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What happens to your brain on exercise? Scientists and doctors have long speculated the relationship between physical fitness and cognitive function. Recently published studies helped to clarify the relationship between physical fitness and its impact on long-term cognitive function.
As you age, improving cardiovascular fitness is critical and if you are not taking steps to improve it you are selling yourself short in many ways. A part of your lifestyle as you get older is your ability to function mentally, so by improving your cardiovascular fitness, you will also support a healthy cognitive state.
One way to get started is with a walk. A simple walk where your heart rate is up but yet you can still talk is a great place to start. As you get more fit, you may need to increase the intensity or volume of the work, but you will see consistent improvement with consistent effort.
Also, test your current cognitive level with puzzles or using opposite hands for simple daily tasks, taking into consideration how easy or difficult it is for you. For example, if you normally brush your teeth with your right hand, try doing it with your left hand. These mixes will help your cognition but will also help you understand where you are today. and then you can take the steps necessary to make improvements.
The studies have shown that you will benefit your brain on exercise. This concept is life changing, and as we get older, we want to be able to maintain our mental faculties and I encourage you to get out there and get moving and adding cardiovascular work such as walking to your daily health and fitness routine.
Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music