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How to approach getting older as pro-aging – Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank

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This episode of the 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Reel Paper. Go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/tp and use the discount code 40plus to get 25% off. Thank you for supporting the show by checking out this wonderful company.

Let’s Say Hello

On this episode, we’re introducing a co-host for the 40+ Fitness Podcast. 

Rachel Everett is joining the wellness industry as a newly minted NASM Certified Personal Trainer. So, you’ll find a preamble at the beginning of each episode and a wrap up at the end. With 450 episodes done, I felt this would be a great way to freshen things up.

Please join us on the 40+ Fitness Facebook Group at 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/group to welcome her to the podcast.

[00:02:53.360] – Allan
Rachel, how are you doing.

[00:02:56.130] – Rachel
Great! How are you Allan.

[00:02:57.160] – Allan
Doing really good. I’m excited to have you on as a new co-host to the show. So everybody say welcome to Rachel.

[00:03:04.670] – Rachel
Well, Hi and thank you so much. It’s an honor. I’ve been your biggest fan for quite a while, so it’s a real treat for me. Thanks for inviting me on.

[00:03:12.740] – Allan
Yeah, Rachel and I have been friends for a good long time. We met through my wife and one of the cool facts about Rachel and her husband Mike is that their birthdays are exactly one day apart. So they’re celebrating for a full 48 hours every year. It’s pretty cool to be at one of those celebrations, especially when you’re there at midnight with them. When it crosses over.

[00:03:36.110] – Allan
I forget you’re you’re actually one day your birthday is the one day before.

[00:03:41.180] – Rachel
I’m the after.

[00:03:43.190] – Allan
Oh, okay. Oh yeah.

[00:03:44.410] – Rachel
Mike is the old man.

[00:03:45.350] – Allan
Okay, yeah, Mike is the old man, although he’s lost a lot of weight and he looks years younger. Well cutting off the beard health too.

[00:03:54.250] – Rachel
Yes it did. Yeah.

[00:03:58.160] – Allan
Well, go ahead.

[00:03:59.590] – Rachel
Oh, he’s been working real hard this year. He’s been putting in a ton of miles, his running has been epic. And he’s and it’s led to a ton of weight loss. He’s been doing real great.

[00:04:10.160] – Allan
So how’s your week been?

[00:04:12.660] – Rachel
Good. Little nutty. The kids are back to college, so I’ve got one in college and staying at college and my other one is home doing the online classes. So it’s just it’s been kind of crazy, although they do their own thing, they’re getting set up for what you know, in class and online learning. It’s just been kind of nutty with all the covid procedures that the school has in place. But they’re doing great.

[00:04:38.270] – Allan
Well, good. Well, I’ve been focused on my miles. You know, I talked about in an earlier episode that I’m doing my famine season. And I started actually June 1st. I think in the episode I may have said May 1st, but I’ve actually lost twenty-five pounds as we record this since that start June 1st. And it’s basically, you know, using ketosis, intermittent fasting and just enjoying good long walks, getting sunshine, looking at the beach, and listening to some audiobooks and podcasts.

[00:05:10.490] – Allan
So, you know, I think I’ve done twenty-seven miles this week.

[00:05:15.490] – Rachel

[00:05:15.860] – Allan
You know, and unfortunately, I RunKeeper fell out on me apparently when I stopped to take a picture or selfie, it decides, oh, he stopped and I just paused this here. And if I don’t remember to reset and start it. So you get down the road and you’re like, I don’t hear my little lady telling me how I’m doing.

[00:05:31.160] – Rachel
That’s right.

[00:05:31.610] – Allan
And then I realized I just walked two miles without her telling me anything. So now that’s not going to show up. So my winning my championship or my fastest ten-mile walk or whatever is just not going to be on that app. So that’s the frustration. So now I started a spreadsheet, so I’ll keep up with myself, dammit.

[00:05:50.700] – Rachel
Yeah, technology, it’s so awesome, but it can also be just as frustrating.

[00:05:54.710] – Allan
It can be. So let me introduce our guest today.


