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Running injury free using the run walk run method with Jeff Galloway

Jeff Galloway is a seasoned runner, running coach, and author. His book, The Run Walk Run Method, explains his revolutionary system that gives the body rest when it needs it while running, allowing it to become less fatigued and less prone to injury.

The Run Walk Run Method was created when Jeff first began his running store years ago. He taught a beginner’s class in running, in which none of the participants had run in at least five years. To keep them engaged in the program, he added walk breaks to their running. This group remarkably experienced no injuries, as the method allowed the body to adjust to the running motion and avoid injury.

Jeff encourages this technique not only for beginners, but also for seasoned runners during training and the races themselves. He explains that our bodies weren’t designed to run more than about 200 yards at a time. Using the technique not only helps to alleviate stress buildup, but also lessens progressive fatigue, which has been shown to improve running performance times.

For new runners, Jeff recommends determining why you want to run. For complete beginners, he suggests starting with a modest amount of running of no more than 15 to 20 seconds of running, followed by a walking segment of about a minute. This helps to erase the fatigue. For the first month, keep the run walk segments short as you increase the length of the total run walk run. Gradually work your way up to 30 minutes. Don’t rush it and don’t sprint the running segments.

To connect with Jeff or to learn more about The Run Walk Run Method, visit http://www.jeffgalloway.com.

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