Tag Archives for " music "
In this science episode, we discuss the value of music in physical exercise. We normally think music kind of makes exercising easier. Is that true?
Let’s see what science says about it.
There are some really interesting findings by some recent research. Yes, there are plenty of studies that have found all kinds of benefits of including music in exercise. According to researches, some of the common benefits of including music in exercise include:
The selection of music is an important factor when it comes to getting these benefits. Say for example; when you are walking for stress relief, you should not listen to hard music. You should choose something soft and mild. Conversely, a faster or harder beat can help you push harder when your running or lifting weights.
Unlike how you can get fully into the music when you’re on a treadmill or elliptical, you should make sure you are aware of your surroundings when running outdoors or while weightlifting.
You should also consider the value of dance. Dancing is movement and has some great health and fitness benefits. If you enjoy dancing, then go for it!
Music can be quite beneficial during exercise, but there are some times when it is unsafe or inappropriate. Look for ways incorporate music into your workout. Dance when the spirt hits you.
Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music