
Author Archives: allan

September 22, 2020

How To Get Strong After 40 Without Breaking Yourself

You’re in your 40s, 50s, 60s or older and you’re feeling it. Maybe you think it’s too late to add muscle and get stronger. In this article, I’m going to show you how to get strong after 40. It might surprise you, but it is a lot easier than you may think. The trick is to not wreck yourself in the process. I’ll tell you how.

Resistance training is a part of a healthy lifestyle

The vast majority of people start a fitness routine with the goal of weight loss. As a result, they avoid resistance training (aka strength training or weight training) because they think they’ll bulk up and gain weight. While lifting weights can cause some temporary weight gain from water retention, putting on muscle mass takes time and effort. If you’re looking for an excuse to not do resistance training, you weren’t going to work hard enough (or consistently enough) to put on any significant muscle mass or get strong after 40.

Bodybuilders are big for three reasons:

  • genetic potential,
  • tens of thousands of very intense hours in the gym, and
  • performance-enhancing drugs.

And most of them start lifting well before they turn 40. Since you’re over 40, you’re currently experiencing sarcopenia, which is a programmed muscle loss of about 1% per year. Resistance training will slow or stop sarcopenia and help you get strong after 40.

Trying to get to a better body composition by only focusing on one side of the equation you’re leaving a lot on the table. Adding muscle mass and losing body fat can be done at the same time. The trick is to lift in a way and eat in a way that allows you to add lean muscle. My objective today is to teach you how to do just that.

Beyond body composition, strength is a core component of fitness. Have you ever struggled to open a jar? The lack of grip strength has cost you your independence. That’s not a cool way to experience aging. But it’s not too late. You can improve your fitness level and get strong after 40.

Don’t skip the warm-up

The secret sauce for most things is not what is there, it is knowing what was missed. Skipping warm-us is a surefire way to derail your efforts to get strong after 40.

A muscle that hasn’t been warmed up is like a dry-rotted rubber band, especially the tendons and ligaments. Warming up provides blood flow, which is critical for a safe workout. I recommend dynamic stretching as a way to warm up.

Dynamic stretching is about moving a muscle through its full range of motion for a few minutes. It can be done with body weight movements, or on an elliptical (with handles) or a rowing machine (aka ERG). This isn’t meant to be a workout in and of itself, but rather a bit of physical activity to get your muscles warm and to get a bit of sweat going.

Leave the static stretching, where you apply weight to lengthen a muscle until after your workout. Static stretching inhibits strength. So, static stretching will hurt your workout rather than help it. 

There is one exception to this rule: If you have a tight muscle that is keeping you from using good form, you must address that tightness beforehand. There are two ways to do that 1) static stretching, and 2) self-myofascial release (SMR) or foam rolling. For example, I have very tight calves. So, I will do SMR using a fastpitch softball and then do some static stretches until my calf releases. Note: I’d start SMR with foam rollers and lacrosse balls, and other softer implements as SMR hurts.

Always use good form

Even before I was a personal trainer and gym owner, I frequently had to bite my tongue during my workouts. I would see someone doing certain exercises in a way that I knew would eventually break them. Your body was designed to move in particular ways. But I learned that common sense is not common when it comes to people wanting to lift heavy stuff. Good exercise form has to be learned.

To get stronger in a smart and sustainable way, you need to take the time to learn. Before you add any weight to an exercise, you need to ensure you are using the correct form for the exercise. You’ll have to have the patience (as we’ll dive into later) even if it seems silly bench pressing a 6 ft section of pvc pipe. Those reps are some of the most important ones you’ll ever do because you’re building a strong foundation of muscle memory.

