Tag Archives for " denise austin "
Allan: 01:12 Denise Austin. Denise, welcome to 40+ Fitness.
Denise: 01:19 Yea, I’m so happy to be here! WOO!
Allan: 01:19 I am too, you know, um, when back in theā¦
Denise: 01:23 I’m happy to be over 40 too. I love it!
Allan: 01:23 You know it is a new day, you know, and I think you, people used to think, okay, you’re just going to be on a standard aging curve. And I know, you know, when I was listening, watching your show back in the late eighties, early nineties, when I had days that I was at home and didn’t have class, I would be doing homework or something. Uh, but I would always put it on TV and you know, there were the three or four workout shows, but you yours was always set in the Caribbean or in Arizona. It was just really some really nice scenery. And then you’re just so just, you’re just so up, up, up all the time. It’s just something that I love tabbing in my room when I was, when I was studying or when I was, when I had the time.
Denise: 02:07 Yeah. Well thank you so much. I really appreciate it because you know, my TV show was on for 24 years. Can you believe that? Every weekday morning. So it’s um, and now I got all my TV shows back, which I love.
Allan: 02:22 Oh you got the rights back to him. Okay, cool. That’s totally cool.
Denise: 02:25 They’re all on my website now, which is so cool. I picked my favorite 200 shows that I did and, and most of them of course are in the Caribbean cause the water’s so turquoise so beautiful in the background.
Allan: 02:40 Oh yeah. And that must been hard picking your top 200 cause I know I just recently went through an exercise trying to pick 10 out to talk about on episode 400 of the show. And it was like, you know, choosing my favorite baby, its hard.
Denise: 02:56 I know, and it makes you look at your career too. It’s like wow, I did this many shows.
Allan: 03:02 And helped and helped thousands and thousands and thousands of people. Maybe millions. I mean as like I said, your shows were at, your shows were totally awesome. And like I said, it was just one of those things where I knew that people of all ages would just feel really, really comfortable doing what you are asking them to do because of the approach you had. Uh, and then even now, today you still focus on helping everybody but a little bit more bent towards folks our age, the 50s and sixties range. Uh, but still it’s over 40 is great. Um, and, and so, you know, in all this time, I mean, it’s over 30 years. Uh, you’ve been in the fitness industry. Uh, things have changed from, you know, we’re no longer were that girls are no longer wearing leg warmers and, uh, your, your videos are no longer on VHS. Um, but what else can health and fitness has been like what you’d say is the big changes over the course of the last 30 years.
Denise: 03:54 Well, the biggest change now is all about wellness and recovery and taking care of your body and really tuning into, um, being, you know, gentle like yoga, pilates and foam rolling and really, uh, you know, yoga, a little more meditation. That, to me has been the biggest change. But of course I’d been through all the different trends from high energy aerobics to step aerobics to, you know, all of the trends in the last 30 years. But the key thing is, you know, we have one body, we have to take good care of it. We have 640 muscles of the body to keep strong and tone and firm and um, to find something that you enjoy in exercise or it becomes part of your lifestyle. And to me, walking is one of the best and most easiest ways to really get in great shape. And you truly could get in wonderful shape if you walk fast for 30 minutes. So I’m really into walking and I come back into my house and I do some targeted exercises for my arms, my tummy, my legs, and then stretches too. So all three components are important. And throughout the years they’ve just changed up mainly through, you know, boxing was hot for awhile. So there’s been so many forms of fitness, which are all great because they kind of keep you motivated.
Allan: 05:24 Yeah. You know, I actually miss a step aerobics. I, when I was in the army I would, I would take a step aerobics class. It’s just a way to continue to improve my fitness beyond what we were doing as our normal training. Um, and I really miss, I kind of miss it cause I still see the steps sitting around as some of the gems but they’re not being used for the same thing anymore.
Denise: 05:43 Yeah. Now it’s more used for interval training, jump box. You know, you jump up on it and do lunges off it. It’s not as choreographed, which is fine too cause you’re still working your hips, thighs and butt step. So my daughter now is falling and my fitness footsteps and she uses my old step that I used to use in step aerobics. Now she uses it as a prop for, you know, some pushups, more targeted exercises but more like interval training.
Allan: 06:15 And I think you touched on something that was really, really important and that is finding something that you enjoy. You know, the variety that’s been offered over the course the last 30 years from, you know, now there’s the hit training or like you said, some of the box and the jumps in the pile of metrics to some of the old stuff like now that they can log onto your website and see some of those, those videos, uh, you know, they’ve got their 30 years worth of, uh, some really cool variety to keep themselves engaged. Plus, like you said, um, you’re really big on the walking, and just the normal movement to keep yourself in shape.
