over 40 years old. So you’re speaking our love language, doing this, when you’re not the young buck out there doing these things. And you didn’t just play around. You’re a triathlete. So this is some pretty cool stuff.
[00:12:03.370] – Hilary
Yeah. So I started running at 48, which, I mean, for me, my motivation was I was working all the time. I had my own business, small business. I was putting in those 60, 70, 80 hours a week. I was going to cocktail party after cocktail party, and I needed to change my life. I wasn’t happy, even though the business was doing really well. I wasn’t happy.
[00:12:32.790] – Hilary
So I needed to make a change. And I joined New York Sports Club and I hired a personal trainer. And my first entree into this sport was to step onto a treadmill. And I looked at this thing and I was like, wow, I don’t know what to do, could somebody help me? So I asked a couple of people and they turned it on for me and I started walking and that was my first step into it. And then from there I started to run a little bit and gradually it took several months but I ran a mile. And then I took it outside and I just took it little by little. It’s like one step in front of the other, basically.
[00:13:19.990] – Coach Allan
Yeah. There’s a runner’s mantra that’s just put one foot in front of the other until the race is over. Now, there was one thing in your book that I have to ask because people put Easter eggs in their books all the time and I love finding these things. You’re going to have to tell me this story about you crashing Woody Allen’s New Year’s Eve party.
[00:13:43.510] – Hilary
So I was 17 years old and my friends and I, there were two of us and so there were three altogether. We saw an article in the New York Post and the New York Post, it said that Woody Allen was having this New Year’s Eve party, was the year 1979, and he was having it at the Harkness House in New York City.
[00:14:09.150] – Hilary
We did some research and we found out that Donald Bruce White was the caterer. And I called up the Harkness House and I said, can I tour around the facility? I want to make a surprise party for my parents 25th anniversary. And they said sure. So they took the three of us and we toured around and we got back on the train back to Long Island and we started drawing out a schematic of the whole entire place. Like where the kitchen was, where the party would take place, where the shower room was.
[00:14:45.710] – Hilary
And that December 31, the three of us, we dressed up as caterers with our clothes under tinfoil trays and we walked into the Harkness House and said we were with the cater. They let us in and as soon as the coast was clear, we jetted down to the basement and we hid there for 8 hours.
[00:15:07.860] – Hilary
Now if this happened today, it wouldn’t have happened, right? But back then it was a little bit less secure and we stayed there for 8 hours. And then as soon as we heard the party start, we changed our clothes, went upstairs to the party and we met and mingled with all the famous people of the day like Mick Jagger, Robin Williams, Mia Farrow, Diane Keaton, I mean, you name it, everybody was there. And it was so exciting for us.
[00:15:41.040] – Hilary
And what happened was at midnight, we’re having champagne and caviar with all these celebrities. I don’t know why they didn’t say, like, who are you? Nobody ever asked us who we were. But at the end of it, we went downstairs. I kissed Woody Allen’s cheek and said, thank you, Mr. Allen, for inviting us. He looked at me like, who is this woman and who are these kids and what are they doing here?
[00:16:10.340] – Hilary
And we left our clothes downstairs in the shower room. We left. We were screaming down 5th Avenue. I mean, it was just insane. And we got to my friend’s apartment on McDougall Street and we went up there. He was in college. The two of us were in high school at the time.
[00:16:31.360] – Hilary
We went up there and I called the New York Post right away, and they said, well, how do we know that this is true? And I said, well, clothes are down in the shower room. So they checked it out, and the next thing we know, we had a cover story on the New York Post saying, “Teens Crash Woody’s Bash.”
[00:16:50.980] – Hilary
And we were also in Newsday and a local paper. And there was a famous we still love this one station. It was an alternative station called WLIR Radio. So we were on there too, and that was our story. And that’s basically how I became a publicist. Because I figured if I could do it for me, I could do it for other people.
[00:17:13.240] – Coach Allan
That’s pretty cool.