Our guest today is one of the most famous and successful cosmetic dermatologists in the world. Often called the beauty guru by his celebrity and international patients, renowned for his minimally invasive techniques and holistic approach to cosmetic rejuvenation and age management. He is regularly featured as a skin and aging expert in local and international media. As a board-certified dermatologist, he has lectured around the world and has authored several articles on both consumer and professional literature. He is a clinical assistant professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital.

With no further ado, here’s Dr Paul Jarrod Frank.


[00:06:38.530] – Allan
Dr. Frank, welcome to 40+ Fitness.

[00:06:41.190] – Dr. Frank
Hey, how are you?

[00:06:42.810] – Allan
So I got your book and I was really glad to have an opportunity to read it, because as I get into my mid 50s, aging has become this this thing that I pay a lot more attention to these days. The book is called The Pro Aging Playbook: Embracing a Lifestyle of Beauty and Wellness Inside and Out. And I have to say that your approach to this is really refreshing because sometimes, you think, okay, this guy makes his living by making people look and feel younger.

That’s what this book is going to really be about, is just let’s sell some more plastic surgery. But it was absolutely not. And I was really, really glad to see that.

[00:07:26.050] – Dr. Frank
Well, I mean, listen, I’ve been doing this 20 years now, and I find the greatest way to predict the greatest cosmetic result has to do before you even do the procedure. It’s just in the talk and gaining a feel of someone’s perspective and feeling about aging and all the other things they do. So to me, what I’ve learned most in 20 years is not how to use the syringes and the lasers and all the things, but the most impactful thing is to learn how people think about aging and how I could help them think about it and then give them all the wonderful options we have now. It’s not a bad thing aging, is it?

[00:08:01.030] – Allan
Well, no, but if you do it right.

[00:08:03.890] – Dr. Frank
If you do it right. I mean, listen, we weren’t meant to live probably past the average age of 30 up until the last 50 to 100 years. So I think if we start with the idea that aging is a blessing, I think that’s a good way to find ways to become the best version of yourself.

[00:08:25.030] – Allan
And this is you pulling out your psychology degree and using it, because it really does help here. And one of the things that I think is as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become much more aware of the words that we use and how that impacts our feelings, our lives, our emotions, our successes and failures. You prefer to use the term pro aging versus anti aging.

[00:08:48.640] – Dr. Frank
Yeah, and you know, anti aging, that’s a word that immediately has a negative connotation. And it was created as a marketing tool. Right, this is started back decades, generations ago with selling creams and lotions and potions and things that are anti as if aging is a bad thing. And I think starting out from that that type of perspective is that type of negative thinking that we were just talking about. I think pro aging makes people feel more positive. It makes it look like less of a chore and more of something that you can embrace.

[00:09:27.130] – Dr. Frank
And hopefully I could teach people how to live a lifestyle, a pro aging lifestyle to bring all those things together. And we’re lucky now. We live in a world where we have so many options, not just to keep us alive, but to make us look and feel good.

[00:09:39.760] – Allan
And so go a little deeper into when you say pro-aging, exactly what that means.

[00:09:45.640] – Dr. Frank
Well, I think it’s a culmination of a lot of different things. Again, people think of the word anti aging. They think of like creams and procedures and all these things. But when I think of pro aging, I’m thinking of a lifestyle that involves a lot of forms of grooming. And to me, grooming can be exercise, the way you choose your meals, the way you choose your friends and the people who are positive and negative in your world, and how you choose lasers to get rid of sun damage if you choose lasers or other surgical procedures or things like that.

[00:10:18.070] – Dr. Frank
Pro aging is really a combination of grooming techniques. And I think one of the things I’m noticing more since when I started in the late 90s, is that because of technology and the access across socioeconomic groups and because of the technology, there’s less and less. but basically these things are becoming so much more acceptable. When I was a kid, rich, only rich people had gym memberships, let alone had facial plastic surgery. And now the younger generation looks at joining a gym, having a nutritionist, having a life coach, getting a little Botox.

[00:10:53.090] – Dr. Frank
These are all forms of grooming. They’re accepted. And to me, this is all part of the kind of pro aging lifestyle that I think people are now embracing and breaking those anti aging stigmas that they used to have. The ladies at lunch do procedures or vain people do these type of things.

