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The scoop on ketosis with Jimmy Moore

Today we have an energetic discussion with Jimmy Moore, author of Keto Clarity. This is the second part of my earlier interview (Episode 18) with Jimmy.   In this episode, we will focus on the concept of nutritional ketosis as an important tool for fat loss.

Jimmy Moore is best known for his “Livin’ LaVida Low-Carb” blog and podcast.   In 2004, at 32 years of age and 410 pounds, Jimmy made the decision to take off the weight that was literally killing him. The time had come for a radical lifestyle change.   A year later, he had lost 180 pounds and shrunk his waistline by 20 inches. This phenomenal weight loss enabled him to come off prescription drugs for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and respiratory problems. This dramatic change sparked his dedication to helping others find the information they need to make the kind of lifestyle changes he has made.

Jimmy discussed ketosis as the process for letting your body become a fat burning machine rather than a sugar burning machine.   When you eat a lot of carbohydrates, your body is a sugar burner. In ketosis, you shift the body from a sugar burner over to a fat burner.   Choosing high quality sources of carbohydrates, such as non-starchy vegetables and green, leafy vegetables and some berries is part of the process. It is a balancing act, though, as too much protein will also inhibit the body’s ability to get into a ketogenic state.

Along with his blog and podcasts, Jimmy Moore is also the author of The Ketogenic Cookbook, Keto Clarity and Cholesterol Clarity. Learn more about ketosis, Jimmy Moore and his work at www.livinlavidalowcarb.com.

Understanding cholesterol with Jimmy Moore

Can fasting be a healthy solution for weight loss | Jimmy Moore

Music: Ben Sound Royalty Free Music