[00:17:15.070] – Coach Allan
Now, you had a concept in the book that I think was really critical for a lot of people because they see something in front of them. Like maybe they want to do a 5K or maybe they want to do a bike thing, bike race. There’s a concept you had in the book called The Back of the Packer, and I think this is really important. Can you explain what that is and kind of the mindset that it gives you when you kind of accept that reality?
[00:17:41.250] – Hilary
Yeah. I mean, there are so many of us who are Back of the Packers. I mean, these are people who will never, may never podium unless they’re the only ones in their age group. They have the possibility of being swept off the course. There’s always that possibility. If you can’t make it within a certain amount of time, you get swept.
[00:18:04.850] – Hilary
And the thing about being a Back of the packer is that I think also in my book, one of the people I quoted said Back to the Packers, have more fun. And in a way, we do, because we take this as a competition against ourselves and not so much other people. I mean, yes, in the beginning, you get intimidated. You feel like… One of the things that I write about in the book, I talk about Becky, a friend of mine, and she was a marathon runner. I was intimidated by her because she was a marathon runner. I thought she’d be better than me, she’d be faster than me, she had more endurance than me. And when we ended up running together, we were the same pace. I think that we need to kind of get that out of our heads that it’s a bad thing to be a Back of the Packer because it’s not a bad thing.
[00:19:11.330] – Hilary
We have fun doing what we do and we love it just as much as the elite or Middle of the Packers. And again, we just really compete against ourselves.
[00:19:24.650] – Coach Allan
Yeah. There is a lot more talking going on in the back of the pack than there is in the front, I can tell you.
[00:19:32.130] – Hilary
[00:19:33.160] – Coach Allan
Now, you practiced a method. I’ve had Jeff Galloway on the show before, and I actually use his method a lot with my clients and coaching. Can you talk about his Run Walk Run Method that you use?
[00:19:47.010] – Hilary
Yeah, Jeff, actually he was my coach for the 2016 marathon. I was first introduced to it a couple of years before, but I really didn’t get it right until he started coaching me. And when he coached me, he taught me that the shorter I run, the faster I will run. So if I’m running 5 seconds or if I’m running 10 seconds and I’m walking 30 seconds, I’m going to run those 5 seconds of those 10 seconds much faster than I would normally do if I’m not doing the run-walk.
[00:20:28.220] – Hilary
So maybe I’ll do it at a minute mile and then I’ll walk at a steady, easy pace. And since then, I did the marathon using his method. I did 15-second run, 30-second walk the entire way. And that’s exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to stay around 14 minutes miles.
[00:20:57.190] – Hilary
And after that, I guess it was back in 2017, I started working for Jeff as one of his program directors and I started teaching the method because I wanted to give back to people here on Long Island. And we also started as a beginner group. We started at 5 seconds, and then we went to ten, and then we went to 15.
[00:21:22.730] – Hilary
And even today with a lot of my, I have runners who are elite runners, I have beginner runners, I have Middle of the Packer of runners, and we’re all doing the same exact thing. We’re all going at it easy, 15-second run, 30-second walk for our long runs, and we run together. And the thing about it is, as you said before, with the Back of the Packers, you get to really talk to people and you get to really know who they are and all about them. And these people that are part of my WeRendurance group are some of the closest friends that I have. I mean, I just absolutely love these people. And they’ve been my groupies on my book tours. They’ve been coming to every one of them. It’s really very nice.
[00:22:16.120] – Coach Allan
Cool. Another key aspect of Jeff Galloway’s run, walk, run is that for that 15 seconds, even though you’re running faster, you’re not redlining. You’re pushing yourself right up to a point. You’re not letting yourself get winded. So that 30 seconds off is just a really good break to let everything kind of slow down the heart rate go down a little bit, and then you’re in a good position to go again for those 15, again, just right up to the line, and then you’re off. And that’s why choosing 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds each, just finding your interval is really important because you’ll just know, okay, if I run about this fast, I’m not going to redline, and then I can ease back.