[00:11:13.520] – Allan
Now, you use this title for for the bad things we do to ourselves that involve aging maybe faster or at least looking older than we are. When you use it, I immediately in my head had this concept of this Legion of doom, you know, these these these evil-doers, these these terrible the anti-heroes, you know, the villains. And you called it the extrinsic evildoer of aging, evildoers of aging, and I was like I say, when I when I read that, I was just thinking, you know, these are the bad guys. These are the guys, the villains that we have in our lives. Can you talk about who these extrinsic evildoers of aging are?

[00:11:53.400] – Dr. Frank
Well, listen, smoking, drinking, excessive sun exposure, all these type of things, not moving, not eating right. Fatty foods. These are like the evil do’s of aging. We all know that these things are bad for us. But I try and relate to my personal story. I’m 50. I’m in my 50 years old. I wasn’t an angel. I was young once. I used to lay in the sun and drink more and do all these different types of things and you change your ways if you want to feel good as you age. Otherwise, if you act like a 20 year old at 50, you’re not going to come out too well.

[00:12:27.750] – Dr. Frank
I always say if I want to look and feel my best, I act like an old person. When I want when I try and act too much like a young person, I don’t feel or look that good. But these evil doers of aging, let’s say drinking and smoking, for example, we know they’re bad from us. And I want to teach people how to moderate them. I give my personal story. I think a life of total restriction is a very boring life, not eating good foods, not not having a martini every once in a while.

[00:12:56.400] – Dr. Frank
But I do believe that you could feel good and look good by finding a healthy balance. And as we get older, obviously those limitations may be coming a little restrictive. What society tells you is that there’s always a pill, a cream, a shot, a coach or something that’s going to be an antidote to all those things. And the fact of the matter is, the best way to treat yourself is just to learn how to moderate those evildoers. To not bake yourself in the sun doesn’t mean you have to hide from the sun.

[00:13:24.000] – Dr. Frank
So I think this balance, instead of selling people what they have to buy teaching people how to moderate and minimize these things and teaching them about the science and how it makes aging, I think works in teaching people how to live a better lifestyle.


This episode of the 40+ Fitness Podcast is sponsored by Fastic. Before we had refrigeration, processing and bulk transportation, we just didn’t have access to food like we do today. Because we’re opportunistic eaters, most of us consistently eat more than we should. And our bodies don’t know how to signal to us that we’ve had enough. I practice intermittent fasting regularly, and it’s a strategy many of my clients use to get control of food and as a happy side effect, lose weight.

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[00:15:08.280] – Allan
One of the things that you got into and I thought was was really interesting was, you know, we we want to rule and I think people like simple stuff. And I can give them one rule out of this. No smoking. Just just don’t do it.

[00:15:22.160] – Dr. Frank
There is no moderation in that.

[00:15:23.610] – Allan
There’s no moderation in that one. But when we start talking about sun exposure, I’m like, a little bit of sun exposure is good for almost all of us and for other people. Even a little more is even OK. How does someone decide for themselves the right way that, OK, this is this is my line. This is where this makes sense for me and this doesn’t.

[00:15:47.910] – Dr. Frank
Well I get it. And I try and talk to a lot of dermatologists, but they are just like no sun, wear sun protective clothing. I can’t do that. Dermatology is one of the few fields in medicine where we really have to judge people by the color of their skin and certainly anyone with a family history of skin cancer. I’m going to be more restrictive about. But people who tan easier, what we call type three skin, type six skin are like African American, Type four or five is like Hispanic, you know, type one and two skin are the fairest of people, like the blonde haired, blue eyed type.

[00:16:18.450] – Dr. Frank
And those are the people that have to be more restrictive. But by the way, those people don’t ever tan well, and they never look good that way. You know, the darker skin types, the J-Los, you know, they kind of tan well. So, again, sitting people down and giving them a realistic. And by the way, anyone with sunscreen used appropriately can enjoy the outside. There’s no reason why they have to hide. I feel that way about martinis and beers, too, by the way. You know what I mean, not all people have the same tolerance level of alcohol.

[00:16:47.250] – Dr. Frank
And by the way, smoking is bad as it is. The studies show people like, oh, I’ve been smoking my whole life. There’s no point to quitting now. By the way, as a person who’s been smoking a pack a day for most of their life, if they quit smoking in ten years, the risk of cancer goes down to almost that of a non smoker. So, you know, there’s hope that’s a positive thing for people to make changes in their lives. And that’s kind of what I want to help people do.