Denise: 06:48 Yes. And also, um, I really think it’s important that everyone knows that how important stretching is to keep our muscles and our tendons and the bones and the joints healthy and stretching and target toning, lightweights are so important. It really makes a difference, especially as we age to stay strong and keep our joints healthy and the muscles surrounding the joints are so important. So that’s why I do, you know, all new workouts also for her, for women and guys after 50. And those are more straight training and more stretching. And then you could get your cardio from so many variety ways. And then long as you’re getting two to three times a week, some type of targeting strength training for your muscles.
Allan: 07:39 And I think that’s one thing I read as I was going through some of your stuff is that, uh, you’re not, you’re not one that says, okay, we need to spend two, three hours a day, uh, doing this to get fit.
Denise: 07:52 I only work out for 30 minutes a day, but I do it most every day and I’m very consistent. And consistency pays off, I promise. 30 minutes, that’s all it takes in a, usually you’re awake about 16 hours of a day. So what’s 30 minutes for your health, your well-being, your mental, your emotional. It truly is a, one of the best ways to get rid of stress, to help fight heart disease, exercise every single day if you can, it is fabulous. I truly do try to get 10,000 steps in a day. And when I do, I feel so proud to go, you know, 12,000 steps. I’m like, yes. So it’s also a great way to, you know, track yourself to see how well you’re doing and keep, you know, challenging yourself.
Allan: 08:40 Yeah. Now you’ve, you’ve always generally taken care of yourself, that was your career. Uh, so you don’t want to know first I guess you were an athlete, you’re an athlete in college, and then it was your career. And what has changed the way that you train today versus when you were in your 20s and 30s?
Denise: 09:01 Well, you know, I pay attention to my body every day, more in a different way than I’m 62 now. And I feel fantastic. I can do everything. I still do cartwheels and hand stands and, but I, I truly do believe I, uh, I’ve changed just as simple things such as recovery, things like I do use a foam roller. I love to stretch. I use stretch bands. I do love a massage every month, I tried to get a massage. So self care is important and especially as you age and if you’re exercising, you want to feel good. And these are some of the easier ways I take an Epsom salt bath. Never did before in my life. So there’s these little things I do, but the main focus is the same that I continue working out most every day. And I honestly feel like I change a little that I do more yoga, I do more pilates for strengthening of the abs and the course as it is, you know, menopausal time for women is so important to keep our abdominals nice and strong, keep our tummy flat and it keeps your back healthy.
Allan: 10:16 Absolutely. Now let’s talk about nutrition. What’s, what’s changed in your nutrition since you 20s and 30s had any major changes there?
Denise: 10:24 Yes, of course I eat differently in the way of, I made sure every day I have a little bit of either chia seeds or flax seeds cause it’s Omega three that they’re so good for us helping inflammation. I also make sure I have anything Omega threes in my diet. I’m really into salmon twice a week and I eat mostly in the certain, you know, top 10 organic fruits and vegetables. I make sure that I’m eating the good clean ones and I eat 80% very well and very healthy and then I still have 20% treats and that would be a glass of red wine. It would be a little bit of ice cream. So I do enjoy treats and I do, um, treat myself every day and little something and I don’t overdo it though. Portion control as I age is very important and um, as we all know, you know, our metabolism slows down as our muscle tone slows down. So we need to up the muscle tone and you know, lessen the amount of calories you eat. So portions are very important to me now and I do watch them more than I ever did.
Allan: 11:41 Okay. Do you, do you track macros or anything like that?
Denise: 11:45 Yes, I eat healthy most of the time anyhow, so I’m very aware of um, the proteins I’m eating, how many grams of protein I eat. I try to eat 70 a day, um, and I’m trying to get more plant protein, but I do have once in a while. Um, you know, grass fed red meat once in awhile and I only buy organic chicken and grass fed chicken and grass fed eggs. And, um, I love avacado I love healthy fats and as you age, I believe in, you know, nuts. I do eat a lot of nuts and more plant based. I will, I have a uh, lettuce grow, which is like a farm stand at my house outside and I pick everyday basil and I’ll just eat it right. Leaves the, uh, also parsley. So I make sure I you get a lot of greens and of course of a day more than I ever used to. So, you know, we know now through research how important eating and food is medicine and as we age it’s even more so. So I’ve been very conscientious about that. And um, all my new eating plans on my website have included some new ideas. I have a whole eating plan. If you’re a vegetarian, if you’re gluten free, if you want to eat heart healthy. So I have seven different ways of an eating plan for 10 weeks to give it a try.