[00:22:55.730] – Hilary
Once you do the magic mile and you determine what and the magic mile is basically running around the track four times and then determining what your speed is, and you could either take walk breaks or not take walk breaks, you could just run it out. You take that time and you put it into a formula, and you could actually determine what your race pace is, what your long training runs are, and that type of thing. And that’s really helpful. I’ve got these people who some of them are, like, running seven minute miles using this method. It’s incredible. So it’s not just for slow people. It’s for anybody who wants to put that recovery break into their runs.
[00:23:50.230] – Coach Allan
Yeah. Now, another core aspect of this is that you didn’t play around. You’ve had coaches, you’ve had teams. You’ve kind of always had this support network. Can you talk about what that means to you and how you went about that?
[00:24:04.460] – Hilary
Yeah. When I first hired a coach, I didn’t want to hire a coach. My friend Becky said, we have to hire coaches. We don’t know what we’re doing. We have to hire coaches. And so I called up a friend of mine who I knew was an iron man, and I was so impressed with her, and I asked her if she would coach me, and she said, I’m really not qualified for that, but you could call my coach. And I did. And I hired this guy, Coach Ritchie, for the first year, and he really taught me everything about triathlons.
[00:24:42.310] – Hilary
And then the following year after that, I ended up switching coaches, and I went with somebody who was a little bit more supportive, coach Danielle. Coach Danielle, I have been with her since 2015. I still hire her every month to coach me, even though I’m a qualified I’m also a USA Triathlon Coach. I still have my own coach. That’s important to me to have a coach. And I’ve been working with her, and I definitely have seen significant improvements. She was a pro triathlete, and she’s just a wonderful person. So she just really makes me feel good about what I’m doing.
[00:25:31.970] – Hilary
And that’s what I think a good coach is that balance between feeling really good about what you’re doing and structuring your workouts.
[00:25:42.260] – Coach Allan
It’s kind of hard to call your coach up or to visit your coach. And when they start asking about how this particular workout went and you don’t really have an answer because you didn’t do that workout, you don’t want to say that. So it holds you accountable and kind of keeps you moving forward.
[00:26:00.730] – Coach Allan
Now, there was another concept, and you didn’t really write about it so much as you demonstrated it in most of the stories about a race or something you were going to do. Like, you talk, there’s chances of you being swept because you were going to time out. There are times when things are just not working out well for you because of the conditions, but you always seem to have this internal drive to stick it out.
[00:26:30.130] – Hilary
Yeah, it’s interesting. I’ve been doing a lot of book tours, and people have been asking me about that. The other day I was asked, you had a horrible year this year. How did you keep going? What’s your drive? How do you get yourself to do this? And I guess for me, when I was a child, I always felt like I was being put down, even by my parents, by my teachers. I never felt like anybody was encouraging me.
[00:27:04.080] – Hilary
So I had to reach within myself to get that encouragement. And for me, when somebody says to me, you can’t, or if I feel like I can’t do something, I make it my business that I can do it. It’s almost like a crazy motivator. But that motivates me to keep going, even though the obstacles are against me.
[00:27:29.320] – Hilary
I was swimming a 5.5 mile swim. It was supposed to be 5.5 miles from Fire Island to Bay Shore. It’s a pretty long swim in open water, and the water, the currents were, like, ridiculously choppy and big wakes. I couldn’t even see. And I asked my son to be my kayaker, but I didn’t really understand the race, and I didn’t realize that I really should have had an experienced kayaker with me. He had only gone on, like, a little pond that didn’t have any kind of current, so he didn’t really know how to deal with it.
[00:28:13.700] – Hilary
We ended up getting drifted. We drifted way, way off. We were about a mile, a mile and a half off course, and the volunteers had to come get us and direct us back to where we were supposed to swim. And the swim time cut off was 4 hours. And the crazy thing was that my garmin stopped working for like, an hour, an hour and a half. So I’m thinking that I have all this time to get in reality, I was so close to the end. I was the last one. The boats were following me in, but I did it. And even though my arm, it stopped working. I couldn’t even get my arm over my shoulder at one point. I was exhausted. I mean, I crossed that finished line, I can’t even do this, but I did it, and it felt so good.
