Tag Archives for " episode 158 "

September 28, 2016

Better movement and form with David Knox

In the book Body School, David Knox lays out the ways movement and form will keep our body healthy, fit and injury free.  As a life-long dancer (yoga, jazz and modern) and a martial artist (holding two black belts), David knows a thing or two about movement and form.

Six elements of movement and form

  1. The general position of arms legs and torso
  2. The finer alignments of the torso, limbs, hands, feet, neck and head
  3. How the muscles are used
  4. How breathing is involved
  5. The degree to which one can recognize and release unnecessary tension
  6. One’s ability to perform movement in a strong, fluid, controlled manner

Treadmill pros and cons


  1. Treadmills are easier on your joints.
  2. Treadmills have handrails for safety.
  3. Treadmills keep you out of bad weather.
  4. Treadmills provide a consistent environment.
  5. Treadmills provide measurement tools such as a heart rate monitor.
  6. Treadmills often have tvs and magazine/book holders.


  1. The treadmill does not train you to deal with real world surfaces.
  2. The handrails can be abused.
  3. Exposure to different weather can provide health benefits.
  4. Treadmills can train you to not be aware of your environment when you walk/run outdoors.
  5. The gadgets on treadmills may not really be valuable and may be inaccurate.

The five considerations on stretching

  1. How often should you stretch?
  2. How far should you stretch?
  3. How should a good stretch feel?
  4. Should stretches be held statistically for a period of time, pulsed, of constantly extended?
  5. Does it matter which muscles are stretched first?

The six injury causes

  1. Impact
  2. Repetitive stress
  3. Range of motion
  4. Hyperextension
  5. Resistance overload
  6. Changing speed and dynamics



email: davidknoxbs@gmail.com

You Can Run Pain Free | Brad Beer