Denise: 13:18 Or you can eat just like me. Very portion control and eating many of the food groups, but everything in moderation.
Allan: 13:26 Yeah. I tell people, I’m basically food agnostic. As long as you’re getting good quality whole foods, you can be vegan, you can be, you know, carnivore if you really want to. But just making sure you’re getting good variety, making sure you’re getting good quality. Um, and then, which recognizes food cause so much of what’s available to us in the grocery stores. Um, it isn’t, um, that’s another big change in the last 30 years is you walk into a grocery store and I don’t know that my great grandmother would recognize 90% of the grocery stores as actually food.
Denise: 14:01 Well, I know, and especially, I love it now because I tried different foods, you know, Swiss chard and I do, Oh, of course, kale. And I look at my older books that never had any of those types of vegetables as part of my meal menu plans. So, um, I have updated everything because it’s so hard to find good foods, you know, years ago I never ate lentils. I love lentils and humbleness. So many, um, new foods that I enjoy more than I ever used to or more than I knew about. So that’s the beautiful part about now.
Allan: 14:41 Yeah. So if you were going to outline like the perfect fitness nutrition week for someone over 40, what would that look like?
Denise: 14:50 Oh, Oh, okay. So exercise wise, Monday, Wednesday and Friday I would do something for 30 minutes cardio like either outside fast walking, it could be one of my workout videos that are on my website, which is 30 minute fat burning and I have over a hundred to choose from new and my TV shows. Oh. And then I would target Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays for concentrating on muscle conditioning, strength training and yoga. And then Sundays I would do a self care day, which would include a epson salt bath. I would do some foam rolling, even get some lacrosse balls or any kind of balls and you know, work out your muscles. If you can’t get a massage and then eating. Eating in a course of a week, I would make sure you’re getting, of course seven fruits and vegetables every day. I always strive for seven and then, um, protein, you know, in each meal and also try not to eat late at night because eating late at night is, um, I found through my own experiment and my own life, uh, that that’s where I start to gain the weight is if I eat late at night. I tried to eat all my good healthy carbs in the course of a day and then in the evening slow those carbs down and make sure I’m just not eating late at night and I think it really helped.
Allan: 16:23 Good. Good. I like that. Uh, I define wellness as being the healthiest, fittest and happiest you can be. What are three strategies or tactics to get and stay well?
Denise: 16:36 Well, the first I would say is change your mindset, get positive thinking, get rid of any negative self talk. Think about the first part is your, your mindset. How to kind of turn some of the negativity in your life into simple ways to be positive and be more optimistic. Then second of all, it comes with the food we eat because I believe in lots of water. I do drink eight, eight ounce glasses every single day. I really try to, you know, eat healthy foods, you know, lessen all the packaged process. And third is think good posture throughout the day. Posture is so important, especially as we age to really sit up and stand up tall, pull in those abs, retrain and educate the abdominal muscles to pull in like a tight corset. And the more you practice that it will be there naturally nice and flat. So I really believe good posture and everything you do when you’re exercising, when you’re sitting, you are your own architect by the way, you’re moving and sitting in idle time. So make sure it’s in a good position. Good body alignment is very important as we age. It’s muscle conditioning without even picking up a weight.
Allan: 17:57 Yes. Now, anyone that’s seen any of your videos knows that they can’t watch one of your videos without leaving with a good, happy mindset for the day. Uh, if someone wanted to learn more about you and your programs, where would you like for me to send them?
Denise: 18:13 Oh, I love everyone to come to my website, Deniseaustin.com and there I do challenges all the time. I’m coming up with a new one next month. So go onto my website, follow me on Facebook at Denise Austin, Instagram, Denise Austin, and follow along. I do three challenges that get people started and it’s a really great way, especially for men and women over 40. I really truly focus on our age group because this is the time we need to focus on. I always, I believe in good health, but now the most important time that we need, we have some time to dedicate to our bodies. And this is your time.
Allan: 18:59 Perfect. This is going to be episode 407 so you can go to 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/407 and I’ll be sure to have links there. So Denise, thank you so much for being a part of 40+ Fitness.
Denise: 19:12 Oh, I love it. Thank you guys. Remember, sit up tall on the dummy and have a happy smile. Love it. Thank you. Thank you. Stay fit.
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