[00:29:19.630] – Hilary
I think that’s the driving thing is when you finish these races, you feel so good. You feel so high, you feel like you’ve got this, you’ve got the whole world on your shoulder. It’s just wonderful.
[00:29:35.460] – Coach Allan
Yeah, it sounds like what you’re doing is you’re kind of tapping into this inner rebel that you have. You’re finding your inner strength, and for you, that’s as a rebel, and you just say, well, no, if I think I can’t do this, well, I’m going to prove myself wrong. If someone else tells me I can’t do this, I’m going to prove them wrong.
[00:29:55.490] – Coach Allan
Hillary, I define wellness as being the healthiest, fittest, and happiest you can be. What are three strategies or tactics to get and stay?
[00:30:04.220] – Hilary
Well, I would say for me, it’s be consistent. Just be consistent. Just get out there, do what you need to do, right? You have a schedule, stick to it. And that’s one thing a lot of people don’t do. And for me, I find that it’s become almost an addiction for me. So at 04:00 in the morning, I’m up, I’m ready to go, and I’ll either swim, bike, or run right? So one would be consistent.
[00:30:39.420] – Hilary
Two would be to eat right and to drink water and to really try to get those macronutrients in. You don’t feel like don’t stray from that. Like, once you start eating junk food, you really feel it when you’re training. Not good.
[00:30:58.860] – Hilary
And then the third thing I’ve been trying to do and this may sound a little strange, but I’ve been trying to meditate, really just relax my mind. Even though I feel like when I’m working out and when I’m training for triathlon, it’s my time, it’s me time. I still feel like I need to just take that stuff out of my head and just relax and meditate. And I take ten minutes or whatever a day just to calm everything down and feel good.
[00:31:35.070] – Hilary
And that helps. It really does.
[00:31:38.450] – Coach Allan
Thank you for sharing that. Hilary, if someone wanted to learn more about you and learn more about your book, From Couch Potato to Endurance Athlete, where would you like for me to send them?
[00:31:47.600] – Hilary
Sure. If you would like to get a copy of the book, you can buy it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or any of the Barnes and Noble retail stores out there. You can just ask for it.
[00:32:01.010] – Hilary
To get in touch with me. I have two blogs and also a podcast. My blog is hilarytopper.com. It’s Hilary with one L, and my other blog is atriathletdiary.com. And that was how the book actually formed, was from that blog. And you can get in touch with me from either one of those blogs. Even if you just type in my name on Google, Hilary Topper. I come right up and you can get in touch with me. And my email, I think, is up there, too. So it’s Hilary@hjmt.com.
[00:32:38.730] – Coach Allan
Thank you so much for being a part of 40+ Fitness.
[00:32:41.410] – Hilary
Well, thank you so much, Allan. I so appreciate you having me on the show.
[00:32:54.030] – Coach Allan
Welcome back, Ras.
[00:32:55.660] – Coach Rachel
Hey, Allan. What a fun interview. And right up my alley to couch potato to endurance athlete. I absolutely love it. Hilary sounds like a neat lady.
[00:33:05.510] – Coach Allan
Yeah. And one of the kind of cool things about her story is that if you think you can’t, then you can’t. And if you think you can, then you can. And it’s the Ford quote. And the whole point being is your brain, your mindset, is going to take you where you go. And so when she decided she was going to start doing things, she just started doing things, and then she realized, okay, I’m not great at this, but I enjoy the process and I enjoy doing. And so she kept pushing herself a little bit and pushing herself a little bit. And I couldn’t fathom swimming over 5 miles.
[00:33:44.740] – Coach Rachel
I know. That is crazy.
