January 2, 2017

11 best sleep tips

We know sleep is important, yet many of us are not taking the appropriate steps to ensure we are getting the best sleep possible. This is critical, as our bodies use sleep as a time to rebuild, repair, and perform other basic functions to maintain our health.  Why is quality sleep so elusive for some people? It really comes down to your lifestyle. Here are 11 great sleep tips:

We know sleep is important, yet many of us are not taking the appropriate steps to ensure we are getting the best sleep possible. This is critical, as our bodies use sleep as a time to rebuild, repair, and perform other basic functions to maintain our health.  Why is quality sleep so elusive for some people? It really comes down to your lifestyle. Here are 11 great sleep tips:

1. Avoid caffeine – Do not drink caffeine prior to bedtime, as it can take your body hours to process the caffeine, which may keep you awake longer.
2. Avoid alcohol – Consuming alcohol keeps you from reaching deeper layers of sleep.
3. Avoid sleeping medications – These drugs make you fall asleep, but you are not getting the quality rest and repair needed during that sleep. For some, these medications can also cause a dependency.
4. Avoid screens – Almost all screens use blue light as their source, which tells your body that it’s still daytime and interrupts your natural cycle. Turn off devices 30 minutes before bedtime.
5. Set a bedtime and keep it a ritual – This will make it easier for your body to adjust.
6. Read fiction – This will allow you to relax and not stress about tasks.
7. Dark room – Cover up any lights and don’t use a television.
8. Cold room – 63 to 68 degrees is optimal for better sleep.
9. Quiet room – Use a box fan to provide a neutral sound to cover up any outside noise.
10. Go to bed early enough to wake up without alarm clock – Work with your natural sleep cycles.
11. Sleep alone – Stirring during the night can disturb sleep. Consider sleeping alone for a few nights if this is an issue.

By adopting these 11 tips for better sleep, you will surely see a positive impact on your quality and quantity of sleep, as well as your overall health.

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A better way to do new year’s resolutions

At the beginning of a new year, many people will set New Year’s resolutions. However, 92% of people who make these resolutions don’t stick to them. Why is this? It is likely because the resolution is not yet a commitment.

In order to be successful in meeting any goal, you must be committed. To get clear on your level of commitment, you must first ask yourself why you are making this resolution. What is your why?

When you know why you want to achieve this goal, couple that why with a vision for what your future will look like when you reach your goal. What is your vision of what health and fitness looks like? When you keep your why and vision top of mind, you then have a vow or commitment to do these things for yourself because you know exactly why you are doing them and are driven to achieve your desired end result.

However, having the vision is only have the battle. If you’re not willing to do the work to make your vision a reality, you won’t be successful. Do you love yourself enough to make this vow? If so, create a plan and stick with it.

This year, don’t just make new year’s resolutions. Make a commitment to become a better version of yourself. If you need help, check out the Surefire Results for Weight Loss Program. This is a program that provides real results through focusing on three lifestyle changes. You’ll also have access to me as your trainer and a private Facebook group for accountability. This program has a money-back guarantee, so don’t delay!


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What I've learned this year

December 28, 2016

Fight sitting disease with Joan Vernikos

Dr. Joan Vernikos is a well-known expert in stress and healthy aging, a former NASA researcher and administrator, and the author of the new book Designed to Move.

Dr. Vernikos explains that as our lives have become easier, we have been lulled into an abnormal existence of sitting, as our bodies are biologically designed to move. In the last five years, analyses from data show a relationship between sitting and a variety of health issues including cancer, stroke, diabetes, and obesity.

Here are several tips on how to increase your movement and add to your overall health:

  1. Alignment and upright posture – A correct alignment spares your body. Don’t slouch when sitting.
  2. Change in posture often – Interrupt sitting often and work to improve your balance.
  3. Activities such as housework and gardening – These are activities with a purpose that will keep you moving and feeling accomplished.
  4. On the go – Opt to walk, bike, or take public transportation to reduce sitting time.
  5. At the office – Take the stairs and encourage standing up.
  6. Play – Swinging and juggling are good for balance.
  7. Stretching – Stretch at your desk and be sure to push your shoulders back.
  8. Relax completely – Totally let go and free your mind.

Awareness is the key. You can structure your life to incorporate new habits in the course of your day. Stand up in meetings, get up to get a drink of water, or walk over to someone instead of sending an email. Focus on frequency and consistency.

Designed to Move gives a basis of understanding of what our bodies should be doing, and what we can do to get back to that level of health and enjoyment. To connect with Dr. Joan Vernikos, visit www.joanvernikos.com.


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Better movement and form with David Knox

December 26, 2016

11 Best stress reduction tips

Though there are good and bad types of stress, there is no way to avoid all stress.

So, what is stress? Stress is a reaction of our body when it senses that something is not right. The body reacts to stress by releasing the hormone cortisol. Cortisol activates the adrenal glands, which prepares the body to react—fight or flight mode—to survive.