[00:17:10.860] – Allan
Yeah, absolutely. Now, you said something in the book that made my heart sing as a personal trainer. He said, the number one thing you can do for pro aging, longevity and beauty is to get moving.

[00:17:24.490] – Dr. Frank
No question.

[00:17:25.380] – Allan
OK, and I love that, obviously. So can you give us some tips so that we can put some more movement into our life?

[00:17:33.030] – Dr. Frank
And my examples for myself and I like to work out four to six times a week. But you know what? It’s not that forty five minutes a day that makes all the difference. It’s taking the stairs instead of the elevator when you have the opportunity. It’s like taking that walk instead of jumping into Uber, which by the way, functions as meditation, which functions as exercise, which functions on catching up on phone calls with friends and communication to your environment. It’s just it’s choosing sometimes the path that involves movement. And, you know, in a world where everyone is looking for a convenience, quick time, I think the best time you could spend is just moving your body.

[00:18:11.280] – Allan
So in the book, you did share some fairly specific tips as far as you know, as we’re going through how we can make this, I guess, a little bit more regular.

[00:18:21.210] – Dr. Frank

[00:18:21.390] – Allan
And I think a couple of them that you shared that I really like and you you actually got into this a good bit in the book is about negative self talk.

[00:18:30.710] – Dr. Frank
Oh, yeah. I mean, listen, when we’re younger, we look to make as many friends as we’re getting older. We’re looking to make as many professional social connections as we build our life and career. We all start off very naive and potentially influenced by people. And that’s why our mothers, they want us hanging out with the good friends, not the bad friends. And we have to realize I have two children. I’m constantly trying to screen who they spend time with. Do I know their parents? Do I know the kids? Do I think it’s a good kid. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror.

[00:18:59.820] – Dr. Frank
Every day is our lives and we have to learn how to filter people. The content. And that’s not just on our social media feed, it’s on the people we spend our time with trying to spend our time around positive people because negative thinking breeds negative thinking, so do negative people. And I find myself I started doing transcendental meditation seven years ago with my wife and really taught me how to filter things in my own mind and try and surround myself with things that are going to be, they’re going to promote positive things in my life. I think that’s the most important tool that we that we can constantly think of.

[00:19:35.490] – Allan
Yeah. With, you know, one of the things you brought up when you were talking about movement was you were being very clear that it doesn’t have to be a gym. But, you know, in a lot of cases, I kind of compare and contrast that against what you just said is surrounding yourself around other people that are positive and into it. You know, if you can find a group class of pilates or something like that that you enjoy doing, by all means, do it.

[00:20:00.030] – Allan
And as we’re recording this, obviously a lot of gyms are not open. A lot of classes aren’t happening. But they will reopen, they will come back and as they do, finding that thing that works for you, be it surfing, be it running, be it lifting, be it going and doing a pilates class, I think that’s all very, very important.

[00:20:20.030] – Dr. Frank
There’s something out there for everybody. And that’s kind of what I tried to say. You know, I try and tell people it’s great getting word of mouth like, oh, I just tried this new workout app or I tried soul cycle. I did this. It’s nice to get word of mouth to kind of get you to try new things. But people need to realize there’s no one thing that works for everybody. And your expectation, sure. We like the communal aspect because it pushes us. I Was always a big soul cycle person, it just works for me. And it’s nice to be pushed by your environment, but you have to realize you have to find your own way. And this is all about balance. And this is true in every aspect.

[00:20:58.010] – Allan
And I think just just to go deeper into that, one of the things you said in the book is you really didn’t consider yourself an athlete as a child, but as soon as you strapped roller skates because you’re parents took you to roller skate rinks, boom, there you were every weekend.

[00:21:14.530] – Dr. Frank
And, you know, and again, that’s probably one of the reasons why I like Soul Cycle too, because it involves dancing in a form of exercise. My club days aren’t so strong these days. You know, being on the dance floor until two o’clock in the morning is not that much of an option for me. But being around music, being inspired by other people, sweating around other people and feeling that that endorphin rush, that’s what we all want.

