Tag Archives for " dine safe app "

May 10, 2017

Dine safe with Nick Caturano

Nick Caturano is the creator behind the new Dine Safe app, an innovative and highly useful app that aims to make dining safer for those with food allergies or sensitivities.

The idea for the Dine Safe app began when Nick noticed an uptick of food allergies and intolerances while he was working in the restaurant industry. As a whole, the industry seemed to be scrambling to keep pace with these new demands. He knew there needed to be a more efficient way to manage the process. He then developed the idea for the Dine Safe app—an easy to use app that would allow users to select restaurants and menu selections based on the dietary preferences they enter into the app.

Additionally, restaurants have the ability to create an account, upload their menus, and tag each item with different characteristics or dietary preferences.

The app lists allergies and diet choices, including up to 33 allergens; however, restaurants only need to include at least the top eight allergens to join. Nutritional information is also tracked.

While there are other apps out there that help to provide information based on specific dietary preferences, the information provided is based on user reviews. The transparency of the Dine Safe app allows people to feel more comfortable, as they are getting the information straight from the restaurant itself.

Right now, both user and restaurant support is needed to increase usage and demand for the Dine Safe app to expand its reach. If you like the concept, talk to owners of local restaurants to help get them on board.

To download the Dine Safe app, search the Apple or Android store under Dine Safe. To connect with Nick, to learn more about the app, or for restaurants to create an account, visit the website at http://www.dinesafeapp.com.


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