Here are some basic rules for good form:

  • Use the full range of motion (ROM) – Partial reps have their place in bodybuilding and strength training, but for 99.9% of the work you do, you’ll want to work through the full range of motion for that exercise.
  • Be in full control – Slow and controlled is how we safely build strength and muscle mass. If you’re moving the weight fast, it is either a power move or you’re not using enough weight. Above all, have control of the weight. So many injuries occur when someone isn’t in control and some of them involve people other than the lifter.
  • Maintain core strength – Almost every lift you’ll do that doesn’t involve you sitting down will require you to hold your core tight. Many lifters do this well in the starting position, but they lose it during lift. If your core doesn’t have the endurance to hold firm throughout the exercise, lower the weight and work on your core between workouts.

You need patience and persistence to get strong after 40

To get strong after 40, you’re going to have to be patient. Muscle growth will come if you stick with a solid training program. Like weight loss, strength building is not a linear. 

At the beginning of your training, as you learn the exercise, your brain builds connections to the muscles. As this connection is practiced, it gets more and more efficient and effective. You’ll likely see marked improvement during this time. This strength increase won’t be coming from more muscle mass (that part happens later).

Once your body has adapted to the exercise, the strength gains come from muscle building that includes adding muscle. This is a slow process, especially after 40. You’ll have to keep pushing and show persistence. Quality work over time gets results. 

Depending on your genetics, certain muscles might not respond to strength training as well as others. If that’s the case, you may have to add certain exercises to give those muscles the stimulation they need to grow. But in general, you’ll start a program and push on through.

Optimize results and time with exercise selection and focus

Most beginner training programs use the following essential exercises:

  •  squats, 
  • deadlifts or lunges, 
  • bench presses, 
  • barbell rows, and 
  • overhead presses.

What these exercises have in common is that they are all compound exercises. Compound lifts are movements that involve two or more joints. These are better lifts because they are more functional and efficient. If you want to get strong after 40, you should spend the majority of your workout time doing compound lifts.

Isolation lifts like bicep curls and tricep extensions tend to focus on smaller muscles. I only incorporate isolation lifts when the smaller muscles are lagging in growth and strength relative to the bigger muscles.

It is also important to focus on the work you’re doing. Unlike cardiovascular or metabolic training, you don’t get the same results if you’re distracted. You should remain focused on the muscle as it works. Concentrating on the muscle allows it to fire up more muscle fibers.

It is also important to understand the difference between isometric, concentric, and eccentric training.

  • Isometric – This is when you attempt to keep a weight stationary. There are some cases where isometric training is valuable, for example hanging from a bar is great for building excellent grip strength. But you’re going to spend your time moving the weight.
  • Concentric – This is when a muscle shortens to move a weight. For example, in a bicep curl, the bicep shortens and that causes the forearm to come closer to the upper arm. As you’re working against gravity and applying more force than the weight, this is the power portion of the movement.
  • Eccentric – This is when a muscle lengthens to allow a weight to go with gravity. For example, if you lower your body toward the floor in a push-up. You’re still resisting gravity at some level depending on how slowly you allow the descent to happen. This is where strength is born and therefore is where you need the most focus.
get strong after 40

Vary the work between heavy weights and lighter weights

Building muscle is much more nuanced than just lifting heavier and heavier things. It is so easy to get caught up in bragging rights for how much you can bench press or deadlift. But constantly pushing heavy weights week in and week out will not get you the best results and is likely to lead to nagging injuries. 

There are several things that can lead to good strength gains, but I want to limit this part to just a few:

  • Weight – Strength building does require moving weight. At times, you’re going to want to lift heavy. And other times, you’ll want to work with light weights a higher repetition ranges and/or different tempo.
  • Repetitions – The number of repetitions (reps) that you’ll do will depend on the weight you’re using and maybe on the number of sets you’ll be performing. Heavier weights will usually have you in the 3 – 6 repetition range. Moderate weights are in the 6 – 10 range. And lighter weights are higher reps of 10+.
  • Tempo – The speed you work also matters. Remember, fast is about power, strength is slow. When you slow down, especially on the eccentric portion of the lift, you create more time under tension and you eliminate momentum. Using a slow tempo is intense training. It allows you to work with a light weight and still work the muscle hard.

