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April 28, 2017

Dealing with PCOS with Hillary Wright

Hillary Wright is a registered and licensed dietician, the Director of Nutrition Counseling for the Domar Center for Mind Body Health, and the author of The PCOS Diet Plan.

Hillary explains that PCOS is the most common hormonal disorder affecting women of reproductive age. The disorder is an endocrine problem that affects 5 to 18% of all women, and can cause an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, endometrial cancer, and infertility. It also affects one’s psychological health.

However, PCOS responds positively to healthy living. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can allow those with PCOS to better manage their condition by creating a body environment that feels better, promotes fertility, and reduces heart disease risk.

One way to live healthy with PCOS is through adopting a carbohydrate distributed diet. Hillary recommends identifying naturally occurring carbohydrates and spreading them out over the day. Emphasis should be placed on consuming quality carbs and being mindful of the quantity consumed at each sitting.

Hillary also shares her nine strategies for helping people deal with health and lifestyle change. These include:
1. Learn how your body works.
2. Try to avoid the “I’m a failure” syndrome.
3. Keep a food journal.
4. Don’t eat too much at night.
5. Accept that there’s some discomfort involved.
6. Focus on the positive.
7. Make losing weight a priority.
8. Manage your mindset and your expectations.
9. Don’t go it alone.

She also speaks about the importance of exercise for those with PCOS. She recommends the guidelines prescribed by the American College of Sports Medicine, which includes 150 minutes per week of moderate cardio activity, two or three strengthening activities per week, and incorporation of stretching and balance components.

To connect with Hillary Wright or to learn more about The PCOS Diet Plan, visit http://www.hillarywright.com or http://www.pcosdiet.com.

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