
Category Archives for "mindset"

Habits and failure

A commitment to creating a fitness lifestyle is all about establishing habits and lessening the chances of failure. To be successful, a person’s “why” has to be at least partially for him or herself. This is critical to establishing a new self-relationship.

Consider Sandy, who has been featured on previous episodes. Sandy was establishing healthy habits and taking action. She was eating better, staying active, and drinking more water. All of this was allowing her to play with her grandchildren just the way she had imagined when she set out on her fitness journey.

In this call with Sandy, she considered next steps in her journey. She needed to develop her goals for the short-run. What did she want to accomplish in the next six months? These goals were to be measurable and attainable, and she seemed ready to get started.

She also recognized that she needed to drink more water. Sandy had a history of joint issues. Though her increased water intake was helping, but even more would be needed to get her to full hydration. This would allow her to avoid additional pain and problems in her knees. These added fluids would also help to flush toxins out of her system both quickly and efficiently.

Overall, Sandy was making progress. She was losing weight and getting stronger. She had increased endurance and was even getting compliments on her physical changes. However, unexpectedly and unexplainably, she dropped out of the program at Week 7.

Emotional roadblocks can be a tough obstacle to overcome. They have the power to derail previously established habits and threaten failure. This is so very important and will be discussed on the next episode.


My client Sandy makes the commitment

Emotional roadblocks in health and fitness | Ellen Shuman

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

December 18, 2015

Patterns of success in weight loss

Terry has a passion for fitness and helping others succeed in weight loss. As the founder of Real Bodies Real Results, he started his career in fitness years ago. He began offering fitness coaching and tips to friends and family, who later asked for his help in losing weight. After working with clients in this area, he knew these success stories would be valuable to those starting on this path.

Enter Real Bodies Real Results, a website with a mission to tell weight loss success stories in a deeper, fuller way to inspire others and share tips to be used by those undergoing their own journey.

A few of these tips include:

It's a lifestyle

Fitness and weight loss is a journey. Hard work is key. Only make the changes you intend to live with the rest of your life. Think of this as the new way you’re going to live your life, not just a diet. Fad diets, pills, and wraps are not sustainable.

Eat less move more

There is no one size fits all solution. You may need to reduce portion size or possibly eliminate some foods entirely. You need to do what’s right for you.

Motivation comes from within

Nobody will do it for you. Desire may be motivated by others, but ultimately it must come from within. You must love yourself enough to make the commitment.

Weight loss is not linear

Don’t let it discourage you. Consider this quote from Brandon on the Real Bodies Real Results website, “Will it be hard? Maybe. Will you be discouraged? Perhaps. Will you slip up at times? Most likely. Will it be worth it? Most definitely.”

The truth is, weight loss is a mental game. The main reasons that people decide to lose weight all have emotional ties. It is this emotion that gives people the motivation to continue or stop.

Remember, success in weight loss is a slow process. Keep at it and you will see success. For more information, check out the website at http://www.realbodiesrealresults.com/ or email realbodiesrealresults@gmail.com.



Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

December 11, 2015

My weight loss journey

Thank you for joining me today as I discuss my weight loss journey. We discuss the process I went through, along with the education, planning and commitment required for anyone to succeed on their own personal weight loss journey.
In my late twenties/early thirties, I was a competitive athlete. Everything was working out for me except my career. I sat for many hours at a desk and I also spent a lot of time sitting in airplanes. As the years progressed, I got out of the habit of exercise and fitness, and I continued to gain weight.

Around age 37 I decided I needed to focus on myself and lose the weight, but it slowly began to come back. Typically, I made a New Year’s Resolution but was not successful in seeing them through. Sound familiar? It wasn’t until I was about 47 years old that my mindset changed. It was when I met my wife Tammy.

So what was different? It comes down to one word – commitment. It is key. The commitment – and the reason behind it – solidified my quest to lose weight and become healthy and fit. Yes, it also took planning, eating better, moving more and making the right choices, but your commitment is critical to a successful weight loss journey.

Thank you for listening to my weight loss journey. Health and fitness is a continual process, but one with great rewards. I hope you join me on this journey too, as I want you to be equally successful on your personal weight loss journey.

If you'd like to work with me on your health and fitness, join me at Forever Fitness Personal Training.

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

The secret to successful weight loss and fitness

What is the Secret to Successful Weight Loss?   Why is it that we often don’t succeed in our fitness and weight loss journey?   Perhaps we should consider the words we use and emotional connections we experience on the weight loss and fitness journey.

We have all been there before.   We make a resolution and run out of the starting gate with great resolve and strength, only to fail after a few weeks. Do you know that 92% of resolutions fail? The link below takes you to a Forbes article that tries to help you be in that 8% but these are slim odds. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/dandiamond/2013/01/01/just-8-of-people-achieve-their-new-years-resolutions-heres-how-they-did-it/#2a0a15c4304c)

Often we blame ourselves for failing the fitness journey, saying we are weak or have no willpower. Yet willpower is finite and the more we rely on it, the more we are destined to fail. Here is a link to a recent article in Wired on willpower

http://www.wired.com/2012/10/mf-willpower/.   And why can’t we stay motivated to work out and exercise?

Consider the word “commitment”.   A commitment comes from an emotional base and it is an internal, deep feeling which is felt deep within our hearts and soul. Getting healthy and fit is 10% physical and 90% emotional. Connecting with the emotion behind your commitment is the secret to successful weight loss.

Commitments often have anchors which set us up for success and accountability.    Anchors are things like ceremonies, rituals or symbols, such as wedding rings, Valentine’s Days, births and family traditions.   Setting personal anchors in which you are emotionally bound and make sense for you is key to weight loss success.

Commitment is what transforms us, and the emotional binding to that commitment is the secret to successful weight loss.


Motivate Me | Lynette Renda

Music used for the podcast Intro and Outro: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

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