Get adequate rest and recovery

Your body does not build lean muscle mass during the workout. In fact, that is when you’re breaking down the muscle. It is the time between workouts when you’re rebuilding the muscle and because you did it with resistance, the muscles will come back stronger. That’s the natural hormesis effect of resistance training. Stimulus plus nutrition plus recovery equals muscle growth.

Recovery time is an individual thing. Some people need more time to recover than others. Recovery also depends on how hard you worked the muscle. In general, you should give a muscle 48 hours to recover before working it again. Make that 72 hours if you have an intense session. That’s why it is important to have the correct training frequency based on how hard you’re working, the workouts you’re doing, and how well you recover.

I recommend beginners start with a full-body workout, comprised of compound exercises every third day (provided you’re not limited on the days you can train). If you only want to train on weekdays, then I’d train twice per week, skipping at least two days between workouts (e.g. Mondays and Thursdays).

If you’re a little more advanced and you are recovering well, you can break your workouts into splits to get more work per muscle and more workouts per week. A standard split is a lower body, push (chest, shoulders, and triceps), and pull (back and biceps). You can rotate through these workouts each day through the week, although I do recommend taking at least one day off per week.

Another part of recovery that is often overlooked by beginners is the rest between sets. After you work a muscle, it needs time to reset. For most of us, a muscle will be ready to give close the same effort after 60 – 120 seconds. For heavier lifts that use bigger muscles like deadlifts and squats, you might need as much as 3 minutes. But don’t be one of those guys standing in the squat rack scrolling through social media. Use your rest to breathe, hydrate, and focus on the next set.

And finally, it is important to recognize that fatigue is one of the main reasons form breaks down. If you aren’t able to do the lift with good form (as noted above), take longer breaks between sets, lower the weight, or move on. Over time, you’ll figure out which of the above is the right choice for you.

Respect pain

Any time we’re working on our fitness, we have the risk of injury. We can do everything right and then there’s a ping, a tweak, or heaven forbid, a tear. We definitely want to put prevention first, which we’ve discussed above. But eventually, our luck runs out and we have an ache or pain we have to address.

It is important to determine two things about pain:

  1. Is it in the muscle or the joint? In general, if it is muscle pain, rest and recovery will be all that’s needed. If it is tendon pain, you may have a more serious problem that will require medical treatment and/or physical therapy.
  2. Is it general pain or is it isolated or acute? General pain usually comes from doing the work. Don’t buy into the “no pain, no gain’ rally cry, but realize it is likely you’ll feel pain and burning sensations from time to time during and after a workout. If you hear or feel a pop or experience intense pain during a set, stop. You’ve likely injured yourself.

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is a very common general pain in muscles we’ve worked. It typically kicks in 24 – 48 hours after a taxing exercise. This is a signal that you’ve worked a muscle just a little harder than it was prepared for. That is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. It is just a physiological response to stress. Drink plenty of water and try to keep the muscle active and the pain will eventually subside.

If you injure yourself, it is important to get medical attention and start physical therapy as soon as possible. The longer you delay, the more mobility and strength gains you risk losing. Look for a physical therapist that focuses on sports medicine or has experience with athletes as I’ve found they understand wanting to get back to training better than those that work with the general public.

And above all, do what the physical therapist tells you to do (and no more). They are giving corrective exercises that are proven to help you recover quickly and completely.

Eat well to get strong after 40

It should come as no surprise to you that having a healthy diet is important for health and weight loss. But it is also important if you want to get strong after 40. 

There are three key things to consider:

  1. Hydration
  2. Alcohol
  3. Protein intake

Muscles need water to function. If you’re even a little dehydrated, your performance and strength gains will take a hit. Water also helps flush out metabolites that cause DOMS.

Alcohol inhibits muscle recovery. Remember, that’s when the growth and strength gains happen. Alcohol also dehydrates you, so it is a double whammy.

It is also important that you eat enough protein so that your body has the building blocks to build muscle. You should strive to get 0.8 grams of protein per pound (~ 1.6 grams per kg) of body weight to optimize results.