[00:33:47.430] – Coach Allan
And she didn’t just swim the 5 miles because she got off course. She literally swam probably seven or 8 miles when she was only planning on swimming that. Now a story she didn’t tell was, I guess apparently you wear a wetsuit and you’re swimming that long, there’s a whole lot of chafing going on. And we know that as runners going, well, it’s a wetsuit. I couldn’t even imagine. She changed everything. And she was not a spring chicken when she did it.
[00:34:19.520] – Coach Rachel
Well, no, and that’s what I absolutely love. There’s actually a lot of endurance athletes don’t really get started until our 40s and 50s. And she mentioned that she started running at the age of 48. So just sit for a second. 48. You’re right, that’s not a spring chicken. And not that 48 is old. I’m 51 and I certainly don’t feel old, but it is absolutely later in life. And you don’t have to be a collegiate athlete or you don’t have to have run track in high school or something to enjoy different activities, different sports in these later years.
[00:34:56.300] – Coach Rachel
And the fact that she’s done so well, especially in the triathlon as well as the swimming, is incredible. I mean, there’s a lot of older athletes out there. There’s something to be said for getting started a little later in life.
[00:35:10.850] – Coach Allan
I wouldn’t call this an instructional manual. She puts in some little tidbits in there that would definitely help you as you’re going through this process. She gives some really good tips, but the book is really a motivational tome. I mean, it’s really built around, okay, here’s what I did, here’s what my struggles were, here’s how I overcame them, and here’s what I accomplished. And here’s what I learned.
[00:35:37.970] – Coach Allan
If you’re sitting on the couch and you’re thinking, I really need to do something, this is probably a great book to get you thinking, wait, this woman just did that. And she’s not that far removed from a similar couch,
[00:35:55.010] – Coach Rachel
For sure.
[00:35:55.740] – Coach Allan
And she had all this stuff happening, too. She had a career, she had a family. She had all the things that you think might be holding you back. She’s making the time, and she’s getting it done.
[00:36:08.820] – Coach Rachel
I think that’s wonderful. I think a lot of people look at, like, the Olympic athletes. They’re all young people. They’re in their teens and 20s
[00:36:17.720] – Coach Allan
There are a lot now that are hanging around. Tom Brady is still playing football at 43.
[00:36:24.330] – Coach Rachel
I know. Yeah.
[00:36:25.880] – Coach Allan
Things are changing, and they are building a capacity, and they’re keeping that capacity longer. And so those should be your inspirations to say, an 80 year old man is climbing Everest. I got no excuse.
[00:36:40.750] – Coach Rachel
For sure. But the second misconception, too, is that we’re all Boston qualifying or Triathlon Kona attending athletes. And you guys spent some time discussing being in the back of the pack, and you can find so much strength as well as enjoyment in these sports without having to stand on a podium. It’s not that we’re out there to win. We’re out there to accomplish something. And even if it’s competing against ourselves, getting a PR, or just doing something we’ve never done before, there’s so much excitement to that. And no, you do not have to be super fast, super strong, super anything. You just need to get out there and do it.
[00:37:26.140] – Coach Allan
Yeah. In a lot of those races, like the New York Marathon, the Boston Marathon, they have lotteries. They allow a certain number of runners that don’t qualify, wouldn’t qualify, Back of the Packers, if you will. So if you have aspirations to say, well, I’d love to go to Boston and run the Boston Marathon, you can put your name in. Just put your name in. You never know.
[00:37:47.580] – Coach Allan
And as they get slots and they grant you a slot, then book your airline and go. Or just book your airline in the hopes that happens, and then just enjoy Boston during that time of the year.
[00:38:01.730] – Coach Allan
I think that’s the core of it is just she has the right mindset to know where she is in the world and know that, okay, she’s getting the joy out of just knowing that she’s pushing herself to do something, and when she completes it, no one can take that away from her.
[00:38:20.030] – Coach Rachel
Absolutely. This is a great motivational book. It sounds like a good read.
[00:38:24.090] – Coach Allan
It is good. All right, well, Rachel, I’ll talk to you next week then.
[00:38:28.140] – Coach Rachel
Sounds great. Take care.
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