[00:21:38.030] – Dr. Frank
That’s pro aging. What’s great about you want to find things that you can age with. Swimming, tennis, walking up and down stairs, taking walks, cycling, you know, not everybody could box until their 70. Some people can. And I think I have yet to find a laser or device that works for aging like exercise does.

[00:22:01.610] – Allan
And that’s important. That’s important here. So you’re 50 and obviously someone that is in this profession. So looking your best, age in your best, that’s kind of a part of who you are now. It’s ingrained in you 20 years in the career. What is your pro aging regimen was what does your day look like?

[00:22:23.090] – Dr. Frank
Well, my day starts with meditation. Got to reset. You know, I’m a person. I do sleep eight hours a night. And it’s mostly because if I get less than six, I’m not fun to be around. Like, you know, I’m not I’m not one of those people who can get by in four hours of sleep like some people claim. I like to sleep well. I meditate. I usually spend a little time with the family because it’s the only time I get when my head is clear, is really the morning. And then after that, I exercise every day because again, after a busy day, it’s I’m not going to get to do that at night.

[00:22:56.380] – Dr. Frank
And then I hit the pavement and I’m kind of on stage all day. I could see anywhere from 20 to 40 people go through my office every day and I obviously got to be on point for a lot of different people and a lot of different personalities. I try and have as much fun as possible, that’s kind of my rule as I’ve done this 20 years. Is to keep it fun, keep it light. And and usually at the end of the day, I don’t got that much left into me if I do have a work dinner or something like that or I go home to the family. But the meditation, the exercise are the prerequisite in terms of food. Again, I don’t tell everyone to follow my technique, but I’m kind of not by choice a daytime faster I graze.

[00:23:40.730] – Dr. Frank
I have a little things I maybe have like an avocado or I have some nuts or I take a bite, my sister runs my entire professional life so I could I can dip into her salad or take a few bites of a sandwich if I want to, without offending her. And then I really I have my meal, whatever I want at night. And on the weekends, I love to cook and I love to eat and I like to indulge. And that’s really it. And before you know it you’re turning 50.

[00:24:07.670] – Allan
Yeah. And then 60 and 70 and then on.

[00:24:11.270] – Dr. Frank
And that’s it. I try and you know, my life I fortunately have a very successful career with a lot of challenges and a lot of rapid growth. So I’m constantly trying to remind myself about the people and the things, like keep it positive, keep it simple. Because the world wants to complicate things, wants to sell you more, wants to do more. And a lot of things seem exciting, like growing your business. Right. It’s an exciting thing.

[00:24:34.310] – Dr. Frank
But guess what? You constantly have to keep it in check. Is it going to give me more pleasure or is it going to give me more headaches? You know, and it’s not easy. You know, I’m not always great at it. Catching covid and having 13 days of 103 fever and having problems breathing and having to be on home oxygen, that kind of put things a little bit more in perspective for me to check myself before I wreck myself. So I was very nervous about the pro aging playbook coming out about of course I started writing this way before covid.

[00:25:04.220] – Dr. Frank
I was nervous about, oh my God, I’m doing a wellness book. But I actually reread it from beginning to end right before the book came out with a covid mind, and I’m excited that it came out now because a lot of it is just about the psychology of life.

[00:25:19.810] – Allan
Well beyond that, I mean, one of the things that we’re finding with regards to covid and the risk is just how well you’ve managed your fitness, your health, your, all of it. And if you’re suffering from some health issues, obviously you’re not you’re not pro aging at this point. You’re in decline. And this is a wake up call to all of us that taking care of our health is really the only thing that’s in our control. We can’t control what goes on at work. We can’t control what’s going on in the street. We can’t control a killer virus that ravages the country. What we can do is control ourselves.

[00:25:59.890] – Dr. Frank
And a lot of people said to me they were so shocked because of my social media. I kind of became this poster person for Covid. Cosmetic dermatologist has become the poster person for information for Covid. They said, I don’t understand, you’re so young and healthy. I said, well, I’m glad everyone thinks 50 is young that’s a great start. But I said, well, I don’t think of it like that. Like, oh, my God, I can’t believe I got it. I do such things to take care of me.