When we are constantly faced with stressors in our lives, our body does not have the opportunity to find balance. This can wear on your health and shows exactly why you need to learn to deal with bad stress in a healthy way. To reduce stress:

1. Avoid it – Stop overcommitting. Recognize your physical limitations. It’s better to under-promise and over-deliver.
2. Run away – Physically get up and move your body. Allow your body to burn off the cortisol and be productive.
3. Nature – This will help you relax and lower your stress threshold.
4. Sleep – Quality sleep primes your body to deal with stress.
5. Meditation – Focus on your current state and who you are, rather than what is happening around you.
6. Avoid stimulants – Alcohol, tobacco, and coffee can affect cortisol levels, particularly in times of high stress.
7. Take a break – Take a vacation or do something you enjoy.
8. Hobbies – Find regular time to do things that add value to your life, but are also stress-free.
9. Practice gratitude – Build an inventory of things for which you are thankful. Choose a positive response to stress.
10. Breathe – Breathe in a slow, controlled way to find a more relaxed state.
11. Talk to someone – Don’t keep it bottled up. Find someone you trust. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable.

By following these tips, you will be able to reduce your stress level and live a happier, healthier life.


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Baths for health with Paulette Sherman

December 23, 2016

11 Reasons you’re not losing weight

Losing weight is an emotional game. If you’re not losing weight, consider these 11 reasons as to why you may not be reaching your goals:

  1. Not committing – Connect your why with your vision. Why do you want to lose weight? Commit to do the things that are necessary for reaching that vision. Until you make that commitment, all you have is a want.
  2. Quitting too soon – Many quit because it gets difficult. You must give your body time to adapt to a new lifestyle. Once you start on a plan, stick with it to see results.
  3. Get duped by marketing – Don’t believe all the marketing claims. Success stories and marketing can be misleading.
  4. Rewarding workouts – Rewarding exercise with food dismantles any weight maintenance you will have. You cannot use food as a reward.
  5. Portion size – Restaurants have inflated portion sizes. Learn the appropriate portion size and eat slower, healthy foods.
  6. Mindless eating – Be mindful about what you’re eating and why you’re eating it.
  7. Eating inflammatory foods – Sugar is your enemy in weight loss. Eating inflammatory foods leads to weight gain. Consider trying an elimination diet to see what works for you.
  8. Exercise is greater than food – You cannot out-exercise a bad diet. Start with eating healthy foods to see real results.
  9. Undereating – If you skip meals or eat less than you should, your blood sugar will plummet and your metabolism will slow. Find balance in an eating program that you can maintain.
  10. Having no plan – Without a plan, there will not be any weight loss. To see results, create and stick to a plan.
  11. Doing it on your own – You may need accountability. Reach out and ask for that help.

Reflect on your own personal experiences with weight loss. Use these tips to consider what you can do to improve your approach and achieve your weight loss goals.


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11 Best weight loss lessons

December 21, 2016

11 Best cardiovascular training tips

Cardiovascular training is often the first trigger that gets people engaged in fitness. Participating in classes and running are enjoyable activities that cause a release of endorphins, while also improving blood flow and heart health. Here are 11 tips for better cardiovascular training:

My best cardiovascular training tips

Warm up

Don’t begin a workout without warming up. Try walking or doing jumping jacks to get a good sweat going.

Align to why

Knowing your why will help keep you committed. Your why could include having “me” time, improving cardiovascular health, or spending time with friends.

Have a goal

Knowing your goal will keep you focused. Set a goal and work toward it. Once you reach your goal, set a new one.

Smart progression

Set a progression so your body can adapt and continue to do everything you’re asking of it.


Allow your body to recover from the work it’s doing. Ensure you’re getting enough rest between runs.

Balance with other modalities

Don’t neglect other modalities, such as mobility, balance, and weight training. These modalities will make you a better runner.


A good pair of running shoes is all you need. Add equipment over time. There is no need to spend lots of money when starting out.


Be in the moment and use runs as the “me” time you deserve.


You lose much moisture through sweating and breathing. Stay hydrated, especially while doing longer runs.


Be consistent, as this is extremely important for progress and seeing long-term results.

Know your style

Try different classes and activities, both alone and with others. Determine what you like best and stick with it.

Set yourself up for success by embracing these cardiovascular training tips while doing your runs or taking classes!

Another episode you may enjoy

You Can Run Pain Free | Brad Beer

December 19, 2016

11 best weight lifting tips

As we age, our bodies naturally lose muscle mass. To counteract this loss, most people should incorporate weight lifting into their fitness routine. Here are some of my favorite weight training tips:

My best weight lifting tips

Warm up

Move your muscles through a full range of motion before working out. Consider walking on a treadmill or doing jumping jacks.

Address mobility

Lifting weights can improve your mobility and help you stay injury-free.

Have a plan

Have a goal and a plan to get you there. Understand what your focus is for the day, including which exercises and weights you’ll use.

Good form

Bad form can lead to injury. Study the correct form and execute it properly.

Safety first

Always use safety rack or spotter, especially when doing squats or using the bench press. Make sure you are using the equipment properly.


Compound movements involve multiple muscles through a general range of motion, while isolation movements only use one muscle. When starting out, focus on compound movements to get more bang for your buck.


You won’t see progress unless you’re working out consistently. Slowly build and maintain muscle over time.


Change your workout focus every so many weeks. This adds variety and ensures you will keep seeing the benefits of the work you do.

Nutrition and supplements

You can get every bit of nutrition from whole, real food. There is no magic pill.


Make sure you’re resting enough between workouts and getting adequate sleep.


Reaching your goal may take months or years of training. Make weight training a regular part of your lifestyle.

By following these tips for weight training success, you will see a positive impact along your health and fitness journey!

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11 Reasons to lift weights

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