Thank you for booking your interview on 40+ Fitness Podcast.

You should have received a confirmation email. If you didn't receive this email, please contact me:

I will read your book/research the topic and will send over a show plan a day or so before the call.

I’d ask you to make sure you have the following:
  • The call will be done via Zoom Conferencing. The podcast itself is audio, but I prefer to also have video to use for promotional purposes.
  • You should be in a generally quiet place.
  • If you’re using a computer to connect, you’ll need headphones (so my voice coming through doesn’t feedback).
  • If you’re using a computer, it is best to have an external mic (optional, but it will make you sound better).
  • Phones, alarms, email clients, etc. that may make sounds should be turned off or silenced.


Have a happy and healthy day!