[00:26:24.220] – Dr. Frank
Maybe if I didn’t take such good care of myself, I would have needed hospitalization or intubation or been one of those young people that died, you know what I mean? So I look at it the other way, like, thank God I was in good shape. So again, we’ve got to keep taking care of yourself. And along the way we might as well look good.

[00:26:42.090] – Allan
Yeah, absolutely. I don’t know if you know who Tony Horton is, the guy who did P90X.

[00:26:47.030] – Dr. Frank
Yeah, of course.

[00:26:48.010] – Allan
I had him on the show and he went through shingles at the age of like sixty, sixty one. And it would have for what it does to a lot of people, you know, him being generally fit and healthy. He’s weathered it really well. But, you know, it really does kind of speak to me. Again, we don’t know what’s going to happen and if we’re not taking care of our health, then we’re setting ourselves up for something worse.

[00:27:15.550] – Dr. Frank
Listen, you can invest money in the stock market, invest money in your own business. You can invest your time and energy and money in a lot of things. But there’s one thing that is a guaranteed return on investment, and that is yourself. And that is whether you’re exercising, eating right, doing something that makes you feel good about yourself. When you look in the mirror, everyone has a good hair day. I don’t care how,

[00:27:39.370] – Allan
You haven’t seen a picture of me.

[00:27:41.350] – Dr. Frank
But I do want to make fun of himself over another one. You don’t have to be, you know, just having a little sense of vanity doesn’t mean you’re narcissistic. And I think any investment in yourself, in yourself, not for other people in yourself, is is is a 100% return on that investment.

[00:28:00.040] – Allan
Yeah. Just just for the record, I shaved my head when I started receding. Rather than do anything about it, i just went with it. Yeah. It’s the best decision I could have made. It really is.

[00:28:11.980] – Dr. Frank
Thats good man. Is that that’s keeping it simple stupid. That’s the rule of kiss right there.

[00:28:16.180] – Allan
Yeah. Yeah. Dr. Frank, I define wellness as being the healthiest, fittest and happiest you can be. What are three strategies or tactics to get and stay well.

[00:28:25.870] – Dr. Frank
Well. And we talked about we talked about a couple of these. we talked about movement, moving your body for me, also meditation, and then investing in family and friends. Those are the three starts. All the other stuff comes once you have those three things in check.

[00:28:51.480] – Allan
Absolutely so, Dr. Frank, thank you for being on the show. If someone wanted to learn more about you, learn more about your book, The Pro Aging Playbook, where would you like for me to send them.

[00:29:02.090] – Dr. Frank
Well, you could send them to my website at pfrankmd.com or they could check me out social media, Instagram, and Tic-Toc and Facebook, which is at Dr. Paul Jerod Frank.

[00:29:12.840] – Allan
OK, you can go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/451, and I’ll be sure to have a link there. Dr. Frank, thank you so much for being a part of 40+ Fitness.

[00:29:23.240] – Dr. Frank
Thank you so much for having me. Thank you.

Post Show/Recap

[00:29:29.770] – Allan
All right, I hope you enjoyed that episode as much as I did. Dr. Frank was a really cool conversation, and I know we’ve been talking about aging a lot, but, you know, with me being approaching my mid 50s, it’s a topic I think about a lot. So maybe I’ve seen too many books about aging. We’ll go off on to some different topics in a bit, although I think our next week’s episode is also going to be about aging, but it’s kind of a different approach.

[00:29:55.780] – Allan
So we’ll talk about that later. So, Rachel, Ras, why don’t you take just a few minutes to introduce yourself, let folks know who you are and why you’re here.

[00:30:05.740] – Rachel
All right. Well, hi, Allen. Nice to talk to you again. My name is Rachel, and most of my friends call me Ras. That’s a childhood nickname that I’ve had. And once you get to know me, it just seems fitting. But most people call me Ras and I’m forty nine, which is why I’ve always been a big fan of your podcast lately. I’m over 40 and I like to be fit. And I’ve recently finished my NASM certification. I just got my certificate to be a personal trainer, so I’m pretty excited about that.

