Tag Archives for " episode 136 "

August 8, 2016

The value of play part 1

This is part one of a three-part series on play.  Play was an integral part of us developing fitness modalities as we grew up.  Unfortunately, we abandoned many of those aspects of our lives and as a result, have lost fitness.  In this episode, we are going to explore the value of sports.

What sports did you play as a child and teen?

Even if you weren’t the best at it, do you remember the joy of playing?  How it kept you moving even when you were fatigued?  Competition, being on a team, having fun.  All this helped you keep you more fit.

Perhaps it is time to look for a sport you can begin playing now.  Or at the every least, start working on your fitness so you’ll be able to participate in a sport soon.  Sports can be quite motivating and you deserve to play again.

The value of play part 2