Tag Archives for " Dr. Thomas Campbell "

The china study solution | Dr. Thomas Campbell

Thomas Campbell, MD, is a board certified family physician and instructor of clinical family medicine at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. He coauthored The China Study, which sold more than a million copies and inspired the 2011 documentary Forks over Knives. He also is director of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, a nonprofit organization in Ithaca, New York, which promotes optimal nutrition through science-based education, advocacy, and research in partnership with eCornell, Cornell University’s online course provider. He lives in Rochester, NY.

The China Study Solution is based on the book, The China Study, which is based on a very comprehensive study in rural China which showed that a whole-food, plant-based diet has the potential to prevent and reverse many chronic diseases.  The China Study became a worldwide phenomenon, selling more than a million copies and inspiring countless readers to reinvigorate their health by making better food choices.

With Dr. Campbell we discuss his 3 food group concept, which is inspired by nature:

  1. Animals, or animal sourced food group;
  2. whole plant food group; and
  3. processed plants or plant fragment.

We also discuss transitioning to a plant-based diet, whether going cold turkey or a gradual transition over time, as well as the options and health benefits.   Changing our behavior can be hard, but Dr. Campbell discusses his six-step approach which he has developed based on many years of observation in his family practice.

While there is plenty of science-based information in The China Study Solution, Dr. Thomas Campbell’s book also provides practical tools and advice on stocking your kitchen, reading food labels and navigating social situations.


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