
Category Archives for "guest/interview"

Nourishing fats with Sally Fallon Morell

Sally Fallon Morell is an accomplished writer, nutrition and holistic health expert, and the author of the new book, Nourishing Fats. In the book, Sally details why we need animal fats in our diet and the critical role that they play in our health.

Sally described the difference between various types of fat, noting that saturated fats tend to be solid at room temperature, while unsaturated fats tend to be liquid. She explains that saturated fats are not bad, contrary to popular belief.

Trans fats and liquid polyunsaturated fats, however, should be avoided. Trans fats are dangerous because they are man-made and the body has a hard time getting rid of them. They also inhibit reactions in the body such as with enzymes and other hormone reactions.

There are critical vitamins and nutrients in animal fats that our bodies need to function properly. Some these include Vitamins A, D, K, and E. For example, Vitamin K protects from heart disease and puts calcium in our bones.

Sally recommends several foods as great sources of these healthy, natural fats. These include egg yolks, lard, bacon fat, fish, shellfish, organ meat, bone marrow, and cod liver oil.

She also explains that the cholesterol we eat has no bearing on whether we get disease. There is no need to fear foods with high cholesterol. The body can make cholesterol, but is spared from doing so when we consume cholesterol in our food. Babies and children also need cholesterol for the development of their bodies, yet they cannot produce it, so they in fact should not be on low cholesterol diets.

To connect with Sally or purchase Nourishing Fats, visit www.nourishingtraditions.com.


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4 Minute fit with Siphiwe Baleka

Siphiwe Baleka is a former college athlete, truck driver, fitness enthusiast, and the author of a new book called 4-Minute Fit.

Siphiwe became a truck driver after leaving Yale. As a truck driver, he gained 15 pounds during his first two months in the profession. He realized that he needed to take responsibility for his health and wellness on the road.

However, making a change in his health and fitness was not without challenges. There are many limitations associated with the truck driving profession, including no access to a kitchen or gym and inadequate food storage. In response to this, Siphiwe created the approached described in the book.

Siphiwe described seven key strategies for health when dealing with a sedentary lifestyle such as truck driving: Get 15 minutes of exercise every dayEach workout must include at least four minutes of vigorous activity.

  1. Work multiple muscle groups at the same time
  2. Always eat after a workout
  3. Eat breakfast or a meal when you begin your day, and then eat every three hours
  4. Keep healthy snacks within reach
  5. Log your nutrition and fitness

He also discusses five foods to avoid when trying to lose weight:

  1. Drinks with carbohydrates
  2. French fries
  3. Rice
  4. Pasta
  5. Bread

Siphiwe also talks about how nutrition is relative. When it comes to nutrition, what you eat should be based on your physiological reality at the moment. In this program, you have flexibility. You simply need to make decisions about what to eat, while keeping in mind the carb content of each food.

To purchase the book 4-Minute Fit, visit www.4minutefitbook.com/40.


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Walking for weight loss with Lucy Wyndham-Read

Finding your big miracles with Joanna Garzilli

Joanna Garzilli is an authority in the field of intuition, conscious business growth, and spiritual leadership. She is also the author of a fascinating new book called Big Miracles, a sort of manual that explains how to reengage with yourself, who you are, and who you could be.

Joanna explains that health and fitness is not just physical. It’s also a matter of the mind and spirit. There is a balance between doing the work and having the mindset to allow you to reach your goals.

In the book, Joanna explains 11 key rules:

  1. Align with the spirit – Do you feel good or do you feel bad? Be honest with yourself to know if you are aligned.
  2. Be a spiritual vehicle – Achieve a new level of awareness and experience ongoing spiritual awakenings.
  3. Commit to your breakthrough – Without commitment, nothing happens. Focus on the end result and surrender.
  4. Forgive mistakes – Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes. Perhaps mistakes are miracles waiting to happen.
  5. Living without ego – A little bit of ego lets us see our strengths and speak up for ourselves, but too much can be an issue.
  6. Believe in your ability – Close the gap between “if” and “when.” Use exercise as a way to clear your doubts.
  7. Accept responsibility – “You can’t change what happened in the past, but you can clean up how you feel about it.”
  8. Aim high – This allows us to realize we can do more than we think.
  9. Take the right action – Action is necessary to get results.
  10. Be of service – Be of service to your body and your body will take care of you.
  11. Break through to your big miracle – Figure out what will keep you amplified to get that breakthrough and keep you moving forward.

To connect with Joanna, visit www.JoannaGarzilli.com.


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The love diet | Dr. Connie Gutterson

Avoiding toxins with Dr. Joseph Pizzorno

Dr. Joseph Pizzorno is a renowned naturopathic physician, the founder of Bastyr University, and an accomplished author. His new book, The Toxin Solution, reveals how toxins in our everyday lives create issues with our health.

Toxins are managed by the liver and kidneys, as they have filtering responsibility. However, filtering toxins out will not do much good until we slow the entrance of toxins. Many toxins are designed by scientists for physical or biological purposes and are difficult to break down. Some have half-lives that are measured in years and constantly cause damage while in the body.

Toxins are huge contributors to disease. They increase oxidative stress in the body which increases inflammation and damages our DNA. Toxins also impact the body’s hormones, enzymes, minerals, and organs. We are constantly subjecting ourselves to things that will shorten our lives.

Though there is no way to get around a toxin load, there are ways to reduce the load. One strategy involves becoming more conscious about how toxins get into our bodies and stop it from happening. Food is a primary source of chemical and metal toxins. Cleaning supplies and health and beauty aids are other sources.