As an aside, many lifters believe you need carbs to gain muscle. If carbs are your primary source of energy, then yes, you need adequate energy in the form of carbs to power through your workouts. But you can build muscle and get stronger while in ketosis just as well.

Assessing overall strength and muscle gain

Many people like to see their numbers go up on certain lifts to know that they are progressing. If you’re continuing to the weight go up on your training routine, then you should have an overall sense that what you’re doing is working. But you may want to know how much stronger you really are.

The standard approach for this is the 1 repetition maximum lift (1 rep max or 1RM). You load the bar and give it a shot. If you get it, you add more weight, and go again. Eventually, you’ll find your 1RM. In competitions, athletes are limited to three tries. 

Since many trainers think doing 1RM is not safe (I disagree), there are calculators that allow you to approximate the number based on your 3RM or 10RM. But like most estimates, they can be way off. If you’re using quality form, a 1RM lift is just as safe as any other lift. The problem is most people break form trying to move more weight than they should. Never break form, not even for a 1RM lift (unless there’s a boatload of money to be won).

Resistance training helps you build muscle (even after 40). If you’re interested in knowing how much muscle you’re adding, there are a couple of ways to measure muscle size. The easiest and most cost-effective is to measure your body with a cloth tape measure. Keep in mind that an eighth of an inch is a lot of muscle, especially in the arms and legs.

The more accurate measurement of muscle size, but more costly way is to get a dexascan. A dexascan measures your body in sections and reports back the amount of fat, muscle, bone, and water you have in your body. Comparing your muscle mass to a prior dexascan will show you how much you’ve gained. As an added benefit, a dexascan will show you how much visceral fat you have, which is a strong indicator of cardiovascular disease.


If you’ve read this far, I’m certain you understand the importance of strength training in your fitness routine. With smart, heavy training you can get strong after 40. Initially, there is a lot to learn, which is why I think hiring a strength and fitness coach is a great investment. Learn good form, train hard, eat well, allow proper recovery, and you’ll make it happen.

If you want a proven program to get strong after 40, check out my Strong, Lean, and Energetic Base Program. It is the exact program I used to get into peak physical condition and I guarantee it will work for you as well. And if you’d like some help with it, I’d love to be your health and fitness coach. Learn more at: https://40plusfitnesspodcast.com/pgc.

September 14, 2020

How to Strengthen Your Mindset to Avoid Pitfalls and Worry

What if I told you there was one thing you could do each day to vastly improve your physical and mental health? Something that would boost your mood and energy level? And that you’d get these positive effects at no cost?

I know you’re really busy. Daily life has a way of sucking all your time and despite your desire to eat a healthy diet and increase your physical activity, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to avoid falling prey to the convenience of processed foods. And the trip to the gym becomes a chip you trade in to have more time and keep your sanity.

Today, I want to share three practices that will strengthen your mindset. These are practical strategies that give you a positive outlook, reduce negative emotions, and provide just enough physical activity to get my body and mind into a balanced, energized state.

You might have a difficult time understanding how doing more is even possible, but hear me out. This is a net positive time gain. I promise.

A mindfulness practice.

A basic mindfulness practice that takes less than 5 minutes per day (yes, that small amount) can turn everything around for you. You’ve probably thought of mindfulness as a relaxation technique, which it is. But it can do so much more than just lower your stress levels and blood pressure. 

Mindfulness can change your entire emotional state.

The best way to think about it is to compare it to rebooting your computer.

My mindfulness meditation now takes about ten minutes each day because I include some professional and personal growth goals. It is made up of the following things:

  • Six deep breaths to calm my mind. On the podcast, I’ve talked about breathing practices when you’re in a stressful situation, but it is also a good way to start any exercise to improve your mental wellbeing.
  • A review of my vision and why.
  • I spend time thinking about the things I’m grateful for. When you’re feeling gratitude, it is impossible to feel anger, fear, or worry.
  • I spend a few minutes considering my current situation and success. My physical health is excellent. I have strong relationships with my loved ones. And I’m helping thousands of people move away from health issues and find wellness through my podcast and as clients.
  • Then I go over my short-term goals (this month) and mid-term goals (next six months). This gives me an intention for the day and I go in with a solid action plan.