[00:30:38.770] – Rachel
Like I said, I’m forty nine. My husband Mike and I have been married for 25 years and we just celebrated our anniversary this last summer, which is great. And we both have we have two kids that are in college just starting off this next semester. One’s at home and online learning and the others moved to campus. And so we’re just hoping they stay safe in this covid era.

[00:31:02.470] – Allan
Now, one of the reasons I thought that Rachel would be a great guest for the show is she is a huge advocate of running. In fact, anywhere Rachel goes, if there’s not already a run club, there will be one.

[00:31:15.730] – Rachel
Yes, yes, yes. Running has been a huge part of my life. I’ve been running consistently for over twenty years, actually. And it’s served a different purpose at different times in my life. But everywhere I have traveled and we have traveled quite a bit, we’ve been in contact with different run clubs in different areas. And it’s really a great way to meet friends especially when you move as often as we have. And I have some amazing friends that we’ve met down in Florida, including you and Tammy, your wonderful wife.

[00:31:49.000] – Rachel
And it’s it’s always a great way to get to know the city as well while also staying healthy and fit. So, yeah, I’ve got a pretty big running background. I’ve run too many 5 and 10 Ks to count. I’m up to over thirty closing in on forty half marathons. I’ve done Four fulls, 2 Ultra’s and this year I was supposed to be running another Ultra as well as my first 50 miler. But covid shut those races down pretty early. So this year it’s just about running miles and enjoying the time outdoors.

[00:32:27.370] – Allan
Yeah, I’ve been trying to put on some more mileage just but I’m not running right now. No one’s chasing me and so I enjoy the walk. Plus, you know, for me it’s not a function of time. I set my own schedule pretty much here. So if I want to get out, walk for three, three and a half hours, I’ll go do it. And we have some beautiful beaches here. So kind of the cool thing is the further I walk, the more the better beaches I see.

[00:32:53.140] – Allan
So it’s like I start out the public beach is not all the all that pretty with the seaweed and everything in the water. It’s just not all that pretty. Once I get to two miles, I start seeing prettier beaches and I get the four miles, I start seeing awesome beaches. And so by the sixth and seventh mile, it’s just breathtaking, the Bluff Beach and things that are here for me to see. So it really kind of pushes me when you’re walking in one direction that far and, you know, OK, well, I’ve got to walk back.

[00:33:19.510] – Allan
So it’s nothing for me to put on ten miles on a day just to get out and do a long walk. Three hours, nothing major, just listening to podcasts or audio books or things like that. And then when the batteries die on my headphones. I just now I get to listen to the surf.

[00:33:36.510] – Rachel
It sounds wonderful.

[00:33:38.340] – Allan
Yeah. So you did go for the NASM certified personal trainer. And I can tell folks, having done it myself, actually took that test twice, not because I failed it, but because I messed up on my recertification. I had to take it again. It’s not a joke. It’s not this is easy, go study for a week or weekend, and then go take a test. It’s like a college-level course with a comprehensive final. So congratulations on that.

[00:34:07.420] – Rachel
Thank you so much. Yeah, it was a little bit more intense than I thought it would be. And even even after twenty years of running and believe me, I do a ton of reading and researching on all things fitness related. I still learned so much from this class. It was it was really in-depth. And I can’t wait to put what I’ve learned to good use.

[00:34:31.610] – Allan
So, as you can see, Ras is the runner is also female and I am neither of those. So, you know, I think we’re going to have a good rounded conversation as we go forward. So I invite you to come back, catch Ras and me as we discuss the different things that we’re getting into with the podcast with life. So if you have questions, you know, feel free to send them to us. You can send them to Allan@40plusfitnesspodcast.com and Ras and I will take a round of responding to some of those in this final section of each podcast.

[00:35:05.240] – Allan
So Ras, thank you for being here today. Thank you for being a part of the podcast. I’m really excited for the direction we’re going and just really excited to be working with you.

[00:35:14.420] – Rachel
Thanks, Allan. Thanks for inviting me. I’m looking forward to this new opportunity. I really appreciate it.


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– Anne Lynch– John Somsky– Melissa Ball
– Barbara Costello– Judy Murphy– Tim Alexander
– Bill Gioftsidis– Leigh Tanner
– Debbie Ralston– Margaret Bakalian

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