The book also includes do’s and don’ts in regards to eating. Don’t eat refined foods that are conventionally grown and stored in plastic containers. Instead, eat real foods that are organically grown. Be careful not to damage foods when you cook them. Get rid of plastic containers and use glass containers instead. The closer you eat to nature, the safer you will be.

To connect with Dr. Joseph Pizzorno or to learn more about The Toxin Solution, visit www.thetoxinsolution.com.

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The hidden toxins lurking in your food | Mike Adams

March 10, 2017

Eating for endurance with Matt Fitzgerald

Matt Fitzgerald is an avid runner, a certified sports nutritionist, and the author of a new book called The Endurance Diet. In this book, Matt shares findings from studying the training and diet habits of elite athletes.

In the book, Matt discusses the 5 core eating habits of elite athletes:

  1. Eat everything – Those who eat all categories of food. The diet is good enough and not necessarily perfect.
  2. Eat quality – Those whose diet is skewed toward natural, unprocessed foods.
  3. Eat carb-centered – A carb-centered baseline diet, with days of high carb diets prompted by a heavy day of training.
  4. Eat enough – Those who don’t count calories, but instead reconnect with built-in mechanisms for determining how much food to consume.
  5. Eat individually – Those with different preferences or intolerances, and who must allow for individuality within the other four styles of eating.

Matt also talks about training essentials for endurance fitness:

  1. 80/20 rule of intensity balance – Spending 80% of workouts at a low to moderate intensity and 20% at full intensity.
  2. Progressive overload – Increasing capacity by continually challenging one’s self.
  3. Purpose-driven workouts – Choosing certain workouts that work better than others.
  4. Hard/easy rule – Distribute hard sessions evenly amongst the low to moderate ones.
  5. Recovery weeks – Doing less than what you normally do. Organize training in step cycles to get the greatest results.
  6. Periodization – Breaking down a training cycle into phases that focus on different fitness building objectives.
  7. Down time – Aim to be as fit as possible two to three times per year. Down time is required after each peak.
  8. Strength training – Improves overall performance by improving strength and conditioning.

To connect with Matt Fitzgerald or learn more about The Endurance Diet, visit www.mattfitzgerald.org.


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The tao of running | Gary Dudney

The worst part of a western diet | Gary Taubes

Gary Taubes is a well-known science writer and the author of a new book called The Case Against Sugar.

In this book, Gary examines why sugar is perhaps the worst aspect of any western diet. He explains that this is a relatively new stance, as nutrition policies from the 1970s and onward instead targeted fat content. The popular implication was that sugar was largely benign.

Conventional thinking on sugar is that it’s empty calories. It was often said that people get fat because they consume more calories than they expend. In actuality, different foods cause different hormonal responses, which can impact the storing of fat. The unique metabolism of a glucose and fructose combination can cause an endocrine response and lead to health issues.

Gary also speaks about the link between cancer and sugar. Research has shown that insulin stimulates tumor growth and metastases. Elevated blood sugar and insulin levels will fuel tumor progression and metastases. Whatever causes this insulin resistance will exacerbate existing cancer, and could possibly promote it. The best response is to prevent insulin resistance by removing the sugars and white flours from one’s diet, thus minimizing the risk of cancer.

Alzheimer’s disease is also being linked to sugar. The primary argument states that whatever causes insulin resistance will increase the likelihood of manifesting dementia of any kind.

In the end, we must weigh the risk and decide for ourselves how much sugar we consume. We must balance the desire to enjoy our lives, while also living long, healthy lives. For many of us, it may be easier to avoid sugar than to try and consume it in moderation.

To connect with Gary Taubes or to learn more about The Case Against Sugar, visit www.garytaubes.com.

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Crack the obesity code

Hungry brain with Dr. Stephan Guyenet

Dr. Stephan Guyenet is an accomplished neuroscientist, speaker, writer, and author of the new book, The Hungry Brain. This fascinating book examines the complex science of the brain and breaks it down into simple concepts that everyone can understand.

Stephan explains that the brain is the control panel for our bodies, but specific parts and chemicals drive our behavior around how we eat. Part of the brain decides between competing options through a specific process. Throughout this process, the brain integrates many sources of information when making decisions, including conscious and non-conscious factors. In today’s environment, these circuits give us drives and instincts that are at odds with our healthy goals.

Stephan also speaks about the importance of sleep in relation to the brain. Insufficient sleep has been found to be influential in weight gain. Researchers have found that when people sleep less, they eat more. The brain is more responsive to higher calorie food cues compared to people who has slept sufficiently. This tricks the brain into thinking the body needs more calories than it actually does. An optimization bias is also at play in this scenario, where one will pay more attention to the potential benefits than the cons of eating seductive foods.

Stephan also mentions the Six Steps for a Slimming Lifestyle included in the book:

  1. Fix your food environment – Remove tempting foods that surround you.
  2. Manage your appetite – Use diet and lifestyle strategies to regulate the appetite.
  3. Be aware of food reward – Focus on simple, satisfying foods.
  4. Make sleep a priority – High quality sleep aligned with your Circadian rhythm.
  5. Move your body – Get regular physical activity.
  6. Manage stress appropriately – Shift perception of stressor from uncontrollable to controllable.

To connect with Stephan Guyenet, visit www.stephanguyenet.com or find him on Twitter as @whsource.


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Why am I always hungry? | Dr. David Ludwig




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