When you’re first starting out, you should focus on the first three. This will take you five minutes or less. You’ll start your day with a very positive outlook.

Regular brisk walks

I am a huge introvert and there’s nothing I enjoy more than a good long brisk walk. I enjoy spending quality time in my head. Just call it a support group of one.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” My walks are when I’m sharpening my axe. I consider the walks as part of my working hours. I’m planning. I’m problem-solving. This mindful activity helps me focus on the things that will give me the most professional and personal success.

Walking and regular exercise improves brain function. In fact, there are several studies tying physical activity to better mental health and cognitive ability. I invest about 6 – 7 hours per week broken into 2 – 4 walks.

Maybe you can’t initially invest the time for long walks. Even short walks, particularly when they’re in a green space will help.

Manage Social Connections

Another thing I’ve done recently is to pull away from social media. When social media first came out, I thought it would be a great thing. The ability to connect with people around the world is wonderful. But more and more I’ve felt more emotional distress then social connection. Where I thought there’s be an opportunity for greater understanding, we see constant pain, anger, and hate. Even positive things are attacked.

I still do what I need to do for the Facebook Group and Twitter. So, I installed a Chrome extension called Social Fixer that hides political and other topics I choose. I may scan my feed to keep up to date with family and major current events. I spend less than 10 minutes on social media each day. I easily save an hour each day that I would have been on Facebook and Twitter.

And I significantly reduced a primary stressor for me. It has definitely improved my mental health over the past four months.

All together, these three strategies have had a huge impact on my health and fitness. I have a more positive view of things because I’m no longer mired in the worst-case scenario that is presented on social media. It also aligns with my ancestral lifestyle because I’m certain none of my ancestors spent hours troubled by a comment on social media.

If you were doing the math, you saw that my investment in the positive things is pretty much netted out by the savings from pulling away from something that wasn’t serving me. So, for no money (except for a comfortable pair of shoes) and limited time investment, you can use these three strategies to improve your mental wellbeing and avoid pitfalls and worry.

September 4, 2020

The 40+ Fitness Blog – Why Start Now?

Paunch Beach, Bocas del Toro, Panama

Hello. I’m guessing you know me, but in case you don’t. My name is Allan Misner. You can call me Coach Allan. I’ve been doing the 40+ Fitness Podcast for the past five years. The first episode went live on December 6, 2015, but I started working on the podcast over six months earlier.

It has been a wild five years. The podcast has grown and now gets around 40K downloads per month (over two million downloads to date). With over 450 episodes, I’ve interviewed nearly 280 expert guests over the years.

I’ve never been shy about having guests on who I don’t fully agree with. Having an open conversation with someone whose view is different than your own is how we learn. I read their book, tie it in with what I know, and in some cases, overwrite what I thought I knew. I learn something new almost every time.

Out of courtesy, I don’t call my guests out or push my beliefs on them. I am not there to debate them. But rather to pull out some nuggets of value for the listeners. I’m a gracious host, and one of the very few that will have read their books prior to doing the interview. But going forward, I’m going to be pickier about the guests I share with you.

In the coming months, I’ll be steering the ship to more align with my own paradigm. I have been doing this health and fitness thing long enough and know what I know. I’ve seen what works for me. I’ve seen what works for my clients. Day by day I am molding my life into one that brings me wellness – health, fitness, and joy.

This blog is going to be my expression of that paradigm. It is my open invitation to you to join me in a conversation about life and how we live it – nutrition, movement, community, curiosity, and mindset. This will be more raw and uncharted than the podcast. I’ll be doing my research, but if I’m not on point, I want you to challenge me (but bring your scientific support). Let’s learn about life together.

Have a happy and healthy day!

Coach Allan
