Tag Archives for " episode 243 "

April 19, 2017

Run forever with Bill Pierce and Scott Murr

Bill Pierce and Scott Murr are not only friends who have been running together for 35 years, but they are also founders of the Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training and authors of the new book entitled, Runner’s World: Train Smart, Run Forever.

This new book details how one can become a lifelong runner. Starting a running program or maintaining a runner’s lifestyle can become more difficult over the age of 40. This is partly because we simply cannot train the way we did in our younger years. In addition, connective tissue becomes more rigid with age, which can restrict range of motion and lead to injury. Yet most runners over 40 have the same goal—to be a lifetime runner because it is a central part of their life.

To reach this goal, Bill and Scott discuss several steps that runners can take to make this goal a reality. These include:

  1. Incorporate cross-training, which can keep you fit and active, while also improving your range of motion.
  2. Add strength training to your routine. This helps to maintain muscle mass, which may help you to run faster.
  3. Be sure to stretch, as doing so affects range of motion, which is the foundation of performance.
  4. Add more recovery time in between workouts and hard runs.
  5. Set realistic goals.

To be a healthy, productive runner, Bill and Scott offer these tips:

  1. Make your running fun.
  2. Incorporate variety.
  3. Be consistent.

To connect with Bill and Scott or learn more about their programs and their book, Runner’s World Train Smart, Run Forever, visit http://www.furmanfirst.com.


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